
Lebron James Could Make the Lakers Great Again

The Lakers need LeBron James to make them great again. Lebron is a free agent and can sign with the Lakers who also have the number two draft choices this year. James owes nothing to the Cavaliers having given them a title already. Lebron James signing with L.A. could make the Lakers great again.

Cleveland fundamentally went wrong in trading away its number one draft choice a few years ago for Kevin Love. James needed a young, energetic front line guy to compliment his workload.

Has an N.B.A player has won the title with three teams? Lebron James might become the first if he goes to Los Angeles. For Cleveland and Jame's desire to make a lasting difference he should just establish a Great Lakes fisheries research facility to make fishing great again (in co-operation with a quality University Marine Sciences dept.). That's probably the best lasting difference he might make, and its good when the fishing is good.

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Social media has brought everyone the opportunity to believe they are an intellectual or that the common opinion is philosophically interest...