
Good Reasons to Reject Obama-Trade Pacific Attack on Americans

There are valid reasons for the Senate and House to reject Obama-trade. Even rational Democrats such as exist reject another permanent foreign alliance subverting sovereignty. The interests of the nation and those of capitalism sometimes coincide, occasionally conflict and when they differ in particular circumstances and government action is requested by the private sector to ossify a particular form of business action from government, the government should decide what is best for national interests rather than global capitalist’s interests.

When the U.S.A. was founded global capitalism hardly existed-the Hudson Bay Company and the East India Companies were the two basic planetary semi-corporate entities. When George Washington warned of permanent foreign alliances he had no need to foresee a time when the U.S. Government would seek to make permanent foreign alliances that would compromise on sovereignty for the benefit of global capitalists. It is as valid to say that support for the increase of power of global plutocracy in the Pacific basin while undermining American authority to regulate its own national business affairs is treason as much as a potential creator of jobs. The Obama-trade treaty is primarily intended to enrich global plutocracy as were the Obama tax cuts on the most rich. Bill and Hillary Clinton raked in 30 Million dollars in the past year from speaking fees alone and President Obama may want to cash in on the dinner for dollars, black tie circuit himself the next few decades.

There are several forms of capitalism possible. Value theories may be changed to reflect environmental capital needs that are implicitly not outsourcable-a reason why concentrated monetary capital concerns tend to oppose ecological economic values. Adam Smith was at any rate concerned about freeing up foreign trade monopoly by Royal chartered companies. That exclusivity did not allow fair trade by all citizens in accord with their own self-directed interests. Adam Smith did not argue in favor of the crown relinquishing sovereignty to foreign governments. Obama-trade is fundamentally not about the Adam Smith free-trade issue. Free trade by anyone wishing to trade is a different issue than tax rates on and regulations for anyone interested in trading. The issue of the same corporation trading between its own multi-national businesses is yet another issue.

The United States should keep its sovereignty intact and quit making permanent foreign alliances as promiscuously as it can. Instead of being a Babylon the great sort of whore of all nations the U.S.A. should be and become an ideal ecospheric conservator and innovator of ecological economics with a sober judgment about mankind’s place in nature seeking boldly to lead humanity to spiritually free, ecologically rational business and living practices within a free enterprise criterion where it has never gone before.

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