
Russian WIdfires Worst in 10,000 Years

It would probably be a good idea to send some American firefighters to help extinguish all of those fires in Siberia. All of that extra CO2 released can't be good. Some believe the problem is global warming. Maybe U.S. led sanctions have forced Russia to cut back on the firefighting budget.

A day photo of smoe and a night photo of wildfires viewed from space show the extent of the problem. In the night iage (each from N.A.S.A.) that little lake inshore from the Sea of Okhoskt is the Zeya Reservoir.


Night image of Siberian fires (image credit N.A.S.A.)

Image credit N.A.S.A. Earth Observatory

Broke Branches (poem)

  Dialectic clashing of evolutes- trees left right and center political arguments following guide paths in the dark through the snow and hil...