
Neither the Copenhagen or Everett Interpretion for Quantum Cosmology

Ideas of an alternative to Multiverse theory should account for quantum uncertainty and super-positioning. Neither the Copenhagen or Everett explanation of quantum mechanics need be the end of the story. Quantum cosmology is fashionable these days. The Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics has been applied to cosmology too with the concept that a new Universe forms instantly each time an observation forces a deterministic state of a particle. That does seem to violate causality as anyone would normally regard it, such that for the determination of the position of any particle an infinite number (1 less than infinity) of new particles comprising a new Universe appear. One times one equals infinity is the closest I can get to that mathematically.

There is a simpler way to account for quantum uncertainty though it uses some very old concepts such as ether as a Universal field. Particles exist not just as waves too that become a particle when observed at a particular space-time point/location. Instead of individual particles or a cloud of particle there are various spheres of energy that when observed are the equivalent of a water-filled plastic ball having a hole poked in it at any given location letting some water-energy appear there.

No particle or wave in the quantum universe exists in isolation from the complete universe of energy. The question about relationships and structures that human observers encounter or prod into being for observation is of a field's characteristics as thinner, thicker, more energy charged or less hear and there. All apparent particles and fields exist within it including the Higgs field, and it is faster-than -light, or untroubled by the limitations of  quanta that exist within it. 

It isn't necessary to invent an infinite Multiverse to account for quantum uncertainty, inflation or gravity. If one thinks about a field underlying all of the energy and mass of this Universe having faster-than-light speed character it should have no time as would be measured by anything in the mass-energy Universe. If it has time itself is another question. Without any matter it ought not. It could even be a stable, infinite meta-Universe field. 

An inflation from an infinite field that kept some of its characteristic attribute of speed would seem to have the problem of slowing down. If the speed of the infinite field was infinite itself then the hyper-inflation should have been far too fast to be overcome by the eventual formation of gravity in the energy protocol. There might be something to learn from considering that.

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