
Unemployment Rate for U.S. Poor at 20%, Repubs Vote to Cut Food for Poor

It is remarkable how terrible the present U.S. government is. People have noticed-especially the long-term jobless. The Republican majority in the U.S. House voted to cut four billion a year from the food stamp program recently, and though that won't pass through the Democrat controlled Senate it is a confirmation that the privileged invariably victimize the poor in order to swill up as much wealth as they possibly can. The Democrats have generally been aiding and abetting the trend toward kicking back wealth to the richest through deregulation and tax cuts.

Republicans also seek to cut medical benefits for the poor by non-funding Obamacare until it can be buried. While Obamacare was never really designed for the poor-in about half of the states Medicaid won't expand to cover the poor without insurance, in 25 states the poor might have been able to get medical relief and saved for a lot to build a shack on if they didn't have to go to an emergency room and become indebted for the remainder of their lives.

The continuing electronic printing of free money to give the rich on Wall Street provides doubling down benefits for the ultra-fast dark pool stock traders using supercomputers to harvest millions and billions from speed of light skimming on global currency changes and other financial facts. It is probable that those Wall Street insiders producing nothing material for the public-just profits for-themselves and maybe excess capitol to invest in Chinese industrial development and more anywhere on the planet cheap profits can be had. The poor in the United States undoubtedly would prefer to earn $17,000 a year instead of relying on a hundred dollars or two of food stamps to stay alive each month yet to the most rich they are just lint in a colony of the plutocracy to be marginalized rather than promoted.

The certainty about the U.S. Government these days is that they will never, ever fix anything or rationally balance the nation's accounts and interests. While the national debt is nearly $17 trillion dollars they will do vast deficit spending and have the Federal Reserve issue new crisp electronic currency to globalists at the rate of 809 billion per month. One month of that free money could fund the food stamp gap republicans want to force for the next 20 years. It is certain that the military-industrial complex will seek new foreign wars and that the Democrats will not stop illegal immigration even while the U6 unemployment rate is 15%. Republican and Democrat politicians agree in effect that the 49 million poor Americans can be set aside and trashed with so much cheap foreign labor available to replace them illegally as well as legally. Government works for the rich best with the middle class kissing ass on the global corporate employers to timid or incompetent to restore adequate taxation, a balanced federal budget or eliminate of public debt. 

The national media pundits when not raving brainwashing programming the public are bought and paid for by the rich. One never hears the words of the middle class or poor on their own broadcast time segments. U.S. politics are controlled by corporate leverage on free speech and the atheist agenda let's the public be degraded from the insiders without moral troubles into malleable swine. The U.S. Government has no intention of creating full employment or expanding V.A. Hospitals nationally to provide treatment for the poor that aren't veterans instead of ineffective Obamacare. Republicans seeking to cut Obamacare have no rational, practical alternative medical provisioning for the poor. It seems that the servants of wealth actually believe they are better human beings or that anyone really could experience the American Dream without selling his or her soul to the Devil-silly twits.

It is absolutely certain that their isn't a snowball's chance in hell that the U.S. Government leadership of the next decade will become world leaders on eliminating greenhouse gases, eliminating pollution of the oceans, halt loss of wild and restorable ecospheric habitat or create full employment within a sustainable natural resource foundation. The reason for the bad things is the bad social philosophy that has made this an age of greed. With a legacy of good national achievement from prior generations the present generation can be full of self-delusion about their moral and social worth today as they kick the poor around and prefer foreign conflicts instead of foreign admiration for excellence in renewable economic policy and procedures with liberty and justice for all.

Fundamentally it is original sin that dooms the present generation of politicians to incompetence. Remarkable political incompetence as if they were blind.

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