
Senate Democrat Foreign Relations Comm. Vote For Starting (Limited) War

Just three Republicans voted for a military attack on Syria in the vote by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. They were Senators Flake, McCain and Corker. The largely partisan vote had loads of hawkish Democrats voting to roll the dice on expanding the conflict and chaos in Syria. Those Democrats were Committee Chairman Robert Menendez (D-N.J.) and Sens.  Tim Kaine (D-Va.), Jeanne Shaheen (D-N.H.) , Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.), Christopher Coons (D-Del.), Benjamin Cardin (D-Md.) and Richard Durbin (D-Ill.). 

Evidently with the war scheduled to wind down in Afghanistan for the U.S. military in 2014 the Democrats are looking for another place to beginning spending billions of dollars for war. Consistent with Obama policy of enriching the rich on Wall Street in order to concentrate wealth and develop a better, more effective global plutocracy, increasing the public debt and letting the plutocracy pull the strings on federal budget priorities can be serviced through foreign wars that don't produce much of benefit to Americans.

When the U.S. electorate is a sycophant of a government effectively bought and paid for by the Plutocracy the military can be exploited as a tool for implementing plutocratic global policy objectives. Secretary of State (Heinz) Kerry could not possibly even seek war crimes charges against the Assad regime instead of U.S. vigilante action, because that might not bring a regime change sought by his Plutocrat confreres.

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