
Steven Hawking; 'It Takes a Moon Village'

Stephen Hawking has spoken out again on the urgency of space travel and colonization for humans. He said recently that mankind should return to the moon. It takes a moon village as a step toward living realistically elsewhere than the Earth (Ur-th_),

A lunar village should be named Obama Village and be a scientific and agriculture research site. Quantum teleportation and entanglement would be useful for future communications. The darp side of the moon is a good place for setting lasers and electro-magnetic field generators to provide power for experimental spacecraft.  The Trump administration should coordinate the synergy between private and public ventures to build the base camp on the moon.

President Trump may not be aware of the vast amount of gold and valuable jewels that are probably hidden around the solar system. He may not realize that in zero gravity a potato might be grown larger than a bus and provide French fries for an entire battalion of space soldiers. The gas giant planets have more than enough methane to provide global warming skeptics with fuel for billions of years.

Hawking believes humanity will destroy itself if it doesn't diversify. I agree.

No Sanctions Yet on Boston for Occupying Native Land

Thankfully no sanctions have yet been placed on Bostonians for occupying land taken from several native peoples such as the Chappaquiddick Tribe of the Wampanog Indian Nation, the Herring Ponf Wampanoag tribe, the Nipmuc nation, Pacassets and Seaconke of the Wampanoag Tribe. The state of Massachusetts in fact expropriated its name from a native tribe of first peoples creating a mockery greater than that of the Washington Redskins.

It is difficult to anticipate what sort of sanctions could induce Boston to leave the land its expropriated. One may studythe sanctions the United States has placed upon Russia to try tof force it to vacate its heartland of Ukraine and long held possession the Crimea. Mock attacks on Russian aircraft carrying senior defense officials seems to be one tactic used to force people to give up their homeland.


Boston has violated the ecologiccal integrity of the fishing and hunting grounds of the Massachusetts people. No amount of sanctions can reverse the harm done to the peace loving first peoples of New England, nor are warplanes threatening strafing and shoot downs likely to appear in the defense of native rights of return.

The hostile takeover starting at Plymouth Rock was a long-time plan to disposses the first peoples. The technical prowess in martial arts of the Englanders was such a great advantage that the natives were pushed out over time. Harvard University grew their to export its indoctrinated graduates across the nation and the world to gather more power for Boston. 

Carlsen, Mayweather and the Problem of Racism in Norway and Gambling

People wonder if Magnus Carlsen's game is off temporarily of in the long run. Some racist Norwegians become abusive if one comparies their national hero to a black world-champion boxer who will soon fight a white guy with no boxing record at all.  For Carlsen, IMO a low profile-a normal human chess guy, is a better plan than a 2900 approach in the world today, That would make too many democrats unhappy. Its like the MacGregor-Mayweather fight. The match needs to have at least some credibility to make those 100 million dollar pay checks fill in. MC needs to be a fight promoter as well as the champion.

As of today to win $100 betting on Mayweather to pummel MacGregor in Las Vegas, one would need to bet $550. Because white people have more money to throw away on the sin of gambling, and because they can win $375 for betting a $100 on MacGregor, the odds tend to reduce as people are drawn to the shiny nugget.  Skill matters in boxing and chess, yet racism changes the betting odds as well as fighting skill. Some will bet money believing in the power of race. Apparently some identify Norwegian chess with supremacy such as Quisling Nazis had as sychophants of Hitler. That thug trait is an unfortunate association for Carlsen since his deportment is excellent and he is just a chess playing guy.

 Today, beyond playing in Norway, the odds of Carlsen losing a particular match would not be positive. I don't know if people gamble on chess, yet MC probably remains the better's favorite.


A Hydroponic Solution for Euro-Refugee Crisis

Hydroponic Solution for Euro-Refugee Crisis

If one considers N, Africa’s desert climate and the desire of people to flee to Europe it seems obvious that if N. Africa had a lot more fresh water and hydroponic agriculture the need to flee would decrease. Salt has 14,000 industrial chemical uses and is leftover from evaporation of seawater; not such a bad item to have a surfeit of. If solar powered pumps pushed saltwater in a network of pipelines and evaporation/condensation canals with lids to a network across N. Africa’s desert it might be practical to desalinate it through evaporation collecting the fresh water evaporating under transparent covers. That fresh water could be used for hydroponic gardening in Earth shelters with or without artificial or natural light as is best suitable for cost and growth efficiency.

image of African climate in the public domain

Paul Ryan Could Restart House Committee on UnAmerican Activty

With recent evidence that some members of the U.S. Government know where Russia is (in a manner of speaking since they may believe that its part of the contiguous 48 states connected via Nome Alaska) it may be time to restart the House Special Committee on UnAmerican Activitity.

The contamination of Russia cannot be safeguarded against sufficiently by sporadic investigations by special prosecutors and interrogators. IT is uite likely that numerous actors and actresses in Hollywood have hidden associations and ties with Russia and all that follows.

Just today I discovered that Belarus has infiltrated chess.com and attacked me in a blitz game with wild abandon. Though I was a piece down having blundered a knight, the opponent (for Russians are that) seemed to be waiting for me to make another and because I was extra vigilant he wasn't able to press his advantage. Only by thinking of the inspiration Joseph St. McCarthy was I able to persist in defense and eventually overcome the yellow peril.

President Trump's team have had encounters with Russians and are rumored to have  sipped at the Russian national beverage chilled (Starvokd). If the Red menace is to be contained and a domino effect stopped. If the Crimea is to return to the Mongol Baku Horde of Muslims, it is necessary to restart the UnAmerican Activities committee to purge Hollywood of anyone who knows anyone who has connections to Russia.

Trump's New Press Secretary Should Resemble Peter O'Toole

President Trump's new press secretary should resemble Peter O'Toole yet have a very deep voice such as the former NPR anchor Bob Edwards  had before being booted for the sopranos. He should also carry an air horn in a should-holster for keeping management control in the briefing room.

The first thing he should announce is the name of the new moon research clony for the study of quantum entanglement, electro-magnetic mass drivers and lunar construction. I think it should be named for former President Obama to let potential adversaries know that its also a good weapons delivery platform.

Though the Obama Colony would be dedicated to piece and without big sticks in the absence of forests, it would be a stepping-stone for the first Martian Colony; and that should be named Trump Town. It would be given the first black quantum entangelement box for future Martian grown kids to receive messages from Earth.

In theory a million rich people could populate Trump Town  (zio code 1000) while the Earth is being dealt with and reconditioned to be made a suitable habitat for the survivors.

Are N. Korean Missiles a Threat to Musk’s Mars Colony?

As North Korea continues to develop nuclear weapons and missile delivery systems it might not be too early to consider the potential threat of North Korean to the yet to be constructed Mars Colony of Elon Musk.

It goes without saying that Kim Un will field an ICBM soon. The next step beyond that would be to develop the Inter-Planetary Ballistic Missile (IPBM).

As the Peoples Republic of Kims defend global communism against the capitalist threat and their running dog stooge-lackeys, it is important to keep in mind that Western Leadership should invest in creating a Martian defense shield anti-interplanetary ballistic missile system for deployment around Musktown Mars.


G.O.P.'s Obamacare Makeover Probably Sucks Too

The Republican and Democrat Parties just are not willing to make a practical, affordable national health care infrastructure that covers only those that actually need it (the poor). Insurance companies already provide service for those that can afford it. More workers would have employer provided coverage if their negotiating position were better (without illegal aliens in any large numbers on the nation able to provide an  alternative workforce).
'Bombercare seems to comprise a regressive tax to me. Of course President Obama was said to have an I.Q. just a fraction of a percent lower than Bill Clinton (141.2), so maybe it just seems regressive. President Trump in the same I.Q. report of President had the second highest I.Q. at 156.4 (only John Quincy Adams had a higher I.Q. at 176). For the President the regressive tax may seem either real or illusory, yet for me, a humble home repainter without the stratospheric I.Q.s required for good Presidential leaders, it does seem regressive.
 The government should be the direct provider of health care for the poor in government run treatment facilities such as the V.A. system and in networks of low-cost clinics already existing. Most medical procedures are routine and could be treated well enough while only the exceptional would need to be outsourced to the private hospital system and that the government might reasonable provide.

Democrats want an unaffordable health care system where everyone gets the best treatment available and taxes are placed upon workers as mandatory insurance premium purchases for treatment they won't need.  Republicans want to keep that benefit the corporate world Obamacare system and just gut its effectiveness for the poor. Neither Democrats or Republicans care about the poor enough to create a system that works and is the most-cost-effective way to proceed. That treatment system for the poor could even serve in event of national emergency such as might arise from an opfor biowar attack infecting millions.

Musk's Mars Ideas Seem Somewhat Narrow-Minded

Elon Musk's speculation about colonizing Mars seem a little narrow-minded. He really ought to look beyond creating another big gassy rocket to launch a million people to Mars. Regardless of how people arrived, they could probably copulate and raise little Martians for a fraction of the cost of sending a million adults from Earth.

Looking beyond the advantages natural-born Martians would have such as being eligible to run for President of Mars, Elon Musk seems to have overlooked his own field of experience for space transportation that would use electro-magnetic propulsion along a straight track on the Moon to accelerate objects to very high velocity toward some sort of orbiting, recycling Earth-Mars ferry as Buzz Aldrin mentioned numerous times.                             image credit: N.A.S.A.

Curiosity's Drill After Drilling at 'Telegraph Peak'Developing electro-magnetic accelerators such as were made in the Star Wars program and later for navy canon perhaps on Earth with a specialized pointy heat shielded projectile moving along a fifty-mile track to orbital escape velocity would be one way to get cargo into orbit rapidly. Creating a network of electro-magnetic accelerators on the moon and around the solar system would provide the adaptability needed to let people discover niches in livable places without requiring a central bureaucratic or even corporate apparatus to plan for everyone involved with some sort of theory.

If one were to play a chess game against a gm entirely from opening book plans it is possible the unexpected might arise and the game is busted. Establishing an adaptable, multi-use technology to open the entire solar system to low-cost space travel and human habitat constructions should be Elon Musk's effort.


Design a Board Game Modeling Forces of Physics

It might be interesting to design a board game rather like chess that models the forces of physics instead of a battlefield. Obviously one could also make a video game that could teach players general relativity and the way it warps space-time.

The strong force for close range binding, the weak force and low mass photons for distant attacking although they would need to be in mass to have much effect, pieces could have different ranges of motion as do bishops and knights in chess. Kings might be atomic nuclei and queens, electrons.

One might want to keep the game reasonably simple as is chess, yet somewhat more complex at the same time.

A video game that allows one to move mass and warp the space-time of solar systems, and that models general relativity in accelerating space ships near light speed while increasing their mass and dilating time-those coeeficients would be built in with accuracy to tge game pieces one moves around a neighborhood of a galaxy.

One might modularize the games so they can scale up and cohere within non-quantum mechanical particle-wave games. Then if one moved good structures into atoms and molecules it would be possible to use those games within macro-physics of molecular clumps such as comprise objects like planets drawn together with gravity.

Idealism, Godel and Einstein

There is an epistemic and metaphysical difference of opinion about reality and the extent to which mind interprets and shapes its perception...