
Would Taiwan Like to Be a U.S. Territory or State?

Taiwan has a good location from which the United States could market directly to China. Yet Taiwan has problems with China inasmuch as its larger neighbor feels it can bully it about and threaten to invade it for-themselves. I wonder if Taiwan has ever though about petitioning the U.S. Senate or House to become a U.S. territory?

Now that Puerto Rico has great economic difficulties it has finally voted overwhelmingly to become a U.S. state instead of remaining in territorial status. That's a good idea too since Americans will flock to vacation there as if it were Hawaii. Taiwan has good chances too.

Modern American Presidents tend to be just lawyers. President Trump however might just listen favorably to a Taiwanese petition to join the United States (after a few years as a territory of the United States). Taiwan might be able to act as a good influence on President Trump's lack of understanding about the evils of drift net fishing and the harm to whales that can do. Taiwanese probably value seafood far more than Mr. Trump who looks more like a beef eater to me.

Mr. Trump and the Retainer Paid to a Journalist

 So far as I have learned Donald Trump is on trial for 34 counts of paying a journalist not to publish bad news about him. Trump's attor...