
Design a Board Game Modeling Forces of Physics

It might be interesting to design a board game rather like chess that models the forces of physics instead of a battlefield. Obviously one could also make a video game that could teach players general relativity and the way it warps space-time.

The strong force for close range binding, the weak force and low mass photons for distant attacking although they would need to be in mass to have much effect, pieces could have different ranges of motion as do bishops and knights in chess. Kings might be atomic nuclei and queens, electrons.

One might want to keep the game reasonably simple as is chess, yet somewhat more complex at the same time.

A video game that allows one to move mass and warp the space-time of solar systems, and that models general relativity in accelerating space ships near light speed while increasing their mass and dilating time-those coeeficients would be built in with accuracy to tge game pieces one moves around a neighborhood of a galaxy.

One might modularize the games so they can scale up and cohere within non-quantum mechanical particle-wave games. Then if one moved good structures into atoms and molecules it would be possible to use those games within macro-physics of molecular clumps such as comprise objects like planets drawn together with gravity.

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