
Germany's Lutheran State Church; Anti-Christian Now With Homo Marriage?

Germany's Lutheran church is far too closely affiliated with the state. Since its inception in revolt against the Catholic Hapsburgs following Martin Luther's 96 thesis and the ensuing Skalkaldic war between German princes and Hapsburgs the government was tight with the clergy. SInce Germany voted to allow homosexual marriage that throws the entire issue of its relationship to the state in question.

If the state has taken an official turn for legal sin can a church in Christian conscience continue any sort of official relationship with it? Would corrupt Lutheran priests perform the abomination of rites for homosexual marriage?

In a godless atheist social environment Germany has moved its church toward a more consistent anti-christ symbilism appropriate more so back in the day for the official Nazified church under Hitler's power than any sort of priesthood of believers such as Martin Luther wanted. Luther regarded it as anathema for anyone to think that not all Christians are priests. In the full fructification of the Lutheran church clergy as special upper-class Christians preaching to a 'laity' the Lutheran church has moved perilously close to spiritual death.

Was Hegel Correct in Saying Philosophy Isn't Suitable for the Mob?

Social media has brought everyone the opportunity to believe they are an intellectual or that the common opinion is philosophically interest...