
The Paris Discord and Hillary's Homo Axis of Evil

People dislike Hillary Clinton so much that any sort of opponent can be elected running against her. If she keeps encouraging the left to be a lunatic fringe majority speaking out critically agianst Trump after her most recent loss last year, Trump policies will all see good in comparison to the laternative possibility that might have been; Hillary Clinton as President. She and Bill are catalytic convertors unto imperial depravity killing the rationality of the Democrat Party..



The Clintons moved the U.S.A. toward a queer, Satanic future. With the Supreme Court voting to force homosexual marriage on the states, the queer states of America destiny supported by Hillary arrived. If the sea level rises a little or even a lot, for many that seems less a concern than the butch government of femnazicrats issues immediately It is difficult to get any susbtantial environmental defense and rehabilitation sorts of activities done national and internation ally when to do so advances a satanic agenda too. If anti-global warming measures were tobe taken seriously globally it would be necessary to seperate it from the axis of homosexual marriage crowd politics.

It there is actually some sort of 22 year window before the temperature rises 2.6 degrees then reality ought to outlaw all fossil fuel burning vehicles and factory exhaust tomorrow. The ability of meaningful ecospheric action positively is non-existant. Cars are the major source of global warming gases in the U.S.A. Around the worlld cars and every engine burning gasoline alone would keep the greenhouse gas effects increasing. Who would stop that and ban all internal combustion engines using petroleum? Hilllary and Barrack's homosexual agenda levers with the global warming danger politically. That makes people not want to coopertate.

President Macaroon of France attacked President Trump yesterday and ala Marx expropriated Trumps 'Make America Great again' ad slogan to in effect;  Make Paris and Napoleon's World Empire Great Again. Disrespect from France and Germany is reaching new post-war highs, and Hillary Clinton fuels that.

Was Hegel Correct in Saying Philosophy Isn't Suitable for the Mob?

Social media has brought everyone the opportunity to believe they are an intellectual or that the common opinion is philosophically interest...