
Cosby Jurors Face Liberal Hobson's Choices

Deadlocked in the third day of deliberations, the Cosby trial jurors have some tough choices. In the case of O.J.'s trial it was easy; black man railroaded by insider techs who allegedly killed some white people. Bill Cosby; star of generations, is a horse of a different color for liberals though  .

To convict is to denigrate the reputation and memory of one of the greatest black American entertainers. To send the man who did the chocolate pudding commercials, who knew Fat Albert personally, and was every woman's gynecologist, in a family way setting, to jail for raping women doped with rohypnotl would even rub off on President Obama's white kid gloves reputation approach to courtesy with stain. Foul stain.

To acquit is to spit in the face of women. Yet that would energize those that believe Hillary Clinton should have been elected in order to overcome the cup-ist lower wages of the female gender. President Obama even got the benefit of Bruce Jenner giving up his gender and helping to put homosexual marriage inertia over on the nation. One wonders if he was given an offer he couldn't refuse.

I would bet that the jury will acquit, although remaining deadlocked and hung might be the really safest course for them to take.

Was Hegel Correct in Saying Philosophy Isn't Suitable for the Mob?

Social media has brought everyone the opportunity to believe they are an intellectual or that the common opinion is philosophically interest...