
Obama-Clinton Shun Russian Contribution to Winning W.W. II

When President Clinton pressured Boris Yeltsin to redraw the map of Europe it was a short sighted policy. A very weak Russian federation named C.I.S. with a President who would wander around the White House lawn drunk in his underpants while Bill was being jobbed could not be expected to represent Russian sentiments about giving up the historical heartland of Russia-the Ukraine.

The early 90s political anomie in Europe was a time that required stability in a new normal decency with a community of understanding and respect. Instead the Clinton administration launched a cruise missile war on Serbia seeking to shed its Muslim historical problem that had been suppressed by Marshall Tito and the communist government of Yugoslavia. The Serbian war was an importunately timed affair that undermined European stability as a kind of sideshow distraction. For humanitarian reasons Americans generally supported the intervention-yet it gave the wrong impression to the Muslim world that it might use American intervention on behalf of Muslims to expand the network of jihad and war against the west. Russia too encountered problems with restive Muslims in several engagements. American responses were that they were just trying to get rid of communism. I believe that analysis was mistaken.

Bill Clinton's policy of fake liberalism that simply concentrates wealth and undermined U.S. nationalism also subverted European stability and integration with Russia's economy in anything like a free-trade paradigm. Liberating American minorities from the prosperity they traditionally had with Republican leadership (that ended slavery and integrated schools etc.) is the glitz side of the coin of dumbing down Democrat intelligence. The expropriation of Ukraine as just another nation being liberated from communism was plain wrong. Ukraine is were Russia began. Kiev was the heart of the Russian state from the beginning and the move northeast just followed commercial interests. Taking all of the Ukraine from a temporarily weak Russia and defending the exclusion of Russia from Ukraine completely is just bad policy.

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