
The Appearance of Spirit from the Inanimate Material of the Cosmos

Spirit arises from the material cosmos directed by the will of God. The failure or unwillingness to recognize the ascendence of spirit and to remain simple animate mass that ratiocinates is a kind of dampened fuse dumb down of human potential that God intended evidently to achieve a spiritual health.

In the beginning God created the Universe. In chapter two God creates man outside of the thermodynamically submerged world. Adam and Eve were created directly by God-not born and in that perfect condition of spirit they sinned wilfully disobeying God instructions not to eat from the tree of knowledge. Moral awareness of the difference between good and evil is a fundamental break with the natural animal world that has no awareness of good, evil or any other moral concepts-it simply consumes other life and inputs energy to grow. Mankind was supposed to be more than that.

Apparently Adam and Eve were downloaded from a more spiritual into a material world and Universe.  Adam was made to work and Eve was made to have the painful experience of childbirth. They were infused into history at the dawn of civilization and integrated with the surrounding human life. Adam and Eve and their descendants the Jews were given the role of being a priesthood to the rest of the world. God gave the proto-evangelium immediately after the fall indicating that he would some day send a savior to enable humanity to overcome the problem of willful disobedience that makes humanity an unacceptably imperfect spiritual subject for God who is a perfect Spirit.

It was the descendants of Adam and Eve through Abraham with the Abrahamic covenant and through Moses and David with their covenants that the Servant-King Isaiah prophesied of appeared in the nation of Israel. Jesus Christ was born as one of Abraham's and David's descendants as prophesied. His ministry of salvation was given to anyone of faith in his ability to overcome original and all other sin that makes humanity imperfect and unacceptable to God. Jesus Christ was the God-man without sin. Sin is the problem of evil, of temporality and of a failure of humanity to overcome the material and temporal world and its problems of evil that arise in human nature.

To exist as a sentient being in a temporal world with salvation from Jesus Christ is to exist without moral validation. Even worse than to be an unsaved descendant of Ishmael with a belief in the false prophet is to be an atheist without belief in moral absolutes-a challenge-to human beings to become more than just biomass peers to minerals and rocks with no moral awakening.

There is a problem even for some Christians in-the-world in understanding rightly their relationship to the Lord Jesus Christ while in the temporal world. They fail to comprehend the plan of God to bring salvation to the people of the world through Adam and Eve, the Jews and the house of David culminating with the appearance of the Lord Jesus Christ and to convert a majority of the world's populace to faith in the Lord Jesus before he appearance personally to conclude temporal concerns, judge the living and dead and allocate eternal occupations in heaven of hell.

Since the kingdom of God is increasing and pre-destined to increase-although possibly not in an invariant fine tensor, in the modern tech world it the priesthood of believers ideal should replace the anachronistic temple/hierarchical priesthood form and convert a majority unto active Christian lives. Christian life should not be a step forward toward paying tithes, sitting as a spectator in a congregation and supporting a priest's family. Christians should be sharing small-group leadership roles equally in worship services and all be professing, active priests in church and out. Every Christian should be a missions activist. Each church should share in a global network of priesthood of believers churches working to bring more to the church, to salvation and with work banks, health banks and etc.

Those that believe that the Lord will return before a majority are Christians tend to hope to be beamed up into air evacuation while the world crumbles around them. They become detached from active missiological ventures, they have no interest in reforming the church to a priesthood of believers formation, they don't care much about the environment-one that humanity will be living in for some time. With only a short-term rather than a long-term interest in the missions field and in the work of creating a fair, just, healthy and moral world order based on a church of God and instead expecting Armageddon at any moment the pre-tribulationists just don't get it-though they are saved.

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