
Democrats Hate Russia Because it Quit Communism

The Democratic Party hatred for Russia is difficult to understand. I googled it and found that Ann Colter said its because Russia quit communism. That makes sense; its as good a reason for the illogical post-cold war behavior as any. She might have overlooked the point that Russia hasn't shown much support for a gay new world order either; and that is another reason for their hate (though Russia did appoint a guy named Sergei Lavrov to the foreign Sect. post with cutting cognates). Those whom ditch Lenin are sure to suffer the wrath of cons.


The Democrat Party cuts taxes for the rich and doesn't care about piling up public debt or meaningful government reform to increase effciency and lower cost. Apparently they believe that the Federal Reserve and just prop up any deficit spending the government needs to do to finance lots of welfare benefits in an ill-though out way to redistribute wealth...it deosn't actually do that.

Wealth is being concentrated because of the lack of Democrat Party economic understanding. They have no evidence of comprehending what ecological economics are , why its necessary not to have a vast 20 trillion dollar public debt, why people need to work instead of getting welfare benefits without hope of work, why globalism and a whore's boundry with Mexico with its vast dope problems and corruption equal to or greater than that of the U.S.A. aren'''t sustainable policies.

Democrats would rather dance for Dictator Un than stop nuclear weapons build up because at the end of the day is is the last,  best hope in their eye for possibility of world communism. China seems somewhat sold out to capitalists in a snarky way keeping a majority share of corporations buying into China.

Shouldn't States Have Global Warming Tax on Fossil Fuels/Cars?

Reportedly 13 states are putting a tax on electric cars to make up for loss of tax revenue on gas sales. That money fro the gas tax is used to help pay for roads. Legislators want the money. It does have some wrong reasoning in it though.

Electric cars are not promary producers of global warming gases as internal combustion vehicles are. Taxing them as transport equals is just wrong. People should be encouraged to evolve toward electric vehicles and not paying a gas tax is a good method.

At least taxes in cars that burn gas, propane, gasohol etc that produce global warming gases, should be higher in order to encourage people to buy untaxed electric cars. Fossil fuel burning vehicles are the major source of greenhouse gases in the United States- about 51% of the gobal warming gases.




Earthquake of 5.8 Centered 4km Below Lincoln Montana

The earthquake of 5.8 magnitude that occurred at 12:32 am this morning may have been the largest in recent Montana history. Its epicenter was 4 km below Lincoln Montana. Buildings were felt to shake as far away as the state capitol.


It’s OK to Resume the Korean War (it never legally ended)

In most wars custom indicates that it’s unwise to allow one’s enemy a vast period of time to build up a nuclear arsenal and weapons delivery systems such as ICBMs. The United States and the U.N. have done that since there never was an agreement to end the Korean War, only an armistice to halt combat along a demilitarized zone for a time.
One wonders what sort of logic makes people in the Democrat Party feel safer with a belligerent, nuclear armed nation that mocks the United States apparently confident the U.S.A. is a paper tiger.
The possible Korean War round 2 seems like one of those moral and necessary engagements that would be fought by people that aren’t yet too spoilt. Winning is everything of course, as Vince Lombardi said. And winning as efficiently as possible is better.
That practical worldly guide to rulers, Niccollo Machiavelli wrote : 
(When) "There is no avoiding war; it can only be postponed to the advantage of others."

Allowing North Korea additional time to build up more nuclear weapons, in effect, creating another Soviet-era style brinksmanshp, abnegates responsibility and is an ostrich-like political relativism. Though Democrats may yearn for Soviet style communism and hate Russia for abandoning that plan, they are wrong in wanting to dance for the dictator and let him build up a cornice of nukes that one day may wipe out L.A. and The L.A. Times.

Nearly Hallf of the Weight of Moon Surface Rocks is Oxygen

Numerous studies have been made about how to extract the oxygen from moon surface rocks. Oxygen makes up about 45% of the weight of moon rocks. It would be good to be able to fill one's lave tube home with locally made, patriotic oxygen rather than foreign.

Apparently the moon may have soaked up a lot of oxygen from the over the ages. While Earth people are rather careless about their destruction of the health of the Earth ecosphere, the senseless moon is a collector of any oxygen leaked from the Earth atmosphere drifting its way. Senselessness for some physical processes is more efficient than intelligence in the case of increasing oxygen (the Earth's is decreasing as a percent because of global warming gases and habitat destruction; not to mention the Holocene extinction live.

A motivation for producing oxygen from the moon is to make lox (liquid oxygen) for fuel. That seems rather dumb to me. The first thing humans want to do is to make fuel for engines and waste resources. At least Volvo committed to quit producing fossil fuel vehicles and go all-electric instead.

The moon is a useful place for a scientific and habitat construction experimental station, as well of course as a transportation hub to the rest of the solar system. Solar energy and super-conductors working at permanent very cold temperatures should allow a surfeit of electric engines and transport technologies such mass drivers to proliferate.

Eventually fabrication facilities for modular space components could be built on the moon and perhaps elsewhere exploiting rock from the asteroid belt, careful brought to the moon. Maybe the mass of the moon should not be changed in order to avoid increasing or decreasing its distance from the Earth. Building components that can be put into space from the lunar surface could be as panels locked in together to form very large structures. It is not difficult to imagine forming planetary size object somewhat automatically wit modular components floating about and guided into designed places with magnetism.

It would be rather remarkable if one day one could make planets something like transformers that can assemble, detach and reassemble as needed. Modules that contain complete Earth terrarium green house capability could also be shoe-boxed and sent to appropriate locations around the solar system to grow independently in isolation from the indigenous environment or grow itself into it.


PRI Anti-Russia Propaganada Piece for July 4th

The media must believe Americans are really stupid. An article written for the 4th of July was designed to create anti-Russian patriotism. Russia was said to have been 'meddling' in Americans affairs, yet the article is about Britain's efforts to get Russia involved in the U.S. Revolutionary War, and of course it did not. It gave John Paul Jones a job sailing after the war (for Russia) and that was about it.

Interesting piece of propaganda though. Those guys must really hate Russia and lust after the Myrny diamond pipes. http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/how-russian-meddling-impacted-the-american-revolution/ar-BBDLMFW?li=BBnb7Kz

Misleading, deceptive history articles created to affect support for particularly daft foreign policy primarily of benefit to the 1% are rather lame.

Direct Gov Medical for Poor is Most Cost Effective after Repeal of Nixoncare

Health is Necessary for Workers
Wednesday 28 of June, 2006  Revised 4, July 2017

The Congress doesn’t seem to know what to do with health care in the U.S.A. They don’t seem to be able to coordinate concepts of how public and private interests can work together, side by side, independently or separately on the issue, nor are they able to get Ayn Rand’s hoary ideas about capitalist billionaires who are the few and proud out of their thought enough to reason a little, rather than just follow the program dogmatically.

Ayn Rand’s ideas about the role of capitalists was written during the cold war at a time when the difference in income between a CEO and shop worker might be just 300x rather than the nth power. It was written when wealth was not concentrating for the 1% faster than national economic growth and before the era of computerized dark pool trading and global networking. Besides- there was a communist rival for competition that required that workers be treated somewhat fairly. The congress like the U.S. public has either lost its memory, mind, ability to reason about political philosophy and the role of government in keeping the economy fit for democracy and free enterprise for all citizens (and avoiding plutocracy or oligarchy etc.) They are just in the Ayn Rand mode with candied snails for lunch inclined brains basically. Neither are the people any longer able in theory to revolt. That was the point of universal gun owning franchise; to keep the government honest. In the modern era with all the sophisticated weapons and U.S. war aircraft capable of flying 80% as fast as the Mig-31 did n the 1980s, with all the surveillance technology and drones the public can’t even theoretically put up a battle with the government.

Ayn Rand didn’t teach that without the ability for citizens to revolt governments inevitable become corrupt. The consent of the governed can only happen if the people have the ability not to consent to be governed-and good luck with that.

The problem of original sin and of evil manifests itself in human social relations including macro-economic pay and benefits structures. Some non-citizens may argue against equal medical benefits for workers as for management in the United States...

In reading a history of Fascism 1900-1945 covering such characters as Doriot in France, Rivera and Franco in Spain and so forth one may discover the social and cultural characteristics that contributed to the rise of fascism and The New Order. Thugs, crude and cruel people haven't intellectual objectives as their primary aim in college, but a rise to power instead. Management positions are the shortest way to worldly power and material reward; the beady eyed management mind may have no more goals in life but the big cheese. Once attaining power they hinder and subvert social progress that might undermine their existentially delusional feelings of being meaningful citizens contributing to the well being of humanity.

All human beings have a need for health in order to work. If a human is injured and cannot work yet needs medical treatment for pain relief and hopefully to work once again then someone has to pay for it. Often the state will reimburse hospitals for free coverage, while the patient gets second rate charity treatment that inadequately remedies the medical problem.

The second or third rate ineffective medical intervention requires ongoing or even chronic medical attention that the state may pay. The cynics in government happily add the patient costs to the national debt, which then requires a 200 or 300% increase through interest payments in order to finance the medical treatment.

In the meantime the thugs in management clear cut forests, pollute the air and water, build mini-mansion stick frame homes and require worker tribute to OPEC oil countries for the required automobile with derision for 'trikes' as managers can't discern the nomenclature difference between two and three wheeled human powered vehicles. The management class lives in comfort being pains as often as not, and remember 'the way things were' with Septemberish bittersweetness, while the injured worker in pain wishes for the pain to be just a memory instead of the way things are.

The management class then asks simply that the worker pay 200 or 300 dollars monthly for medical coverage that he/she/it gets for free along with their hair dye and sex changes. The management class and the millionaire Senate flunkies of global corporatism fall prey to the problem of evil, and cannot balance a budget, schedule necessary medical treatment for all people within American borders nor create a zero tolerance for illegal immigration. With 300 million Americans no more than 600,000 immigrants from all sources should arrive here annually.

Medical treatment for injuries and illness isn't an option or luxury but a necessity for humanity.

Especially with all of the national dope abuse, the comparative cost of providing health care for the poor by the government directly through and expanded V.A. Hospital System coordinating with existing poor and homeless clinics-each networking to treat civilians and former military together,. It would be more nationally cost effective to keep people healthy and able to work than to let them default into disability and ad hoc charity medical situations that add to the cost of public and private payments anyway.


Holocene Mass Extinction is Also a Problem

Scientists and Democrats often talk about global warming. Yet the 6th mass extinction in the past 440 million years or so is also a problem because its happening now.Because Democrats don't reform economics nearly enough to fix the ecosphere, their policy is generally a sham. They will let Japan take the moon and plant the rising sun on it before being motivated to form a free moon trade agreement with them. They would never tear up the asphalt or require homes to use solar panel shingles and siding.

Global warming effects could help the mass extinction really move forward if it ends up depleting oxygen in ocean water. That's already happened for a time in places like Puget Sound's branch Hood canal and Chesapeake Bay. Things that need oxygen like fish simply die-although without being forced to listen to the broadcast media sell stuff and chat-up innuendo, rumors and falsehoods that is somewhat merciful.

Human development without concern for ecospheric consequences is the culprit for the holocene mass extinction, as is global warming.

Interesting the nearby star Betelegeuse (640 million light years) is in red giant phase and may go super-nova anytime the one-hundred thousand years. Even though its primary direction of gamma ray streaming misses Earth by about 20 degrees so all oceanic and most surface life probably won't die, I wouldn't want to gamble on that. Its possible the star's eccentric convection currents and non-symmetric shape could change its axis angle toward Earth eventually and then, the holocene mass extinction in progress would be jus ta dream of friendlier times when life existed on Earth (besides a few hiding out in special bunkers that survive perhaps).



Time to Shrink Marines to Naval Protection Service

Beach landing largely are a thing of the past and the U.S. Government has a budget problem. In order to eliminate redundancy it should shrink the Marines to a 25,000 man elite protection service for the navy, expand the Seals to 5000 men, women and whatever else they deem useful. Increase the Army by 200,000 and create a Black Op Special Service force of 100,000 that is composed entirely of commandos.

It isn't the way it was, yet it is better adapted to the modern world.

U.S. Civility Decreases Under Broadcast Media

The American broadcast media have abandoned all moral standards in support of sensationalism for purposes of commercial proplits. They have trained the electorate toward incivility, dope and homosexual norms with nothing being of meaning except comfort.

The broadcast media have trained Americans to hate Russia since the end of the cold war and turned leftist states into blue states and associated conservatism with 'red' communist states. The broadcast media are the wind blowing smoke up the derrières of the Democrat Party that just wants to occupy government offices rather than doing anything competent with them regarding policy.

Americans are displeased with the 20 trillion dollars of public debt yet are trained to regard the federal deficit as something to disregard. They have been trained by the media to hate the President and like anything at Facebook. The media have trained too many to violate personal space of individuals and to make individual self-determination something akin to indignant avoidance of collective ad hoc union will.

The broadcast media have a zillion polls available to reinforce their point of view of the nation and world that coincide with cutting taxes for the rich and the concentration of wealth with the economy growing slower than the income of the 1% who are gathering every bit of loose capital up internetwork-for-themselves.

The public distrust institutions and the broadcast media yet have no idea what that distrust means. The public cannot revolt or even produce a few hundred thousand government casualties if they wanted to. The public are unified in symbolism that means the reinforcement of all the things that produce their own economic and social circumstances and cannot detach their existence from control of their oppressors.

The public would like actual ecological economic competence in government that produces balanced budgets, secure borders, full employment and a good safety net and know their isn't a snowballs chance in hell of government being even marginally competent.

The same old s..t will continue, and the public knows that, although Democrats want Democrats in office to make a more immorally comfortable hog wallow for-themselves.

Fast Upgrades in A.I. Tech

A.I. is improving and applied quickly. AI is moving toward super-intelligence. Its use in flying small, silent drones with claymore mines to...