
Ethics or Lack Thereof in Scientific Genome Editing With CRISPR

With the news that Chinese scientists have developed new and improved techniques of cutting and splicing genes of adults and fetuses therein enabling reconfiguration of the human genome with inheritable traits the issue of ethics has appeared too. Is it ethical to alter the human genome it is asked. One must reply-what is ethics besides a post hoc description of what people actually do?

If scientists exploiting frankendesign can invent a politician with a working brain able to get his head around environmental economics-perhaps splitting in two or more parts like a Resident Evil creature, will it be possible to make progress on ecological economics and get rid of fossil fuel vehicles once and for all?


There are numerous systems of ethics one may choose from-there is not a social election of ethics and those used if any differ from country to country and group to group. In the United States and possibly China utilitarian ethics may b e popular among elites if they have any. Utilitarian developed by John Stuart Mill seeks the greatest good of the greatest number, yet defining what the good is, who defines it, and quantifying it as well as applying methods to actualize the good are subjective factors that make the utilitarian incomplete ethics.


In practice the socially and political advantaged tend to definitions with an inherent bias toward the greatest good comprising selections that benefit elites. Concentrating wealth is regarded as the best way to advance society and free enterprise and if democracy is lost in the process, that is good. Thus the ethics of genomic modification is decided in term of social and financial advantage to the rich and powerful rather than upon its probable maladaptive effects upon the human genome. Changing the human genome intentionally rather than allowing nature and God to adjust it over time is comparable to human caused extermination of species stimulating a cascade of mass extinction.

Even so, the classical economics and politics criterion that puts utilitarian ethics forward as an abstract way to reinforce concentration of wealth within classical economic parameters instead of evolving ecological economic procedures quickly and intentionally through the excellent tool of democracy seems to be increasing the environmental breakdowns that endanger the future stability of life on Earth. For the larger questions of mass social existence in an increasingly unhealthy ecosphere the question of ‘is it ethical’ seems somehow inadequate.

http://www.vox.com/2015/5/4/8547797/what-is-crispr  gene engineering tool

Someone might wonder if it would be ethical for Autobots to transform into Decepticons and vice versa with equal meaninglessness in regard to the existential and ecospheric state-of-the-world. Insular ethical universes with moral relativism embedded within a social reality discognizant of empirical reality are ethics of mass social narcissism.

http://www.lulu.com/us/en/shop/garrison-clifford-gibson/temporal-cross-currents/ebook/product-20592576.html  Free e-book download

quotes from 'Temporal Cross Currents'...
"Amidst stalactites oozing with production builder’s cheese and grim stalagmites sand blasted smoothness pervaded the central expanse of the chamber. New data-casts from a Martian info network covered the concave curve with shots of illegal aliens arrested on the West Bank of the Drake Sea in below the sand enclaves of chthonic huts dug and solidified with high temperature incendiary grenades.

The story moved on to coverage beyond the edge. Illegal aliens made joyrides from the solar system spanning Electro-magnetic tensor acceleration grid. Accelerated close to the value of c between the solar orbit base and Pluto the journey took under two months Earth Relativity Time yet the destination for inbound Ort-side miners was often Mars on the midnight express.
With a tenth generation stealth suit spaced shuttle divers could jump off the common carriers and vector to Mars and with a low chute opening have a good chance of not burning up in the atmosphere or slamming into Mars at very high speed when the suit's hot-fast guidance software is without imps. Para-chutes developed into artificial intelligence target selected anti-gravity anti-particle field shapers scaling in response to drop zone characteristics.
Space jumpers traveling fast enough to make ripples in the Martian Colony air control scopes were toasted with air defrag particle beams. Extra planetary jumps with a significant portion of light speed male a disturbance in space-time gravitational field monitors with their enhanced mass. Corporate neural-mach circuits in the Solar System track everything in motion off-worlds that isn't competitively stealth shrouded.
Macarthur pensively pondered scenes of illegal alien intruders swelling the ranks of Martians and part of the cause of the meeting of the five. Martians are polarizing along political lines for Martian Independence or continuing submission to the rule of Corporate Interplanetary and droves of migrants sent outside the law to increase Corporate profits with cheap mercenary labor.
The aliens are mostly from post-chaos Earth and bring attitudes of socialized conditioning inimical to Martian Independence "So what" he said thought aloud..."They are independent for-themselves". The peace of the Pax Americana on Earth ended when the nation itself was finally subsumed in the inevitable Corporate planetary economization and civilization began to destroy itself when there were no frontiers on Earth left to conquer.
Some politicians argued for Adam Smith’s unlimited business frontier in which pure Capitalism’s needs not national borders would determine where people could travel to work. Environmentalism was painted as an exclusive practice of apartheid seeking elites trying to create areas proscribed for capitalists and non-European peoples to travel in.
Circumstances sometimes define the best adaptation of economic theories instead of abstract ideal economic forms that work perfectly in thought yet have problems in application. Paradigms in which theories occur usually pre-exist the creation of economic theories. Close plausible causal approximation of an empirical economic realm may seem accurate and spur confidence in the moral rightness of vested political and economic interests comprising an obstacle to recognition of other factors of the economic circumstance beyond the theory.
Wave after wave of illegal immigrants arrived full grown to be factory workers, field hands and minions of monopolistically capitalized Interplanetary Corporate elites who needed new employees for expansion and growing profits and found none in the placid and stable native-born citizens of Mars Colony. International and planetary trade came to mean redistributing production and independence across borders and into corporatist control. Productive independent nations had production outsourced incrementally and the people were reduced to comfortable dependent political drones.
Martians reached a stable ecological stasis in biospheric production with fifty million souls and were content to remain at that number for a few hundred years. They had placed a population capstone at the summit of Olympus Mons.
Outlaw immigrants and offspring flanked the plans of native Martians with innate loyalty to Corporate. Decreasing Martian native political power was one of the factors that worked toward quickening Rebel attack measures in Novo Miklagarth.
Most immigration to Mars had become forbidden by law at a session of the Council of Fifty Representatives. The Fifty allowed a small and balanced proportional quota of legal immigrants from all humanoid settlements not on the most unfavored nation list to provide a stablishment of diversity. Some immigrants were fifth column terrorists interested mainly in finding suitable safe cover identity as reliable workers in order to have an opportunity for clandestine sabotage and terrorism. Nogo Ooze’s exfiltrators arrived as tools from Waha Wul."
"Maybe mass hadn't even the potential for mind originally, except for a design before the Universe was created. Perhaps one believes that an accident nevertheless spurred mass into producing mind at some point. Mind differs from mass/matter at least as much as any other basic force of physics differs from another, and more so as far as I am concerned.
Macarthur said "I can't help wondering aloud Voevoda, if the Earth space-backs are genetically unraveling as badly as most ordinary wretches of Earth. Eighty thousand human genes few have been monkeyed with in bioengineering labs producing business errors, eco-wars and recombinant digression.
In Earth year 6000 before Christ more than 25% of men in local skirmishes died of head wounds, that was a catastrophic time era for homicide beyond regular battlefields. Human bio-nature hasn't fundamentally changed, nor shall it imbued with original biological form sin organically consuming mass. Intelligence with God can overcome deficits of sin.
Standard patent Corporate-structured DNA molds have been subjected to unlimited pirating and result in quasi-modes of functionality. Some of the coeds presenting at the campus infirmary have symptoms of close-encounter disease of the worst kind transmitting unraveling syndrome probably contracted through sleeping with the buggers in the underground. My notes are coded in time-access window account anticline."
Kelkal asked “Do you have a non-deficit generating dense strategy?”
One must defend against particular things including debt.” Macarthur said softly.
I asked "What have you seen Cromwell, and how bad is it?"
"Delayed and uncertain foetel gene stablishment for one thing. Anytime in the life cycle the proto-human’s x or y chromosomes as well as other genes can molecularly unravel, disassemble or recombine with chaotic permutation. It’s a catastrophic transitional mess that oozes to Hades" Macarthur paused.
Genuine finished most of his omelet a fork to spear a chunks of eggplant and sharp cheddar and said; ”We can try to define the extent of the problem yet we must drift toward shaping an action policy."
I noticed his fork method and thought it a behavioral artifact of extra-planetary days."

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Nice statement and photographic presentation; Clint Eastwood walking away from the philosophical showdown a winner. There are a few more tha...