
U.S. Dope Addictions WIll Select National Health Care Policy?

Reportedly politicians concerned about the 50-60 thousand heroin and opiod deaths in the USA in 2016 may vote against Obamacare Refrom. It is remarkable that American dopers will determine in part the form national health care takes for the poor and lower middle class. Homosexuals requiring AIDS treattments for life and dopers are one of the main concerns democrats have with securing subsidized medical care for all AMericans. They wanted to tax youth that are healthy and working to pay for that.

The U.S. House and Senate need to be realistic and provide direct free government provided medical service in V.A. hospitals (expanded) and networks of free health care facilities for the poor. Dopers may need government sheltered opium dens to waste themselves yet not cost tazpayers a bundle-free funeral services too when they are done with paradise.

Non-dopers that just are poor and get ill or injured need a real, actual medical treatment system that works even if they are wanderers, homeless or otherwise not paper'd up with bureaucratic sign in for the sedentary. Rich sedentary folks create those silly Obamacare policies that won't actually cover the poor who slip through the gaps



Opium hospice-dens may be the way to get a cheaper Obamacare reformed policy that will please Senators from dope-rich states.

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