
Media & Speaker Ryan Claim Little Women Rights On Mika's Special Face

When President Trump made a retaliatory tweet over Morning Joe's Mika Brezinski's caustic comments he stimulated a media firestorm attacking his lack of civility. Female news faces are protected by the special right's commissions 'Little Womens Act' that states that even though women are in extremely powerful social and political public roles they have inalienable rights as little women of the homsetead to be free from being treated as peers by men in political matters.

The Little Women's act was first championed by a female fighter pilot who sued a Russian Mig fighter pilot for shooting at her with a HARM missile. Her winning lawsuit noted that she is speciallly protected by Little Women's rights and the Russian pilot could not legally shoot at her. A suit and sanctions were placed on Russia even though she shot down the Russian fighter with an air-to-air laser.

Women in the media are protected by the first amendment 'Little Women' provision besides. That states that women may chat about male politicians to their hearts content on camera as abusively as they like and a politician may have nothing to say about that ( because that would be rude). The colt peacemaker made men equal. Technology made the media equal to the President regarding influence (actually he has less influence).


The main stream media commentary notably found that being a woman is the equivelent of being a negro or homosexual and any criticism of a persons behavior, words or appearance in regard to a political context is forbidden by straight white men who have no specially protected status whatsoever. Those second-class citizens are slaves to the new special-class majority.

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