at a commencement address at Howard University the President said
that by all measures 'this country' has gotten better since he
graduated in 1983. Of course that is bunk. The public debt has
skyrocketed, the population increased while the ecospheric health
decreased, a portions have taken down two generations, homosexual
marriage and other immorality have increased while Christian ethics
in the public decreased, there are 20-30 million illegal aliens in
the nations, C.E.O.'s earn far more now in comparison to ordinary
workers than in 1983, wealth has been concentrated so far to the 1%
that 50 million Americans have just ½ of 1% of the nation's income
while the middle class has become a minority.
Americans are divorced now than in 1983 with drug use increasing
along with prison populations and mass shootings in public schools.
Good jobs for white men are much harder to find, while the average
compensation for white men that aren't rich is basically unchanged
counting for inflation. Sure non-whites and women have earned more,
however those good paying solid average jobs weren't taken by
non-whites or women generally-they can't get them either. Those good
jobs in industry and even for liberal arts college graduates have
disappeared overseas to people earning a few dollars a day.
Foreign policy changes such as Reagan's ending the cold war are not domestic items that were in this nation. In 1983 the mainland U.S.A. hadn't experience real terrorism since the British attacked D.C. and burned it down in 1812. Terrorist threats saturate the nation today and are a plane trip or a cache of c-4 smuggled in over the Mexican border through a drug trafficker's tunnel away. The government has violated every citizen's telephonic privacy and has used torture to interrogate suspects in addition to 'extraordinary rendition'. President Obama has ground out a six year civil war in Syria driving refugees to Europe. The Muslim mayor of London-a real improvement in foreign policy-can review British treatment of refugees radicalized by the war for fair treatment. President Obama said the British must remain part of the E.U. and should vote to continue to lay down for Muslim immigrants in effect. President Obama was sophisticated in his development of the conflict through intermediaries.
may definitely say that freeways are more crowded and infrastructure
rotting, that the space program never returned to the moon although
free enterprise efforts seem to be getting more accomplished at
off-planet orbital launches. American housing has become unaffordably
expensive for most, and frankly, too largely and environmentally
inefficient with bad, unreformed zoning and ecodevelopment concepts
continuing to displace the environment. Foreign corporations and
businesses by up American housing and rent it to the working class
while the government gives zero or very low interest loans to big
banks so they can continue to mint their own e-currency in new loans
based ob the deposits of government loans, to buy up more housing.
warming has increased and there may be more tons of auto pollution
emitted into the sky from North America now than in 1983. The high
Arctic of Alaska is threatened with unsustainable human development.
Recently a private oil firm sued to get permafrost on the North Slope
declassified as a protected wetland. Nuclear weapons have
proliferated in spite of President Reagan and Gorbachev's efforts to
rid the world of them. There are innumerable more weapons of mass
destruction threats from biology technology now than in 1983 when the
human genome project was a very distant, future concept.
non-white Americans and women are more prosperous and powerful than
in 1983, yet that isn't all that matters. The President's rose
colored glasses that view all things as having gotten better since he
graduated from college shows how out-of-touch the Democrat party
leaderships is with social ecospheric reality.