
Germany Votes to Make Cock-Sucking Legal Marriage

German lawmakes voted to legalize cock-sucking homosexual marriage to make the Bundt a sweeter place. That follows a revelation of allegations of child abuse by the Pope's assistant. Assuredly there is not relation.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel apparently said that now she supports homosexual marriage. Probably that's because Russia hasn't so far at it will give her more queer power in her arsenal to attack and sanction the Russian state.

Russia of course has a population problem in that it isn't keeping growth pace with the rest of teh world. Encouraging queer cock-sucking unions probably would not be a rational choice for Vladimir Putin.


The historian Arnold Toynbee, or Oswald Spenglar or some other philosopher of historical cycles found that civilizations tend to fall after women attain full political status. Evidently they promote queer and feminine perspectives that bring civilization to decay.

It is a lucky thing for individuals that they do not live for as long as God and are thus spared experienceing the follies of man and womenkind ad nauseum. Maybe England will send Boaty McBoatface to Hamburg to join in the celebrations under the surface.

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