
Anti-White Day at Evergreen State; Hate Crimes Establishment?

Evergreen State College; a remarkably ugly campus in Washington State that looks like a habitat for primates in a dark forest, has developed an anti-white hegemony over the staff and faculty. The college President was cornered by students and not allowed to urinate in private. He did not say 'you're the duke', but appears to have kow-towed to student racist demands.

Students and faculty have also abused a Professor Bret Weinstein at the College blaming him for not participating in anti-white day. It is rather amusing because he is a Professor of Evolution Theory, and would be meta-considering the events in which he is a target. This is the Obama administration legacy coming out of the ground.

The Democratic Party has vacated economic reason since Bill Clinto was getting blow jobs from a student intern in the White House. It is Democrats who are supposed to look after the interests of ordinary, not rich Americans. Instead they are spaced out social yahoos creating havoc and panic wherever they can. They simply want to bitch and sabotage rather than do anything positive regarding the economy.

Right now the public debt is 19 trillion 860 billion dollars. Future obligations must be another 30 trillion. The budget is out of balance. It is ordinary Americans that will suffer eventually from a non-sustainable government economic policy. Democrats have allowed that to happen in their mad pursuit of the anti-white, feminist, homosexual, globalist agenda. It was President Obama tha signed into law permanent, vast tax cuts for the rich.


It is unimaginable to me that students would be allowed to intimidate or try to, a college professor or president. Personally I would expell them and fire staff that tolerated that sort of thing. Professor Weinstein, although probably not a Christian,  should be made the College President and given an armed personal security escort when he must mingle with the student-gangs,



https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SjNRtrZjkfE&t=257s Bret Weinstein's Ted talk on Evolution theory

That evil college; Evergreen State, should never have been formed. Instead, some sort of stepped pyramid wind and solar farm should have been constructed at that site.

Broke Branches (poem)

  Dialectic clashing of evolutes- trees left right and center political arguments following guide paths in the dark through the snow and hil...