
No Obama-Nixoncare Medicaid Coverage Expansion for Poor in Alaska

In the state of Alaska medical coverage of the poor won't be arriving with the increase of Medicaid through Obamacare provision anytime while a Republican Governor is in office. Gov. Sean Parnell apparently threw the poor under the bus refusing to sign off on the Medicare expansion that the U..S. Supreme's left up to the states.  That's a better way to red-line states and keep the poor out compelling them to live in Warshinkclump D.C., California, N.Y. etc if they need a gall bladder removed. With a 21% unemployment rate for those earning fewer than $21,000 annually getting sick is dangerously costly. With medical debt easily piling up more than the price of a home or real estate it is realistic to consider buying a tent except in brown bear turf.

Juneau Alaska the state capitol is said to have more millionaires per capita than any other city in the U.S.A. (poor millionaires though compared to those of the real wealth concentrations such as N.Y.C. and Boston). In Alaska the poor are sometimes frozen into leaving the state after a winter or two of concentration at the extremely overcrowded Brother Francis Shelter in Anchorage or perhaps finding no work amidst the state workers and elites of Juneau though they scan Alexsys (The state of Alaska's dept of labor online job resource) religiously hoping for an interview though disadvantaged by not being an immigrant or homosexual.
The war on poverty morphed into the war on the poor somewhere along the way one might think. Pain and freezing homelessness can keep the U6 homeless from getting a beachhead of living in Alaska. Pulling teeth costs money in the north. For emergency dental it might cost two or three hundred dollars to have a tooth and immediate pain terminated. For serious medical problems the poor except for a few class exceptions will need to pile up debt at the emergency room and remain in the U6 of underemployed or unemployed that comprises about 15% of the people of the United States with the same number approximately comprising the poor of the U.S. population.
Obamacare is basically a laundered Richard M. Nixon corporate health care plan and of course in the era of concentrated wealth the President let the poor bite the bullet first in order to get the middle class on board. Mayor Sullivan of Anchorage already made it illegal to camp in Anchorage. Now if the homeless need emergency frostbite treatment or appendectomy and go to the emergency room they will be billed themselves without any sort of Medicaid assistance.
What should have been done instead of Obama-Nixoncare was just free health care for the poor and the U6 at an expanded V.A. Hospital system with outlet clinics and shuttle buses to major medical centers for those that needed it. Simple, cheaper, practical and humanitarian. That should be who Americans are.

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