
Free E-Book & Demos Crash Obama's Harvard Pacific Sovereignty Trade Fast Track

With President Obama and Harry Read seeming like lame ducks Senate Democrats were swift to bulldog-crash the Pacific rim sovereignty trade surrender to corporatism and evil empires fast track authority. The bad news is that my collection of Bush II era essay named 'Fossil Fueled Federal Deficits' that is free to download now probably will not always be so. I may raise the price on some 500+ pages of political and philosophical essays on a variety of topic to a dollar some day. Here it is; 


Senate Democrats finally realized that their President is a Harvard Yard figure  steering tax cuts and political power to corporations while sounding sorry about it. Democrats are running for re-elections and the President isn't-hence the demo of the Free Trade outsourcing of defense industries and industrial capacity to China so the U.S.A. couldn't possible stand any sort of war since its economy would stop even if China's was vaporized, Nationalism is sooo oldish isn't it?

Seriously though, with direct free trade and existing outsourcing via Internet of white collar jobs and with NAFTA style relocation of industrial production to China if the Chinese Communist party that requires 51% Chinese ownership in any foreign forms locating in China wanted to bite the bullet and close down the U.S. economy they could do so without a shot being fired.

The corporatist-concentrated wealth plutocracy that is the new evil empire does not care if Americans become peons themselves and Democrats usually eat up the slop being fed them as upwardly mobile servo-unit fems and minorities. They resist a little near election time yet as millionaires in office they still want the tax cuts and fossil fueled economic infrastructure.

Nationalism is a way to keep at least a semblance of pluralism in international politics. Otherwise an amoral global evil empire with plutocrats of all political parties will probably just go right ahead and f up the planet's environment and populace before they move off-world.

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