is the philosophical system developed by Jean Paul Sartre. He called
it a continuation of French rationalism. He examined experience of
the cogito and self-awareness from first principles following in the
manner of Descartes in his Discourse on a Method. He considered
everything that he knew directly in his own thought and what he
experienced of the world in which he found himself. The principle
text of existential philosophy is his book Being and Nothingness
written in Paris during the Second World War. I suppose it is a bit
more on the side of German romanticism and the self-defining ego
approach to things developed by followers of Hegel and Kierkegaard
who were followers of Socrates, than on the side of empiricism and
naive realism.
Logic hasn't morality or moral guidance. It is simply a reasoning tool. There are rules for classical and symbolic logic, yet the wicked can use them as well as computer programs and computational logic. IBM developed Adolph Hitler computational card reading devices used for processing Jews in the holocaust. There is no implicit good in logic, yet logic is a good tool for clear thinking. Morality on the other hand is actually what rules people and society actually have. Ethics is how those rules or moral norms are implemented. Thats more of a cultural anthropological view of what moral it. Even so, its good to have good moral values and challenging sometimes to structure them meta-socially so
like the idea that infinities in General relativity that are found
when one just continues contracting mass and energy under the
influence of gravity seem to have no logical end. Yet obviously
gravity is some sort of force or field characteristic and it is not
at all certain that its power continues infinitely reduced. The
assumption is (or one of the assumptions) that the unified field
force at very high temperature breaks down all forces into one. A
kind of infinite super-plasma of no size at all. A string has one
dimension and a point zero-dimensions. As they build up compiling
into brans they have more, and the structure of mass-energy in
space-time coincidently exists.
black holes observed in the Universe are incomplete processes of
infinite reduction to singularity. Though time appears to stop
because of relativistic effects at the black hole event horizon,
there are naked singularities perhaps without an event horizon i
believe i remember reading. For some reason there are no black holes
that equal anything per-existing the Universe. In that case nothing
existed at all. The Universe was without form and void. Something
said for it to begin, or there was a phase change and a point emerged
into the darkness, and the darkness comprehended it not, for there
was no one yet evolved to think anything about a Universe to
comprehend it.