
Globalists Joust Over U.S. Budget In Debt Ceiling Clash

Where the Republicans and Democrats went wrong after the end of the cold war was in going entirely global while applying deregulation domestically to its financial markets letting the best laid scams of mice and Wall Street elites run roughshod over national democracy. As is the case when select conflicts are resolved Gresham's law of bad money following good developed. The intellectually deficient applied their half-baked concepts about capitalism in a global political environment without substantial resistance.

As when hubris strikes a cruise ship captain taking his vessel to fast and to close to a tourist sight running aground, or when a oil super tanker captain sleeps off some booze and let's his 3rd mate run onto a reef, and even when a hot shot pilot flies an aircraft under a wire to only catch it and crash America's financial and Wall Street elites supported by politicians of the second rank swell with theory and practiced basic incompetent political economy. So the world today at least in the West is somewhat worse off and of course the self-righteous gospel of unregulated capital is undiminished though the consequence of that is no more than bankruptcy of the United States and consolidation of wealth unto global plutocracy.

In the present amusing Congressional clash over Obamacare and federal default the inability of either Democrats or Republicans to work for the good of the nation is evident. Since the left to the Democrats through a workers of the world unite phase of a third Internationale or Comintern conditioning the effort to go global and belittle nationalism has gone forward. Paradoxically the capitalist elite side is even more global than the Democrats now, although some Republican followers of the rich make noises about nationalism, there is no national party. Republicans and Democrats make unpleasant Nazi noises about anything like a nationalist party that concentrates on making all of the citizens of the nation prosperous or being national debt free.

It is an insult to posit straight white American men as Nazis for being nationalist especially so since they are the group that defeated the Nazis in war as well as the confederates. In each case they were fighting against the emergence of global elites, oligarchies, dictators or monarchs to power in order to defend the principles of national democracy and true egalitarianism. That system still works best, in spite of the sophism, propaganda and power in support to global capitalism or collectivism transcending borders.

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