
Considering Time and Space

Time in effect, doesn't exist. Mass and space exist, and of course many doubt that nothingness, aka empty space does. One must measure the change of a physical system with physical tools, and one may construct physical-even atomic clocks. Nothing in a physical system exists apart from the system to measure the rate of change of the system with. Local rates of change are observable to sentient beings. 

Massless particles don’t experience time because they haven’t mass. That may be a condition that exists because articles like photons are expressions at a point of waves of an electro-magnetic field. Massless particles pick up a third dimension in the Higgs field. Maybe that is a recombinant effect of two-dimension massless particles receiving the donation of a third dimensions via the Higgs field’s dimensional status. (I don’t know). One could compare it to massless flies entering the Higgs field soup transformed into croutons. One might wonder how many dimensions the Higgs field has in-itself. 

What is regarded as time is a human awareness of material change. Mass changes for and location and that is what is observed by humans. When mass changes at a regular rate and order the observation of that is considered to be time. People tend to think of time as independent and occurring for-itself regardless of mass, yet it isn’t. As the observer changes the position of his own mass. Perhaps being accellerated to a substantial percent of the speed of nearly massless photons his experience and basis of time is different than that of a stationary compatriot from his initial starting position. The experience of the passage of time is relative to speed and acceleration, in other words, to the status of mass.

If the entire Universe or mass is where time is embedded phenomenally, it is plain enough that the experience of the status, speed and configuration mass locally has its own relative time and configuration. It is comparable to the three-body problem of three spheres in space. If there were just two spheres in space and one was moving away it wouldn’t actually be possible to determine which one was moving away. With a third sphere, and with two stationary one might decide that one is moving away from the other two. The point of view is relative. With an infinity or whatever of particles of mass complicating the relationship of time calculations in existence the ‘time’ of mass still is found in the mass itself and nowhere else. One has the additional problem of anti-matter and its own time configurations and relativity for-itself and for-mass.


Misallocation of Resources in Developing Economies Like India and China

 I read of the history of the Soviet Union in a college course. In my opinion Marxism-Leninism was a revolutionary philosophy best suited for revolting against royalty and rich oppressors. it was rather historically backward looking at least to Americans for they had revolted against aristocracy a century and a half before the Bolsheviks and without socialism. Is socialism or Marxism relevant to India today? Can axiology of the political economy and fiscal policy of the west be upgraded to include ecospheric sustainability?

India also needed to revolt against royalty and an oppressive foreign class transformation of the Chinese economy from communism to a market basis since 1978. One salient fact mentioned was that the U.S.A. has the least misallocation of resources compared to China finishing second and India third. India does have an official mention that it is a socialist state in the constitution, and unfortunately, Time has shown that state owned enterprises tend to be very inefficient.

The primary sector is the least productive per worker output-agriculture and of course India has less industrialization that China. India has structural reforms they need go through and perhaps they can find a way to accomplish industrialization even as the artificial intelligence and robot revolutions take over much of industrialization for India.

Socialism was based on economics that are quite obsolete with modern technology. China has shown the inefficiency of communal farms comparatively and took a somewhat different course to market economics with its different history position and challenges yet it obviously is getting there. New adaptations of political economy that has a good basic income fo all citizens as a social insurance policy probably will have an effect of increasing individual efficiency when robots and AI take over many jobs. At some point ahead economics may be an easier part of human culture and capital will be minimally sufficient for everyone to live, invent and create. If everyone was invested in the stock market would that make a socialist society? Economists probably concern themselves with allocating resources in the most efficient way possible to increase the productivity of a society, and that way isn’t socialism.


Beating the High Cost of U.S. Patent Applications; File in China?

 U.S. Patent registration may cost between  and $20,000 preventing many ordinary people from filing a patent application for an invention. Apparently a patent in China is far less costly- perhaps $150 to a few hundred dollars for a substantial examination, and foreigners need hire a Chinese patent agent to file for the- and there are quite a few to be found with Google search.

Since has has more than double the number of patent inventions than the U.S.A. annually I wonder if the exorbitant cost of U.S. patents is a art of the fight of American patent applicants to China via the internet? Since China is the manufacturing center of the world it might make it easier to go from patent registrations in China to manufacture in China anyway.



Fall of the Western Roman Empire Trivia

 I believe Russell's historical analysis was way off. Constantine's victory over Maxentius at the battle of the Milvian Bridge in 312 brought about the rise of Constantinople and the Eastern Empire that ended just about 700 years ago more or less. The west had other problems- mostly bad leaders and disintegration of the western branch as other forces rose. I am not sure that it is fair to say that the west in 622 a.d. was civilized and the Muslims, barbarians. In my opinion the savagery of the west couldn't be surpassed by the savagery of the south. The disintegration of the western Roman Empire was the fertilizer for the rise of the new western nations that were Christian leading to modern Europe.

Ethics' Foundation Needn't Be Inferred from the Higgs Field

Hume's is/ought problem of an inability to translate descriptive into prescriptive statements wasn't terribly interesting to me when first I read it some decades ago. The thought experience/reality-for-itself gap is meaningful obviously, yet there is a pragmatic reality-social reality and common experience of objective reality that enables practical communication and generation of ethical structures. One probably would discover wonderful ethical systems if one could directly apprehend in thought for cogitation quarks, bosons or other fermions and even the Higgs Field itself. Instead people construct their own ideal ethical systems or is/ought solutions within the world of common interpretation of nature and social reality.


I wouldn’t claim that Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill solved the Is/Ought problem with the invention of utilitarianism, yet it did move the context for inducting ethical systems and Is/Ought solutions from natural law to one of social reality. I believe people make categorical errors in requiring validation of ethical and epistemological systems constructions by reduction of either/or to a common, most fundamental grounding of epistemology and metaphysics in one substance.

One assumes there is a kind of duality between mind/experience and nature. Nature at the quantum and cosmological levels are rather enigmatic in several regards and human knowledge of them contingent and subjective. That’s O.K. though; not even Christians basing their faith in God and Divine command theory require that their ethics be based in something like Cicero’s Natural Law or in being one with the Higgs Field content in which people have an opinion they swim in. Like communications and language ethics and constructions of all sorts evolving from descriptions to prescriptions the paradigm or criterion of circumstance is the world humanity lives on. What works in practices may differ from abstract understanding of quantum phenomena and epistemology.

Trump-Zelensky Cease-Fire Deal is a Way to Extend the War

 President Trump seems as if he is moving closer toward the Von Biden point of view of the Ukraine conflict. That is he has made a cease-fire proposal entirely advantageous to Ukraine. It would give Ukraine 30 days to receive new military equipment and cash from the U.S.A. and stop Russia from continuing its advance to recover lost land lost in Ukraine in the Clinton carpet-bagging regimen.

In order to stop the war firm border lines need to be drawn, sanctions ended and a demilitarization of Ukraine need evolve. With those conditions established and agreed upon by the principle parties a cease-fire could be applied and the peace treaty actualized.

Common sense was President Trump’s approach to global economics in regard to Ukraine. Unless the peace treaty is produced within a few months further harm to the global trading position of the United States may occur.  The U.S.A. is already number two in world trade exports; its share may drop further minimizing markets abroad while China's exports increase favorably. Germany signed new agreements with China and several European nations have signed new agreements with several South American nations. Meanwhile U.S. leadership is discovering new ways to make an enemy of Russian and serve as Europe's militaire attardé.


President Putin may have his own ideas about what conditions need exist for a peace treaty. A cease-fire without a peace treaty is a way for the losing party in a boxing match to get out of a round where he is taking a beating to recover and strategize for the next round. In other words it can be a tool for protracting a war.


Perhaps President Trump has a plan B that he will give to the Russians after they reject the cease-fire agreement. Sometimes it is challenging to discern what is political perfidy and what is part of a negotiating tactic. Observers like to get to the real content sooner rather than later.


Determinism, Teleology and Cosmology

 Plainly one may present numerous paradigms for deterministic systems without teleology. There is no necessary relation between a deterministic system and purpose of the system (or is there). Do some believe that a deterministic system must necessarily have a purpose and that from a Creator of the system? It is possible to imagine a computer program as an entirely deterministic system itself that generates deterministic algorithmic programs as sets that have no purpose, obviously.

Given a finite set of construction components there may be a necessity of a determined number of configurations of a system with an initial set. Someone mentioned constructing a square with just three lines. With three lines one may build a triangle in a certain configuration that when viewed seems like it is a square, without being one. With the alphabet one can’t construct hieroglyphs or build an automobile with raspberry jello.

Deterministic systems may certainly exist. The question people with antipathetic positions toward faith might have that they cannot exist is absurd. The effort is to deny that the entire Universe is pre-determined, and that it freely evolves without constraints or limits in it’s course of evolution. It does appear that at least parts of it’s fate is predetermined. Stars have a limited life span of several billion years more or less, the entire initial endowment of mass that is apparently finite will reduce with entropy to either a cold dead condition near absolute zero or be recollected with gravity to a singularity. In either case the temperature might have a phase change to absolute high temperature.

There may be an argument that a predetermined fate of the Universe is not known by humans yet that doesn’t make it so. The fate of the entire Universe is already set; nothing people or other sentient beings living in it can change that.

Of course some might regard the Higgs field entanglement of two-dimensional massless particles given the appearance of three dimensions occurring in space-time as indicative of an unlimited source of Universes and other structures that happen rather like a dream generated by a bubble maker, and those could be regarded as non-determined. Yet of course once they are brought into being they became determined with a set future. The phrase ‘the die is cast’ encapsulates the notion.

Free will may coexist within determinism. Life is a complex phenomenon physically and there is a vast degree of uncertainty regarding physics. It does seem plain that deterministic elements exist and that degrees of freedom exist while the entire Universe phenomenon may itself be determined since its foundation. One doesn’t have answers to the questions about the structure of the Universe or Multiverse that are exhaustive. Christians at least have faith in a Creator.


If a program is written to generate whole numbers it is determined to produce while numbers; that is it will not generate the collected works of Shakespeare with annotations, loaves of bread or reasons not to elect Pamela Harris.

It seems wrong to use Norbert Weiner’s work as a strong advocate for necessary nondeterminism. A Google search asking if N.W. supported indeterminism generated this response; “While not definitively stating a belief in or against strict determinism, Norbert Wiener's ideas in cybernetics suggest a view that emphasized predictability within systems, leaning towards a deterministic framework for understanding complex systems like human brains and cultures, rather than strict, unfettered freedom”.

I appreciate the gulf in communication between word and object. The idea that ideas may not be expressed with deterministic exactitude since words are descriptions of observations an dare- approximate descriptions of experience. It is the purpose of words  that concern, and one is venturing into linguistic and analytic philosophical claiming that all knowledge is non-deterministic and physics is non-sense as well. It is a metaphysical inference to extrapolate from human epistemology to the nature and constructions of what humans experience. Utilizing analytic philosophy for the purpose of arguing pro or con determinism is at best a fraction of the right parameters required for inducting some sort of an accurate response to the challenges of the inquiry. Human epistemological uncertainty doesn't mean the Universe itself is nondeterministic. Perhaps one can say that humans may know that they know nothing after jettisoning pragmatism.  ‘What is wisdom to man is foolishness to God.’

Incompleteness theorems don’t equate to non-determinism for the given (Universe for-itself). Humans are elements of pluralism in a monism that IS.

That is the nature of the experience of what is regarded as an entangled field of two-dimensional massless particles that pick up a virtual third dimension in the field. It is the world people exist in though, so that contingent experience is assigned as being real. One need only be poor, freezing or starving, very sick etc to know that one need treat the world as reality.


Morality and Value Systems

Axiology has a plethora of products. Yet if morality describes what people actually do regarding behavioral norms, wicked behavior counts as much as ideal systems designed by philosophers. The first civilization mentioned in Genesis was destroyed for the wicked ways of the people. Humans had pretty bad morals 10 or 20 thousand years ago. A non-battle site at a village excavated in the Middle East found that about 80% of the people had died from crushed skulls. Police weren't about for a few thousand years.

God is a light in the darkness for humanity. The God of Abraham and His Son Jesus Christ have reached a billion people with the word and some element of faith at least nominally, yet it would be an over reach to say that human morality is primarily based on divine inspiration. It may be so that the world’s major religions have shaped at least nominally the majority of the systems of 8 billion living people. I don’t believe there is any sort of pro forma adherence to the morality of major religious systems that govern day to day life of a majority though, as if they were strict Jews in the Temple era before God with the Lord brought a new covenant as promised.

The sort of morality people of the west have today probably has a fiscal basis reflecting permissible behavior in regard to a political economy rather than Christian ethics or perhaps those of some other religious system.

Secular humanism’s practical focus isn’t much different from the humanism that even Christians have accepted. I attended one theology school where there seemed to be agreement that asceticism isn’t popular today. I suppose most commercial Christians sleep on mattresses and take baths instead of sleeping on the ground and get a shower every few months. They probably use worldly medical care generally. It didn’t seem like Jesus would eschew common goods; it’s just the value one fixes them with that matter. If one focuses on God and His will the Lord said He would provide. He mentioned that a human is worth many sparrows, and sparrows are provided for. https://www.udio.com/songs/wKdkBuPCwuTayHZ8RWiBtp


When Scientists Attack Christianity

 Everyone is learning. Honest inquires aren’t stupid. Science means knowledge. Materials science has a lot of investments and is monetarily rewarding and protected and defended like any vested business. It is those scientists and minions, that full of themselves, venture unscientific opinions or crackpot opinions regarding philosophical and spiritual affairs beyond their ken. Some scientists have the problem of being experts in one field they feel themselves authorities to extend their beneficence over all realms, making themselves seem like arrogant idiots.


I like science a lot having grown up in an era where Linus Pauling, Albert Einstein, Watson and Crick et al were making ground breaking discoveries routinely and/or their ideas like special and general relativity were being popularized. Yet the anti-Christian crowd of the post-deconstruction era have poisoned the atmosphere of the public toward a Godless lifestyle they hold dear. There is no question that they have created a civil divide that is lasting.

Scientific knowledge is itself challenging to keep up with. New expensive hardware brings new insights and opportunities to test theories. I like cosmology and computer science and have little time for biology. Long ago I was quite interested in it and all fields reading such scientific publications that were easily available in libraries and over the counter like Scientific American (before it was bought by the Dutch). I watched Attenborough’s Life in Earth series when it was new in the early 80s yet by then I had learned of evolution at least 20 years before. I am also Christian and learned a lot about Biblical composition and history. Philosophical history and linguistic, analytic philosophy and logic reading let me more readily understand how the indeterminacy of translation applies in all fields. W.V.O. Quine left a book that was a series of Tarner Lectures named ‘Ontological Relativity’ wherein he explained that different ontology exists for various languages and fields each with their own unique and untranslatable lexicon. Knowing that word means have different values in different lexicon or a different ontology as a set of meanings, concepts and ideas lets one assemble meanings from the Bible better. Even deictic references such as occur with Urartu/Ararat, geology and the prehistorical researches and discoveries supporting the Bible and prehistorical and early human settlements such as the 10th millennium B.C. Gobeki Tepe in Anatolia may be combined with historical climate change for increased understanding.

It is quantum mechanics today that lets one better understand the nature of reality. It is a paradoxical key to enter the realm of uncertainty and a Higgs Field entangling massless two-dimensional wave fluctuation that observed appear as particles. Philosophical considerations of the nature of mind and object, as well as language reveal that physicalism also known as materialism or matter is founded almost upon nothing with a very mysterious foundation premise of a field made of the unknowable presently without time except within itself as it is manifest. Time is then a relative condition of location in the space-time field.

Nothing is stupid except to make assertions about noumenon or operative noumena (i.e. extra-terrestrials cannot exist in this Universe) that cannot be supported. That applies to atheist assertions regarding God. Christians know what they believe and why. It is a faith after all and one that all the scientists that fit on the metaphorical head of a pin in a star trek transporter room when shrunk and on the way to some place beyond the Universe because it has no distance scale when not enmeshed in it, could controvert.


Poland Wants its Own Nukes to Attack Russia as Needed

 European leaders are swelling up to rearm better than ever in their history. That generally leads to general wars. The dynamics of power lead imbecilic leaders to bring the world to ruin in their quest for glory, promotion of fear in the populace aided and abetted by a supportive media. Russia of course is the perceptible threat enabling European rearmament to an unprecedented scale. Poland with nuclear weapons- imagine that.


That raises the question of what if at some point when Russia has achieved its reconquista of enough historically Russian owned land in Ukraine that was given to western puppets by Western leadership carpet-baggers at the end of the Cold War 1.0 when the reemerging Russia was weak as a kitten militarily and the west under Bill Clinton had irrational exuberance; what if the Russian stop their advance, declare victory and dig in defensively to defend their position? Would or could European war mongers accept that position and quit their extreme military build up?


Building more nuclear weapons and larger armies to increase international safety appears suspiciously like a retarded idiot savant President’s idea about security gained from reading a history book in elementary school thirty years ago that was written 70 years ago.

Since European leaders of the far west tend toward support of war on Russia until all an apropos belligerent attitude demanding the return of war with Russia until all Russian held or annexed areas are restored to the comedian–in-chief’s control, doesn’t that mean that a gradual upgrade to World War Three is inevitable and unavoidable? Wouldn’t it be cheaper and less time consuming to simply roll out the weapons of mass destruction presently since I for one hate suspense and even suspense movies?


Maybe they are hoping for a miraculous intervention to roll back Russia to borders acceptable to Europeans desirous of all of Ukraine. Maybe they have not an inkling of such a thing and believe they can frighten Russia to into retreat, or alternatively that Russia will just battle with conventional weapons soldiers foregoing nukes, chemical and biological weapons because of retaliation by Poland, France and England? At least they would be lft with nuclear weapons after their glorious victory over Russia and have a credible deterrent to possible German or Russian aggression in the future.

One Global Government is a Dystopian Dream of Dictators

Nationalism is a reflection of politics at a local level enabling self-determination and democracy. People have fought quite hard to be free...