
Are the Hack Attacks on Voting & Political Junk the Fault of the Hacked or Opposite Party?

Without straying without warrant into an eisegesis of news reports of Russian ballot stuffing of U.S. election boxes for Donald Trump causing Hillary to lose and Americans to question their basic trust in government, is it possible to ask if U.S. governments are incompetent at election security as well as border security? Is the nation such a banana republic that it cannot be confident about the integrity of it voting procedures?

Plainly there is a world of hackers looking for Hillary Clinton's dirty laundry on her unsecured server where she did state department business though the hard rives of the concerned computers were fortunately accidentally wiped so no one really knows what was on them. Yet insider leakers of classified partisan campaign chat seems to reflect on the failure of security procedures more than on the nation of the opposite political party for benefiting from anything released to the public. 

If politicians and government officials are daft about contemporary security concerns and are just sloppy should they descry the wicked hackers in the world or tighten their own security procedures? Political bambis that expect a world full of muffins and flowers in a wolf den of computer hackers since infancy wolf found to leave government computers alone is silly.

U.S. governments are reluctant to tighten up voter ID and security against illegal aliens. Why should they expect to be better at cyber security than direct national physical security?

Was Hegel Correct in Saying Philosophy Isn't Suitable for the Mob?

Social media has brought everyone the opportunity to believe they are an intellectual or that the common opinion is philosophically interest...