
G.O.P.'s Obamacare Makeover Probably Sucks Too

The Republican and Democrat Parties just are not willing to make a practical, affordable national health care infrastructure that covers only those that actually need it (the poor). Insurance companies already provide service for those that can afford it. More workers would have employer provided coverage if their negotiating position were better (without illegal aliens in any large numbers on the nation able to provide an  alternative workforce).
'Bombercare seems to comprise a regressive tax to me. Of course President Obama was said to have an I.Q. just a fraction of a percent lower than Bill Clinton (141.2), so maybe it just seems regressive. President Trump in the same I.Q. report of President had the second highest I.Q. at 156.4 (only John Quincy Adams had a higher I.Q. at 176). For the President the regressive tax may seem either real or illusory, yet for me, a humble home repainter without the stratospheric I.Q.s required for good Presidential leaders, it does seem regressive.
 The government should be the direct provider of health care for the poor in government run treatment facilities such as the V.A. system and in networks of low-cost clinics already existing. Most medical procedures are routine and could be treated well enough while only the exceptional would need to be outsourced to the private hospital system and that the government might reasonable provide.

Democrats want an unaffordable health care system where everyone gets the best treatment available and taxes are placed upon workers as mandatory insurance premium purchases for treatment they won't need.  Republicans want to keep that benefit the corporate world Obamacare system and just gut its effectiveness for the poor. Neither Democrats or Republicans care about the poor enough to create a system that works and is the most-cost-effective way to proceed. That treatment system for the poor could even serve in event of national emergency such as might arise from an opfor biowar attack infecting millions.

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