
Issues With Alaska Governor Walker's Gas Pipeline Plan

I wasn't going to write on Governor Walker's plan to build a gas pipeline at at all believing that Alaska's followers of oil and gas simply aren't going to change until a desert reaches from the Cascades to Chicago and north to Alberta. I too feel the governor is wrong with the pipeline error-and I too have written in the past for a state gas pipeline.


One exception though. China is the world's biggest CO2 polluter manufacturing products for export. It burns a huge amount of coal that might be replaced with Alaskan natural gas. I haven’t relocated the article-it was surprising to me.

I read an article somewhere recently about Exxon and/or BP stating they were don't want to develop North Slope gas because it would make a substantive increase in the world's greenhouse gassing footprint. If a pipeline were profitable at any rate they would probably build one except for the methane by-product.


Fact Checking Fact Checkers; Trump For and Against Iraq War

The Clinton forces are claiming that Trump lied about his opposition to the Iraq war. As recently as August 11 of 2016 other Clinton forces sought to prove that Trump was against the Iraq war before  Barrack Obama took office.



Evidently Trump was for and against the war according to the pro-Clinton media; a bittersweet policy.

A fact check page shows that Trump was preponderantly against the war.


A Clinton Foundation of Imperialism

Queen Hillary's Dialectical Evolution 

When I wrote much of this post July 12, 2013 the nation didn't yet have 19.5 trillion dollars of public debt as at present in 2016. Smallotry from Clinton-Obama Sunnicrats reduced the significance of debt and Wahabist madrassa proliferation to the public as they built up Sunni interests across the Middle East and Europe following the Hitler-Ottoman Empire path- even today in Syria. Clinton like Napoleon hates a Russian leader while in pursuit of duplicitous concentration of gross wealth and power for planetary oligarchs and likely her own level one imperial dynasty through The Clinton Foundation.
Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke stimulated the market announcing he would continue buying 85 billion dollars of Treasury bonds monthly the market rose to an all-time high. Distributing wealth to the rich and corrupt circles that brought America the 2008 financial meltdown and excessive regulation is the unconventional wisdom for the day.
Pumping imaginary cash into the economy buying mortgage backed securities (maybe better named dubious securities) with the inflation rate about 1% and letting too big to be accountable bankers have lots of no-interest cash to buy up everyone's distressed or foreclosed home is a policy one might expect would create some sort of anomalous bubble never before seen in our times. Chairman Bernanke said the unemployment situation is actually worse than the 7.6% national average indicates. The obvious to select elite economists is that reinforcing the rich is clearly the best way to bring about full employment, good wages and jobs for all workers, a recovering ecosphere and reduction of public debt.
Queen Hillary the first is looming in 2016. If the Obama administration plan to reduce the U.S. public debt and budget deficit running the total up to 21 trillion dollars with perennial deficits can't fix the economic doldrum the winner of the Clinton vs. Bush title bout-one the public has long clamored for, its like an Ali vs. Marciano fight after all will get a shot. Cynics might prefer a womano y womano Bruser Hillary vs. Condi Rice title fight yet like the Hearns -. Leonard fight it's difficult to get a brilliant yet out of play contender to step into the ring (although Leonard evolved to that and did win).
Dialectical political evolution is experiencing a comeback after the 1989 slump when the Reagan vs. Gorbachev dialectical led to total ideological collapse of communism and even dialectics. The two-party U.S. political dialectical evolution of political economy has demonstrated that dialectical evolution is itself still a valid theory.
Like the two sides of a stationary rotating auger pushing throw sludge or waste or other products the Republican and Democrat parties are partisan dialectical opposites evolving the economy in a particular way processing input through to output debt, unemployment and a deteriorating national environment (ecosphere section). Without giving quantitative easing relief to philosophers outside of academic not enough theoretical development of post-cold war dialectical evolution has been funded by government extremists content with the other corporate-government dialectical kickback evolution.
Dialectical political evolution is simply a stage in the reduction of economic pluralism to monism. From a pluralistic economic environment with a myriad of competitors an economy through networking and inter-corporate board sharing and insider trading is reduced to a few corporations with limited competition. It may evolve downward in number until a two-stage dialectic evolves; yet like the tripartite foundation of the U.S. Government before corporatism an economy works better with three rivals in a trialectic evolution. More than that requires more than simple math to calculate and is often avoided by politicians and economists.
A dialectical evolution of D.N.A. is the basis of a human genome. A trialectical basis for the genome with an extra strand of P.N.A. instead of D.N.A. would allow political dynasties to evolve within the two party structure by surpassing the political mortality of term limits. Human genes implicit let genetic chaos and mortality develop because of inherent failure to recalibrate and return to original condition genetic stability. An emergent lifetime of Clinton or Bush Presidencies could be negated by selection or merger to a champion King or Queen Bush or Clinton with the evolved dialectical kickback line of Presidential families racing to the top perfected instate-of-the-art political laboratories in Boston.
For the time being the trialectical third helix of political immortality is simple a shadow government ghost selecting the winners and losers in American economic free enterprise. There may be an infinite number of dialectical and trialectical systems in existence simultaneously if they are not powerful enough to dominate or totalize national or global economics.

A trialectical processes of reinventing the U.S. economic system to expand beyond the rather myopic dialectical evolution toward political pluralism and the goals of full employment, good wages for all, decreasing concentration of wealth and increasing ecospheric health and biological diversity isn't likely to occur without something of genius in U.S. political leadership. That hope ended in the first Clinton administration's echoed in the Hollywood zeitgeist Dumb and Dumber.


President Obama's Economic Record

Richard J. Carroll published a book on President Obama's economic record compared to the eleven other post-World War II Presidents finding he finished in 8th place. Mr. Carroll may not have included the decade-long expansion of money supply 400% during his administration that started two years before the first term. That practice provided so much free money and opportunity to mint e-dollars via zero-interest Fed Reserve loans to rich banks and could be regarded as the reason the Obama-Clinton years didn't finish in last place.

Mr. Carroll published an article on his book at:


Sustainable Nationalism or Runt Globalism?

Sustainable U.S. nationalism is a prerequisite for creating an ecologically sustainable economy. An ecologically sustainable economy with liberty and economic justice for all citizens requires much intelligence, determination and will to evolve into being. The global economic system would not support many if any necessary reforms and worse-owns the broadcast media acting to defeat U.S. nationalism.

Strong U.S. nationalism is requisite for democratic control rather than gradual subduction under planetary plutonomy. Large nations such as the U.S.A., Russia, China, Australia etc require strong nationalism with a trade differential able to effectively engage with other nations yet retain the power of self-determination. Solely with national political self-determination might democracy elect a new or reformed economic system that reverses the present global economic system methodically destroying the ecosystem of the planet so far as human life goes.

Small nations-the runts, are better off in de facto trade unions preponderantly. Their political self-determination may be overwhelmed by a single global corporation. In banding together carefully they may be able to defend their trade interests better to a limited extent.

The present global economic system is preponderantly above the laws of national democracies and lead rather than follow the law. Recent U.S. Presidents have served as butlers to global corporate interests deregulating where possible ans expediting planetary free trade agreements to allow global economic corporatism the freedom to exploit world resources including people as they deem; even fluidly relocating profit beyond tax accountability. It is a system draining the environment, expanding the human and corporate footprint until no wild spaces remain for wild life on Earth, heating the atmosphere with business and technology gases, concentrating wealth, engendering an aloof elitism and corrupting free enterprise for ordinary people except as it is co-opted to serve the plutonomized-oligharchic global economic structure.

Strong U.S. nationalism is required as the basic entry point for an enlightened democracy with a stable population to elect economic change and regulate it in order to conform to environmental economic criteria for continuing life and economic efficiency.

U.S. voters should vote for objective economic class interests rather than follow bait of race,perversion or gender enhancement. When all Americans have economic justice the former fade away. Full employment within a sustainable eco-economic system developed nationally can serve as a role model for the world to follow. That will never develop within an increasingly globalist environment where democratic changes to the present economic system are impossible. I have elsewhere described that system to a limited extent. It is not socialist. Instead it is a directed economic evolution with business at a certain scale required to conform to ecological criteria. Capital is also progressively taxed with the most rich being no more than 500x wealthier than the most impoverished. Excess tax inflow is invested by the government in environmental restoration, education and space exploration.

The patent system would be reformed and expedited with a public co-op created where inventors could safely market their works to producers.

Corporations would be limited to 5000 employees maximum. Natural selection of good ideas would allow social selection of business models to reinforce. All citizens would have a guaranteed minimum income for several good purposes including letting middle class young people afford an free, self-directed intellectual career without wasting time in menial labor or economic careerism for rent paying. Presently the black culture has yet to evolve a substantial intellectual cultural tradition because of the time required for evolution culturally away from origin in a slave market. As it is inheritance is the best available way for bright young blacks to afford an intellectual liberty without strings or quality reduction and that is usually too late in life and/or rare since fewer pass on significant savings to the next generation in the present globalist economy.

True free intellectuals require financial support. Before electrification priests were often intellectuals drawing from community church financial support. Copernicus (Kopernik) and Gregory Mandel for instance, where Catholic scientists.

There are several varieties of contemporary intellectuals, yet just those with independent if limited financial means are actually free from social structural conformal logic. Intellectuals practicing law or in the film industry have limited degrees of freedom; occupational and professional structures require conformity as needed. A few are fortunate enough to earn enough with little time opportunity-cost to devote themselves to thought and research unobligated.

Free intellectuals with lots of time to research and think are actually very productive- not all become Marxist revolutionaries, join ISIS or follow Hillary Clinton on Twitter. Actually the number of those probably are few.

With a strong U.S. nationalism and secure borders it is theoretically possible that an enlightens populace will vote to office leaders in national ecological economics and full employment with a goal of continuing technological and quality of life progress for all citizens within a recovering environment. Nations, like homeowners that want to turn off lights to save electricity or turn them on for light in the darkness need to flip the switches one at a time rather than everywhere in the home at once. Without strong nationalism where good ecological economic policy and economic justice affording a high quality of life and free enterprise opportunities for all citizens exist developing in one real nation, then another, it is unlikely to develop anywhere-the present global economic unaccountability of the trans-national business environment is far too strong and socially unwilling to relinquish power and turn to better policies on its own that would contradict its own Wall Street logic and investor methods.


For Colin Kaepernick- Race Over Nation

San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick has joined what President Obama call's a long line of (negro) athletes that have pissed on the U.S. national anthem to protest racial inequality or lack of racial supremacy etc. president Obama supports that as may Hillary Clinton. President Obama early in his first term would not have been caught dead wearing an American flag lapel pin.


Something like 1.1 million Americans have died in wars including the U.S. civil war. The vast majority of the casualties were white men. However the oldest living U.S. veteran is a black man. There are obviously black veterans that respect the constitution over race and nation over globalism, Mecca and race yet they are a small percent of black Americans.

The late Muhammad Ali refused to serve his nation in time of war. Like Jane Fonda he was a pacifist with minor imperfections of a thirst for violence. He viewed the U.S.A. as a racist nation as do many eccentric black Americans, though he was too large to be a real V.C. warrior. Joe Frazier might have been a tunnel rat hunting V.C. if called to her-we was not.

With the vast public debt President Obama has built up, and with such substantial Anti-Americanism from black celebrities and the Democrat Party left some will consider refusing the pledge and the national anthem in protest of homosexual marriage-an abomination-and of globalism and godless atheism. Maybe they and Colin Kaepernick will solve all those problems by getting the U.S.A. to break up into smaller states leaving the public debt with the last entity calling itself 'U.S.A.'

In this age where creeping globalism is fundamentally subverting the American democracy and where the Democrat Party is duping its followers to allow the concentration of wealth public figures ought to disambiguate themselves from the appearance of supporting race over national interest. The U.S.A. has a history of progressive equalization of human rights. Other nations have preponderantly experienced various forms of social stratification legally in that same time period. Ignorant leaders with racial agendas shouldn’t overlook reality and ought to support and defend the United States rather than its assailants.


World Chess Champ Made Positive Trump Comments

Magnus Carlsen, world chess champion, had positive things to say about Donald Trump earlier this year. Evidently the Norwegian establishment didn't like that and mischaracterized his statements in the media.


I should say that my new favorite Carlsen chess game is one against Wesley So in round four of the Bilbao Open 2016.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8KW6Wq0s5pE



Moving Hoops and Goal Posts?

Because the game was intended for people like short Canadians (boys) tossing peaches or larger spheres into a basket fixed at some height (e.g. 10') above the ground while players grew and became adult specialists the game changed to something requiring upgrades. With the profusion of technology the N.B.A. could afford a movable hoop and backboard that rises to 12 feet during a game with mobility from the first quarter at a regular incline. Maybe the backboard should change its slant and even the hoop rotate clockwise in a full circle during the game.

N.F.L. goalposts could start wide as at present then reduce their width each quarter until in the 4th the gap is just 6 feet. Tactics would change considerably in each sport.

First Cause Argument and Evolution

If you believe that everything has a cause, such as the universe emerging from a singularity that exploded because of a quantum instability ...