
End of Days Part 2 ( poem)

End of Days Part 2

Every silence is a shadow of neglected things
becoming nothing with tomorrow gathering dust
in the basement of 15,000 B.C.
where cave shelter, rain and moss
have dead government crullers killed by imaginative muck
that like mildew grows over meat
with maggots syncopating wing beats
through blue sky disappearing in darkness
Electrification of every desert place
ray tubes, jackrabbits, history dead like farmsteads
and graves with tumbleweeds in motion
like test tubes growing ideas
of freedom from anything

Seeming cities coated in photon collecting substances
artfully ossifying relics of action
snip field theories of Meisner chess sets
kinetic sounds of thunder roiling
break bowling balls of 1942 and 1492
forcefully plinking hail down from the sky-stage
unto oblivion where the government is
a distant pirate ship on the horizon
surging crews of crank theories
and evolved things
of unbelief and social reality-unreality
mirages taking all and nothing
from solitude

The end of days is inspiration and dreams escaping beyond tyranny
a thirsty predatory order of ennui
reigning as spring hope decays
orange sunrises mean something else
forever unfinished
to reappear in another museum
until the Lord raises Lazarus again.

Is Life a Necessary Form of Matter?

In physical theories at a quantum level causality tends toward necessary transitions of packets of force from one state and location to another. Logical parameters and limits seem to exist for what quanta can be or become. Light seems to have a maximum speed, as do fields. The steady state level where clusters of atoms and molecules bind together in larger structures is also consistent with prevailing physics of necessity in regard to the composition of the field where mass energy exists in a steady state. Yet it is uncertain that there is a necessary formation of life from physical necessity. Life can form more complex structures though must it necessarily do so? If life can continue to input energy and convert that into complex structures inclusive of thought and advancing concepts does that arise from a necessary physical or even spiritual necessity; is there a logical predestination for that logical ordered evolution? Much talk is given to the possibility and probability of life given certain favorable conditions for its theoretical spontaneous creation evolving from field content rather common around the Universe in theory, yet little has been said of a physical condition at a quantum level at least that would require life to exist as a necessary transition of mass and energy into the only possible form or destination given the state of affairs.

I am not trying to argue here ad absurdam that life cannot exist unless it is necessary that it does, or argue against the creation of life as a possibility of an evolution from inorganic matter, I am just interested in the physics of a state of affairs such that matter and energy must necessarily combine to form life-perhaps under the influence of some power novel to the field configuration and temporal configuration space.

Neither would I argue against an evolution from inanimate matter stimulated by the will of God at some quantum level. Evolution and divine creation are not mutually exclusive processes, especially since Genesis chapter two seems to indicate that Adam and Eve were created in a separate process in a different space-time configuration field than the rest of the Universe (that may have been theistically evolved or alternatively created in a compact quantum process fully assembled though in phases made to exist as if it had evolved 12 to 14 billion years-same difference as people say), it is just interesting to wonder if there is a quantifiable physical phase state that requires matter to become organic in a way like that which requires that hydrogen fusion produces helium with .007 efficiency.

The Politics of Entropy

Modern political-economic systems tend to evolve toward a stable state of exploitative imperialism with Marxism being no exception. Within a finite and totalized political arena wealth and power eventually concentrate with the anti-thesis being an equal state of political equality of all individual actors. Karl Marx seemed to have a totalized concept of political evolutions in Europe with various possible configurations occurring within his theoretical parameters that limited possibilities for freedom and excluded individuals simply being free and self-directing. For Marx someone would be a dictator or imperialist of necessity ruling all of a geophysical area-it could be a dictatorship of the proletariat or capital imperialists or some shade of gray in between. There wasn't room for egalitarian democracy with a social safety net and extremes of wealth and poverty restricted-there had to be a top dog or elite pack demagoguing over political pups that never outgrow being gay leprechauns all their lives overseen as imps by giants. The United States would have been seen as no exception to the rule by Marx.

Early American government in effect was an exception to the totalitarian rule of imperialism. With so few people and so much land the government needed only to serve as a gatekeeper to keep imperialist at home and abroad suppressed. The Monroe Doctrine was a late expression of that principle. Over time the founder’s principles withered away and Americans began to lose their liberty. After female suffrage was granted a host of government expansion in taxation and authority began to be generated. The second Roosevelt administration enabled by the feminine vote created social security. Today the nation also has corporate Obamacare, concentration of wealth, trillions of debt and allegiance to global corporate imperialism. Marx may have been right in viewing totalized territorial government as leading to some form of dictatorship-he simply did not recognize that a high-entropy political environment of perfect theoretical communism in such an environment is itself a defeated dictatorship of ennui and malaise without prospect for change except from outside.

If demographics and human political nature force some form of authoritarian political control upon societies eventually, a better rational response than a high entropy communism or anisotropic imperialism would be a rational ecological economic allocation of mass resources to individuals in order to create firewalls and inventive growth potentials to maximize conservation of the state of entropy of finite planetary mass.

Corporatism is imperialism, dictatorship is imperialism, communist dictatorship is imperialism, it is the political labels in a totalized political environment that are changed to confuse the issue. A small minority ends up ruling a vast majority and increase their repressive power-that is a definition of applied imperialism. Their government lackeys in harness consider right government to cohere in pure power to exploit the masses as subjects so far as possible.

Modern democracies may vote for whatever or whomever they like and still increase plutocratic imperialism nationally and globally. A gatekeeper democracy with limited government mostly for defense may arise again some day on another planet far away from corrupting imperial powers of Earth, yet one shouldn’t plan on emigrating there any time soon.

The Earth has a finite amount of mass and it must be possible to calculate the amount of potential it has to release energy, and to understand what quantity of entropy it can sustain before reaching the highest state of disorganization. It is interesting to consider.

If all of the mass of the earth were converted to pure energy through continuous nuclear fusion reactions refining it as if it were alcohol reprocessed in a still that energy when spent as light streaming out into space if confined to a given volume might be expected to have reached a highest state of entropy as disorganized particles. Confining the photons would require power too-and that isn’t in the original Earth potential for entropy calculation. So in order to achieve perfect entropy space must expand and not be confined or energy could not maximal spend its inherent potential that is energy.

What might think that the expansion of space would require a donation of energy from some source too. Physicists speculate about dark energy expanding space, yet the conditions that allow energy to increase need to stop somewhere logically I would think, yet it seems improbable that they do, and that seems to imply some sort of continuous production of new energy from some source, and that is in itself a kind of contradiction regarding the concept of energy of the Universe over-all being converted to through entropy eventually to a highest state of disorganization in equally space particles.

In a high entropy or low entropy confined space potential energy would seem to exist for because it is confined and could reach a higher entropy state if it weren’t, while if the confinement did not exist it would require energy to expand the space where the energy could reach a lower state. Interesting topics especially regarding political potential on Earth for using existing mass resources wisely (most efficiently I suppose). Simply converting mass into energy may be an efficient process (.007% efficient converting hydrogen to helium) yet creating thought concepts is far more efficient at making more from the same quantity of mass. What would be the most efficient way to create the best concepts and product objects from earth’s mass to benefit the most people with recursive, resonating creating waves of invention and good? That sort of paradigm would be considerations to think about when trying to secure the greatest degrees of freedom for individuals within naturally decaying political systems with tendencies toward sin, indolence, dissipation and imperialist tyranny.

It may be the God has created and allowed an infinite number of optional course of social evolutions or worldlines for people and for Christians to take. They may be free to choose from not just one way, but from a nearly yet not quite infinite number of evolutionary world-lines even though God foreknows what course they shall choose and has pre-destined it to be so.

Some Christians called pre-tribulationist may believe that a high entropy social economy isn’t really of concern or that it might be a good idea to avoid it or mitigate it. the thinking goes that if the world’s resources are depleted or global war develops the world will create a New world after rapturing out the remnant of people that are Christians from this world-yet the pre-trib paradigm is probably false.

Instead of another tribulation ahead, a correct Christian eschatology seems to indicate that Christians will build up a majority in the world over time. yet that could occur in a myriad of ways with alternative world line selections possible that would reach the same conclusion. freedom even with social determinism apparently may exist. Christians can work to minimize the increase of entropy and build a healthy social economy or work with existing imperialist corporatists and communists to create a high entropy depleted economy wherein Christians and everyone except elites live in a Stalinist gulag sort of scientific dystopia; the destination is the same though the way of getting there is different.

If a government had a K.G.B.-TASS structured propaganda outlet of social control to effect mass mind conditioning over a populace giving up power and relative wealth to rising global aristocratic tyranny it might help change the willingness or reluctance of the masses to assist or oppose given political objectives. Does one require a season of urban Negro riots in support of another Clinton pseudo liberal Presidential campaign? Does one want to innovate a feminist presidential purge of European Jews through apathetic indifference for intervention? It’s possible to stimulate a series of insurrections and terrorist training actions across the Middle East and North Africa to further some vague policy for transitioning to a feminist society where a woman is free to run safely naked with dogs through former territories of fundamentalist terrorist government? Women have limited historical experience in democratic governance since being enfranchised and may have cognitive deficits politically speaking inclining them to run roughshod over others by the millions in pursuit of mass female empowerment. One with such policies would need a strong propaganda branch to advance an atheist agenda devoid of balanced historical rationality or interest in preserving the political sovereignty of the masses over concentrated wealth and imperialism.

Imperialist collective of limited membership pursuing high entropy economics prefer free trade authority to permit global concentration of power without national obstructions such as tariffs, taxation, national environmental agenda or concerns for democratic sovereignty. To let Vietnam be a resource colony for the United States or European consumers and let it industrialize while killing off jungles and endangered species while poisoning rivers does nothing beside add entropy at an accelerated pace. Increases of entropy are irreversible it seems. Life require billions of years to evolve on Earth-it is the most advanced form of matter, and for the most intelligent species on the Earth to wipe it out willy-nilly is the least intelligent political action that might be forced with planetary imperialism.

Sending raw materials internationally to distant processors and producing items for sale on distant parts of the globe to enrich a plutonomy is a high entropy producing use of the topical and near-surface mass of the world. There are better and more rational economic systems available that could be implemented. Such systems would preferably reinforce as much individual liberty as possible and govern excess concentration of wealth that produces extreme entropy increase.

Ireland Succumbs to Homosexual Marriage

The Irish affirmative vote to queer marriage makes one wonder why the luck of the Irish has run out? What Satanic power trained the little leprechauns to become queer? Plainly the snakes have returned to the Emerald Isle. With the evil powers of Boston possibly supporting homo power rather than the I.R.A. these days maybe the apostasy was inevitable. What failure of moral leadership, what vast public debt to evil made Ireland go queer?. The answer to Karl Mauldin's what will you do, what will you' query for those who have had their wallet stolen seems to be that San Francisco style answer-make marriage of cock-sucking bucks. With the power of queer royals near in England the sin contagion overtook the Irish. The broadcast media indicates that the new plum pudding apple-in-the-eye of global homosexual elites is Australia.

The fine heritage of Kennedy, Reagan and Tip O'Neil might have been undermined by President Obama's visit as an expert queer organizer . Barrack Obama was a community organizer before being a politician. No one knew he would become a gay community organizer when President of the decaying United States.

The New York state legislature seemed to go belly up on morality after the President's visit to the city at a critical moment before the vote in the legislature to legalize homo marriage. Maybe the Irish were another notch in the gay gun-belt of the President of the United States. In the brave new world of the atheist left such items are merely word definitions without much meaning. Homo helps concentrate wealth for the rich and enables the public to get a 360 degree panning camera angle of rich personages now and then. One wonders how far the Boston, Harvard, Linton, Kerry,Obama axis of evil diplomacy has gone in subverting traditional values below the surface. Leveraging the downtrodden little people with butch supremacy may be the administration's major foreign policy 'achievement' besides advancing a plethora of civil conflicts.

One might believe that the majority of straight Irish men voted against the measure to make marriage a dyadic relationship without having anything to do with reproduction or heritage. The Gaelic entity has voted to go overtly gay making the Emerald Isle less desirable as a tourist destination. Yet the Irish were wild folk any way, so what the heck. Maybe they got tired of the Gaelic-Gay homophone and decided to bring perversion forward to a disambiguated state.

Tacitus I believe wrote that red haired Germans had a bisexual male culture in addition to skull trophies of war adorning their humble homes (observed in Swiss archaeological excavations). Finding better succor from financial elites with ties to the lavender underground or the Clinton Foundation may be additional factors swimming like schools of Titanics below the surface more than 92% concealed from above.

Reading the 'Holy War' by John Bunyan presently it is almost unavoidable to mention the diabolic nature of the Irish vote. Maybe priestly perversions of recent decades past was a factor for popular interest in queering up marriage-if homos can just be settled down homos maybe they won't be drawn toward the single culture of the Catholic priesthood to avoid women and incidentally molest altar boys. Regardless, a priesthood of believers without a hierarchical structured clergy is a better way, less susceptible to Diabolical attacks on man's soul.

One wonders if the failure of the Celtic Christian Church to survive arrival of the Roman Catholic Church and its distant ruled professional ecclesiastical orders created an alienation of Irish culture from its past. That past was pagan before Celtic Christian arrived, yet if Celtic Christians had survived Viking predators and the professional Roman Church orders the Celtic monks with blond haired tonsures giving the appearance of halos could have forged a lasting moral bond with the Irish and given them a new moral nature instead of a repressed pagan nature yearning for liberation under the yoke of oppressive alien Papacy with child molesting clerics?

One wonders if Pope Francis' 'no moral authority present' response to a query on homosexuality that lets N.P.R. describe the pope as advancing (secular, gay) 'liberation theology' is what he really intended to image-for-others. Does losing Ireland to apostasy mean nothing to the Vatican-would an Irish Pope be able to reverse the decline and fall of the lost? Is it of no concern that the Irish of Notra Dame U. have been given another meaning for 'North Bend'.

While Christians should not be judgmental over individuals, they should know and express what sin is and isn't. A U.S. President may groan 'blow me Monica, blow me' or blow me Marlin, blow me' yet a Pope shouldn't pretend that homosexual priests getting blow jobs or molesting children is not sin and say 'who am I to judge'. It is true that the inquisition did quite a bit of judging that was wrong, it is another thing to play possum for p.r. purposes and provide aid and comfort to sin. The Vatican has been accused of indifference to the rise of the fascists and Nazi occupation of Europe, it should not be complacent about the rise of sin and the increase not of the city of God, but of the city of Diabolus.


Solution to ISIS Crisis is Iraqi Citizen Oil Owner State Equalization

When the ordinary Iraqi was aced out of getting a personal share of Iraqi oil field reserves in the form of inalienable stock ownership it permanently funded an unbalanced sectarian conflict based striving to dominate corrupt government to hand off perks and billions of dollars to oil cronie capitalism. Tha'ts the worst sort of capitalism and a silly recipe to form a government in strife-inclined Iraq. For all of the citizens to have common cause to fight for the same same they all needed to be issued equal shares of common ownership of Iraq's oil reserves in the form of shares that could not be sold for 50 years.As Iraq kept the peace and prospered from oil development and sales a better kind of realistic democratic environment could grow.

I wrote about this idea years and years ago and nothing came of it. It is easy to see that conflict will occur to dominate oil production until a kind of balance of terror is achieved. Of course in D.C. they would view the owner-state sort of democratic environment as something to avoid and obfuscate. Big oil prefers the sweetheart deals with corrupt government that primarily benefits investor elites.


Alaska Legislature to Move North of Pt. McKenzie?

With the Alaska State legislature meeting this week in Anchorage one wonders how soon a permanent move somewhere on the east side of Knik Arm a few miles from Anchorage will happen? Since only four or five people from Juneau and a few others from southeast would need to travel far while most Alaska legislatures including those riding a train from Fairbanks and the interior would find it much easier (along with the public) to participate in government the move seems inevitable.

A Knik Arm bridge has been a major project idea for a long time, along with a natural gas pipeline-so it may all come together.


I think an economic capitol could be built for 30 million dollars with very green designs. It makes sense.

Good Reasons to Reject Obama-Trade Pacific Attack on Americans

There are valid reasons for the Senate and House to reject Obama-trade. Even rational Democrats such as exist reject another permanent foreign alliance subverting sovereignty. The interests of the nation and those of capitalism sometimes coincide, occasionally conflict and when they differ in particular circumstances and government action is requested by the private sector to ossify a particular form of business action from government, the government should decide what is best for national interests rather than global capitalist’s interests.

When the U.S.A. was founded global capitalism hardly existed-the Hudson Bay Company and the East India Companies were the two basic planetary semi-corporate entities. When George Washington warned of permanent foreign alliances he had no need to foresee a time when the U.S. Government would seek to make permanent foreign alliances that would compromise on sovereignty for the benefit of global capitalists. It is as valid to say that support for the increase of power of global plutocracy in the Pacific basin while undermining American authority to regulate its own national business affairs is treason as much as a potential creator of jobs. The Obama-trade treaty is primarily intended to enrich global plutocracy as were the Obama tax cuts on the most rich. Bill and Hillary Clinton raked in 30 Million dollars in the past year from speaking fees alone and President Obama may want to cash in on the dinner for dollars, black tie circuit himself the next few decades.

There are several forms of capitalism possible. Value theories may be changed to reflect environmental capital needs that are implicitly not outsourcable-a reason why concentrated monetary capital concerns tend to oppose ecological economic values. Adam Smith was at any rate concerned about freeing up foreign trade monopoly by Royal chartered companies. That exclusivity did not allow fair trade by all citizens in accord with their own self-directed interests. Adam Smith did not argue in favor of the crown relinquishing sovereignty to foreign governments. Obama-trade is fundamentally not about the Adam Smith free-trade issue. Free trade by anyone wishing to trade is a different issue than tax rates on and regulations for anyone interested in trading. The issue of the same corporation trading between its own multi-national businesses is yet another issue.

The United States should keep its sovereignty intact and quit making permanent foreign alliances as promiscuously as it can. Instead of being a Babylon the great sort of whore of all nations the U.S.A. should be and become an ideal ecospheric conservator and innovator of ecological economics with a sober judgment about mankind’s place in nature seeking boldly to lead humanity to spiritually free, ecologically rational business and living practices within a free enterprise criterion where it has never gone before.


On a Modal Logical Need for Heaven

'Holy War' raises the issue of is the eternal presence the Lord in heaven the only way (necessary) for people with no good in them to remain free from sin for eternity? That seems logical necessary in a kind of modal logic. Here is more about the issue...

here are numerous references to life after death in heaven in the Bible-especially notable is the Revelation's chapter 2. John Bunyan's book 'Holy War' provides a modal logical glimpse of the reason why heaven may be structured as it is.

Consider that mankind is susceptible sin. Even if saved and cleansed from sin it seems that Christians may still be subject to temptation. What better way than to have the Lord live in one's presence with the Spirit of God defending the soul against sin? What better place to live than in a New Jerusalem where the heavenly city is cleansed from all diabolic traces?

The people of Mansoul realized the problem of original sin and it's tendency for eternal recurrence. With free will mankind requires on-going help-even in heaven apparently. Bunyan's allegorical account of how the city of Mansoul-created by God yet fallen to occupation of the Devil-even with the free willingness of the people of Mansoul to have the Devil as their Prince-is liberated by the Lord remains true to the Lord. 

Mansoul is I suppose representative of Jerusalem and the New Jerusalem when  the Lord physically returns to take possession. The people realize they have no virtue that can save themselves, and ask for the mercy of God (the Lord) to keep them free and in His good graces as His servants.

from pages 82-83 Holy War"They added, moreover, and prayed his Majesty to consider thereof; ‘for,’ said they, ‘if now, after all this grace bestowed upon us, thy miserable town of Mansoul, thou shouldest withdraw, thou and thy captains, from us, the town of Mansoul will die. Yea,’ said they, ‘our blessed Emmanuel, if thou shouldest depart from us now, now thou hast done so much good for us, and showed so much mercy unto us, what will follow but that our joy will be as if it had not been, and our enemies will a second time come upon us with more rage than at the first! Wherefore, we beseech thee, O thou, the desire of our eyes, and the strength and
life of our poor town, accept of this motion that now we have made unto our Lord, and come and dwell in the midst of us, and let us be thy people. Besides, Lord, we do not know but that to this day many Diabolonians may be yet lurking in the town of Mansoul, and they will betray us, when thou shalt leave us, into the hand of Diabolus again; and who knows what designs, plots, or contrivances have passed betwixt them about these things already! loath we are to fall again into his horrible hands. Wherefore, let it please thee to accept of our palace for thy place of residence, and of the houses of the best men in our town for the reception of thy soldiers and their furniture.’
Then said the Prince, ‘If I come to your town, will you suffer me further to prosecute that which is in mine heart against mine enemies and yours?-yea, will you help me in such undertakings?’

They answered, ‘We know not what we shall do; we did not think once that we should have been such traitors to Shaddai as we have proved to be. What, then, shall we say to our Lord? Let him put no trust in his saints; let the Prince dwell in our castle, and make of our
town a garrison; let him set his noble captains and his warlike soldiers over us; yea, let him conquer us with his love, and overcome us with his grace, and then surely shall he be but with us, and help us, as he was and did that morning that our pardon was read unto us. We shall comply with this our Lord, and with his ways, and fall in with his word against the mighty.

‘One word more, and thy servants have done, and in this will trouble our Lord no more. We know not the depth of the wisdom of thee, our Prince. Who could have thought, that had been ruled by his reason, that so much sweet as we do now enjoy should have come out of those bitter trials wherewith we were tried at the first! But, Lord, let light go before, and let love come after: yea, take us by the hand, and lead us by thy counsels, and let this always abide upon us, that all things shall be for the best for thy servants, and come to our Mansoul, and do as it pleaseth thee. Or, Lord, come to our Mansoul, do what thou wilt, so thou keepest us from sinning, and makest us serviceable to thy Majesty.’"

John Bunyan's exposition of the logical necessity that people live in the presence of the Lord in order to remain free from sin, and later of the joy of living in the presence of the Lord, is a remarkable piece of theological work.

Ideal Office Environment Infrastructure

There is perhaps no such thing as an ideal office workspace . If an ideal work space became an oxymoron since the fall in the garden of Eden with onerous (yet deserved) work requirements following, the need to accomplish tasks that support human life and well being have advanced over millennia while the ecosphere decayed as a bank of practico-inert raw material transformed with high entropy into product. An ideal work space increases human and ecospheric health so far as possible, or at least conserves it, simultaneously.

Work in a private or public setting has variables with data that when associated with function is best accomplished with configurations to serve the function. Adaptive office space configuration produced with adaptive materials able to reconfigure as quickly as possible in response to worker requirements will become an increasing direction for design.

Office space area delineators have been cubicles and screens with data imaging equipment and keyboard data entry being separate elements. In the future office video imaging displays will be the office workspace partitions themselves. Display content will be anything the worker, designer and system manager order from a view of all the office to the beaches of El Salvador.

http://www.nzherald.co.nz/business/news/article.cfm?c_id=3&objectid=11452039 1 mm thick video display tech-tech will continue to advance form

Four wall imaging displays will have transformative imaging content yet the displays themselves will be able to morph shape and form rising or decreasing height and substance. Four partitions could change y to  round or rhomboid etc,. A number of materials might exist that quickly change shape and that even take on a bullet-stopping hardness.

The ideal office of the future will be that best adapted for supporting and increasing worker health, well-being and productivity.

Governing mass social entropy quota balances and allotments could be integrated in local area networks and cubicle image display parameters to enable conformity to socially  reduce the increase of material entropy into private and public business criteria. A more intelligent office space would advance social intelligence effort harmonizing macro-social ecological economic effort infrastructure.

Physiology monitors of employees will analyze physical health and stress levels unobtrusively and determine if any health deficiency could be rectified with a change in workload and work performance settings and content in the adaptive spatial configuration. With adaptive technology ubiquitous and increasingly available over time the workspace configuration will attempt to interface with the ideal worker health and performance environment allowing positive environment for creativity and production.

High-speed quantitative traders on Wall Street exploiting any little chink in the social financial armor to take a quick and dirty profit are be best contemporary example for what every office expert system of computational intelligence will run as a background monitor for the office work-potential in the future ideal office environment. Today a few corporate entities exploit the raw material of society, business and nature as a practico-inert substance to profit from. In the future ideal office all citizens and business activity will be cognizant of the unified ecospheric field and exploit it only minimally within boundaries set by rational government.

Society is a material war over for the increase of entropy and maintenance of human health. Realistically rational social and ecosphere relations conserving human and ecospheric health will arise within the ubiquitous ideal office environment of tomorrow. In the ideal office work space real-time expert systems guidance will consider three criteria for manufactures.
1) Most efficient low-entropy added to raw materials
2) Highest number of people that can be employed empirically while competing in a low-entropy economy (owner profit in the low-entropy environment from skimming a small percentage from the worker compensation package)
a) The citizen worker-force well being coincides with the most efficient use of the ecosphere criterion. A maximum low-entropy economy seeks the highest creativity and productivity status of citizens possible
3) Print on demand 3D printing manufacturing can output anywhere on Earth that buyers have interest. Planetary low-entropy economy criterion transcends free-trade paradigm of 18th century.


Apartheid in Indian Country

Political correctness virtually governs organizational inertia in government. South African apartheid was generally held to be wrong and a hindrance to western assertions of democracy as superior to crass dictatorship of a proletariat. It would be inconvenient to say truthfully that American Indian Reservations are held to be a beneficial form of apartheid. Apartheid in some cases cannot be good and in others bad without complicating political correctness labeling.

There is something attractive to liberals in working to treat American Indians as a separate race that deserves different political treatment than ordinary citizens. Though no living American Indians were born earlier than the 20th century, they are still regarded as first peoples because of inherited racial endowment. On that genetic basis different laws and land set asides are made. It is true that some treaties to grant land to Indians in return for peace were made, yet most were not given the right to vote whatsoever as individuals in American politics. In order for Indians to qualify for a different legal status they actually needed to be different. In wasn’t discrimination to deny Indians equal legal rights if they were not equal and were instead separate.

Dividing and conquering in detail enemies of the concentration of wealth might be accomplished through numerous means in the U.S.A. today. Americans have no history of throwing off a vast class of royal aristocrats that were vampires by and large except for the brief, successful revolution by a minority. In Europe huge famines killing millions under royal rule happened numerous times in the 17th century. The Dutch lost two and founded New Amsterdam. The Russians lost 3-4 million some time later. Protracted bloody revolutions happened-they new what it was to get rid of the predatory scum at the top. Now Americans don’t take any of that seriously and put themselves into pink and lavender cute designer chains. The civil war was fought to keep white people free of aristocracy that was threatening to return through the southern aristocrats and their Brit friends (not referring to Bill Clinton or Tits Up). Abe Lincoln made the biggest mass hanging in U.S. history, of American Indians, waging insurrection during the war (reluctantly). Republicans took democracy seriously.

In many Indian rights and Indian sovereignty issues today that would have Indians join federal advisory boards to mismanage Yukon River king salmon equally with incompetent non-Indian mismanagers or give Indians the ancestral right to open gambling casinos or hootchie kootchie clubs nothing is said about restoring the Indian historical right to be ineligible to vote or get non-Indian specialized federal benefits as was historically the case.

A word about restoring the Pacific King Salmon fishery to health with a simple five-step method-here’s how;
1) No taking of fish in international waters
2) Fish must be caught within 12 miles of continental shore
3) Six consecutive no-fishing years every 20 years
4) Total maximum allowable annual catch is 50% of all fish overall
5) Sports, subsistence and commercial fisherpersons would each be given one-third of the 50% harvest of all available fish.

It is understandable that Indians prefer to have apartheid and eat the federal cake too, perhaps sharing the Federal Reserve’s cash printing extravaganza along with resident aliens that would like to retire by the millions on social security benefits in Mexico, China, India, Pakistan and wherever (sometimes in order to fund terrorist missions to America).

In order for justice to prevail and to keep the meaning of apartheid’s politically correct labeling alive as American Indians increase the strength of their sovereign apartheid they should give up their properties of rights citizens of a dubiously United States proportionately. That is to the degree that American Indians claim sovereign apartheid they should relinquish American citizenship.
The fair and balanced way of Indian apartheid might best be founded on population density for Indians such that they have land population density equal to that of 1776 in areas they actually resided in rather than journeyed across to hunt or go for war parties. I am not unsympathetic about the state of Indian apartheid in the U.S.A. My only descendant has American Indian ancestors. The ethnic purity of American Indians was not a bad thing; being separated from cultural contamination of the Old World did let those people have 30,000 years of comparative Independence, yet slavery and genocide were as common in America then as it was in savage European and Asian cultures until, hmmm, a few years ago?

Savage civilizations of primitive peoples phased out in Europe during the 20th century (only joking), it phased out with the rise of the first Mesopotamian civilizations and entered the new phase of civilized violence and state terrorism. American Indians ran a few thousand years behind Eurasian-Mesopotamian and North African cultures of course, and most of the area that is the U.S.A. outside of Cohokia circa 1000-1300 a.d. never developed civilization at all. That also was favorably comparable to much of Europe that did not develop state tyranny everywhere until perhaps 1000 a.d.

Advanced civilizations kill their environment better than savages. American Indians exterminated many species including wooly mammoths and saber tooth tigers yet today 1/6th of land mammals are facing extinction. I think that is a conservative miunderestimation. More likely there will be no larger mammals alive outside zoos except for people in a century. Washington State’s politicians have preponderantly killed Puget Sound and Hood Canal for fish and mammal life and made the region look like a pro anti-environmentalism advertisement. Maybe they could be relocated to Baltimore and Chesapeake Bay to fix that. Yet I am more generous than most in that respect.

Next week I may examine how the problems of Baltimore were caused by a failure to allow in enough illegal aliens to bring a new and improved work and invention ethic to Maryland. Mexican illegal alien advocates generally demand an end to whites-only apartheid of Del Norte caused by border law enforcement. The peaceful Delaware tribe pacified the eastern shore of Maryland long ago (with extirpation of local dissidents) and a peaceful Mexican labor occupation of Baltimore can probably do same to labor. Ought not a Frosted Flakes size box of Cracker Jack be provided to rioters by FEMA whenever civil disturbances occur in the future? Civil rights for the many are as important as those lost for the individual.

What is Meant by 'Atheists Have No Morals'

Divine command moral norms following Moses and Deuteronomy were plain and simple. Alternatively modern godless individuals haven’t anything ...