
Potential China-U.S. Naval Battle Over Spratly Islands Could Benefit Ecosphere Conservation

The gross Chinese destruction of healthy reef habitat to build up land and claims to sovereignty over the the Spratly islands-a no man's land if there ever was highlights the idiotic use of power to grab real estate. to a certain extent there wasn't even enough land for marines, of any side, to land on. The first good typhon might drown whatever is built up there. Marine life can find the place a paradise though. It is mankind that stupidly destroys sea life in innumerable ways from acidic ocean content increase to over-fishing and habitat destruction. Building up land, blasting sub-sea surface elements for foundations and so forth while putting out copious diesel fuel exhaust is really stupid.

Obviously naval battles of scale are difficult to film these decades. The last great naval surface battles the U.S. navy played a major part in were during the second world war. One U.S. destroyer escort captain made a suicidal run at a Japanese cruiser as part of an engagement off Alaska.  Captain Dan Evans was awarded the medal of honor though his body was never found. Probably a great cruise missile conflagration and complete destruction of anything built up or located in the Spratly islands would be good television viewing yet it would be expensive and polluting.

Is it possible the place could be made a marine sanctuary to let fish recover health there a little before venturing outside? Potential warring sides could instead defend the marine sanctuary.

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