
Ireland Succumbs to Homosexual Marriage

The Irish affirmative vote to queer marriage makes one wonder why the luck of the Irish has run out? What Satanic power trained the little leprechauns to become queer? Plainly the snakes have returned to the Emerald Isle. With the evil powers of Boston possibly supporting homo power rather than the I.R.A. these days maybe the apostasy was inevitable. What failure of moral leadership, what vast public debt to evil made Ireland go queer?. The answer to Karl Mauldin's what will you do, what will you' query for those who have had their wallet stolen seems to be that San Francisco style answer-make marriage of cock-sucking bucks. With the power of queer royals near in England the sin contagion overtook the Irish. The broadcast media indicates that the new plum pudding apple-in-the-eye of global homosexual elites is Australia.

The fine heritage of Kennedy, Reagan and Tip O'Neil might have been undermined by President Obama's visit as an expert queer organizer . Barrack Obama was a community organizer before being a politician. No one knew he would become a gay community organizer when President of the decaying United States.

The New York state legislature seemed to go belly up on morality after the President's visit to the city at a critical moment before the vote in the legislature to legalize homo marriage. Maybe the Irish were another notch in the gay gun-belt of the President of the United States. In the brave new world of the atheist left such items are merely word definitions without much meaning. Homo helps concentrate wealth for the rich and enables the public to get a 360 degree panning camera angle of rich personages now and then. One wonders how far the Boston, Harvard, Linton, Kerry,Obama axis of evil diplomacy has gone in subverting traditional values below the surface. Leveraging the downtrodden little people with butch supremacy may be the administration's major foreign policy 'achievement' besides advancing a plethora of civil conflicts.

One might believe that the majority of straight Irish men voted against the measure to make marriage a dyadic relationship without having anything to do with reproduction or heritage. The Gaelic entity has voted to go overtly gay making the Emerald Isle less desirable as a tourist destination. Yet the Irish were wild folk any way, so what the heck. Maybe they got tired of the Gaelic-Gay homophone and decided to bring perversion forward to a disambiguated state.

Tacitus I believe wrote that red haired Germans had a bisexual male culture in addition to skull trophies of war adorning their humble homes (observed in Swiss archaeological excavations). Finding better succor from financial elites with ties to the lavender underground or the Clinton Foundation may be additional factors swimming like schools of Titanics below the surface more than 92% concealed from above.

Reading the 'Holy War' by John Bunyan presently it is almost unavoidable to mention the diabolic nature of the Irish vote. Maybe priestly perversions of recent decades past was a factor for popular interest in queering up marriage-if homos can just be settled down homos maybe they won't be drawn toward the single culture of the Catholic priesthood to avoid women and incidentally molest altar boys. Regardless, a priesthood of believers without a hierarchical structured clergy is a better way, less susceptible to Diabolical attacks on man's soul.

One wonders if the failure of the Celtic Christian Church to survive arrival of the Roman Catholic Church and its distant ruled professional ecclesiastical orders created an alienation of Irish culture from its past. That past was pagan before Celtic Christian arrived, yet if Celtic Christians had survived Viking predators and the professional Roman Church orders the Celtic monks with blond haired tonsures giving the appearance of halos could have forged a lasting moral bond with the Irish and given them a new moral nature instead of a repressed pagan nature yearning for liberation under the yoke of oppressive alien Papacy with child molesting clerics?

One wonders if Pope Francis' 'no moral authority present' response to a query on homosexuality that lets N.P.R. describe the pope as advancing (secular, gay) 'liberation theology' is what he really intended to image-for-others. Does losing Ireland to apostasy mean nothing to the Vatican-would an Irish Pope be able to reverse the decline and fall of the lost? Is it of no concern that the Irish of Notra Dame U. have been given another meaning for 'North Bend'.

While Christians should not be judgmental over individuals, they should know and express what sin is and isn't. A U.S. President may groan 'blow me Monica, blow me' or blow me Marlin, blow me' yet a Pope shouldn't pretend that homosexual priests getting blow jobs or molesting children is not sin and say 'who am I to judge'. It is true that the inquisition did quite a bit of judging that was wrong, it is another thing to play possum for p.r. purposes and provide aid and comfort to sin. The Vatican has been accused of indifference to the rise of the fascists and Nazi occupation of Europe, it should not be complacent about the rise of sin and the increase not of the city of God, but of the city of Diabolus.

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