
President Obama Doesn't Have a Budget Negotiating Game; Appoint a Czar

Shouldn't Pres. Obama Appoint A Budget Czar For Negotiations?

America has a surfeit of Nobel Prize winning economists such as Joseph Stiglitz. Isn't it possible that some of them might have ideas about budget reform that the President does not? One wonders if the President refuses to negotiate on the budget spending cap and Obamacare because he doesn't know what is in the Federal budget being a lawyer rather than an economist?

It should be possible for a good economist made budget czar to easily cut hundreds of billions of dollars from the federal budget of wasteful programs that Republicans like and want funded. Are new carpets installed in U.S. Senate offices-cut that out? Do subsidies exist or federal spending occur that benefits Republicans-then be responsible and stop it.

Sometimes it is necessary to steer the ship of state toward the safe harbor of reduction of national debt. The better way to accomplish that is to improve the efficiency of existing programmatic spending structures through reform rather than the inaccuracy of generic cuts. It should for example be possible to reform Obamacare even before it's fully implemented by cutting out the part about increasing Medicaid spending that only works in half the states and replacing that with an expanded V.A. hospital system that will include treatment for the poor. New construction of hospital and clinics in remote sites could provide jobs for documented construction workers. All of the nation's poor would be included and the nation would have a better public treatment structure in the event of national emergency such as could occur in event of nuclear, chemical or biological war.

Plainly the serious threats to national security collectively and to individuals are in the sort of harm to health the poor may experience any or even every day while the prosperous are aloof. They may experience the threats for real only in times of mass disaster when they run to the Federal government like Republican Gov. Chris Christie did pleading for billions and billions of money when hurricane Sandy splashed New Jersey with storm waves or change their minds about public medical provisioning such as Republican Governor Schwarzenneger had after suffering a compound fracture of a leg skiing at Sun Valley Idaho.

Negotiating with Republicans on the federal budget ought to be fun. More fun even that playing bullet chess. What's up with the President anyway; too much time on the golf course?

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