
U.S. Supreme Court Eves Lusting to Bite Apple?

The U.S. Supreme Court has three female judges expected to bite the apple again and vote for forcing homosexual marriage upon the 50 states. Not only will they compel all of the states to be apostate, they will undermine as best they can God's work of reconciliation for humanity's loss of grace in the Garden of Eden.

The initial fall in the garden followed Eve's willful disobedience of the instructions not to eat of two particular trees in the garden. Listening to the serpent's persuasion she went ahead and ate the forbidden fruit. Adam followed Eve and humanity were cast into the thermodynamic containment facility of temporal space-time in the world and Universe God created. Justices Ginsburg, Kagan and Sotomayor as raving corporate ersatzt-liberals are expected to follow their moral disobedience and vote for forcing homosexual marriage upon the states. Homosexuality itself is expressly forbidden in the Bible, and marriage was developed to enable a correction  to the fundamental original sin of thermodynamic streaming sinfulness in sex. Adam and Eve lusted after one another; only in marriage was it to a limited extent neutralized as sin, yet sex is a fundamental thermodynamic drive that exists in a variety of forms many of which are not sanctified.

To subvert the sanctity of marriage as a godly establishment will further jeopardize the Adam-Eve state of affairs in relation to God, yet Eve is willful and desirous of power as well as pleasure.

It is interesting that the period of judges in Israel before the arrival of King David (with a brief pro tem court of Saul) lasted 350 years. It was a time where people did what they thought was good in their own eyes. It was a time of rampant sinfulness and murder with pagan worship eclipsing in some places the Israeli relationship to God.  America is in what has been called the Age of Fracture, or as Al Gore said 'no ruling legal authority'. Each follows there own amoral path with moral relativism the norm eve of the Eve on the U.S. Supreme Court perhaps.

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Regarding Colin Wilson's ''The Outsider'

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