President Obama's desire to spend another 50 billion dollars on roads, rail and runways seems like a Chicago machine politics kickback of times past to support local projects. Boeing headquartered in Chicago needs runways there are lots of asphalt roads and of course railroads also exist. These are stale areas to invest in, and puzzling.
The rest of the President's 350 billion dollar economic crap shoot seems to be less bad and has more potential to be of use for non-corporate business in the U.S.A.
The present U.S. national debt is 13.28 trillion dollars. It is scheduled to rise to 18.4 trillion dollars by the year 2014. That is bad news. Interest must be paid on those trillions that cannot be used for services to the poor, a moon research base or tax cuts for the poor (poor self-employed people must pay 10% tax even if there is no work--owing from the year before).
President Obama suggests not to worry about the added debt or how to pay for it. On Demo talk radio this morning a host was saying that the nation's budget can easily stand another trillion or two of debt and that foreigners buying T-bills at less than 4% interest are not concerned about the debt---that all seems like traditionally spoilt and profligate economic management.
Deep national debt is an invariable evil and the consequence of bad and corrupt political-economic leadership. If the house of the nation collapses around them in flames eventually, I suppose they can stoically endure that with post-modernist detachment--even if it gets worse.
It is the poor that will suffer from the bi-partisan perfidy of Democratic and Republican administrations.They will have no competent health care, they will be homeless and live in the penury of poverty without books, privacy, high speed internet access or the opportunity to date and invent birthing of new technologies locally owned.
The Democrats blame the Republicans for the economic mess. Yet the structuring of the mortgage and finance crisis was pervasively that of President Clinton who signed off on things like the repeal of Glass-Steagle. President Clinton structured a rotten economic profit talking flam economy in the 90's that made the nation a leaky economic bucket.
When banks are fundamentally unreliable where can an ordinary individual put their money for safekeeping and a modest rate of return of interest? The Clinton administration made banks and Wall Street bunk establishments through a variety of means. President Obama has brought back that Larry Summers school of bunk profit taking to set up another round of disasters.
Of course we know that President Bush II was unconcerned about the federal deficit in his headlong rush to enrich the military industrial complex with badly thought out foreign protracted engagements in conflict areas. A smart President like Ronald Reagan who seemed to understand human affairs a little better than subsequent Presidents who not have lost trillions to pursue Al Qa'eda, but would have kicked them anyway.
In Pakistan Al Qa'eda seems to be enjoying a second life post 9-11 in the terror underground while a new generation of terrorists under their loose leadership can enact winning tactics to trim U.S. interests. The Republicans gave President Clinton good advice inn saying he should fire his economic team--he should, and replace it with more innovative and competent ecological economic innovators determined to balance the federal budget, close up the leaky Mexican border and invest in projects that create U.S. national economic advantage with new technology infrastructure. The Presidential plan to invest in century old infrastructure was a union-corporatism venture. Highways support foreign made automobile industries...I would like for auto makers, airlines and railroads to pay for their own lines to run on or land on. When the people pay for them that is a foundation for corporatism. Corporatism is a global phenomenon today and extracts cash from the United States.
The other problem with the President’s immediate economic approaches is his reliance on making the middle class a wheedling opponent of the rich. If the medical plan he forced on the nation had been set aside until after a National Health Service for the poor was created many of the problems the middle class experience would have faded away. When the poor are left hanging twisting slowly in the wind in the U.S.A. problems will inevitably arise for the middle class. The rich are no more a friend of the middle class than they are of the poor.
American issues of Christianity, cosmology, politics, ecosphere, philosophy, contemporary history etc
Inflaton vs Cyclical Membrane vs All Other Cosmological Theories
This is an interesting time in cosmological theory development. String theory is undermining the standard quantum models of physics by tunneling below the known present math. Infinitesimally small string segments wrapping themselves into all kinds of knots, twists and shapes in six or seven extra tiny dimensions are considered to form the regular particles, quarks, electrons and such of the quantum mechanical world. Where these strings originated from, how they were individually cut into little pieces or why they have standardized lengths isn't certain to me--I'll need to wait until 'String Theory Made Simple' is published.
The WMAP survey of the state of the Universe's light and radiation when it was just 380,000 years of age vs. the present 13.7 billion years is being studied for a variety of things such as patterns made by gravity waves and so forth. Instead of a big bang and inflation from a small point a rival theory based on string theory has two vast membranes colliding with points of contact generating matter. That ten dimensional membrane universe pair recycles every trillion years attracting and expanding.
The recycling Universe of bound membranes of Turok and Steinhardt could occur in a variety of forms too numerous to mention here. I see no reason why just one membrane might not have existed with vibrations spoken in to it. Tests for the presence of early universe gravity waves might confirm or deny the inflation theory.
Stephen Hawking had developed a quantum uncertainty based agitating vacuum theory where time would be created gradually as mass and dimensions flip-flopped on its axis at some vague point within the first second of the universe. If one can vague up the starting vertex of time, or if time and space are created from nothing besides scrimped up virtual particles plentiful enough in the emptiness of pre-space to let a modest universe form then it is fair enough to say that the universe could arise from nothing.
There exist those skeptics that would automatically say that God created the nothing before the Universe existed too, and that besides nothing isn't what we think it is, and it doesn't have a necessary existence either. It is possible that something other than nothing exists before the vacuum and space-time were issued.
Turok and Steinhardt seemed to dislike the multiverse theory generated with an anthropic principle necessity to explain the fine-tuning of constants that support the existence of life inn this Universe. It seems unscientific to just make up a zillion universes to account for this one as just a mediocre, inevitable naturally selected one...eventually one suitable for life had to come into being amidst the trillions that aren't and we just happen to be the lucky winners of this excellent universe with silly, wasteful anti-ecological economic habitat destroying political leaders in it.
Its good that conservative two-membrane banging theorists of the eternal recurrence perhaps with variations are in opposition to the radical multiverse theorists that postulate bubble-branes and inflatons forming in all possible forms like a perpetual tree of life or at least tree of life potentially supporting structure universes. Those universes that haven't life in them, like the fig tree that Jesus encountered that had no fruit, are cursed and wither away with no one in them to experience the and sunsets.
Obviously there are a trillion zillion angles to interpret regarding potential forms of a universe. It is a fashion to reduce these things to categories such as to include all possibilities in the abstract. I will try that now;
1) All Universes have a time before which they had no time
2) All Universes end in time or eternally recur
3) All universes have either a begging endowment of space or and end of space
4) All present physical theories of the Universe may be wrong
5) Space may be a temporal illusion, and only solid material exists with protocols of encounter creating the appearance of intervals and gaps
6) Gravity may be a phenomenon of quantum probability selections en mass instead of a particle
7) All mass-energy may actually be spirit
8) Anything else not covered is covered by this
9) Go to # 1
If life on Earth that could leave fossils emerged 550 million years ago, then it is plain enough that was on the sixth day (if a day equals a billion years) when god then rested and let nature take its course. In a similar scalar extrapolation the Universe is believed to have been dominated by radiation followed by matter for the first 5.5 billion years of its existence. God worked all that matter for what amounts to six days of a billion years each give or take a few. God then let dark energy takeover and push the matter to the right intervals the last seven billion years as matter contracted under statistical quantum probability entanglement (gravity).
It seems as if a scalar field invariant time of God working for 5.5. days occurred with the work being completed by noon. Working a half-day on Saturday is really a good example. I would be inclined to take the day off and play chess or go fishing and stay off the decadent golf courses corrupting the working determination of contemporary Americans.
So much for this brief review of the variegated field of cosmology today. I haven't mentioned the holographic universe is a computer, or an intelligent computer for obvious reason-in the beginning there were no power outlets made to plug in to.
On the face of the waters (hydrogen or a Higgs Field, or a limitless something or nothingness pre-existing the material forms) the Spirit moved and the spoken word let light exist. While theorists believe that light emerged from chaotic scattering of primordial hot plasma at the 380,000 years time threshold from initial phase transition, the symbolic emergence of light from the three scalar field invariant number is interesting for-itself.
The WMAP survey of the state of the Universe's light and radiation when it was just 380,000 years of age vs. the present 13.7 billion years is being studied for a variety of things such as patterns made by gravity waves and so forth. Instead of a big bang and inflation from a small point a rival theory based on string theory has two vast membranes colliding with points of contact generating matter. That ten dimensional membrane universe pair recycles every trillion years attracting and expanding.
The recycling Universe of bound membranes of Turok and Steinhardt could occur in a variety of forms too numerous to mention here. I see no reason why just one membrane might not have existed with vibrations spoken in to it. Tests for the presence of early universe gravity waves might confirm or deny the inflation theory.
Stephen Hawking had developed a quantum uncertainty based agitating vacuum theory where time would be created gradually as mass and dimensions flip-flopped on its axis at some vague point within the first second of the universe. If one can vague up the starting vertex of time, or if time and space are created from nothing besides scrimped up virtual particles plentiful enough in the emptiness of pre-space to let a modest universe form then it is fair enough to say that the universe could arise from nothing.
There exist those skeptics that would automatically say that God created the nothing before the Universe existed too, and that besides nothing isn't what we think it is, and it doesn't have a necessary existence either. It is possible that something other than nothing exists before the vacuum and space-time were issued.
Turok and Steinhardt seemed to dislike the multiverse theory generated with an anthropic principle necessity to explain the fine-tuning of constants that support the existence of life inn this Universe. It seems unscientific to just make up a zillion universes to account for this one as just a mediocre, inevitable naturally selected one...eventually one suitable for life had to come into being amidst the trillions that aren't and we just happen to be the lucky winners of this excellent universe with silly, wasteful anti-ecological economic habitat destroying political leaders in it.
Its good that conservative two-membrane banging theorists of the eternal recurrence perhaps with variations are in opposition to the radical multiverse theorists that postulate bubble-branes and inflatons forming in all possible forms like a perpetual tree of life or at least tree of life potentially supporting structure universes. Those universes that haven't life in them, like the fig tree that Jesus encountered that had no fruit, are cursed and wither away with no one in them to experience the and sunsets.
Obviously there are a trillion zillion angles to interpret regarding potential forms of a universe. It is a fashion to reduce these things to categories such as to include all possibilities in the abstract. I will try that now;
1) All Universes have a time before which they had no time
2) All Universes end in time or eternally recur
3) All universes have either a begging endowment of space or and end of space
4) All present physical theories of the Universe may be wrong
5) Space may be a temporal illusion, and only solid material exists with protocols of encounter creating the appearance of intervals and gaps
6) Gravity may be a phenomenon of quantum probability selections en mass instead of a particle
7) All mass-energy may actually be spirit
8) Anything else not covered is covered by this
9) Go to # 1
If life on Earth that could leave fossils emerged 550 million years ago, then it is plain enough that was on the sixth day (if a day equals a billion years) when god then rested and let nature take its course. In a similar scalar extrapolation the Universe is believed to have been dominated by radiation followed by matter for the first 5.5 billion years of its existence. God worked all that matter for what amounts to six days of a billion years each give or take a few. God then let dark energy takeover and push the matter to the right intervals the last seven billion years as matter contracted under statistical quantum probability entanglement (gravity).
It seems as if a scalar field invariant time of God working for 5.5. days occurred with the work being completed by noon. Working a half-day on Saturday is really a good example. I would be inclined to take the day off and play chess or go fishing and stay off the decadent golf courses corrupting the working determination of contemporary Americans.
So much for this brief review of the variegated field of cosmology today. I haven't mentioned the holographic universe is a computer, or an intelligent computer for obvious reason-in the beginning there were no power outlets made to plug in to.
On the face of the waters (hydrogen or a Higgs Field, or a limitless something or nothingness pre-existing the material forms) the Spirit moved and the spoken word let light exist. While theorists believe that light emerged from chaotic scattering of primordial hot plasma at the 380,000 years time threshold from initial phase transition, the symbolic emergence of light from the three scalar field invariant number is interesting for-itself.
Ideas for Afghanistan
Never having been to Afghanistan in is difficult to make suggestion about how to improve U.S. Government policy implementation and design for that troubled vortex of challenges. Reading 'Afghanistan; The Graveyard of Civilizations' I have thought of a few things that might make for a better development of the region, though these are just superficially generated ideas.
If half of the people of that nation can't afford food, then occasionally distribute some lightweight packaged food as random acts of kindness. Beef jerkey is good food, and how many vitamins would a million or a billion bucks buy?
2nd, Afghanistan has a perennial water shortage problem that helps cause the food problem. This could be a larger problem to solve as a project. Afghanistan must have a lot of wind so make a few wind farm projects. Then draw saltwater into a pipeline and desalinate it in Afghanistan using the wind power to power the pumps. If some of the water was taken over the hill and released toward the Aral Sea it would require less energy to pump it uphill.
The excess salt or sodium crystals might be researched for a building material. Perhaps if something is added to salt one might be able to make a more lasting crystalline building material of it. If one had a liquid crystal building material that could be poured ike concreate and harden clear that would be a mice way to use the excess salt letover fromdesalinating water for Agriculture.
Yet there are said to be six regions in Afghanistan geographically that are somewaht isolated. That feature might be accentutated as a positive element in de frapping the terrorist traits of attacking centralization. Switzerland's cantons of yore might be a model for regional, independent political development in Afghanistan perhaps with a federated symbolic government. Political corruption might be decreased by limiting its pervasive federal powers of networking.
Plainly the U.S. military hasn't got an ecological economics innovating war nation rebuilding division of intellectual economic engineers on active duty today. Just going about the Afghan problem with the traditional military approaches that lead eventually to a dysfunctional social economy may be convenient for present federal planners yet it requires ongoing borrowing of money and dumping of debt on the United States. We hope for a more intelligent Federal approach to transforming the Afghanistan economy than the purely behavioral conditioning approach.
In some regards elements of the Bostonian-San Francisco political left are a kind of American Anti-Taliban with an Al Qa'eda like goal of getting their fingers in everyone's pie and remaking the world in their own image. They are an atheist Talibani image of the beast making team of course, yet some of their essential political parameters are the same and of course they are happy to apply extreme economic pressures on those unwilling to give up political resistance to their hostile takeover. Such political policy tends to be volatile and stimulate political responses of adverse natures. Meanwhile the moon development program is unfunded and the poor of the U.S. remain poor without hope of good jobs or even moderate earnings for a human standard of living.
If half of the people of that nation can't afford food, then occasionally distribute some lightweight packaged food as random acts of kindness. Beef jerkey is good food, and how many vitamins would a million or a billion bucks buy?
2nd, Afghanistan has a perennial water shortage problem that helps cause the food problem. This could be a larger problem to solve as a project. Afghanistan must have a lot of wind so make a few wind farm projects. Then draw saltwater into a pipeline and desalinate it in Afghanistan using the wind power to power the pumps. If some of the water was taken over the hill and released toward the Aral Sea it would require less energy to pump it uphill.
The excess salt or sodium crystals might be researched for a building material. Perhaps if something is added to salt one might be able to make a more lasting crystalline building material of it. If one had a liquid crystal building material that could be poured ike concreate and harden clear that would be a mice way to use the excess salt letover fromdesalinating water for Agriculture.
Yet there are said to be six regions in Afghanistan geographically that are somewaht isolated. That feature might be accentutated as a positive element in de frapping the terrorist traits of attacking centralization. Switzerland's cantons of yore might be a model for regional, independent political development in Afghanistan perhaps with a federated symbolic government. Political corruption might be decreased by limiting its pervasive federal powers of networking.
Plainly the U.S. military hasn't got an ecological economics innovating war nation rebuilding division of intellectual economic engineers on active duty today. Just going about the Afghan problem with the traditional military approaches that lead eventually to a dysfunctional social economy may be convenient for present federal planners yet it requires ongoing borrowing of money and dumping of debt on the United States. We hope for a more intelligent Federal approach to transforming the Afghanistan economy than the purely behavioral conditioning approach.
In some regards elements of the Bostonian-San Francisco political left are a kind of American Anti-Taliban with an Al Qa'eda like goal of getting their fingers in everyone's pie and remaking the world in their own image. They are an atheist Talibani image of the beast making team of course, yet some of their essential political parameters are the same and of course they are happy to apply extreme economic pressures on those unwilling to give up political resistance to their hostile takeover. Such political policy tends to be volatile and stimulate political responses of adverse natures. Meanwhile the moon development program is unfunded and the poor of the U.S. remain poor without hope of good jobs or even moderate earnings for a human standard of living.
President Obama Declares Afghanistan Offensive With Iraq Comabt Ops Over
I am happy enough that the President followed up on President Bush's plan to wrap of Iraq combat operations yet would have preferred that he sound less Napoleonic on the Afghanistan thing. It is the right of Presidents to declare offensive of course even if 9-11 was nine years ago and the government of Afghanistan of that day deposed within a year, there might still be individuals and groups to offend in Afghanistan that we have not.
President Reagan cared about America more than about foreign nations perhaps on the financial axis. His trickle down theory was largely nationalist--he did not try to foist a globalist trickle down theory on Americans with a claim that investments in Afghanistan or the Congo would trickle down to the unemployed in Anchorage with slow library internet speed and no business district free wifi. Quantum entanglement in economic improvement at a distance simultaneous with ecological recovery hasn't yet been proven although string theory may have made its way unto the financial planning of the U.S. Government.
I have recently read a history of Iran and will start up Isby's 2010 history named 'Afghanistan-Graveyard of Empires'. My opinion is that the U.S. government does not sufficiently appreciate the opportunity cost of protracted foreign garrisoning of belligerent areas and that more effectively, less costly and better planning is set aside along with the moon development program as 'pie in the sky'.
Over time the indomitability of Afghan tribesmen will reassert itself through assassinations, terrorism, cross border alliances and raids and so forth as it generally has a couple thousand years. Iran is in the same boat and has occasionally been ruled by the Afghan tribes on the high plateau-perhaps that will recur. History is an odd, recurrent thing with weird cycles and surges. A protracted American investment in Afghanistan must inevitably be harmful to the prospects of ordinary Americans economically as the named for the Shi'a grandson of Muhammad President of the United States takes it to the Sunni Taliban affiliated people of Afghanistan.
The Congress should have put a limit on the Presidential foreign nation-rebuilding cum war ventures annually at 40 billion dollars in order to compel a higher degree of intelligent thought and to restrain the harm to the economic, ecological and economic security of the people of the United States. Fundamentally, the President is pursuing a Bush III splurge for the military industrial complex.
President Reagan cared about America more than about foreign nations perhaps on the financial axis. His trickle down theory was largely nationalist--he did not try to foist a globalist trickle down theory on Americans with a claim that investments in Afghanistan or the Congo would trickle down to the unemployed in Anchorage with slow library internet speed and no business district free wifi. Quantum entanglement in economic improvement at a distance simultaneous with ecological recovery hasn't yet been proven although string theory may have made its way unto the financial planning of the U.S. Government.
I have recently read a history of Iran and will start up Isby's 2010 history named 'Afghanistan-Graveyard of Empires'. My opinion is that the U.S. government does not sufficiently appreciate the opportunity cost of protracted foreign garrisoning of belligerent areas and that more effectively, less costly and better planning is set aside along with the moon development program as 'pie in the sky'.
Over time the indomitability of Afghan tribesmen will reassert itself through assassinations, terrorism, cross border alliances and raids and so forth as it generally has a couple thousand years. Iran is in the same boat and has occasionally been ruled by the Afghan tribes on the high plateau-perhaps that will recur. History is an odd, recurrent thing with weird cycles and surges. A protracted American investment in Afghanistan must inevitably be harmful to the prospects of ordinary Americans economically as the named for the Shi'a grandson of Muhammad President of the United States takes it to the Sunni Taliban affiliated people of Afghanistan.
The Congress should have put a limit on the Presidential foreign nation-rebuilding cum war ventures annually at 40 billion dollars in order to compel a higher degree of intelligent thought and to restrain the harm to the economic, ecological and economic security of the people of the United States. Fundamentally, the President is pursuing a Bush III splurge for the military industrial complex.
String and Gravity Theory Musings
Reading Steinhardt and Turok's book 'Endless Universe' fundamentally on a theory of a cyclical Universe the string theory mathematical conjectures arise as an implicit aspect of their theory. From encountering Guth's inflaton theory in 1980 or so at a Harvard lecture to the same era introduction to string theory through a lecture by Witten the data to advance a post-inflation string theory of a cyclical universe was set up for a seemingly inevitable development.
At the least, after reading this book I have found a better appreciation of string theory and all those extra dimensions that rise to ten by the time one gets to M-Theory. I have an essentially different point of view on space-time than the string theorists and perhaps of cosmologists necessarily not being a scientist myself. Philosophically one may contemplate these things presented by the experts and form different ideas of the meta-criterion of the universe the physicists address.
Steinhardt's description of the six smaller dimensions as a way for strings to be wrapped up into other shapes is quite simple and useful. With basic strings forming the fundamental material that in different configurations appear as all of the other elementary particles including electrons we have a one substance sub-quantum theory of a kind. It is thought that in the highest temperature regime of the early universe when it was far less than a second old just a Higgs field existed. Of course we are not provided yet with an idea of what strings are themselves made of.
The mathematics of string theory are said to be brilliant, and the concept of investigating the ways in which quantum mechanics exist in potential configurations with extra dimensions is a necessary part of learning about the potential of reality.
The dimensions referred to in the mathematics of string theory are not given in the same way as the evident dimensions of space-time we experience as living beings. Instead the dimensions are mathematical constructions such as a multi-dimensional table or graph might have. With higher math constructions more complex shapes can be produced, and shapes that make it far easier to bridge the explanatory gaps of the quantum mechanical world and the larger world of solid state physics existing in three dimensions of space and one dimension of time (a total of four).
Though the mathematics is excellent for modeling constructions of hypothetical particle-wave constructions and relationships for-themselves, the essential philosophical assumptions of space-time may be wrong, and not by any means necessarily right.
What of space does not actually exist, but only mass and energy does exist? If mass and energy are all that exist with the appearances of space and dimensions experienced by human beings just an experience of an interpretation of the construction protocols of matter and energy it could be that the quantum mechanical models pursued with string theory would tend to be off quite a bit even if the numbers add up because of the nature of the problem.
Gravity for instance instead of being another manifestation of a concatenated string particle construction in some form could be just an apparent force created by quantum probability distribution en mass of quantum particle-waves. Galaxies might seem to drift apart with an expansion of space because of concatenated selections of quantum probability distribution making the odds tilt to the galaxy/house perhaps analogous to a small world’s network distribution.
The cyclical universe theory of reenergizing membranes leaves a lot unsaid of course--why anything should exist to start with, why it really isn't a perpetual motion machine (and what is wrong with that at the largest scale?-I haven't got the answer myself for non-thermodynamic existential universe initial endowments). We tend to like cyclical Wankel engines of explanation.
The initial chunk of mass that would allow a universe to form--it could be a membrane or two separate membranes, yet the idea of an initial chunk of mass like a tightly compact jewel with undifferentiated primordial substance that when converted to energy inflates or bangs things outward into a Universe with mass and energy, seems to be the main interest for investigation. Some theorists distribute the mass outward into a zillion zillion particles or strings that 'virtually' appear from the vacuum and later condense under statistical association and mutual attraction into a larger gravitationally-like influenced clump that eventually becomes the big chunk of stuff of which everything else is formed.
I personally like the idea of a membrane with zero dimensions (or two) that with the spoken word of God vibrates and resonates in the membrane releasing the mass into energy (let there be light) that after three days (actually three hundred thousand years) becomes photons streaming to eventually reach us red-shifted as the cosmic microwave background radiation several billion years later. The era of matter lasted from the issuance to light for near six billion years, and on the roll of the seventh billionth God rested and allowed 'dark energy to take over beginning the re-expansion of space, or as I might prefer, the alteration of whatever construction of mass-energy characteristics actually form the Universe.
At the least, after reading this book I have found a better appreciation of string theory and all those extra dimensions that rise to ten by the time one gets to M-Theory. I have an essentially different point of view on space-time than the string theorists and perhaps of cosmologists necessarily not being a scientist myself. Philosophically one may contemplate these things presented by the experts and form different ideas of the meta-criterion of the universe the physicists address.
Steinhardt's description of the six smaller dimensions as a way for strings to be wrapped up into other shapes is quite simple and useful. With basic strings forming the fundamental material that in different configurations appear as all of the other elementary particles including electrons we have a one substance sub-quantum theory of a kind. It is thought that in the highest temperature regime of the early universe when it was far less than a second old just a Higgs field existed. Of course we are not provided yet with an idea of what strings are themselves made of.
The mathematics of string theory are said to be brilliant, and the concept of investigating the ways in which quantum mechanics exist in potential configurations with extra dimensions is a necessary part of learning about the potential of reality.
The dimensions referred to in the mathematics of string theory are not given in the same way as the evident dimensions of space-time we experience as living beings. Instead the dimensions are mathematical constructions such as a multi-dimensional table or graph might have. With higher math constructions more complex shapes can be produced, and shapes that make it far easier to bridge the explanatory gaps of the quantum mechanical world and the larger world of solid state physics existing in three dimensions of space and one dimension of time (a total of four).
Though the mathematics is excellent for modeling constructions of hypothetical particle-wave constructions and relationships for-themselves, the essential philosophical assumptions of space-time may be wrong, and not by any means necessarily right.
What of space does not actually exist, but only mass and energy does exist? If mass and energy are all that exist with the appearances of space and dimensions experienced by human beings just an experience of an interpretation of the construction protocols of matter and energy it could be that the quantum mechanical models pursued with string theory would tend to be off quite a bit even if the numbers add up because of the nature of the problem.
Gravity for instance instead of being another manifestation of a concatenated string particle construction in some form could be just an apparent force created by quantum probability distribution en mass of quantum particle-waves. Galaxies might seem to drift apart with an expansion of space because of concatenated selections of quantum probability distribution making the odds tilt to the galaxy/house perhaps analogous to a small world’s network distribution.
The cyclical universe theory of reenergizing membranes leaves a lot unsaid of course--why anything should exist to start with, why it really isn't a perpetual motion machine (and what is wrong with that at the largest scale?-I haven't got the answer myself for non-thermodynamic existential universe initial endowments). We tend to like cyclical Wankel engines of explanation.
The initial chunk of mass that would allow a universe to form--it could be a membrane or two separate membranes, yet the idea of an initial chunk of mass like a tightly compact jewel with undifferentiated primordial substance that when converted to energy inflates or bangs things outward into a Universe with mass and energy, seems to be the main interest for investigation. Some theorists distribute the mass outward into a zillion zillion particles or strings that 'virtually' appear from the vacuum and later condense under statistical association and mutual attraction into a larger gravitationally-like influenced clump that eventually becomes the big chunk of stuff of which everything else is formed.
I personally like the idea of a membrane with zero dimensions (or two) that with the spoken word of God vibrates and resonates in the membrane releasing the mass into energy (let there be light) that after three days (actually three hundred thousand years) becomes photons streaming to eventually reach us red-shifted as the cosmic microwave background radiation several billion years later. The era of matter lasted from the issuance to light for near six billion years, and on the roll of the seventh billionth God rested and allowed 'dark energy to take over beginning the re-expansion of space, or as I might prefer, the alteration of whatever construction of mass-energy characteristics actually form the Universe.
President Obama and Chairman Bernanke From Opposite Ends of Chicago School of Economics?
The Chicago School of Economics is a famous one and Ben Bernanke perhaps it's most famous contemporary representative. It is thus an enigma why the Obama administration supported his reappointment to the Fed. I regard the Chicago school as an outgrowth-artifact of the mid-west organic growth historical phenomena of centralization of beef and commodity processing--it is a circumstantial theoretical basis rather than a rational one.
The Chicago school is for non-intervention by Government in macroeconomics with the belief that the market is naturally stable if government stays out. I quite disagree with that premise, although I believe that monetary policy and government intervention to moderate the general economic equilibrium will have harmful effects. Government role in economic policy should be through specific support of particular business activity and a philosophical definition of the economic interests of the nation. It should have a meta-general equilibrium point of view.
General economic equilibrium today inclusive of the business cycle is founded upon a historical rate of change that is phenomenal, and the assumption that change is implicitly good for employment and economic through-put is out of touch with reality regarding resource limitations and demographic and social facts.
Wealth is created through concatenated private acquisition of sufficient material and material resources for a good life individually while a social rise in standard of living is incidental and follows from the sum of all individual well being. Chairman Bernanke's non-interventionist approach is counter to the basic economic philosophy of the Obama administration.
Government since Adam Smith's era should have been moving toward support of basic political parameters that would enable the citizens to best develop particular given economic opportunities for resource development to increase their personal wealth and private property. Government must always be cognizant of the times and circumstances in which the people of the nation cohere and redirect the macro economic center of effort toward the given facts of the day. Such a policy is neither interventionist nor non-interventionist-it is a meta-economic management policy.
With the administration's interventionist and the Fed Head's non-interventionist approaches logically canceling out each other to a certain extent it would seem that nothing should be accomplished. The non-interventionist philosophy would allow in theory an absolute economic dictatorship of corporatists to arise if not offset by the theory that in an unregulated market the general economic equilibrium will naturally move toward utopian harmony with good things for all.
The interventionist approach might be equally as absurd with the government simply running everything through leverage upon corporatist liberty loosely enough to deny that a socialist dictatorship of elites is actualized. Blame room must be allowed so there is an opposite side to point fingers at while the comfortable remains comfortable and the poor are cheap labor.
The present economic engine of the United States is a very leaky vessel with significant holes in it such that it appears swamped or sunk. The holes must be patched to refloat it. A general equilibrium of just pumping out water filling the hull would not in itself be enough; foreign and global outsourcing of jobs, industry, capital and so forth make the center of American economic effort global. A non-interventionist policy will find the rich continuing to pursue their profits globally while doping the poor and middle class with broadcast propaganda politics explaining that the fault is in too much government or too little regulation.
Meta-general equilibrium directions should stop the inflow of cheap labor from abroad; it should restore the Glass-Steagle Act reversed in 1999 volatilizing mortgages. Private property and savings to a certain level should be supported--general equilibrium should be not sought with a constant high rate of non-renewable resource throughput with as many as possible employed in producing and consuming but instead through stability in home ownership and renewable resource use for all individuals. It is desirable that inventive change continues to occur; yet much change is intellectually and abstractly originated rather than just through field evolution such as occurs in developing new sailing components.
Government intelligent design of macro-economic policy advantages for the United States are requisite to pursue goals of full employment, prosperity and resource conservation that are in no way implicit in a non-regulated global economic paradigm. Because the natural economic boundaries of the United States are not coincident with the geographical area of the United States with modern technological capability, too avoid the treason of abnegating U.S.political interest or the equally onerous policy of exploiting nation's and peoples abroad the Federal Government must reinforce national interest boundaries through legislation and intervention of a non-monetarist kind.
Many have said that it isn't the quantity of government that is the problem, it is the quality. That is a fundamentally true though incomplete analysis. If the government simply spends money unintelligently no increase or decrease of that spending will result in an economic improvement in either the short or long run.
The Chicago school is for non-intervention by Government in macroeconomics with the belief that the market is naturally stable if government stays out. I quite disagree with that premise, although I believe that monetary policy and government intervention to moderate the general economic equilibrium will have harmful effects. Government role in economic policy should be through specific support of particular business activity and a philosophical definition of the economic interests of the nation. It should have a meta-general equilibrium point of view.
General economic equilibrium today inclusive of the business cycle is founded upon a historical rate of change that is phenomenal, and the assumption that change is implicitly good for employment and economic through-put is out of touch with reality regarding resource limitations and demographic and social facts.
Wealth is created through concatenated private acquisition of sufficient material and material resources for a good life individually while a social rise in standard of living is incidental and follows from the sum of all individual well being. Chairman Bernanke's non-interventionist approach is counter to the basic economic philosophy of the Obama administration.
Government since Adam Smith's era should have been moving toward support of basic political parameters that would enable the citizens to best develop particular given economic opportunities for resource development to increase their personal wealth and private property. Government must always be cognizant of the times and circumstances in which the people of the nation cohere and redirect the macro economic center of effort toward the given facts of the day. Such a policy is neither interventionist nor non-interventionist-it is a meta-economic management policy.
With the administration's interventionist and the Fed Head's non-interventionist approaches logically canceling out each other to a certain extent it would seem that nothing should be accomplished. The non-interventionist philosophy would allow in theory an absolute economic dictatorship of corporatists to arise if not offset by the theory that in an unregulated market the general economic equilibrium will naturally move toward utopian harmony with good things for all.
The interventionist approach might be equally as absurd with the government simply running everything through leverage upon corporatist liberty loosely enough to deny that a socialist dictatorship of elites is actualized. Blame room must be allowed so there is an opposite side to point fingers at while the comfortable remains comfortable and the poor are cheap labor.
The present economic engine of the United States is a very leaky vessel with significant holes in it such that it appears swamped or sunk. The holes must be patched to refloat it. A general equilibrium of just pumping out water filling the hull would not in itself be enough; foreign and global outsourcing of jobs, industry, capital and so forth make the center of American economic effort global. A non-interventionist policy will find the rich continuing to pursue their profits globally while doping the poor and middle class with broadcast propaganda politics explaining that the fault is in too much government or too little regulation.
Meta-general equilibrium directions should stop the inflow of cheap labor from abroad; it should restore the Glass-Steagle Act reversed in 1999 volatilizing mortgages. Private property and savings to a certain level should be supported--general equilibrium should be not sought with a constant high rate of non-renewable resource throughput with as many as possible employed in producing and consuming but instead through stability in home ownership and renewable resource use for all individuals. It is desirable that inventive change continues to occur; yet much change is intellectually and abstractly originated rather than just through field evolution such as occurs in developing new sailing components.
Government intelligent design of macro-economic policy advantages for the United States are requisite to pursue goals of full employment, prosperity and resource conservation that are in no way implicit in a non-regulated global economic paradigm. Because the natural economic boundaries of the United States are not coincident with the geographical area of the United States with modern technological capability, too avoid the treason of abnegating U.S.political interest or the equally onerous policy of exploiting nation's and peoples abroad the Federal Government must reinforce national interest boundaries through legislation and intervention of a non-monetarist kind.
Many have said that it isn't the quantity of government that is the problem, it is the quality. That is a fundamentally true though incomplete analysis. If the government simply spends money unintelligently no increase or decrease of that spending will result in an economic improvement in either the short or long run.
Sticky Fingers of the Hierarchical Priesthood
Sticky fingers of hierarchical priesthoods are a sociological fact of history. From Iran and the mullahs of the ulema to the American protestant priestly hierarchy of the airwaves giving over much support to President George W. Bush and protracted foreign wars that employed specific contractors hierarchical priesthoods have tended to advantage their own family interests and cut off any establishment of Christian social credit banks and networks in a priesthood of believers form.
The hierarchical priesthoods are the only game in town though-even the Catholic and Orthodox versions have over associated priestly hierarchies with power politics and politicians. Iran's ulema class of Mohammedan priests exercise and obvious political power--yet that is a sociological trait of priesthoods everywhere that have sought after their own power and financial security first and placed the work of Christ second.
This is not a denouncement of the hierarchical priesthoods though it may seem so--they are the only game in town. One must gather rather than scatter, and they have the ears and wallets of the flock. I simply wish to admonish them to change their ways and seek after the work of The Lord. A Temple priesthood seeking to protect their sociological position of power fundamentally crucified Jesus; to days hierarchical priesthoods have as little interest in power sharing as the Levitical priesthood of the day of our Lord.
If a Christian in America is persecuted socially he basically has nowhere to go. Christian churches are structured as adjuncts of the established economic powers and the priesthoods meet with accepted social, worldly principles for promotion; that is all wrong, for the work of the Lord often requires those that seek after God's will rater than that of social promotion.
Christian church organizations ought to have a vast network of social credit banks that any Christian could contribute too and draw on as needed in actual financial emergencies. Depositing during good times it would be a donation he could never withdraw except in given emergencies. A maximum amount could be deposited such as 2500 dollars, and excess deposits would be considered tithing of the organization for use of others that cannot meet the account limits.
With modern computing power and networking a priesthood of egalitarian Christian believers should be simple to establish, yet the sticky fingers of the hierarchical priesthood is unwilling to relinquish and control of money flow through the churches in which they are already radically over-tithed by 90% according to Biblical precepts. Pervasively vague, amorphous use of church donations commonly leave the faithful with nothing to draw on should they experience financial emergency themselves or move away from a particular church of attendance area. In this era of social mobility and movement the churches are rather stationary with preferred locations catching money from those that attend before moving on. The Christians outside the hierarchical priesthood are thus sheared of any security or investment they may have made ii a worldly sense.
It could be that there is an element of truth to the Mohammedan charges of crusading by our Baptist President George W. Bush. As with the military industrial complex and Halliburton we discern a certain conflict of interest between our Baptist and Protest and select Catholic clergy and foreign war on a rival hierarchical priesthood structure of Taliban or Ulema (in Iran). The desire for hierarchical priesthoods to attain increased political and financial power is obvious.
Hierarchical Priesthoods may be taken over by the state on occasion. The Roman Emperor Constantine made himself head of the church and Christianity a state religion. Peter the Great, the Tsar of All Russians, appointed his own Metropolitan or head of the Orthodox Church, and of course the Ayatollah Khomeini established rule of the Mullahs in Iran as regency for the Twelfth Imam.
There are political evolutions and turmoil in history. Various battles have been waged by church and state to purge society of common heresies that attacked individualism in social conduct and made a commonality of sex and material goods. Yet the desire to increase the political and social individual rights of individuals is another course through the political evolution of pluralism that the founders of the United States supported as well as others through history.
Christian social credit networks that would enable Christians persecuted by corporate networks, radio terror designators, state terror, church terror or challenged by entrees of the menu of existential adversity to have some assurance of relief. The hierarchical priesthoods irregular and variegated, amorphous control of finance and social relief networks quickly reduces challenged Christian in America to begging for help or miracles. Miracles are good things for sure, yet one should not neglect to construct a house for oneself instead of expecting a miracle motel to appear wherever one might need one.
Hierarchical priesthoods could easily adapt to lead the creation of numerous Christian social credit bank networks for money, work, services and other needs perhaps including medical available on a nationwide, interdenominational basis. That they do not and have not made such things exist is a consequence of the sticky fingers of power phenomenon if I am not mistaken. Apologists for the hierarchical priesthood may say that these things already exist, or that the priesthood of believers already exists in some way yet really--where are they? If one was a genius and have a google maps enabled g.p.s. device and a good search engine it would still be difficult to find such structures, networks or establishments.
If one is a tired, hungry, broke Christian in America without an ability to afford to launder clothes just keep walking past those parking lots full of SUV's and talcum powdered employed Christian hierarchical churches on Sunday. They are working to extract donations from the faithful and you won't optimally fit in. Much of the flock is seeking after being the righteous establishment without problems. We sympathize in this quest for worldly security and good places to raise kids. It is our role to look beyond though to the heavenly things that promise more, on Earth we hope to move toward a better ecclesiastical organization that isn't so exclusive. Society often becomes stupid and led by the philosophically retarded though political ambitious-it can't hurt to try to break free the grip of the sticky fingers of politics, establishment economics and hierarchical priesthoods strangling the Christian Church.
In some country Christianity is a thriving thing with a priesthood of egalitarian believers and besides worldly work there is church work for all members as beginners, intermediates or Christians. There are Christian credit banks and in small groups all share a liturgy, sermonizing and doing their share of the work as equal adult Christians. If they want to do more they can tithe or provide extra services to other Christians--and this country's Christians make great ambassadors and missionaries for Christ. I may visit it one day too.
The hierarchical priesthoods are the only game in town though-even the Catholic and Orthodox versions have over associated priestly hierarchies with power politics and politicians. Iran's ulema class of Mohammedan priests exercise and obvious political power--yet that is a sociological trait of priesthoods everywhere that have sought after their own power and financial security first and placed the work of Christ second.
This is not a denouncement of the hierarchical priesthoods though it may seem so--they are the only game in town. One must gather rather than scatter, and they have the ears and wallets of the flock. I simply wish to admonish them to change their ways and seek after the work of The Lord. A Temple priesthood seeking to protect their sociological position of power fundamentally crucified Jesus; to days hierarchical priesthoods have as little interest in power sharing as the Levitical priesthood of the day of our Lord.
If a Christian in America is persecuted socially he basically has nowhere to go. Christian churches are structured as adjuncts of the established economic powers and the priesthoods meet with accepted social, worldly principles for promotion; that is all wrong, for the work of the Lord often requires those that seek after God's will rater than that of social promotion.
Christian church organizations ought to have a vast network of social credit banks that any Christian could contribute too and draw on as needed in actual financial emergencies. Depositing during good times it would be a donation he could never withdraw except in given emergencies. A maximum amount could be deposited such as 2500 dollars, and excess deposits would be considered tithing of the organization for use of others that cannot meet the account limits.
With modern computing power and networking a priesthood of egalitarian Christian believers should be simple to establish, yet the sticky fingers of the hierarchical priesthood is unwilling to relinquish and control of money flow through the churches in which they are already radically over-tithed by 90% according to Biblical precepts. Pervasively vague, amorphous use of church donations commonly leave the faithful with nothing to draw on should they experience financial emergency themselves or move away from a particular church of attendance area. In this era of social mobility and movement the churches are rather stationary with preferred locations catching money from those that attend before moving on. The Christians outside the hierarchical priesthood are thus sheared of any security or investment they may have made ii a worldly sense.
It could be that there is an element of truth to the Mohammedan charges of crusading by our Baptist President George W. Bush. As with the military industrial complex and Halliburton we discern a certain conflict of interest between our Baptist and Protest and select Catholic clergy and foreign war on a rival hierarchical priesthood structure of Taliban or Ulema (in Iran). The desire for hierarchical priesthoods to attain increased political and financial power is obvious.
Hierarchical Priesthoods may be taken over by the state on occasion. The Roman Emperor Constantine made himself head of the church and Christianity a state religion. Peter the Great, the Tsar of All Russians, appointed his own Metropolitan or head of the Orthodox Church, and of course the Ayatollah Khomeini established rule of the Mullahs in Iran as regency for the Twelfth Imam.
There are political evolutions and turmoil in history. Various battles have been waged by church and state to purge society of common heresies that attacked individualism in social conduct and made a commonality of sex and material goods. Yet the desire to increase the political and social individual rights of individuals is another course through the political evolution of pluralism that the founders of the United States supported as well as others through history.
Christian social credit networks that would enable Christians persecuted by corporate networks, radio terror designators, state terror, church terror or challenged by entrees of the menu of existential adversity to have some assurance of relief. The hierarchical priesthoods irregular and variegated, amorphous control of finance and social relief networks quickly reduces challenged Christian in America to begging for help or miracles. Miracles are good things for sure, yet one should not neglect to construct a house for oneself instead of expecting a miracle motel to appear wherever one might need one.
Hierarchical priesthoods could easily adapt to lead the creation of numerous Christian social credit bank networks for money, work, services and other needs perhaps including medical available on a nationwide, interdenominational basis. That they do not and have not made such things exist is a consequence of the sticky fingers of power phenomenon if I am not mistaken. Apologists for the hierarchical priesthood may say that these things already exist, or that the priesthood of believers already exists in some way yet really--where are they? If one was a genius and have a google maps enabled g.p.s. device and a good search engine it would still be difficult to find such structures, networks or establishments.
If one is a tired, hungry, broke Christian in America without an ability to afford to launder clothes just keep walking past those parking lots full of SUV's and talcum powdered employed Christian hierarchical churches on Sunday. They are working to extract donations from the faithful and you won't optimally fit in. Much of the flock is seeking after being the righteous establishment without problems. We sympathize in this quest for worldly security and good places to raise kids. It is our role to look beyond though to the heavenly things that promise more, on Earth we hope to move toward a better ecclesiastical organization that isn't so exclusive. Society often becomes stupid and led by the philosophically retarded though political ambitious-it can't hurt to try to break free the grip of the sticky fingers of politics, establishment economics and hierarchical priesthoods strangling the Christian Church.
In some country Christianity is a thriving thing with a priesthood of egalitarian believers and besides worldly work there is church work for all members as beginners, intermediates or Christians. There are Christian credit banks and in small groups all share a liturgy, sermonizing and doing their share of the work as equal adult Christians. If they want to do more they can tithe or provide extra services to other Christians--and this country's Christians make great ambassadors and missionaries for Christ. I may visit it one day too.
Change Fluid Dynamics of Geo-Thermal Power
Some oppose creating fracturous networks of petite earthquqakes with geothermal power gathering processses. Instead of injectiung water to create steam to power turbines the 10,000 foot deep drill shafts to a 500 degree f Earth temperature realm should be exploited with a differrent heat transfer medium. I like the idea of an encased fluid of a differerent sort.
Oil drilling mud is quite a specialized mixture. There isn't any engineering reason why a new comppound fluid designed for optimal heat gathering could not be nmade and forced into encased drill shafts of a better design to circulate and gather heat to transfer toward the surface for convection and rotation of magnet electricity producing event cycles.
Perhaps the oil industry in the United States could be encouraged to substantially research and upgrade deep heat transfer fluid technology and create an industry that the olil drilling industry perrsonnel would find suitable employment adaptability in. The technology oof geothermal empowerment could create quite a few jobs and power safely if optimally exploited.
Greed as the stimulus to create technological progress is important. I think its possible to create a national geo-thermal industry with some substantial advantage for smaller domestic companies through auction construction for federal lands access and legislation for power sales or purchases by municipalities.
The first CEO of what would become Brown and Root got started inventing a new drilling technology early in the 20th century.Later it became the infamous through political cronyism partner of L.B.J. and through Halliburton Cheyney-Bush. One must start somewhere and move the entire fieldof players to less harmful energy toys if possible. Pol,itical corruption will always be a human norm to combat through cleverness.
Oil drilling mud is quite a specialized mixture. There isn't any engineering reason why a new comppound fluid designed for optimal heat gathering could not be nmade and forced into encased drill shafts of a better design to circulate and gather heat to transfer toward the surface for convection and rotation of magnet electricity producing event cycles.
Perhaps the oil industry in the United States could be encouraged to substantially research and upgrade deep heat transfer fluid technology and create an industry that the olil drilling industry perrsonnel would find suitable employment adaptability in. The technology oof geothermal empowerment could create quite a few jobs and power safely if optimally exploited.
Greed as the stimulus to create technological progress is important. I think its possible to create a national geo-thermal industry with some substantial advantage for smaller domestic companies through auction construction for federal lands access and legislation for power sales or purchases by municipalities.
The first CEO of what would become Brown and Root got started inventing a new drilling technology early in the 20th century.Later it became the infamous through political cronyism partner of L.B.J. and through Halliburton Cheyney-Bush. One must start somewhere and move the entire fieldof players to less harmful energy toys if possible. Pol,itical corruption will always be a human norm to combat through cleverness.
Race To The Top Second Round Results; States Voting for Obama in 2008 Winners
In geographically unbalanced results for reinforcement of public education, the President's Race to the Top (the N.A.A.C.P. hasn't protested the name) has awarded all the prizes to states voting for Obama in 2008 with the only exceptions being Georgia that went for McCain. The billions go to the haves, while Mississippi can just sing the blues
Massachusetts, Delaware, Rhode Island, Hawaii, Maryland, Ohio, New York, Georgia, North Carolina and Florida were winners in the second round. These states could ha been selected as places to invest pac money for Democratic elections as readily as for a public education contest. In the first round Tennessee-a McCain state, was the exceptional winner that wasn't in the Obama corner.
I don't know how to interpret this result, except that it seems prima facia politically biased. Public education in the U.S.A. is far too influenced as might a giant commune be, and yet the alternatives to public educations mediocre race to conformity and political correctness is challenging to upgrade.
It education were substantially privatized the corporate world would come to dominate and we would end up with indoctrinated corporatists pledging allegiance to Chairman Mao Fung Ceo. If public education is to have actual rather than statistical excellence a myriad flowers blooming program should replace the race to conformity at the top program.
Public supported private education corporations (receiving vouchers) should be limited to schools with less than 2000 employees in order that independence, and national business rather than globalists corporate schools, should increase. Excellence in education through small class loads and high quality facilities and educators non too conforming yet able to pass objective quality standards should be the goal of the U.S. Gvernment rather than collectivism as a national norm.
We are disappointed with the extremely politically biased results of the President's race to the top of the public sector indoctrination heap program. If anything, the dumb states need the money more than the rich--concentrating intellectual wealth seems a bad public policy yet one apposite to a member of a Harvard alumni association.
Massachusetts, Delaware, Rhode Island, Hawaii, Maryland, Ohio, New York, Georgia, North Carolina and Florida were winners in the second round. These states could ha been selected as places to invest pac money for Democratic elections as readily as for a public education contest. In the first round Tennessee-a McCain state, was the exceptional winner that wasn't in the Obama corner.
I don't know how to interpret this result, except that it seems prima facia politically biased. Public education in the U.S.A. is far too influenced as might a giant commune be, and yet the alternatives to public educations mediocre race to conformity and political correctness is challenging to upgrade.
It education were substantially privatized the corporate world would come to dominate and we would end up with indoctrinated corporatists pledging allegiance to Chairman Mao Fung Ceo. If public education is to have actual rather than statistical excellence a myriad flowers blooming program should replace the race to conformity at the top program.
Public supported private education corporations (receiving vouchers) should be limited to schools with less than 2000 employees in order that independence, and national business rather than globalists corporate schools, should increase. Excellence in education through small class loads and high quality facilities and educators non too conforming yet able to pass objective quality standards should be the goal of the U.S. Gvernment rather than collectivism as a national norm.
We are disappointed with the extremely politically biased results of the President's race to the top of the public sector indoctrination heap program. If anything, the dumb states need the money more than the rich--concentrating intellectual wealth seems a bad public policy yet one apposite to a member of a Harvard alumni association.
Invent a New Class of Eco-Housing to Build & Sell/Housing Classification Standards
Smaller, better homes-geo domes and concrete monlithic domes with less than 1500 square feet and costing less than 50,000 dollars coould be a new source of employment given special federal zoning and taxation support. Creating a new class of homes in a way similar to creating a new class of war ships could drive energy self-reliance in American homes.
Instead of suporting the construction of any possible kind of war ship from punt size to aircraft carrier, the government should reign in its existential housing support approach and concentrate on the production of small, low cost, low maint, homes with space for garden growing that are ecologically friendly on building materials. Those with lots of cash can build larger things for-themselves.
These newer energy efficient homes should ncollect rainwater, produce electricity wiith wind, solar and fuel cells and ought to be 100% super-insulated. The new eco-class of housing should not have mortgages that can be sold outside the United States alienating economic proximity values. The Government needs some legislation for packaged eco-efficient housing production and probably needs to spend little taxpayer money to encourage conservation of biosphere in home lots and reduction of contemporary housing materials inefficiency standards.
Instead of suporting the construction of any possible kind of war ship from punt size to aircraft carrier, the government should reign in its existential housing support approach and concentrate on the production of small, low cost, low maint, homes with space for garden growing that are ecologically friendly on building materials. Those with lots of cash can build larger things for-themselves.
These newer energy efficient homes should ncollect rainwater, produce electricity wiith wind, solar and fuel cells and ought to be 100% super-insulated. The new eco-class of housing should not have mortgages that can be sold outside the United States alienating economic proximity values. The Government needs some legislation for packaged eco-efficient housing production and probably needs to spend little taxpayer money to encourage conservation of biosphere in home lots and reduction of contemporary housing materials inefficiency standards.
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