
A Free Download for October: Creation and Cosmos - The Literal Values of Genesis 2nd Edition

For the month of October 2013 a free EPUB download of the second edition of my book Creation and Cosmos; The Literal Values of Genesis is available at
 Many people haven't a good idea of the relationship between the Bible and scientific knowledge in a very substantive way. Philosophers like considering questions of larger issues that many haven't given enough thought to as well as to reconsider issues ossified with time. For the past century individuals have contemplated the rich field of the cosmos and its creation analytically. These are my thoughts on the topic.

A Free Download for October - A Place for Faith (poetry)

A free EPUB download of my book of poems A Place for Faith  is available through October 2013 at


A Free Download for October - St. Novilistricka - Dimensions (science fiction)

A free EPUB download of my philosophical novel St. Novilistricka - Dimensions is available through October 30, 2013 at;


Globalists Joust Over U.S. Budget In Debt Ceiling Clash

Where the Republicans and Democrats went wrong after the end of the cold war was in going entirely global while applying deregulation domestically to its financial markets letting the best laid scams of mice and Wall Street elites run roughshod over national democracy. As is the case when select conflicts are resolved Gresham's law of bad money following good developed. The intellectually deficient applied their half-baked concepts about capitalism in a global political environment without substantial resistance.

As when hubris strikes a cruise ship captain taking his vessel to fast and to close to a tourist sight running aground, or when a oil super tanker captain sleeps off some booze and let's his 3rd mate run onto a reef, and even when a hot shot pilot flies an aircraft under a wire to only catch it and crash America's financial and Wall Street elites supported by politicians of the second rank swell with theory and practiced basic incompetent political economy. So the world today at least in the West is somewhat worse off and of course the self-righteous gospel of unregulated capital is undiminished though the consequence of that is no more than bankruptcy of the United States and consolidation of wealth unto global plutocracy.

In the present amusing Congressional clash over Obamacare and federal default the inability of either Democrats or Republicans to work for the good of the nation is evident. Since the left to the Democrats through a workers of the world unite phase of a third Internationale or Comintern conditioning the effort to go global and belittle nationalism has gone forward. Paradoxically the capitalist elite side is even more global than the Democrats now, although some Republican followers of the rich make noises about nationalism, there is no national party. Republicans and Democrats make unpleasant Nazi noises about anything like a nationalist party that concentrates on making all of the citizens of the nation prosperous or being national debt free.

It is an insult to posit straight white American men as Nazis for being nationalist especially so since they are the group that defeated the Nazis in war as well as the confederates. In each case they were fighting against the emergence of global elites, oligarchies, dictators or monarchs to power in order to defend the principles of national democracy and true egalitarianism. That system still works best, in spite of the sophism, propaganda and power in support to global capitalism or collectivism transcending borders.


People Need Borders-Mammals Don't (They Die Off in Fragmented Forests)

An interesting article in New Scientist today noted that mammals die off in fragmented forests. The process takes only 25 years.

The U.S.A.'s forests are mostly fragmented. Divide and conquer and defeating the enemy in detail works in war as well as against wild mammals. Mammals are having a tough time of it. I would think especially so when there are a lot of people venturing in and through via highways. Mammals tend to become road kills and stew meat themselves with easy human access.


The good news is that the pace of deforestation in the Amazon has slowed down a little.

Obama, Cruz and the Birther Challenge; Revolution and Reversible Errors

Presidential candidate Barrack Obama encountered heavy political resistance by opponents claiming young Barrack was foreign born. So far Senator and possible Republican Presidential candidate Ted Cruz has experienced the phenomena. A birther movement hasn't yet surfaced to challenge his foreign birth (product du Canada). Ted Cruz was born in Canada and hence is technically most likely a British subject (in the fine print Canada didn't sever all relationship to the British Empire). If elected President Ted Cruz would be the first British subject President leading the United States since King George III (not a brother of George W. or H.W. Bush) and the British colonial status ended.

The American Revolution against foreign princes and powers embodied in the form of the British Empire in particular developed a constitution that excluded non-native born citizens from serving as President. That was just a practical matter to prevent America from lapsing back into colonial status. With Wall Street quite global, and Barrack Obama's father born in a British colony (Kenya) it is possible that America already has its first British subject President after the colonial revolution occurred even if Barrack Obama was born in Jakarta and provided with a Hawaiian birth certificate. If he is a native Hawaiian then at least he is native born although possibly a British subject.

Senator Cruz could go into the Canadian embassy in Washington D.C. to denounce his Canadian citizenship in front of the Canadian Ambassador then step outside and burn his Canadian Maple Leaf diaper yet he would still remain foreign born. That initial foot in the door of attack upon the native born requirement can be first significant crack in the hull of national sovereignty. The boundaries and borders issues are the foundation of a free society with citizens not subject to foreign powers. Political self-determination only occurs with real territorial sovereignty and rulers from the same polity as oneself.

Reversing the principles of the Constitution a little bit at a time has been a developing trend one since the end of the cold was. The left is too happy to denounce nationalism and secure borders. Yet the founding revolutionaries were all about boundaries and sovereign borders issues and paid with blood to secure the rights and privileges too may Americans are ready to relinquish. Never let it be said that any cat is spoilt, never spit into the wind nor fail to defend one's borders and economic sovereignty so far as possible.

Wall Street's globalism and the outsourcing of jobs have made concentrating wealth more interesting than improving the well being of the U.S. economy for all citizens in this generation. The trend has been for long-term downgrading of the earnings and employment prospects for a generation or two while the influential find better investments abroad. America's poor and middle class haven't been well served by their political leaders. Putting a foreign-born President in office and one that is even a British subject would be a sort of cherry on top to those globalists more allegiant to a Plutocracy than the United States.

Senator Cruz may be able to learn enough advanced economic theory given enough time and investment of effort to understand something of why the economy and environment is all f'd up and getting worse for so many Americans off Wall Street. I wish the Senator well in the effort. Participation in civic affairs is a good thing.

The Republican Party ought not follow up on the Democrat Party's selection of a candidate of dubious national origin with one of their own confirmed and immeasurably worse. It is important to defend the principal of the healthy forest and not lose track for the trees. Making the American Revolution a reversible error corrected by electing the foreign born and or subjects of her majesty the Queen to the highest office is just not the way things are supposed to be. The Republic has attacks and erosion from a world of political and economic avenues that sap the will of the people of the United States to be free and prosperous. The propaganda in support of their own worst interests is relentless. They may be persuaded by degrees to give up their special status and become ruled by oppressive foreign or domestic elites making them just another collection of numbers amidst a planetful of proles.


Sen. Cruz's About Obamacare and 1950's Style Free Enterprise

Canadian and U.S. citizen U.S. Senator Ted Cruz gave a rambling Castro-style never-ending discourse the evils of Obamacare and it's deleterious impact upon free enterprise overnight in something of a filibuster that isn't a filibuster with a vote scheduled to take place. Obamacare certainly has a lot of wickedness to it, yet it is impossible to want to take medical coverage from expanded Medicare for those poor living in 26 states that are slated to get it. Regardless of the merits or lack thereof of Obamacare I wanted to write something about the sophomoric ideas of Senator Cruz on the topic of how free enterprise works and how the middle class becomes prosperous.

If the Senator wants to become the next puppet President (an American tradition since Bill Clinton) he needs to develop more mature palaver about free enterprise and how it is the engine that makes wealth concentrate best yet still making it seem as if the permissible support businesses owned by the middle class are in some way actually the main stream of things today rather than the tail following the 1% around.

In the 1950's the ideas of the Senator actually were closer to coinciding with reality. In that largely before-the-computer era networking and defacto insider networking were not the prevalent kickback loops dominating the economy as they are today. Individual effort and character actually mattered. It was still possible inn America to invent something and afford to patent it as contrasted to here and now. Today invention patents  and profits trickle up  to the global corporations that employ most of the inventors or at least lawyers that can make multi-million dollar patent defenses beyond the means of America's poor and middle class.

The poor and middle-class in America today are far less able to upscale their individual enterprises before running in to the ubiquitous corporate ownership of everything and every existing financial transaction skimming or taking over about everything that might make a buck. Character is of lesser value now than the 1950s; at least virtue is in disrepute and raving collectivist characteristics and role modelling is what promotes individuals in the collectives and networks totalizing the global economy and outsourcing American independence to a plutocracy. I wish that Senator Cruz had addressed the real economic challenges facing America today instead of presenting a 1950s vision of a free enterprise utopia that is continuously under assault by Wall Street and Harvard University.

Harvard University affiliation seems necessary for a modern puppet President who can exploit its vast global networking alumni to kick back and control about everything. Harvard alumni are America's Rhodes  scholars reinforcing the global power of corrupt elites that care virtually nothing about individual American interests or national independence.

Senator Cruz was born in Canada and is the son of a Cuban immigrant.  A first generation political class immigrant he has joined the alternative way to move up to the middle class and beyond through government employment. Government jobs are some of the best existing in America regarding job security, pay and benefits. It is the lifeboat of security while the poor and formerly middle class jump overboard into the economic waters dominated by global and Harvard Wall Street sharks smelling for economic blood wherever it may be in the dark pool ocean of networked enterprise.

One can applaud Senator Cruz's effort to repeal Obamacare through the game of economic chicken that would crash the car of state into the wall of federal spending limits due to take effect October 17th of this year. Americans are good at criticizing and posturing. He is all-American in that regard and deficient like most in accurate economic and historical logic. Without ideas about how the economy actually functions these days and the way in which networking and the ad hoc collectivism of concentrated wealth dominates economic development it would be difficult to correct that situation to the advantages of poor and middle class Americans.



President Obama Doesn't Have a Budget Negotiating Game; Appoint a Czar

Shouldn't Pres. Obama Appoint A Budget Czar For Negotiations?

America has a surfeit of Nobel Prize winning economists such as Joseph Stiglitz. Isn't it possible that some of them might have ideas about budget reform that the President does not? One wonders if the President refuses to negotiate on the budget spending cap and Obamacare because he doesn't know what is in the Federal budget being a lawyer rather than an economist?

It should be possible for a good economist made budget czar to easily cut hundreds of billions of dollars from the federal budget of wasteful programs that Republicans like and want funded. Are new carpets installed in U.S. Senate offices-cut that out? Do subsidies exist or federal spending occur that benefits Republicans-then be responsible and stop it.

Sometimes it is necessary to steer the ship of state toward the safe harbor of reduction of national debt. The better way to accomplish that is to improve the efficiency of existing programmatic spending structures through reform rather than the inaccuracy of generic cuts. It should for example be possible to reform Obamacare even before it's fully implemented by cutting out the part about increasing Medicaid spending that only works in half the states and replacing that with an expanded V.A. hospital system that will include treatment for the poor. New construction of hospital and clinics in remote sites could provide jobs for documented construction workers. All of the nation's poor would be included and the nation would have a better public treatment structure in the event of national emergency such as could occur in event of nuclear, chemical or biological war.

Plainly the serious threats to national security collectively and to individuals are in the sort of harm to health the poor may experience any or even every day while the prosperous are aloof. They may experience the threats for real only in times of mass disaster when they run to the Federal government like Republican Gov. Chris Christie did pleading for billions and billions of money when hurricane Sandy splashed New Jersey with storm waves or change their minds about public medical provisioning such as Republican Governor Schwarzenneger had after suffering a compound fracture of a leg skiing at Sun Valley Idaho.

Negotiating with Republicans on the federal budget ought to be fun. More fun even that playing bullet chess. What's up with the President anyway; too much time on the golf course?

Federal Failures at Old Navy Yard and V.A. Hospitals

The Federal government failed to provide adequate security at the Washington Naval Yard that would screen out unauthorized guns with metal detectors and failed to adequately council a former active duty naval reservist that twice sought help at V.A. Hospitals. President Obama at a memorial criticized civil gun ownership instead of Federal failures in security and V.A. service. The public is not really at fault-who else can they vote for besides Republicans and Democrats that aren't very accurate at budget balancing or border security?

Psychiatric counseling should be decriminalized if people are to be free to seek that sort of medical help if they want it without needing to be concerned about picks up the legal ticks from a plethora of sources that attach themselves to undermine his or her civil liberty. In fact it would be opportune to reform the historical legal context for criminal trials in order to remove the prospect for psychiatric opinion developing as force of law.

A new trial format would have three parts instead of two as at present wherein guilt or innocence is determined followed by sentencing. Phase one is a structure inappropriate for using psychiatric opinion.

1) Findings of fact
2) Conclusion of law
3) Public response

A finding of fact phase would determine if the person charged did the deed or not. Phase two would determine if those convicted in phase one should be held responsible or discharged. Phase three would act as the sentencing phase for those found convicted and responsible.

Is there subjective software of logic an individual develops in response to the experience of hearing voices? The political dialectical evolution of dysfunction of the Congress at managing the nation's public affairs might be an analogy for the internal dialectical evolution of plausible explanations an individual might develop to account for the anomaly of unattributable internal voices. No one believes it's possibly anything besides holistic organic dysfunction, yet there are other possibilities...

The Veteran Hears Voices, Buys a Gun and Visits The Old Navy Yard

The veteran lives in a room alone
in a white room with black curtains
he hears the call of duty
traffic and the world passes outside
while inside is another room with an open door
someone else he doesn't know is in it
a ventriloquist, a cell phone left behind, an alien from someplace beyond
gently, mockingly, relentlessly giving words of impossible distraction
that he overhears incredulously before incredulity turns to despair

Troubled by constant distraction from the unknown twit
-no one is in the spare room hidden behind a door that can't be found
the veteran considers the possibilities of who and what the enemy is
an enemy that deceives and confounds, tricks and provides news
an extra-sensory invader
beating a punitive sunchopated tinnitus on eardrums when better incentives are needed to stop his impermissible political thought

Hearing voices, the vet visits a Veteran's Hospital for help
an emergency room gut specialist looks around at the sick and injured
wondering what goes on in the meathead before him

The Doc doesn't enumerate a list of logically possible source of voices that haven't got a corresponding credible source

1) Extra-terrestrial super-real communiqués
2) Covert government or criminal tech assaults
3) Demons
4) Silent focused sound waves audible only to the ears they are beamed at by an unknown foe
5) An implanted transmitter too small to detect
6) Short-circuiting or malfunctioning brain neurons that generate audible words independently of one's will
7) A fib in a jihadist plan to disarm Americans

A list of possibilities that would inform the vet of possible existential explanations wasn't given
neither was a chemical remedy offered to work on possibility six
looking at the vet he said nothing, it's just audio hallucinations

A threatening condemnation -the veteran hears voices in the real world that don't exist- asserting his mind wrongly exists
it's an epistemological insult
of the first kind
if there ever was

Although the traduction
might be a little inaccurate
even the vet knows his mysterious voices don't correspond to regular embodied leprechauns in his brain
-he knows he isn't the King of France
rich as Bill Gates or an N.B.A. star

His use of the word voices was confused the issue
an example of the indeterminacy of translation
what else could he say?
what would the inexperienced understand of his lexicon without sharing
since voices in the mind differ substantially from voices with a normal cause

With the fundamental attack on the integrity of his mind said
it was just one of many possibilities
he contemplates his mind as a homeroom
into which voices enter from outside the curtain
mostly adverse opinions
a foe says his mind is not real
that he doesn't know himself

The voice of the gut doc and that of the voice in the spare room are different
yet equal in some respects
neither is self
one has a visible corporeal, well-paid body
maybe it worked at Ft. Hood
or was a trainee neuroscientist in Denver
while the voice of the other has a hidden entry to the brain
like a virus preying upon the host, at best
each spoofs the integrity of self, the veteran self
who perceives the attacks of the others as phenomena?

In less than utopia, in civil society
experiencing the enemy as something necessarily tolerated
from the spare, vacant room from where the voices enter his mind-room
there are no claims of reality
the fiat of simple fact and power overcomes doubt
- real secret voices enter his mind

Voices from an source unknown
maybe echoes of federal training
with strengthened skepticism he soldiers on
following his own lead
-to thine own self be true
master of his fate, captain of his soul
conforming to war

A better prayer would have been 'Jesus savior pilot me
over life's tempestuous seas'
the V.A. Doc never explained
there is no MNR mapping of the source of the voices in the spare room
nothing would be fixed
even with expensive chemical carpet bombing of his brain with drugs
besides, if the veteran waited a hundred years the voices would never occur in a Veteran's hospital for study

With sympathy from the emergency room guy, a sleeping pill and a Band-Aid
the frustrated, bewildered sailor wanders off into the night
thinking about buying a gun for self-defense

against a bulletproof enemy
too difficult to stop
that might have infiltrated the Old Navy Yard.


Unemployment Rate for U.S. Poor at 20%, Repubs Vote to Cut Food for Poor

It is remarkable how terrible the present U.S. government is. People have noticed-especially the long-term jobless. The Republican majority in the U.S. House voted to cut four billion a year from the food stamp program recently, and though that won't pass through the Democrat controlled Senate it is a confirmation that the privileged invariably victimize the poor in order to swill up as much wealth as they possibly can. The Democrats have generally been aiding and abetting the trend toward kicking back wealth to the richest through deregulation and tax cuts.

Republicans also seek to cut medical benefits for the poor by non-funding Obamacare until it can be buried. While Obamacare was never really designed for the poor-in about half of the states Medicaid won't expand to cover the poor without insurance, in 25 states the poor might have been able to get medical relief and saved for a lot to build a shack on if they didn't have to go to an emergency room and become indebted for the remainder of their lives.

The continuing electronic printing of free money to give the rich on Wall Street provides doubling down benefits for the ultra-fast dark pool stock traders using supercomputers to harvest millions and billions from speed of light skimming on global currency changes and other financial facts. It is probable that those Wall Street insiders producing nothing material for the public-just profits for-themselves and maybe excess capitol to invest in Chinese industrial development and more anywhere on the planet cheap profits can be had. The poor in the United States undoubtedly would prefer to earn $17,000 a year instead of relying on a hundred dollars or two of food stamps to stay alive each month yet to the most rich they are just lint in a colony of the plutocracy to be marginalized rather than promoted.

The certainty about the U.S. Government these days is that they will never, ever fix anything or rationally balance the nation's accounts and interests. While the national debt is nearly $17 trillion dollars they will do vast deficit spending and have the Federal Reserve issue new crisp electronic currency to globalists at the rate of 809 billion per month. One month of that free money could fund the food stamp gap republicans want to force for the next 20 years. It is certain that the military-industrial complex will seek new foreign wars and that the Democrats will not stop illegal immigration even while the U6 unemployment rate is 15%. Republican and Democrat politicians agree in effect that the 49 million poor Americans can be set aside and trashed with so much cheap foreign labor available to replace them illegally as well as legally. Government works for the rich best with the middle class kissing ass on the global corporate employers to timid or incompetent to restore adequate taxation, a balanced federal budget or eliminate of public debt. 

The national media pundits when not raving brainwashing programming the public are bought and paid for by the rich. One never hears the words of the middle class or poor on their own broadcast time segments. U.S. politics are controlled by corporate leverage on free speech and the atheist agenda let's the public be degraded from the insiders without moral troubles into malleable swine. The U.S. Government has no intention of creating full employment or expanding V.A. Hospitals nationally to provide treatment for the poor that aren't veterans instead of ineffective Obamacare. Republicans seeking to cut Obamacare have no rational, practical alternative medical provisioning for the poor. It seems that the servants of wealth actually believe they are better human beings or that anyone really could experience the American Dream without selling his or her soul to the Devil-silly twits.

It is absolutely certain that their isn't a snowball's chance in hell that the U.S. Government leadership of the next decade will become world leaders on eliminating greenhouse gases, eliminating pollution of the oceans, halt loss of wild and restorable ecospheric habitat or create full employment within a sustainable natural resource foundation. The reason for the bad things is the bad social philosophy that has made this an age of greed. With a legacy of good national achievement from prior generations the present generation can be full of self-delusion about their moral and social worth today as they kick the poor around and prefer foreign conflicts instead of foreign admiration for excellence in renewable economic policy and procedures with liberty and justice for all.

Fundamentally it is original sin that dooms the present generation of politicians to incompetence. Remarkable political incompetence as if they were blind.

Broke Branches (poem)

  Dialectic clashing of evolutes- trees left right and center political arguments following guide paths in the dark through the snow and hil...