
Jeb Bush May Need Condi Rice V.P. to Overcome the Milit-Industrial Distrust

Candidate Jeb Bush is beginning to sound as arrogant and unapologetic as his brother G.W. on the foreign wars issue, and that isn't good for his election chances. He even seems to look more like G.W. these days. Stanford University President Condi Rice is probably the only way he could get the black and female vote in 2016. Simply being an indolent hawk may work for the oil patch and military-industrial corporate crowd, yet those voters aren't a  majority. Jeb Bush should have said that going to war in Iraq was a choice he would have made too, yet the post-war management was stupid beyond belief and unaffordable that even Bozo could have improved upon.


Since I have ventured onto the rotten ice of the pharsalisical 2016 election, and whereas the Democrats will not run Barbara Boxer and Senator Warren leaving the prospects for a royal Clinton II versus Bush III election probable (I actually though Alien versus Predator was a good movie though, yet Predator II with Danny Glover was probably better than The Predator with the Arnold), I will comment on race generated demographically realistic matchups that win or lose for Republicans.

1) There can be do Bush-Walker combo
2) Senator Rubio is anyone's winning VP choice
3) Senator Cruz is a first term Canadian citizen-yek
4) Walker-Rubio is swell
5) Walker-Nikki Haley wins
6) Rubio-Firoina may win
7) Cruz-Fiorina won't win
8) Bush-Fiorina loses

It is possible that Condi Rice might leave her ivory tower and all of the excellent people to work for Jeb Bush as V.P. taking a low profile in the job yet able to do intellectual analysis from the inside and perhaps attract some top west coast intellectual talent to the White House. She might even be able to dampen the worst Bush blundering traits that tempt them to send some no bid contracts to Halliburton or go hunting for wolves in Denali National Park.

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