
Why Not Search Engine Channels for Low and High Data Content Sites Seperately?

At least I like to find simple articles on news and other topics to read without waiting 5 minutes for a 4G cpu to catch up with all of the junk some of the site producers think they need to add to their 'presentation' to make it more rich than those of rivals. However plain utility and speed matter far more to many than a dozen extraneous articles, photos and interviews off topic not to mention ads.

The answer might be to create a streamlined, efficient internet sign up for wev sites willing to put up material with a cap on the total amount of pprocessing power any user has to use to get it. Google could have low, medium and high site channels, and that would make it faster to use when a notebook or older pc is connected to some sports channel that feels bigger is necessarily better and that louder and flashy is what everyone with a computer wants to see.

Instead, that approach seems dumb, like as not, and a time consumer while waiting for nothing great. Computers ideally operate at the speed of mind and don't force 'dumb delays' wherever they can  get a chance. Apparently the media that afford the best of everything compete to produce the most computer space they can unaware that many do not have the bandwidth and processor speed.

Was Hegel Correct in Saying Philosophy Isn't Suitable for the Mob?

Social media has brought everyone the opportunity to believe they are an intellectual or that the common opinion is philosophically interest...