
Paul, Jindal & Ryan Lead Republican Pack, New Jersey Governor Stumbles

In the tournaments leading to the 2016 Presidential candidates round three lean, hungry competitors are running down the competition for the Republican Presidential primary votes. The field looks better than average at this point although with the Republican Party mostly allegiant to global wealth with tokenism for the American poor that can change. Deserving of honorable mention is still-learning Florida Senator Marko Rubio for his idea of redistributing all Federal social welfare programs to the states though it hasn't a snowball's chance in h of working. It's a Don Quixote style symbolism of excellent quality though.

The very Dark Horse potential Presidential candidate House Majority Speaker John Boehner is busy flirting with the third rail of American populism this season-giving green-card work amnesty to millions of illegal aliens to help kill off American wages and labor unions for good. Without Democrats defending American workers rights any more it must be tempting for Speaker Boehner to become a defector to the dark side of the force. In some regards that is better than President Obama's King Canute method of economic management. In others though it probably hastens the day when Americans realize that the founder's constitutional paradigm works better this century for the destroyers of sovereignty and democracy than for the majority of present-day U.S. citizens.

It was the Southern confederation's insistence on invading Massachusetts' sovereignty to capture escaped slaves that was the tipping point into civil war. Paradoxically it may be the Obama Judiciary's insistence of forcing Massachusetts’s homosexual marriage values on Utah that is the tipping point in starting the dissolution and reform of the U.S. experiment in Democracy. Maybe the New York atheist clan's desire to put a 7' statue of Satan on the Oklahoma capitol unless the ten commandments are removed will motivate Americans to reject Democrat Party values with a constitutional convention to reform the ties that bind and destroy then liberty of the people of the United States to be free from the godless, evil federalism of the U.S. Government today. On the other hand, Americans may just vote with their purses and by more big screen TV’s to watch the new fall season's series in Beijing. That’s the liberal thing to do.


A Comment on U.S. Ecosphere Politics Today

When St. Thomas Aquinas finished writing his tome Summa Contra Gentiles he went out for a ride on his horse, hit a tree, lapsed into a coma and died. One might wish that anti-environmental restoration votaries would let their anachronistic beliefs expire after having fulfilled their purpose too. The world ecosphere is in decay. Broadcasting anti-scientific local-yokel opinions on national networks won’t help transition the U.S. to full-employment with world ecospheric restorative leadership or make the Republican Party and the reasonable Presidential candidate from Kentucky Rand Paul seem smart enough to lead. The nation already knows Democrat politicians suck.

The nation has had its fill of lawyer-Presidents. Since Richard M. Nixon professional disputers have presented ethical, religious and economic challenges to America. Meanwhile the ocean is becoming acidified, clamshells thinning, fish dying and while the Midwest is experiencing cold arctic weather Alaska is warming. In Fairbanks Alaska presently the temperature is 16 degrees F. That's about 45 degrees warmer than this time of year in the three winters I wasted there. The ten day forecast is for unseasonably mild temperatures around 0 degrees.

In the north there is no question about global warming. Coastal areas are being flooded gradually with sea level rising from ice melting and storms. Ancient American immigrant archeological sites are being lost. Species around the world are dying off. One of the greatest mass extinctions of planetary history is happening now in the Anthropocene era because of the callous disregard of business, industry and some of the broadcast media for the decay of the ecosphere.

Global warming is happening yet that isn’t the only problem; it’s just one of several simultaneous ecological insults of a grave nature that the futurist writer of Gaia-The Final Warning’,James Lovelock, believed would result in a human population crash on Earth to just 200 million people within two centuries. The late Sea Explorer Jacque Cousteau agreed-they understood human nature and the drive of original sin to consume regardless of consequences.

Consuming the fruit of the Garden of Eden may have been a temptation and pleasure, yet without personal responsibility there is a price to be paid in letting the fires of thermodynamic processes burn wildly out of control. On Earth living together within a free spirited Christian priesthood of believers’ paradigm may be the sole remedy to  consolidation of wealth and power in demonic network political  oligarchy under an anti-Christ.

Simply electing a King Canute to roll the printing presses and borrow money instead of innovating and adapting good economic reform ideas won’t work indefinitely. Though it may seem impossible it would be a good idea to elect intelligent politicians that give broadcast power to the people of the democracy instead of wealthy elites.

Medal of Freedom for Edward Snowden?

N.S.A. leaker Edward Snowden risked his future to protect the rights of U.S. citizens from Federal corporatist tyranny. Rightly he ought to be given amnesty, a medal of Freedom and leadership of the National Security Agency as the only trustworthy man available to purge its ranks of oppressors of individualism.

 Obamacare brought Americans into the doom of serious corporatism. In Alaska the broke are required to pay $631 dollars to buy a policy on the cheap bronze option when they can't afford a bus pass. That sucks and that's corporatism; the union of government and big business.

High School Grad talk radio big business butt-kissers run down reformers of corporatism and environmental reform and are invariably false patriots who would support napalming of villages I suppose, if it seemed a way to eliminate Arab populism called Al Qa'eda. Americans have just lost their way and Edward Snowden at least tried to help them recover it a little.


Interview With Specimen of the Unemployed

Model interview with specimen of the unemployed in the U.S.A...

Why Doesn't Iran Trust the U.S.. Gov After 60 Years of Being Screwed?

After a half century of being screwed by the U.S. Government why hasn't Iran learned to trust the U.S. Government and it's benevolent intentions? Following American leadership they can have Sunni supervision, give their resources to Exxon-Mobil, become homosexual friendly and be vulnerable to invasion by the next Iraq radical encouraged by the U.S. Government who forms a dictatorship; what can be better than that? They get Peter Kenyon and N.P.R. analysis besides, for free!


Obamacare Costs Broke, Homeless Alaskans Minimum $631 Monthly

Since they haven't got the money those poor, homeless Alaskans that can't afford Obamacare will just have to let the I.R.S. tax penalties pile up. I suppose if they ever apply for a federal job or apply for some federal program like a home loan they will be disqualified. N.P.R. may sympathize with those lems anyhow and make them undesirable. Someday, maybe next year, Congress will get around to collecting those unpaid penalties for failing to enroll in Obamacare. People living in states that didn't sign on to expanded Medicaid will have to just owe the government for nothing. Clever congressmen passing h.s. like that, millionaires all.

Obamacare in Alaska evidently requires a minimum of $631 monthly for those single adults earning fewer than $11,000 a year. There is a $5250 deductable so it hasn't much actual value for the impossible to afford hypothetical price. The President seems to want to make honest people law breakers after March 1st. That isn't liked. I suppose the penalty for not being able to afford to give the government $631 every month for nothing will follow one around indefinitely so the poor can get further in debt to the U.S. Government.


It might be a good idea for the U.S. Government to quit perpetrating economic terrorism on the poor. Just because they are a bunch of millionaires so comfortable they view real people quantitatively and have egg throwing competitions to be dirt bags doesn’t mean they can't be saved by severing their broadcast media axis of evil and reforming  broadcast wavelength allocation so ordinary citizen podcasts are shared instead of filtered elitist propaganda.

It seems as if God dislikes governments that oppress the poor. If one considers one of the main points of the appearance of the Lord on the Earth-to help people live in peace and prosperity without victimizing one another it's easy to understand why a Godless, atheist evolutionist trend in  U.S. elites has coincided with three successive administrations of with a drugged down and dumb approach to everything involving U.S. economics. The existentialist, doper devil-may-care economic leadership with money printing presses, deregulation on banks and interminable federal borrowing inevitably coincides with concentration of wealth-the evolutionary survivors. Those people are simply class idiots reinforcing their own malign corruptions with comfort and power.

Since evolution theory took over leftist elitists have hummed a large backing-down on the human social-political intellect balanced approach to politics. Its been replaced by dumb animal, instinctual behavior paradigms. Moving back to a pre-Adam and Eve political paradigm where existential, evolving animal behavior is the rationale for camouflaging bureaucratic octopuses of government to swell like pig-hippopotami in hog wallows of corporate flummery isn't progress. The poor suffer and employment climbs, jobs are outsourced and the nation withers away as while utopian dreams of a hermaphroditichood of unisexed, thugged, drugged and repolitic'd people is the excuse for political incompetence. When animal behavior paradigms supplant tight human social political understanding that developed since Jesus Christ in the historical advance of western civil political liberalism the big crocs in the swamp chew up everything.

Provisions of Obamacare force the poor to pay exorbitant prices to buy bronze insurance policies they can't afford with money they haven’t got. The penalty for not doing so are federal tax penalties. While the government presently hasn’t the right to enforce the penalties it probably will sneak that over eventually. Now they may shut down the earned income tax credit the poor used to benefit from.

Obamacare Requires Broke to Pay $631 Minimum for Insurance in Some States

Obamacare in Alaska evidently requires a minimum of $631 monthly for those single adults earning fewer than $11,000 a year. There is a $5250 deductible so it hasn't much actual value for the impossible to afford hypothetical price. The President seems to want to make honest people law breakers after March 1st. That isn't liked. I suppose the penalty for not being able to afford to give the government $631 every month for nothing will follow one around indefinitely so the poor can get further in debt to the U.S. Government. https://www.healthcare.gov/

(a video) Looking Up; Describing Contingent Phenomena (the evolution) in a Solid State Field

In my first video I improvised editing while reading from an essay held too high for the camera angle. Looking up rather than at the camera was necessary because of the spotlight next to it. Video production requires a little practice I learned. Neither did I get to saying what I had intended that the phenomenon named evolution is a temporal configuration within a solid state field contingent to the will of God.

With more time I ought to have mentioned Leibniz, one dimensional monads, infinite contained within infinity, various methods of extensions and configurations of dimensions in order to to structure different forms of time and so forth that the divine might encapsulate and periodically express.

Writing and the Point of No Return

I read somewhere that one should always finish what one starts if it was worth doing to start with. Just put your head down and ride into th...