Notes on 'Holy War'
War is a hot topic in the third millennium. Known also as jihad, Holy
War is being waged upon the infidels of Washington D.C. Boston and
outlying symps by Muslim fundamental terrorists seeking to overthrow
paganism and polytheism. Yet Holy War has a more ancient lineage than
that of 9-11 airline hijack crashers or the interminable effort by
Middle East Muslims to liquidate the state of Israel. Holy War could
be said to have began with 7th century by expansionist Muhammadans on
Constantinople, Sicily, Rome and the Iberian Peninsula. I think it
might be right to regard Constantine's battle under the standard of
Christ as a kind of Holy war too. At a deeper level the Holy War
began in the Garden of Eden when the smooth-tongued-devil seduced Eve
toward the dark side of the force a little bit with Adam soon to
Holy Wars in the Christian era have generally concerned state and
religious neo-theocratic ideas or goals with insurrectionists, rebels
or governments seeking to exert a purifying and authoritarian force
upon tentative subjects it is useful to regard Holy wars as of two
varieties-those of a secular nature largely-even if the secular has
religious content and is in defense of religious forms such as
legalisms of a Jewish theocracy or legalisms of a Muslim theocracy or
simple church-state rule by a unified living gd like Nero, who it is
written had a beautiful operatic voice that put people to sleep and
made Romans feign illness to be able to get an excuse to leave his
lengthy recitals; and a second form where the Holy war is of a more
inward character-where the war is a battle for the soul. Occupation
of the temple of God would not happen when a Roman General puts up an
abomination in the Herodian Temple, it would occur when the believer
in God and in the Lord lapses in faith and slips into the darkness of
spirit that is the province of Satan.
spiritual war is a Holy War that never ends this side of heaven,
although those of good faith made enter God's rest and I suppose find
it easier to address the efforts of Satan to attack and surge over
the soul with better form. It is a sad fact that the descendants of
Abraham's bastard Ishmael tend to have an adulterated form of faith
that leaves them as a kind of ancient, misguided Jew without a
relationship to the Lord and with a focus on a false prophet who
detracts from just God and his Son. In the zealous, politicized and
ignorant mass of neo-theocratic aspirations Muslims today wage Holy
war with traditional political and religious reasons for doing so.
the U.S. Government today and the west being assaulted by Diabolans
in a number of guises; with atheism and Darwinism virtually a
state-anti-religion, with abortion, illegal drug use, homosexual
marriage and global warming, the west gives an easy and true example
of decadent, reprobate behavior to Muslim fanatics with a good excuse
to use the weapons and ropes of the west that the west sells them to
try to hang them with (to paraphrase Lenin). The U.S.A. educated
Shiek Khalid Mohammad and trained the WTC pilots on flight training
simulators. Today it is training more Syrian rebels in terror methods
and already liberated hundreds of thousands of tons of explosives
ordinance and other materials for easy access to terrorists across
the Middle East with support for revolutions against regimes not at
war with the U.S.A. The Diabolans expect that will all work out
happily enough-and it makes good stories, and yes, they hate
Christians and marginalize them as best they can. The Unholy War of
U.S. Government insiders on people of faith continues as a kind of
mirror image to the Holy War of Christians for the soul. I will say
nothing about an Hegelian or Marxist dialectic here, That's not
germane to the basic topic of Holy War and isn't terribly relevant
anyway as a method for describing complex social evolutionary
interactions that present as states of affairs in social and
political relations.
Diabolans really are godless, atheists without much sense. For them
evolution theory has decisively won and they continue to undermine
Genesis as a rival account for creation and life in the Universe. It
is in thousands of films and is ion content in news spin. Many
Christian apologists naively reply with wrong creation theories
themselves, and those with wrong eschatology such as
pre-tribulationists themselves dispense falsehoods to the masses
making it even easier for the Diabolans to point out the silliness
and doom that Christians offer.
thought a post-trib interpretation of the Revelation is right, and
Genesis chapters one and two seem to indicate that God made the
universe and world perhaps with mankind in it and then created Adam
and Eve someplace else. They were dropped into the world after the
fall and then given characteristics of thermodynamics such as birth,
aging and death. They also became the founders of what would emerge
as the Jewish people and ancestors of Jesus Christ. Adam and Eve's
sons married into other existing peoples around the ancient world it
appears. In this modality God could had theistically evolved the
world or not, Adam and Eve were plugged into an existing world from
non-temporal disconformity with the temporal. There is no basis for
an either or approach to evolution versus Genesis creation, and
basically Darwinists and Christian fundamentalists are just wrong
though in different degrees and about different things.
thing is certain though; the spiritual Holy War for man's soul
continues with the Devil doing all he can (though doomed already) to
make a hostile takeover. The Lord has already won the victory.
with John Bunyan's 17th century book 'Holy War' as one reads through
it presents one with the question of how to go about deciding on a
method. Unlike all of the previous course assignments this book is a
work of fiction. One might say inspired fiction if that genre can be
said to exist, yet fiction nonetheless. While very useful it is also
a somewhat dangerous realm.
is theoretically possible to draw the line in scriptural
interpretation. Fundamentally there is a Bible canon that exists that
does not tend to increase or decrease. Even translational changes are
met with skepticism regarding their consistency in presenting the
Bible with complete veracity. Fortunately one has the Essenes and the
Dead Sea scrolls as a proof text for noting any drifts away from
accuracy. With fiction works none of that exists.
fiction work can be brilliantly illuminating. Let me provide and
Quark decides that he has discovered some great and remarkable fact
about the laws of nature and of natural philosophy yet is reluctant
to publish the work because know one in the physics community would
believe the idea was true as it would go against prevailing wisdom
and accepted doctrine. So Tom Quark publishes his ideas in a book of
fiction and over time the idea is a yeast making the intellectual
dough of thought of the unleavened scientific community to rise to
understanding. On the other hand fiction writing can simply mislead
and present a constellation of errors and false leads wasting a
tremendous amount of time. Today there is a huge amount of pseudo
religious fiction published with syncretistic religious errors and
misunderstandings making composite gloppy messes of any sort of
meaningful doctrine that presents true opinion of any field in
science or religion.
the recent movie 'Marine 4' there is a lot of symbolism that would
tend to support political correctness. A former marine is a first day
security officer for 'the best security firm on Earth' who is waiting
with a dozen other identically clad suits for a 'package' to land
from a prop plane that has been flying over the northern state for
two hours. The package is a woman whistle blower-basically a dog
whistle blower who has the goods on the evil Genesis Corporation and
evil defenders of Genesis-people making shoddy military products that
get marines killed. Defenders of Genesis are trying to kill her
before she can get the proof of Genesis' corruption to the Justice
the dog whistle blower with semper fido explaining he will always be
faithful to her is landed on a mountain valley runway so all the
suits can be killed in an ambush shortly after leaving the air strip.
Killing off the suits worn by white males is another satisfying
symbolisms. The one survivor of the ambush besides the Marine and the
dog whistle blower is a suit that turns out to be a traitor working
for the 'top tier operators'. He says things like 'I don't just like
to shoot people in the back of the head', and is generally a
representative sample of the weasel-like suit wearing class of white
men. The desirable political message is that the white suit class is
parasitical and killers. Eliminating the suits (Marine 4 only wore a
suit one day and so survived) and controlling the beastly
evolutionary males with female dog-whistle blowing leash holders is
the utilitarian necessity.
good white villain is a South African merc named Vogel. Vogel is a
kind of mirrored anti-Marine 4 guy. One discerns that with the right
kind of dog training he could have been a twin of Marine 4. Man's
rightful place is on the leash of the dog-whistle blower fighting to
eliminate the defenders of Genesis. The basic difference between
Vogel and Marine 4 is semper fidoltlity to the leash-holder.
(the name reminds me of the late Joe Vogler who was head of the
Alaska Independence Party found murdered in Fairbanks Alaska in 1988
or 89 and buried in the city landfill. I met the late Vogler at a
college course on RS2477 in 1988-he was a decent enough fellow-. A
fellow named Manley drove up to Vogler's door, shot him and moved the
body to the dump. Vogel is just a killer moving forward with the
right MP4 gun posture in a pose of readiness to shoot in close team
tactics as if they were an urban SWAT team while hunting in the
woods. They tend to cluster together to be easy targets, can't hit a
target running 20 feet away and missed infantry tactics 101. Of
course the deceased top security team also missed out on how to avoid
an ambush while driving closely spaced SUVs and then also did not
pack any kind of weapons suitable for defense against top tier
operators sent by the biggest defense contractor in the world. It
wouldn't have done them any good any way; when the top tier Genesis
Corp mercs are decimated in the forest by semper fido their numbers
seem to mysteriously recover-that's weird. I was counting them down
yet it seemed to return to seven a couple of times-well, I probably
need to count better.
anti-Genesis symbolism seems apparent enough. The evolutionarily
superior dog-man marine loyal to his female dog-whistle blower with
killing all the bad white male suits is a
feminist-homosexual-imperialist ideal replicated in countless
Hollywood films.
season with several Obama Harvard yard projects trying to becoming
fructified from homosexual marriage to a Pacific Trade pact that
would undermine U.S. national sovereignty further, and while a host
of U.S. stimulated conflicts world continued to waste much time and
create a more corrupt social environment it is good to find John
Bunyan's excellent story of Mansoul and learn how the conflicts of
today are mirrored through time in perennial struggles in a war
against good and evil.
reading 'The Holy War' by John Bunyan the effort of the son of a
tinker to hammer together a writing venture with all of his effort is
very clear. Bunyan spent 12 years in gaol on a three month sentence
for attending an unauthorized (by imperial rulers) religious service.
Being unwilling to quit his particular beliefs and attend the state
church his sentence probably rolled over. Besides Pilgrim's Progress
there is this brilliant work comparable to Dante's Inferno quite
The allegory of the fate of the town of Mansoul being
captured by the Devil only with help from the inside and purging of
Capt. Resistance and Innocence shows how even modern people harden
their hearts against the Lord and believe what Sartre called 'false
consciousness'. Sartre's term about self-deception applies in the
context of Jeremiah's 'everyone knows me; they just forget
(intentionally) who I am'. My philosophical, analytical disposition
would lead me to say that awareness of being for-others and
being-for-oneself are biologically phenomenal characteristics humans
have implicitly in self-aware cogito... Fancy neurological
configurations of dust put-to-breathing. All are saved through grace
rather than merit. In reading 'Holy War' by John Bunyan one discovers
in the allegory how the town of Mansoul was captured by the top
fallen angel. The wicked one has numerous ways of applying deceit.
Self-deceit is an existential threat.
War-pages 123-124-quote
lords of Looseness send to the great and high Diabolus from our dens,
caves, holes, and strongholds, in and about the wall of the town of
Mansoul, greeting:
great lord, and the nourisher of our lives, Diabolus-how glad we were
when we heard of your fatherhood’s readiness to comply with us, and
help forward our design in our attempts to ruin Mansoul, none can
tell but those who, as we do, set themselves against all appearance
of good, when and wheresoever we find it.
the encouragement that your greatness is pleased to give us to
continue to devise, contrive, and study the utter desolation of
Mansoul, that we are not solicitous about; for we know right well
that it cannot but be pleasing and profitable to us to see our
enemies, and them that seek our lives, die at our feet, or fly before
us. We therefore are still contriving, and that to the best of our
cunning, to make this work most facile and easy to your lordships,
and to us.
we considered of that most hellishly cunning, compacted, threefold
project, that by you was propounded to us in your last; and have
concluded, that though to blow them up with the gunpowder of pride
would do well, and to do it by tempting them to be loose and vain
will help on, yet to contrive to bring them into the gulf of
desperation, we think will do best of all. Now we, who are at your
beck, have thought of two ways to do this: first we, for our parts,
will make them as vile as we can, and then you with us, at a time
appointed, shall be ready to fall upon them with the utmost force.
And of all the nations that are at your whistle, we think that an
army of Doubters may be the most likely to attack and overcome the
town of Mansoul. Thus shall we overcome these enemies, else the pit
shall open her mouth upon them, and desperation shall thrust them
down into it. We have also, to effect this so much by us desired
design, sent already three of our trusty Diabolonians among them;
they are disguised in garb, they have changed their names, and are
now accepted of them; namely, Covetousness, Lasciviousness, and
Anger. The name of Covetousness is changed to Prudent-Thrifty, and
him Mr. Mind has hired, and is almost become as bad as our friend.
Lasciviousness has changed his name to Harmless-Mirth, and he is got
to be the Lord Willbewill’s lacquey; but he has made his master
very wanton. Anger changed his name into Good-Zeal, and was
entertained by Mr. Godly-Fear; but the peevish old gentleman took
pepper in the nose, and turned our companion out of his house. Nay,
he has informed us since that he ran away from him, or else his old
master had hanged him up for his labour.
these have much helped forward our work and design upon Mansoul; for
notwithstanding the spite and quarrelsome temper of the old gentleman
last mentioned, the other two ply their business well, and are likely
to ripen the work apace.
next project is, that it be concluded that you come upon the town
upon a marketday, and that when they are upon the heat of their
business; for then, to be sure, they will be most secure, and least
think that an assault will be made upon them. They will also at such
a time be less able to defend themselves, and to offend you in the
prosecution of our design. And we your trusty (and we are sure your
beloved) ones shall, when you shall make your furious assault
without, be ready to second the business within. So shall we, in all
likelihood, be able to put Mansoul to utter confusion, and to swallow
them up before they can come to themselves. If your serpentine heads,
most subtile dragons, and our highly esteemed lords can find out a
better way than this, let us quickly know your minds.
the monsters of the infernal cave, from the house of Mr. Mischief in
Mansoul, by the hand of Mr. Profane.’”-end
a Modal Logic Parameter for the Necessity of Heaven
War' suggests the question; isn't the eternal presence the Lord in
heaven the only way (necessary) for people with no good in them (no
not one) to remain free from sin for eternity? That seems logically
necessary in a modal logic kind of way. Here is more about the
are numerous references to life after death in heaven in the
Bible-especially notable is the Revelation's chapter 2. John Bunyan's
book 'Holy War' provides a modal logical glimpse of the reason why
heaven may be structured as it is.
that mankind is susceptible to sin. Even if saved and cleansed from
sin it seems that Christians may still be subject to temptation to
sin occasionally getting snared. What better remedy than to have the
Lord live in one's presence with the Spirit of God defending the soul
against sin? What better place to live than in a New Jerusalem where
the heavenly city is cleansed from all diabolic traces?
people of Mansoul realized the problem of original sin and its
tendency for eternal recurrence. With free will mankind requires
on-going help-even in heaven apparently. Bunyan's allegorical account
of how the city of Mansoul-created by God yet fallen to occupation of
the Devil-even with the free willingness of the people of Mansoul to
have the Devil as their Prince-is liberated by the Lord remains true
to the Lord.
is, I suppose, representative of Jerusalem and the New Jerusalem when
the Lord physically returns to take possession. God choose David as
the King of the Jews to make his capital at Jerusalem and the place
where his Temple would be built. God had the Priest-King
Melchizedek-perhaps a preincarnate Christ, appear to Abraham at the
future site of Jerusalem. The writer of Hebrews said that Jesus is a
priest after the order of Melchizedek. Plainly Jerusalem has special
meaning as a place where God appears.
the expulsion of Diabolus from the town of Mansoul in a successful
reconquista accomplished after much strife with great cost and loss
of life the people of Mansoul are rehabilitated to a certain extent.
They expect judgment and doom for they have had enough warnings, yet
are eventually forgiven by the Lord. The people of Mansoul realized
they have no virtue that can save themselves, and ask for the mercy
of God (the Lord) to keep them free and in His good graces as His
pages 82-83 Holy War;"They added, moreover, and prayed his
Majesty to consider thereof; ‘for,’ said they, ‘if now, after
all this grace bestowed upon us, thy miserable town of Mansoul, thou
shouldest withdraw, thou and thy captains, from us, the town of
Mansoul will die. Yea,’ said they, ‘our blessed Emmanuel, if thou
shouldest depart from us now, now thou hast done so much good for us,
and showed so much mercy unto us, what will follow but that our joy
will be as if it had not been, and our enemies will a second time
come upon us with more rage than at the first! Wherefore, we beseech
thee, O thou, the desire of our eyes, and the strength and life of
our poor town, accept of this motion that now we have made unto our
Lord, and come and dwell in the midst of us, and let us be thy
people. Besides, Lord, we do not know but that to this day many
Diabolonians may be yet lurking in the town of Mansoul, and they will
betray us, when thou shalt leave us, into the hand of Diabolus again;
and who knows what designs, plots, or contrivances have passed
betwixt them about these things already! loath we are to fall again
into his horrible hands. Wherefore, let it please thee to accept of
our palace for thy place of residence, and of the houses of the best
men in our town for the reception of thy soldiers and their
said the Prince, ‘If I come to your town, will you suffer me
further to prosecute that which is in mine heart against mine enemies
and yours?-yea, will you help me in such undertakings?’
answered, ‘We know not what we shall do; we did not think once that
we should have been such traitors to Shaddai as we have proved to be.
What, then, shall we say to our Lord? Let him put no trust in his
saints; let the Prince dwell in our castle, and make of our town a
garrison; let him set his noble captains and his warlike soldiers
over us; yea, let him conquer us with his love, and overcome us with
his grace, and then surely shall he be but with us, and help us, as
he was and did that morning that our pardon was read unto us. We
shall comply with this our Lord, and with his ways, and fall in with
his word against the mighty.
word more, and thy servants have done, and in this will trouble our
Lord no more. We know not the depth of the wisdom of thee, our
Prince. Who could have thought, that had been ruled by his reason,
that so much sweet as we do now enjoy should have come out of those
bitter trials wherewith we were tried at the first! But, Lord, let
light go before, and let love come after: yea, take us by the hand,
and lead us by thy counsels, and let this always abide upon us, that
all things shall be for the best for thy servants, and come to our
Mansoul, and do as it pleaseth thee. Or, Lord, come to our Mansoul,
do what thou wilt, so thou keepest us from sinning, and makest us
serviceable to thy Majesty.’"
Bunyan's exposition of the logical necessity that people live in the
presence of the Lord in order to remain free from sin, and later of
the joy of living in the presence of the Lord, is a remarkable piece
of theological work.
believe that the initial liberation of Mansoul is the parallel of the
Lord appearing in Israel to teach and free the people before being
crucified wherein he overcame death himself and for-others of faith
inasmuch as he made the atonement required of God for people with
original sin contamination. The subsequent relapse of some of the
people of Mansoul toward a reprobate lifestyle might represent the
present era post-crucifixion where the kingdom of God has been
re-established in the form of the church yet because the Lord is not
physically in the presence of all believers some are tempted through
a variety of snares and privations to fall away to the guile of dark
Lord Devil (Vader) and the Ultimate Evil Emperor of the Evil Satanic
Empire (mixing allegories here).
paradigm for the town of Mansoul in the country of Universe reminds
me a little of Augustine's city of God versus city of man criterion.
Of course Bunyan's 'Holy War' is an allegory comprising the culture
of 17th century England in a fictional setting. Yet the town of
Mansoul is an obvious existential representative of mankind attacking
on all fronts by Satan. Satan attacks through mostly human actors
willingly in his service. Bunyan describes how individuals and the
entire town basically are won over to the dark side of the force in
allegiance to Satan-Vader.
remain on the existential tack for considering the Holy War I should
say that the way Bunyan uses his characters that are protagonists of
Mansoul reminds me of the social industrial shop workers in Jean Paul
Sartre's Critique of Dialectical Reason.
the 800 page tome that is the Critique Sartre describes existential
social relationships, and it is a brilliant work. Elaborating upon
how each individual in his individual existential experience of being
acts within an existing and transitioning concatenation of
individuals that comprises the social dialectic Sartre created a
template for social existential analysis that explains a lot of
serialized and permuting or evolving social behavior. I think it is
notable that individuals need not be philosophers or saved Christians
to profit within numerous social environments sometimes including a
church organization. Instead one might be rather superficial yet say
the right buzzwords and just look agreeable and move on through
perhaps without having a clue about what or why anything exists...
Holy War is presented in a style that reminds me of the Critique. The
advance of the evil project of the condemned Satan to capture the
town of Mansoul and subordinate to his own will is of course a way to
attack the Lord and God the Father. The interaction of virtually all
the citizens to Mansoul-though not all, socially to advance the
ingress of Satan's ways and the displacement and negating of God's
ways in the town that God built; Mansoul, is a dialectical or
evolutionary collapse of intelligence in Mansoul.
a labor or factory organization the dialectical reason for being and
interacting follows along predictable lines of behavior and
serialized praxis. The directions for behaving in particular ways are
generally given from the owner or top manager and flow on down to the
regular shop workers. In the Holy War the praxis desired by Satan to
corrupt the existing relationship and phenomenal social dialect given
from God must be insinuated with subtlety and chicanery often using
sophisticated appeals to reason that induce the citizens to accept
the premise that will advance the new praxis or procedures leading to
the defection from allegiance to God and Jesus Christ to the ways
that doom Mansoul.
the modern world the social dialectic that prevails isn't quite so
uniform as it might have been in a royally ruled town with its
comparative isolation from other cultural influences. Yet one does
note in books such as Animal farm and 1984 the rise of
totalitarianism and of thought and mind control from a Satanic other
to the citizen in an existential dialectic that is a forced
circumstance with no power of dissent. The rat in a cage over the
head of a captive staying there until he renounces his most loved
other is in a sense actualized in the concentration camps of Germany
and in the Gulags of Stalin's Archipelago. Many experienced the
existential dialectic of corrupt persecution from the evil one and
yield to the power. Even Peter denied the Lord three times in one
day, yet Stephen affirmed the Lord until he was stoned to death and
Polycarp was burned to death when he refused to step upon the cross
and deny Christ.
all assaults upon the soul may be as stark as those mentioned above
however they do exist. Neither must humans be made aware of the
significance of their choice to let their relationship with God lapse
or fade into non-being or even outright hostility. They may slowly
slip into darkness and lose the light not realizing evidently that
the night will come and then one can ask with Carl Mauldin; What will
you do, what will you do? I enjoyed reading the Holy war quite a bit.
Holy War reminds one that each soul is existentially challenged to be
and become faithful to the Lord. That is an empirical battle-a choice
between good and evil, right and wrong that so many nowadays fail.
The entire world is the setting for the battle for Mansoul. Bunyan's
characters acting to war in behalf of Diabolus-the Diabolans, have
readily recognizable clones in today's people and issues in the
U.S.A. and around the world.
same atheist figures war to compel people to lose faith. The same
people fight for the false virtue of carnal security. Orgies then and
now draw certain people when the splendid table of feasting is not
enough to satisfy. Ignorance, apathy, incredulity-there are so many
people seeking to expand the strongholds of Diabolus within the town
of Mansoul and actually eliminate any trace of the righteous Prince
of the Town who is away. I suppose in that regard it might be
compared to the story of Robin Hood. While Richard the Lionheart was
absent attending to other concerns an evil Baron and pretender
corrupted the nation so far as possible to tax and spend on his own
interests at too high of a rate. Diabolus is obviously far worse
seeking to lay waste them to every human soul, take their eyes off
the prize of salvation and eternal life in the presence of the Lord,
and get them to agree to it even if with deception. If one fights for
the wrong side in the Holy War then one is, an enemy combatant.
is a different way of viewing the perennial struggle between good and
evil. It is an allegory that could be adapted by a skilled writer for
modern times-perhaps it has; the tide of battle between forces
working to create a city of God rather than a city of Diabolus on
Earth continues even as Christians need to build toward a majority of
the world's population deciding for faith before the Lord returns-a
Prince returning to his city-Mansoul.
John Bunyan wrote in the 17th century his was not simply an abstract
description of the people of his day motivated without good cause of
example. Historical examples were provided to Bunyan by the
Inquisition and its application to protestants the century before.
The Inquisition would have provided profuse examples of Diabolans at
work in their worst dark arts. Britain too had its share of sectarian
problems that arose most recently with the catholic-protestant
problems, yet that Island had already encountered the customary sharp
edge of religious purges. It was generally almost impossible to
separate religious from political state conflicts in an era before
general literacy and cheap paperback books.
illiterate man of faith just had to go along with what his superiors
told him and so on. If the gospel arrived through the words of a
Spanish priest allied with Spanish Royalty and the Habsburgs then to
those worldly forces the vassal must chose to fight in war in support
of their decretals upon religious and political issues and values.
Issues of great moral concerns on conscience and right and wrong
concerning war, peace and etc just didn't occur for the ordinary soul
in a practical way that might have created a public cause or
generated unity for a political movement. As an illiterate peasant
without any possibility for reading or writing ideas in a convenient
format (such as PDF or EPUB) he and his mostly illiterate or
undereducated feudal lords had to follow the hierarchical martinets
except where opportunities for personal profit through treason or
sedition, treachery or etc occurred. It was a different world than
now, yet not so far as one might think.
Foxxe took an MA from an Oxford college and read voluminously of the
classics. He was a good researcher and a devout Catholic while at
college. Everyone has to start somewhere, and Foxxe began studying
scripture and other material for himself becoming persuaded of the
Catholic errors in the process.
soon became a professing Christian of the gospel and something of a
reformer himself in the mid 16th century. He was condemned for heresy
and expelled from Oxford. Foxxe took refuge across the channel having
the good fortune to have wealthy and even royal patrons that would I
think finance his escape from onerous English residence.
a convicted heretic in a century when heresy trials were meat for the
Inquisition Foxxe must have had an interesting time on the continent.
In that era before the Internet and cell phones one might not receive
good advanced word of the approach of hostile foreign armies or
agents of the Inquisition. I suppose people chatted and spread rumors
a lot as a kind of CNN of the day, and that would present all sorts
of problems itself including the perpetuation and dissemination of
certain bigotries. At any rate, Foxxe had the opportunity to become
an historian of the tortures and killings of mostly Protestant
Christians and others-often innocents not even being guilty of being
what they were charged with-by the Catholic insider authorities.
incidentally was educated at Oxford and received patronage partly
during the reign of Henry VIII-the founder of the Church of England
through schism with the Catholic Church. Puritans like Cromwell were
hated by Irish Catholics obviously, yet Milton was a Puritan
Government Minister in the Cromwell administration, and the divorce
of Catholic rulers from the English government as well as the church
was an inevitable and bloody evolution of social transition
fulfilling the teleology of God, or rather advancing it along a
certain path toward the direction expressed in Bible prophecy.
Constructing human society to evolve spiritual maturity and become a
majority of the people with a priesthood of believers enacting active
Christian roles might not be a simple process that is understandable
by a majority of people in their own lifetime.
brief quote from Foxxe's Book of Martyrs might be useful to remind us
of the way things were preceding the rise of the Puritans to
political power in England…
from page 60-"When
the inquisitors have taken umbrage against an innocent person, all
expedients are used to facilitate condemnation; false oaths and
testimonies are employed to find the accused guilty; and all laws and
institutions are sacrificed to bigoted revenge. If a person accused
be arrested and imprisoned, his treatment is deplorable. The gaolers
may begin by searching him for books and papers which may tend to his
conviction, or for instruments which might be employed in self-murder
or escape, and on this pretext they often rob him of his wearing
apparel. When the prisoner has been searched and robbed he is then
committed to prison. The mildest sentence is imprisonment for life;
yet the inquisitors proceed by degrees at once subtle, slow and
cruel. The gaoler first insinuates himself into the prisoner's favor,
by pretending to wish him well, and advise him; and among other hints
falsely kind, tells him to petition for an audit. When he is brought
before the consistory, the first demand is, "What is your
request?" To this the prisoner very naturally answers that he
would have a hearing. hereupon, one of the inquisitors replies, "Your
hearing is this-confess the truth, conceal nothing, and rely on our
mercy." if now the prisoner makes a confession of any trifling
affair, they immediately found an indictment upon it; if he is mute,
they shut him up without light, or any food but a scanty allowance of
bread and water, till he overcame his obstinacy, as they call it; and
if he declare his innocence, they torment him till he either dies
with the pain or confesses himself guilty.
the re-examination of such as confess, they continually say, "You
have not been sincere, you tell not all; you keep many things
concealed, and therefore must be remanded to your dungeon." When
those who have been mute are recalled for further examination, if
they continue silent, such tortures are ordered as will either make
them speak or kill them; and when those who proclaim their innocence
are re-examined, a crucifix is held before, and they are solemnly
exhorted to take an oath of their confession of faith. This brings
them to the test, they must either swear they are Roman Catholics or
acknowledge they are not.
a person is condemned, he is either severely whipped, violently
tortured, sent to the galleys, or sentenced to death; in either case
the effects are confiscated. After judgment, a procession is formed
to the place of execution, and the ceremony is called Auto da Fe, or
act of faith. The following is an exact account of one of those
atrocious and grotesque solemnities, performed at Madrid in the
1683:-"... end quote from Foxxe's Book of Martyrs.
Foxxe (1517-1587) explained more than the methods of the Inquisition.
He wrote about catholic purges of Christians across Europe in that
century and before. It is a kind of record of the efforts of the
Roman See to wipe out the Protestant reformation at the same time as
they were helping the Spanish purges their country of ideological
impurities that were forced upon them during the era of Iberian
Peninsula history starting with Moorish invasion and occupation. The
decision of the Roman Pontiff to war on the Reformation was
unfortunate yet perhaps rather inevitable considering that politics
and state affairs were inextricably linked through the royal houses.
Luther nailed his 96 thesis to the door of a church building and
schism developed the willingness of German nobility to revolt against
Catholic Hapsburg control was probably as much of a factor as
theological concerns in preponderantly choosing to reinforce the
Protestant reformation. Church-state entanglement has worked to
repress Christian theological sensibilities as too, as they must
conform to state will and occasionally, vice versa.
Death is Vanquished from Mansoul, from Hell the Devil Aspires and
Plots to Recapture Mansoul
War- from pages 129-130-“‘Nay,
we shall, to encourage you in the profundity of your craft, let you
know, that, at a full assembly and conclave of our princes and
principalities of this place, your project was discoursed and tossed
from one side of our cave to the other by their mightinesses; but a
better, and as was by themselves judged, a more fit and proper way by
all their wits, could not be invented, to surprise, take, and make
our own, the rebellious town of Mansoul.‘Wherefore, in fine, all
that was said that varied from what you had in your letter
propounded,fell of itself to the ground, and yours only was stuck to
by Diabolus, the prince;yea, his gaping gorge and yawning paunch was
on fire to put your invention into execution.
therefore give you to understand that our stout, furious, and
unmerciful Diabolus is raising, for your relief, and the ruin of the
rebellious town of Mansoul, more than twenty thousand Doubters to
come against that people. They are all stout and sturdy men, and men
that of old have been accustomed to war, and that can therefore well
endure the drum. I say, he is doing this work of his with all the
possible speed he can; for his heart and spirit is engaged in it. We
desire, therefore, that, as you have hitherto stuck to us, and given
us both advice and encouragement thus far, you still will prosecute
our design; nor shall you lose,
be gainers thereby; yea, we intend to make you the lords of Mansoul.
thing may not by any means be omitted, that is, those with us do
desire that every one of you that are in Mansoul would still use all
your power, cunning, and skill, with delusive persuasions, yet to
draw the town of Mansoul into more sin and wickedness, even that sin
may be finished and bring forth death.
thus it is concluded with us, that the more vile, sinful, and
debauched the town of Mansoul is, more backward will be their
Emmanuel to come to their help, either by presence or other relief;
yea, the more sinful, the more weak, and so the more unable will they
be to make resistance when we shall make our assault upon them to
swallow them up. Yea, that may cause that their mighty Shaddai
himself may cast them out of his protection; yea, and send for his
captains and soldiers home, with his slings and rams, and leave them
naked and bare; and then the town of Mansoul will of itself open to
us, and fall as the fig into the mouth of the eater. Yea, to be sure
that we then with a great deal of ease shall come upon her and
overcome her.”-end
may be that John Bunyan’s book provides a kind of systems analysis
perspective upon the methods of operation that Satan employs to
corrupt the human soul. There is a sort of synoptic view of God’s
relationship to mankind provided in the ‘Holy War’ in allegorical
form. I think it quite useful to have a synoptic view on God’s
relationship to mankind especially concerning the assaults and
methods of operation used by the exteriority of evil implicit in the
works of the devil. Forewarned is forearmed. Defense is simpler when
one understands the reasons why the conflict is happening especially
as direct attack is made upon oneself and even one’s own thought.
As Bunyan wrote; the gunpowder of pride is an effective tool among
Satan’s repertoire of dirty tricks for subverting the human soul to
his advantage. I suppose the Evil one would line his pit with
trophies of souls in jars packed in and sealed with eternal doom.
synoptic view of the work of God to save the human race over the
course of history does require a generally accurate understanding of
the meaning of the Bible. A wrong hermeneutic and eschatology can
bring one to react incorrectly to the external challenges of Satan
and the phenomenality of evolution theory. To use Arnold Toynbee’s
challenge-response criterion, the response of Christians to the
external challenge of Satanic designs to snare their soul would not
be appropriate to the challenge. If one believes that a quick
evacuation will occur from a potential battlefield if there is a
sudden enemy attack it is quite possible that adequate defense
measures for protracted war will not be built.
In other words if
pre-tribulationist misinterpreters of John’s Revelation believe
that they will be raptured from the world after a long slow drain of
morality from society in Satan’s winning campaign, they will be
poor defenders of or missionaries for the gospel of Jesus Christ.
the ‘Holy War’ Prince Emmanuel in some way fades out from the
inner castle of Mansoul gradually after winning the battle for
Mansoul from the Devil who is cast into the pit. Yet he has already
established his Lord High Secretary to interact with the townsmen for
him, in his absence as he has returned to the court of the
Father-Shaddai. Because the people having been restored with
forgiveness for their prior defection to sin have become sickened
over time with subtly infiltrated sickness and deceptions masking
corruption regress toward apostasy slowly, the Lord High Secretary,
who may symbolize the Holy Spirit, has become reclusive and unwilling
to act in defense of the people of Mansoul too.
tribulation previously reached Mansoul in the form of its capture and
occupation by Diabolus and his army. Yet with the kingdom of God
(Prince Emmanuel) restored in possession of Mansoul there was still
trouble with the prospect for relapse into the old ways of submission
to the will of Diabolus who would return to be Prince of Mansoul. Not
only must Christians or the citizens of Mansoul be ever vigilant
against the deceit of Diabolus, they must encourage and reinforce one
another as peers in a priesthood of believers as free people that are
voluntarily allegiant as servants to Prince Emmanuel (Jesus Christ)
as their defender who has true concern about their eternal
well-being. In post-tribulationist interpretation of the Revelation
template for the Holy War, a priesthood of believers must needs
increase the kingdom of God unto being an active majority of the
population rather than being shrinking violets dwindling to a tiny
minority remnant waiting for evacuation like the Washington Adolphus
Greely expedition at Fort Conger.
An active priesthood of professing
believers would know for themselves the truth of the gospel and
present that every day in their own lives and interactions with
others in society. Church going Christians cannot remain pew-sitting
watchers of an elite being Christian performers on stage viewing
things passively from the cell of their mind in a brain housing
skull. An actual peer Christian egalitarian networking church
structure need arise with a variety of forms where church discipline
is just a matter of being a Christian in a priesthood of believers
roll without prospect for reprobate conduct without being untrue to
oneself and what one believes and says in performing the roles of the
priesthood of believers that have some elements of standardization.
Diabolus sends an army of doubters or atheists against Mansoul. An
active volunteer priesthood of believers with much better
self-discipline survives the attack much better than draftees
inclined to insubordination, fragging, doping, carnal ventures,
crimes, defections and desertion.
Theological Point of Instruction
pages 141-142 The Holy War; "Diabolus having thus ended his flattering,
fawning, deceitful, and lying speech to the famous town of Mansoul,
the Lord Mayor replied to him as follows:—
Diabolus, prince of darkness, and master of all deceit; thy lying
flatteries we have had and made sufficient probation of, and have
tasted too deeply of that destructive cup already. Should we
therefore again hearken unto thee, and so break the commandments of
our great Shaddai, to join in affinity with thee, would not our
Prince reject us, and cast us off for ever? And, being cast off by
him, can the place that he has prepared for thee be a place of rest
for us? Besides, O thou that art empty and void of all truth, we are
rather ready to die by thy hand, than to fall in with thy flattering
and lying deceits.’
the tyrant saw that there was little to be got by parleying with my
Lord Mayor, he fell into an hellish rage, and resolved that again,
with his army of Doubters, he would another time assault the town of
a way, Bunyan provided a theological explanation for the remoteness
of the Lord after his departure from the victorious presence with the
disciples after victory over the Devil and death spiritually and
physically in His resurrection. The Lord did leave and the
comforter-the Holy Spirit might arrive, yet it was for an era of the
growth of empirical truth in the kingdom of God and in the increase
of faith and conversion of many gentiles to faith in and salvation
with the Lord. For Christians to grow and strengthen they need do so
as He was somewhat away, for not only where they not perfected and
their numbers few in regard to their potential, they must needs be
battle tested against the evil Prince of darkness relying upon the
Holy Spirit, grace and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ.
provided this new-to-me rational inference about why the Lord might
be physically absent after his comparatively brief victory tour in
Jerusalem and outside to the Apostles. It is a better and more
logical explanation than the pre-tribulationist idea that another
victory and tribulation need be won by the Lord as if his first was
of no decisive effect. Bunyan’s paradigm is a better, more modal
logically consistent reasoning in regard to God’s management style
for reconciliation to his will along a temporal transitioning to
eternal course of human spiritual development. In the advancing
Christian education course something of a veteran status is achieved
by Christians as they learn they can, in the Lord’s service, defeat
the attacks of Diabolus. That would make a Christian majority
possible on Earth, rather than a Diabolical, deceitful imperial caste
of rulers exploiting a hapless enthralled majority destined for
shelves of eternal doom beyond the gates of hell.
might be useful to consider the 'Holy War' from a thematic
perspective, that is, to consider how its symbolism is provided
structurally in names and what those names represent. The symbolic
names of the protagonists are keys to examining the elements that
attack the living human soul in the temporal world.
the battle for the rescue, liberation and salvation of the town of
Mansoul is an allegory, the allegory represents the battle the human
soul experiences on Earth. That is not just an empirical battle for
life and death as is usual in military engagements, it is a spiritual
war with external assailants as well as internal self-dispositions to
move away from a Christian demeanor and conduct toward those that are
reprobate. Mind and thought content too in the drift of the soul away
from the consciousness of cohering within the will of God may develop
a kind of forgetfulness about the truths that God has expressed to
them through the word, prophets, Holy Spirit and life example of the
Lord. Bunyan's work is a reminder of the paradigm of the soul's
drifting in and out of coherence within the spirit of God in degrees
of concern with world, reprobate proclivities and those that are with
the demeanor a Christian may rightly pursue. As a soldier might have
proper military bearing, a Christian should have a proper Christian
bearing, yet the bearing is spiritual for a Christian; inward rather
than outward though the inward light may be outwardly visible.
are several levels of the modal structure that describes the manner
whereby the soul is assaulted in the Holy War. That is a warning to
Christians to be on guard on several levels regarding personal
conduct, subjective attitudes that are destructive such as 'the
gunpowder of pride', temptations, diversions from attention to
matters of the Lord, deceit by Diabolans, direct assault by Diabolans
and so forth.
Bunyan, Christian victory resides in true faith to the Lord
regardless of the personal consequences. If, like the Canadian Indian
tribe that were converted to Christianity, apparently took the faith
seriously and were subsequently wiped out by pagans, a people is
martyred on the cross of faith, they will be received into the
kingdom of God anyway after death; a place where they were living
2: Symbolism
page location)
Mouth-gate, Nose-gate, and Feel-gate
Resistance aka Capt. Resistance (12)
Innocent (12)
Willbewill (12)
Mayor (12)
Recorder (12)
Mayor, whose name was my Lord Understanding (15) {Diabolus replaced
him with Lord Incredulity (34)}
whose name was Mr. Conscience (15)
had also one Mr. Mind for
clerk (18)
Mr. Affection aka Vile-Affection (18)
children Impudent, Black-mouth, and Hate-Reproof. These three
were black boys. And besides these they had three daughters, as
Scorn-Truth and Slight-God, and the name of the youngest was Revenge
No-Truth (20)
Mayor Lord Lustings {has no eyes or ears} (20)
principle burgesses and aldermen: (21)
in all, Mr. Incredulity is the eldest, and Mr. Atheism the youngest
of the company.
Diabolus built in Mansoul: (21)
built three that seemed to be impregnable.
Hold of Defiance, made to command the whole town, and
keep it from the knowledge of its ancient King
Hold built to keep Mansoul from the true knowledge of itself
Spite-God of Defiance Hold
Love-No-Light of Midnight Hold
Love-Flesh of Sweet-Sin Hold (21)
of Shaddai (aka Emmanuel) (23)
High Secretary {probably representative of the Holy Spirit} (23)
introduction of theLord High Secretary-excerpt...
that is from the court,’ said he, ‘is a person of no less quality
and dignity than my
and I; and he is the Lord Chief Secretary of my Father’s house: for
he is, and always
been, the chief dictator of all my Father’s laws, a person
altogether well skilled in all
and knowledge of mysteries, as is my Father, or as myself is Indeed,
he is one
us in nature, and also as to loving of, and being faithful to, and in
the eternal concerns
the town of Mansoul.
this is he,’ said the Prince, ‘that must be your chief teacher;
for it is he, and he only,
can teach you clearly in all high and supernatural things. He, and he
only, it is that
the ways and methods of my Father at court, nor can any like him show
how the heart of my Father is at all times, in all things, upon all
occasions, towards Mansoul; for as
man knows the things of a man but that spirit of a man which is in
him, so the things of
Father knows no man but this his high and mighty Secretary. Nor can
any, as he, tell
how and what they shall do to keep themselves in the love of my
Father. He also
is that can bring lost things to your remembrance, and that can tell
you things to come.
Teacher, therefore, must of necessity have the preeminence, both in
your affections
judgment, before your other teacher; his personal dignity, the
excellency of his teaching,
the great dexterity that he hath to help you to make and draw up
petitions to my Father
your help, and to his pleasing, must lay obligations upon you to love
him, fear him, and
take heed that you grieve him not.
person can put life and vigour into all he says; yea, and can also
put it into your
This person can make seers of you, and can make you tell what shall
be hereafter. By
person you must frame all your petitions to my Father and me; and
without his advice
counsel first obtained, let nothing enter into the town or castle of
Mansoul, for that
disgust and grieve this noble person.
heed, I say, that you do not grieve this Minister; for if you do, he
may fight against
and should he once be moved by you to set himself against you in
battle array, that will
you more than if twelve legions should from my Father’s court be
sent to make war
as I said, if you shall hearken unto him, and shall love him; if you
shall devote
to his teaching, and shall seek to have converse, and to maintain
him, you shall find him ten times better than is the whole world to
any; yea, he will
abroad the love of my Father in your hearts, and Mansoul will be the
wisest and most
of all people.’"
King's General (29)
Boanerges (29) and his ensign Mr. Thunder
and his ensign Mr. Sorrow;
Judgment (29) and his ensign Mr. Terror
Execution (29) and his ensign Mr. Justice
Forget-Good (37)
Mr. Prejudice-captain of the ward at ear-gate (39) (gates may
correspond to those of Jerusalem)
guns placed over ear-gate; High-mind and Heady (38)
Puff-up (the founder) cast the canon at the foundry
Tradition, Mr. Human-Wisdom, and Mr. Man’s-
(39)-young men who enlisted in the army under Capt. Boanerges, are
captured by Diabolus' man Lord Willbewill before he turns to God,
and as prisoners enroll in Diabolus' forces (39)
Anything, Captain Anything (39)
Rashhead, a Diabolonian (46)
Love (49)
notable captains of the King son's army to save Mansoul
Credence & standard bearer Mr. Promise (51)
Good-Hope (51) & standard bearer Mr. Expectation
Charity (51) & standard bearer Mr. Pitiful
Innocent (51) & standard bearer Mr. Harmless-Mirth
Patience (51) & standard bearer Mr. Suffer-long
banks and hills moved up against Mansoul
Gracious, Mount Justice (52)
Hill and No-Sin Banks (52)
Hearken (52)
Hear-well (64)
Loth-to-Stoop (58) a messenger-diplomat for Diabolus
Boasting (61)
Secure (61)
Bragman (61)
Feeling (61)
Backward-to-all-but-Naught (66)
Treacherous (66)
Blindfold (66)
Desires-Awake (71)
Wet-Eyes (74)
Desires (74)
Repentance (75)
Knowledge the Recorder (87)
Mr. True-Man (87)
Atheism (87)
Hard-Heart (87)
Mr. No-Truth (87)
Mr. Pitiless (87)
Mr. Haughty (87)
Mr. Belief, Mr. True-Heart, Mr. Upright, Mr. Hate-Bad, Mr. Love-God,
Mr. Heavenly-Mind, Mr. Moderate, Mr. Thankful, Mr. Good-Work, Mr.
Zeal-for-God, and Mr. Humble (88)
Mr. Know-All, Mr. Tell-True, Mr. Hate -Lies, Lord Willbewill (88)
Mr. Do-Right (88)
Blackmouth Lane and Blasphemers’ Row (89)
Row (89)
End (89)
Street (90)
Lane (90)
Street (92)
Lane (92)
of the Reprobate, next door to the Descent into the
father of Atheism
Impiety (89)
Lustings (89)
(90); Evil-Concupiscence’s daughter
Incredulity (90)-son of Love-Naught
Flatter and Mrs. Sooth-Up (94) parents of False-Peace
Simple, next door to the
of the Self-deceiver (94)
Know-All (95)
aka Mr. Pitiless (95)
love to counterfeit their names: Mr.
covers himself with the name of Good-Husbandry, or the like; Mr.
Pride can,
need is, call himself Mr. Neat, Mr. Handsome etc. (96)
Fornication (106)
Adultery (106)
Murder (106)
Anger (106)
Lasciviousness (106)
Deceit (106)
Evil-Eye (106)
Drunkenness (106)
Revelling (106)
Idolatry (106)
Witchcraft (106)
Variance (106)
Emulation (106)
Wrath (106)
Strife (106)
Sedition (106)
Carnal-Security (110)
Self-Conceit (110) father of Mr. Carnal-Security
Fear-Nothing (110) mother of Mr. Carnal-Security
Godly-Fear (115)
Deceit (118)
Evil-Eye (118)
Blasphemy (118)
Covetousness (118)
Mischief (120)
Profane (120)
Hill (120)
Diabolus, Mount Alecto, Mount Megara, and Mount Tisiphone;
these are the names of the dreadful Furies of hell (138)
of Loath-Good (167)
of Malice, in the county of Envy (171)
Street (175)
(120) {gate keeper}
Deceit (120)
Covetousness aka Prudent-Thrifty (123)
Lasciviousness aka Harmless-
Anger aka Good-Zeal (123)
lords of Looseness (123)
Prywell (133) intell agent for non-Diabolic people of Mansoul
of the Second Army of Diabolus for Conquest of Mansoul...(137)
was king
was lord-general
Lord Lucifer, the Lord Legion, the Lord Apollyon, the Lord Python,
the Lord Cerberus, and the Lord Belial; these seven he set over the
Rage: he was captain over the Election Doubters- standard-bearer Mr.
Destructive (136)
Fury: he was captain over the Vocation Doubters- standard-bearer Mr.
Darkness; (136)
Damnation: he was captain over the Grace Doubters- standard-bearer
Mr. No-Life (136)
Insatiable: he was captain over the Faith Doubters- stand-bearer Mr.
Devourer (136)
Insatiable: he was captain over the Faith Doubters- standard-bearer
Mr. Devourer (136)
Brimstone: he was captain over the Perseverance
standard-bearer Mr. Burning (136)
Torment: he was captain over the Resurrection
standard-bearer Mr. Gnaw (136)
No-Ease: he was captain over the Salvation Doubters- standard-bearer
Mr. Restless (137)
Sepulchre: he was captain over the Glory Doubters- standard-bearer
Mr. Corruption (137)
Past-Hope: he was captain of those that are called the Felicity
Doubters- standard-bearer Mr. Despair (137)
preacher (140)
and Griggish, the
sons of Willbewill's servant Harmless-Mirth (143)
and Tell-All (143)
Rake-All (143)
Reason (143)
Penny-wise-Pound-foolish (158)
Get-i’the-hundred-and-Lose-i’the-shire (158)
Sweet-World and Mr. Present-Good (158)
Profuse (159)
Prodigality (159)
Voluptuous (159)
Pragmatical (159)
Ostentation (159)
Godly-Fear (166)
Upright (166)
Doubters, the Vocation
the Grace Doubters, the Perseverance Doubters, the Resurrection
Doubters, the
Doubters, and the Glory Doubters; whose captains were Captain Rage,
Captain Damnation, Captain Insatiable, Captain Brimstone, Captain
No-Ease, Captain Sepulchre, and Captain Past-Hope; and old
Incredulity was, under
their general. There were also the seven heads of their army; and
they were the
Beelzebub, the Lord Lucifer, the Lord Legion, the Lord Apollyon, the
Lord Python,
Lord Cerberus, and the Lord Belial (166)
of the Blood-Men (168)
Cain, Captain Nimrod, Captain Ishmael, Captain Esau, Captain Saul,
Captain Judas, and Captain Pope
Self-Denial (169)
Diligence (175)
Fooling, Mr. Let-Good-Slip, Mr. Slavish-Fear, Mr. No-Love, Mr.
Mistrust, Mr. Flesh,
Mr. Sloth. It was also commanded that he should apprehend Mr.
that he left behind him, and that they should demolish his house. The
children that
left behind him were these: Mr. Doubt, and he was his eldest son; the
next to him was
Unbelief, Wrong-Thoughts-of-Christ, Clip -Promise, Carnal-Sense,
Self-Love. All these he had by one wife, and her name was No-Hope;
she was the
of old Incredulity, for he was her uncle; and when her father, old
Dark (178)
his son, Mr. Think-Well;
had by Mrs. Piety his wife, and she was the daughter of Mr. Recorder
Wrong-Thoughts-of-Christ (179)
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