
When Evolution Arrived (a poem)

When evolution arrived at government
a million flowers of ideas bloomed
about wild eleatic forms
with accountability and responsibility
fractalized and forgotten like shadows in transit
glimmering deposits and currency frenzies
were pieces of mosaics gone tomorrow

Reason and logic; innate human characteristics, stopped
to feel sensations of evolving forms of experience
from the inside out arrayed with numbers
driving on in neat lines
with Cantor's trans-fine sets
thoughts of infinity replete with humility
seemed more shapes of being and becoming

Consciousness was an apparition for survival
giving enhanced adaptive character
intelligence sorting through material for-itself
wondering sometimes of its origin and universe
of experience taken to a scattering of electrons
from plasma, from a perfectly order singularity
dimensions thought to expand as energy's space

A Universe destiny like a gut object of art
its area of being with Occam's economy
taking no more than itself
the reason of mortals evolved to organic nullification
where waters fall like horizontal bands
striking notes of digital quanta clouds
as every dimension reaches an horizon

God was not in the lean stomach muscle
that a dead animal had before run down
crunching in a silver bumper a blue morning
saw the red blood and sunrise together
skinned remnants of reality
passed over through life
He was in the life of spirit

Greater than a living Universe
the sets of actualized destiny
packaged in one issue
malleable to the Word
weren't bureaucracies of theo-political establishment
tossing horseshoes at pegs,
tying dissidents to stakes



Congress Retards War on Zika Virus

Zika; Act Now or Pay Later (with vigorous interest)

The mosquito borne Zika virus seems to be one of those unavoidable environmental challenges that are best met with swift response rather than slow, lethargy politically speaking. It is also a problem that is regional rather than national. Mexico too will have the virus and it will be brought in over the border. There needs to be a master plan for containing and reducing the Zika virus at least in the Caribbean and Mexico in addition to the U.S.A. for like illegal alien immigrants, Zika has no respect for national borders.

Now and then a challenge arrives that political leaders need to meet directly than through the usual long, slow, drain and control methods of insiders. Zika is spreading and increasing its range 24/7 as the Congress is comfortably numb to that reality. Infected fetuses will have a lifetime of problems that like foreign wars with lots of casualties and psychological trauma cause vast expenses for life. The Zika virus and foreign wars are best nipped in the bub so far as possible by the frugal political leader. That means getting it done with adequate funding early rather than with a cheapo, shabby response. If Zika was the fruit of ISIS or Al Qaeda biological war would D.O.D. and Congress act as if they were already children of the virus?

The U.S. Congress may choose to posture and negotiate about the effect of funding a billion dollars on a medical prophylactic. If Ted Cruz were in the House he might filibusterer passage until it is paid for with money diverted from jobs for homeless people. All that waste of time politics is an unfortunate and detrimental to future human health exercise in myopic finance;p no one believes the Congress can pay off the national debt. That may be accomplished through breaking the nation up into five easy pieces someday in order to denounce the debt of the U.S. Government.

In the meantime it might be a good idea to discover some way to give a zero-interest loan of 3 billion dollars to a health bank that could mint five dollars for each buck it gets loaning out the money at exceedingly favorable terms to medical research and application firms and governments to combat Zika. probably the U.S. Government will need to finance western hemispheric Zika war if it is going to prevent a new generation of pin-head politicians from reaching being conceived. Perhaps money should be diverted from Defense Department spending. Alternatively the D.O.D. could be involved in biological war defense against natural evils too. Maybe however, the U.S. Government does not regard shrunken head syndrome as anything to fight about.


Ideas About Fingernail Computers

I was in a couple of stores when the the same salesman walked in to try to sell bags of makeup to ladies. Then I saw a woman with very sparkly nail polish and it made me think of fingernail computers.

If women could put on artificial nails that were computer chips perhaps solar powered or even with motion it might be they could do more with idle time besides drumming their fingers.

Probably someone has already created a thousand and one uses for fingernail chip computers, yet I will mention a few anyway.

With fingernail computers anything could act as a keyboard as impacts are transmitted maybe with bluetooth to a tablet where a keyboard transparency could be located to indicate what keys were struck. One would train they keyboard location to correspond to one's finger tap location-alphabet preferences.

It would also be possible to make a little notebook computer with a field that could detect finger motions in air and an airless mouse could be effected when the fingernail chip moves through the field in different locations.

It is probable that people would like MP3 players that are fingernail-chip size perhaps with some kind field transmitting to a speaker on a shoe or headphones.

With fingernail computers a video display screen could clip onto a baseball cap bill so if taking off the hat and setting it where it where it can be seen, with some sort of power pack clipped in, rather than plugged in so wires and jacks don't break so readily, a fair speed computing environment that is weather durable might be available for low cost.

Trump Isn't a 'Comfortably Numb' Bureaucrat

Americans are used to uncreative, neutered Presidents that don't get independent brain wave content or are career bureaucrats; cinched insiders without an energetic work ethic besides desk sitting. It isn't surprising that 70% of Americans believe Donald Trump hasn't the right temperament for President of the United States 


After the Slick Willie party Presidency followed by Dumbo and the Suck it, trans-genderist administrations the concept of an energetic, enterprising executive is foreign to the sedated electorate yearning to have an increased minimum wage and a new car. A President that seeks and establishes business and enterprise connections is a traditional governor President that plays a good round of golf, makes photo-ops with the media and Hollywood stars and generally does real political work martinets instruct him to or that were delegated to special interest committees. Trump may not be the ideal candidate yet he is a change from the usual.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_FrOQC-zEog Comfortably Numb


Virtually no Americans that are intelligent, well-educated ordinary people think of running for the office of President anymore. Frankly, this is the worst crop of candidates ever with Trump being the best of that lot. No one expects much of Presidents either as they are regarded as representing corrupting global and immoral interests of special interest agendas foreign to the ordinary citizens of the U.S.A. and their interests.

No PhD in economics with a military record that isn't a governor or career politician would get the support of Super Pacs or afford to jeopardize his or her own life with a foppish run at the White House. Trump really is the best available, the media have poisoned the political climate in the U.S.A. quite effectively.

An Unoffical Long-Term OIl Price Forecast

I got the crash in oil prices forecast about a half a year before the drop considering the effect of all that fracking. So it is rather simply to predict that oil price per barrel won't recover to former levels at all with Saudi Arabia, Iran, the Baku oil fields and every place on Earth with running down oil reserves able to frack and recover former reserves available quantities if they wish (going on the American experience). That would include Mexico and Pemex and African nations too.


Thus oil price may be effected more by the design of oil companies and governments to increase the cost for revenue streams. Even so the steady increase in alternative electronic-solar and super-conductor technologies will offset short-term oil price increases through war and other supply disruptions. If global warming continues to affect shoreline economies and actually increases pace public opinion may decrease the value of oil per barrel too as alternative transportation is sought that is renewable and non-polluting thermally such as electric platforms covered with very efficient solar voltaic materials.

In present dollars I would think that oil should range from 10 to 60 dollars per barrel for the next half century. There is a lot of oil to recover, while engines are increasing in efficiency, alternative power supplies also, and public opinion about the effect fossil fuels have on the environment will balance out the increased yet untenable demand from second and third world consumers for gas-guzzling ground transportation.

A Doctor’s Right to Privately Euthenize and Abort?

Should a physician be allowed to cut, slash and terminate lives if done discreetly and privately. A recently passed Oklahoma law concerning abortion that does not recognize a physicians right to privacy covering his action abortion someone else’s fetus in theory should apply to euthanasia equally well. It is a real stretch of the constitution to say that a citizen’s right to privacy implicitly covers his actions upon others to perform services for them. While an abortion may be legal for a women to perform upon herself, as it might be legal in Oregon and and few other states to take one’s own life if sick and in pain, it is quite another thing for someone else to take take another’s life or abort a fetus even with consent.


The U.S. Supreme Court has never said that an abortion is moral or implicitly meaningless, it instead simply determined that the issue is hidden under the right to privacy all citizens have. When another citizen becomes involved that privacy has already been compromised. Making it a felony for a physician or anyone else to perform an abortion on someone else appears to be consistent with the concept of privacy.

If privacy were to be used as a general curtain to excuse illegal acts such as possession of stolen goods or buying and selling stolen goods the absurdity would be apparent even to members of the court. The high court should not just decide what things are politically correct to hide behind the curtain of privacy, or how many people can be in the space concealed from legal review.

When a city such as Arlington Texas is asked to build a new 900 million dollar sports stadium for the Texas Rangers to place baseball in with parking taxes raised to help pay for it, wouldn’t the visiting citizen from Houston have a just right to be excused from paying the parking meter tax because he hates the Rangers and has a right to privacy in his parking space without the intrusion of decadent, corrupt government building stadiia when the Zika virus is spreading? Why is the Houstonian’s right to privacy destroyed when he does not want to subsidize a private sports authority?

It is possible with the new age interpretation of the Constitution to make it a rubbery document stretchable in any direction. N-dimensional legal interpretative universes have arrived. The U.S. Supreme Court in Rowe v Wade in effect found that the right to privacy covers illegal acts if they are politically correct. Yet that criterion hasn't been applied equally and well elsewhere. Privacy seems to be a superfluous concept meaningful mostly as a tool for the court to allow political correct yet hitherto illegal acts to  go ahead yet cast aside if an act is disapproved by the court. Privacy as a legal concept is  a middle term syllogisticly speaking used entirely at the court's discretionary whim.


Post-Cold War Abomination; The Spiritual War

The end of the cold war with Ronald Reagan's inspired Christian leadership and a willing, bungling communist leader accomplice brought an age of new hope. Irrational exuberance saturated the stock market and President Clinton signed off on every sort of Wall Street scam for global profits with dire results. President Clinton was also known for moral failures.

President Clinton began with burning a rural farm of Christian cultists at Waco Texas with the A.T.F. and F.B.I. growing impatient on the 52nd day of their siege. He followed that up with the notorious Monica Lewinsky lip service peccadillo that got him impeached by Congress for lying. School children started shooting their classmates and the grunge era was followed by deeper, darker, satanic musical and media trends. President Obama has taken the post-cold war immoral tangent to a deeper level of hell.

At the start of his administration I noted that his was likely to be an abomination administration morally speaking ans so it turned out to be. The President has built a homosexual atheist immoral ascendancy creating a spiritual war within the nation; one leftist atheist and anti-Christian plan to win.

Replacing the external threat cold war with an internal threat spiritual war with the aggressor side employing traditional satanic methods of personalized and mass spiritual attack was a double failure of leadership. It was possible to avoid the conflict; just as it was possible to avoid the Syrian civil war simply through not supporting its build-up with cash, weapons and advisors.

Homosexual civil security wasn't endangered without the usurpation of traditional heterosexual marriage unto themselves. It probably would have been possible to end the homosexual deferment from military service over time too if they really desired to kill rather than suck their military foes.

The spiritual war is a way that insider, scientific atheists can attack the people of the United States that are Christians and traditionalists. President Obama repeatedly calls for change and has placed a homosexual as Secretary of the Army and threatened lawsuits on states that are recalcitrant about keeping bathrooms separate for men and women along traditional lines without the blur of undefined 'trans-gender' right to go anyplace they want, perhaps on the same day. The spiritual war seems to fit with the President's pro-Muslim immigration policies and transition to waging war upon Christian cultures wherever they are through spiritual means of homosexual, drugs, immigration and Islam.

American is a tolerant nation on the foundation of independence and personal individual freedom. It never has supported government coercion though, and the spiritual war is essentially a war on the soul for the possession of Satan.

Science and evolution are great things. Contemplation and research of the Universe are wonderful. Curious human beings seeking a better life inevitably work in that direction-just as they would invent blankets to stay warm in winter travel. It would be a tragedy if those drunken with the power of science and materialism further their attack on the human spirit, religious liberty and philosophy in their blind quest for power for power and believes in error, that a particular configuration of dimensions and relativity can explain creation of all, that space and extension paradigmata finally account for the set of all things and that there is no God.


Human Hunting Drones Could Change Face of War

Human hunting drones with face recognition tech built into their books of good kills will probably be fielded too soon. Built in a variety of shapes, sizes and colors small, stealthy flying and crawling drones will replace passive land mines, recharge from the sun or maybe water (for fuel cell powered drones), and be purposed to attack military units with the correct uniforms, people of a given height and weight and so forth. Cheaper to field than human soldiers drones-of-war, military conflict can be regarded as becoming more tactical and not just a straightforward chess game.

 In the future military unit survivability may be in advanced camouflage not only of visible and infrared spectra but of shape and form as well. Infrared and form recognition systems might be electronically spoofed to perceive a soldier as a tree or bolder, etc. Terrorists leading the way on camouflaging themselves as civilians may find that field crowded on a future battlefield wear unique opfor and friendly cadre identifiers are changed and recoded often in order that those regarded as fair and even legal kills are separated from those that are not. In a planetary bureaucracy those considered fair kills may evolve to political categories.

After Six Years of Support for Civil War Obama's Syria Policy Emerging

The true form of the Obama-Kerry Syria policy is finally beginning to emerge from the mists of uncertainty after six years of stimulating civil war to remove Assad- it's a twin towers demolition plan with the other towering strong man being for Assad being the late Muammar Gaddafi. It is probable that a time of troubles would follow a removal of Assad in Syria as it has in Libya after the removal of Gaddafi with more direct U.S. military intervention.


There isn't anything about a homeland for the Kurds, or a expansion of their Iraqi homeland, into Eastern and Northern Syria mentioned in Obama planning. Perhaps they would get the squeeze after their usefulness is reduced after regular non-Sunni, Muslim Brotherhood affiliated Sunnis were to take over much of the power in Syria. Very likely Hamas would send advisors and Hezballah and Iran would be unhappy. No more smiley faces attached to emails to the west.


Romney May have Communique from Kolob to Make 3rd Party Run

For Mitt Romney to consider making a 3rd party run for the White House and give the job of President to Hillary Clinton he would need to have extra-terrestrial instructions or otherwise be spaced out and unconcerned about terrestrial reality.

Mitt is Romney was a one-term governor of the liberal state of Massachusetts and provided the prototype for Obamacare so perhaps he actually was a camouflaged democrat; as likely an explanation as instructions from the Kolob Star system where Mormons believe Jesus and other divines reside.

Mitt could helpfully fade into history and stop showing jealousy of Trump who is the best the Republicans have this year. The party may not ordinarily, run excellent candidates- usually the best recommendation being that it is a less offensive choice than the Democrat-even so the bunglers should support what they have and quit with the sapping their own guy for not being a particularly satisfying kind of extremist. Trump isn't too bad at being an executive anyway and seems to have an idea of what he wants to do if elected.

Idealism, Godel and Einstein

There is an epistemic and metaphysical difference of opinion about reality and the extent to which mind interprets and shapes its perception...