
Labor Exhaust of Southern History

The battle to get single line spacing between paragraphs is tough, so
The history of cheap labor in the American south I suppose still exists with the influx of illegal aliens, yet that has no meaningful comparison to the southern slavery tradition with class segregation. the north fought the south to defeat the creep of aristocracy that threatened whites too, yet the whites of the south tended to support the established power that owned most of the slaves as a kind of oligarchy that Socrates or Plato might have thought well of.
Today the southern comfort for the middle class of Texas seems to be a kind of mediocrity with some excellence of course wherein whites need only lift weights somewhat in youth to get a full paying job. people should not be afraid to be smart, or distance runners instead of being muscular as a graduate of a state penitentiary. Work is a virtue, yet the unexamined life and uncreativity making one defend and automobile-stick frame expansion culture at the cost of environment displacement is not.. The construction industry and expansion of new neighborhoods of virtual 400,000 row homes provides Dallas and points north a present and future, while the broadcast media seems like a kind of ad hoc clan support coordinating the balance of power that exists rather easily between the races.
Some unthinking white guys take for granted that one must be like them entirely economically speaking with no brain or change desired or required. Many Hispanics dropped out of school to work in the building trade having no faith in the advantages of higher education. Education for white guys is no great advantage unless it is very technically specialized.  Straight white males are a real American minority in the post-affirmative action era realignment and can be unemployed forever with a four-year degree and even graduate education. I hope to find work painting a house, or being sedentary in simple unchallenging post able to afford a bucket of the Colonel's spicy chicken now and then, when not trying to write something after work.
In times past slave labor was how one differentiated oneself as a wealthy individual. large homes had many slaves from the Egyptian and Roman era to the present. After mechanization made that obsolete much of society knew not how to adapt to the need for a new social egalitarianism accentuating the positive advantages of democracy stressing the pursuit of individual excellence and creativity rather than class supremacy. I think many Americans including those newly arrived to social empowerment have a hard time letting that go.
There was a fellow from Connecticut that moved to Sherman Texas before the civil war and sided with the rebels. He built himself a fine house, or perhaps cheap labor built it. Capt. Birge was unlucky not to have got a Colonel title before his name, yet what the heck.

The Birge mansion


Hunting Seasons for Cattle on U.S. Public Lands?

Public lands of the U.S. Government should have some hunting opportunities for all non-human life on them unless they are a threatened species, an endangered species., or a specific population is necessary for maintaining balanced ecospheric health. Cattle on public lands unless an endangered species should be declared public domain and given over to regular game management for hunters.

Public ranging cattle could comprise a health threat to homeless people as blood media repositories of West Nile virus and other communicable diseases. Vast herds of domesticated bovines may be blood swamps of disease, and the owners including the public should be held accountable. Hunting down the cattle on public lands should be a priority of the center for disease control in Atlanta. Any cattle allowed to exist as an endangering to human health species should be carefully screened annually and certified as disease-free before being released as eligible for hunting season.

Much of the debate about the right of royal prerogative for elite ranchers to run cattle on public land for free forage neglects the existential facts of life; all animals on public lands are in the public domain and subject to federal management. Hence the public has a right to hunt free ranging cattle on public lands in regular hunting order. Fall hunting season should include the harvest of reasonable numbers of non-endangered species cattle in time for thanksgiving dinner.

Cattle that inadvertently stray or are misled from private land to the public should be given a grace period of 2 or 3 days to leave the hunting ground. With the tracking chips implanted in cattle there is little excuse for their presence upon public land unless they too wish to take their chances in the wild rather than meet certain death after a brief life of 2 or 3 years of being prepped for harvest.

In order to help pay off the U.S. public debt and provide meat for hamburgers of the poor yearning for barbecue a cattle hunting permit should be sold for about $100. maintaining a reasonable cattle population to keep a hunting season viable isn't a required tasks for the government, yet since there is presently an adequate cattle supply it is an opportunity for the government to serve the public rather than special, ersatz royal interests.


Megyn Kelly Upstaged Presidential Debate

Though affirmative action stars regard their class interests as more important than those of the nation, or at least feel their class self-interests the sole meaningful politics, it is unfortunate when broadcast media people like Megyn Kelly become the issue rather than the candidates interacting amongst themselves for the benefit of the voters.

If Fox were responsible it could have used a public domain text speech synthesizer read the debate questions. The questions could have been selected with approval from the candidates as juries are selected with each side free to disqualify a few, and when the candidates time was up the microphones should go silent. 

The public then watches the spectacle, along with the Megyn Kellys of the world.

Fox's making an entertainment event of the debate is in a way an assertion of the hegemony the broadcast media has over the political process...it wants someone corrupted good enough for corporatism and the new world order.

What Would the Cost of Another Texan War President Be?

Presidents from Texas have always found a way to ensnare the U.S.A. into protracted foreign wars with indecisive resolution. The past three Texan Presidents have run up something like ten trillion dollars in war and its aftermath costs (adjusted for inflation). It isn't likely the nation could afford another round of muddled wars that primarily benefit defense contractors with a U.S. deficit already moving toward 20 trillion dollars.

Neither may the nation have the luxury of ignoring what people think or of caring too much about their foreign opinion regarding U.S. economic priorities for ecospheric business transition to full employment and rectifictatiion of environmental health.

Wild Shores Vanish With Death of a Thousand Development Cuts

The creeping loss of natural shoreline evolves over time with careless human development. Though public lands exist for the many, for the poor and middle class, there are those that feel they as private citizens have some inalienable right to exploit the common heritage of mankind for their exclusive personal enrichment.

Just because some western public lands have low population density it doesn't mean that the hundreds of millions living in major cities have less right of ownership of those lands than local exploiters on-the-spot that would plunder anything worth a buck and then pave it over. It

It isn't always the case that the locals, illegal aliens, recent immigrants from underdeveloped countries and international predators are evil and unconcerned about the survival of the ecosphere in a healthy condition, sometimes they are simply stupid and /or ignorant and don't know any better.

Wrangell Alaska is an example. With a plentiful supply of sand available in the nearby wild Stikine River delta-one of the final great wild river systems in the U.S.A., it is too tempting for business not to fill in substantial areas of Wrangell Island's northernmost shoreline region facing the delta. Filling in the wetland and natural shoreline with a berm, rock and gravel to make a larger industrial docking area does make it less useful for the wildlife that formerly used it such as sea lion, deer and seals.

I usually I have no ecospheric concerns to write about. Since the Wrangell mill closed in 1994 and I was financially compelled to sell my 'lem' in 2008 I grew less interested in local insults to the wild habitat. With about 3/4s of a million people in the entire state of Alaska and with select global corporations in paying for state government one can get real economic reprisals for writing environmental conservation stuff publically. Yet even a modest social philosophy activity should comment on environmental trends affecting life on Earth.

S.E. Alaska and the Alexander Archipelago is comparable loosely to the Maine shoreline plus 50 miles inland. Imagine if it could have remained undeveloped and a wildlife refuge until today. Life on the East coast would be much better. A light rail from Boston and New York could take hikers, campers and backpackers to great fishing and viewing areas. There probably would still be a good commercial fishery in New England. S.E. Alaska is an endangered intact coastal wilderness in reasonably good health. The crass commercial interests that would tear it down piece by piece have the full support of the state legislature of course. Too few comprehend what piece by piece cuts-small cuts to the wilderness map do to erase it over time.

I used to put my boat ashore after rowing several miles when visiting town for supplies 20 years ago. I wrote a letter to the editor complaining about the loss of wetland near the grocery store on the other side of the north end of the island about 20 years ago too . I think the same people and insiders get state and federal government contracts as insiders to build things. They want 5 million to renew a decrepit small boat harbor; yet who would get that money I wonder (there are fewer than 2000 people that live here).. In the approx. 20 years I owned a retirement lot on the island year with only a small construction shed on it that would wait until I retired as an educator (that never happened) I earned fewer than $200 dollars here. I have no interest in the Wrangell economy and long ago got used to travelling outside to earn money painting as far as Florida, South Carolina and Texas before returning. I rode 25 or 30 thousand miles on a bicycle around the U.S.A. looking for work. Time passes and one becomes realistic about things.

The area being slowly buried for progress is rather scenic yet profit calls and cheap sand for making concrete requires cheap support structures. The current 'reclamation' of the healthy shoreline for industrial use is south of the airport a little. The airport is also on a filled in area. The river is two or three miles away over shallow water that could one day be bridged with a causeway to access the Stikine River corridor to the Canadian interior and highway system. Most of American rivers have been converted into drainage ditches. The Houston Texas storm water runoff canals have fish about as large as chum salmon such as can't be caught well from the shore any more with too much commercial fishing. Stikine River salmon are shrinking in size and numbers too. Maybe one day it will be a drainage ditch as well.

Developing a roadway to the Stikine would be another environmental abomination, yet nature has a losing record against human developers. Dull, thoughtless cheap profit takers for-themselves run roughshod over the wild areas of the world advancing a collective habitat loss. Already islands up the delta have been sliced up for housing developments. Farm Island is one where subdivisions are taking hold. The gradually destruction of S.E. Alaska's wild health will produce a large loss for Americans. If one takes a look at the northern hemisphere from space any summer, the S.E. coastal region is one of the few places on Earth besides the shrinking polar ice cap, Greenland and some melting glaciers in the Himalayas with much ice and snow. It is unlikely that human life will outlast by much the loss of most wild habitat. The ecospherically profligate just keep going at it like termites. Miners in Canada are already going ahead with a huge waste water and mine tailings reservoir up the river. Metal is valuable, yet so are fish and all the wildlife that need a healthy waterway. Look at Puget Sound and what a pitiful, ugly mess it became. S.E. Alaska is destined for the same. In the absence of rational environmental leadership by narrow minded, ignorant environmental savages the evolution of doom of life on Earth at least profits those with the worst environmental consciences.


Saudi Arabian Top Cleric Issues Fatwa Against Chess

The fatwa by Saudi Arabia's top Muslim cleric is pay back for the domination of the chess world over the last century by Jewish chess players I suppose. An article referred to below notes that Muslim antipathy toward game of chess has gone on for more than a 1000 years. Fischer, Kasparov, Lasker, Morphy and other best-on-Earth chess players all had some of that Jewish blood running through their brain. One wonders if chess isn't a small part of the divine plan for saving the lost people of Earth teleologically speaking.


Palau, Chess & ISIS Terrorists

I was playing internet chess today when the computer matched me with someone from Palau. They refused to play writing that "sorry, your government (U.S.) supports ISIS terrorists". Was that an objective opinion? 

Historical Cycles & Mass Social Behavior Theory Prospect (video)


Subjectivity and the Schrödinger Wave (function)

Here are my thoughts on the topic. The wavefunction could be a state of mind, of subjective experience, yet it might be a problem of the criterion, that is within an Everettian interpretation mind or experience moves through a multidimensional matrix. I think that is not entirely inconsistent with the Copenhagen interpretation epistemology viewing matter and energy through a glass darkly with partial certainty.

Wave-particle superposition is a paradigm of contemporary thought about how the quantum fields exist that could be inaccurate, so the Copenhagen paradigm could be incapable of determining what's what though useful in the standard model field for working with matter. That would comprise a philosophical and pragmatic difference of depth.

There are innumerable forms the fundamental field could be in to allow the appearance of quanta and space-time to exist along with faster-than-light distance interval transcendence. People naturally think of circles and spherical packing with a unitary field shaking or vibrating to emit one-dimensional membranes building up to large quanta. All that minimalist quanta remains tied into the the unitary field and might be regarded as complex illusions that are yet real for building up to a level where self-awareness occurs experiencing the steady state temporal field as real. Transcending experimentally to deeper micro levels through space-time to forms of quanta outside of time individually as quanta may let innumerable relativity breaking phenomenal observations to occur.

ISIS Presents Utilitarian Threat to Britain

ISIS head chopping video presented an implicit utilitarian threat to Britain and its homosexual marriage queendom recently. The Queen of England is technically head of the Church of England that must be apostate with its homosexual marriage social environment--at least the Queen has not been a notable opponent of making sin official U.K. policy. However the Footsie continues and England will always have a utilitarian threat from middle eastern Muslims that exemplify the pragmatic utility of terror against an impractical predatory pusillanimous state.


One naturally sympathizes with those whose heads were chopped yet not with the corrupt U.K. leadership that leads the way on godless atheism around the planet it would like to recolonize with doctrine in support of new age imperialism.

England should be more interested on colonizing worlds without sentient life that won't be harmed bite godless atheism it likes in its serpentine fashion than in making the U.S. a useless finance economy with corrupt deficit spending and vast balanced national debt looking to Prince Charlie for leadership over the youth knighthood states.

Idealism, Godel and Einstein

There is an epistemic and metaphysical difference of opinion about reality and the extent to which mind interprets and shapes its perception...