
End of Days Part 2 ( poem)

End of Days Part 2

Every silence is a shadow of neglected things
becoming nothing with tomorrow gathering dust
in the basement of 15,000 B.C.
where cave shelter, rain and moss
have dead government crullers killed by imaginative muck
that like mildew grows over meat
with maggots syncopating wing beats
through blue sky disappearing in darkness
Electrification of every desert place
ray tubes, jackrabbits, history dead like farmsteads
and graves with tumbleweeds in motion
like test tubes growing ideas
of freedom from anything

Seeming cities coated in photon collecting substances
artfully ossifying relics of action
snip field theories of Meisner chess sets
kinetic sounds of thunder roiling
break bowling balls of 1942 and 1492
forcefully plinking hail down from the sky-stage
unto oblivion where the government is
a distant pirate ship on the horizon
surging crews of crank theories
and evolved things
of unbelief and social reality-unreality
mirages taking all and nothing
from solitude

The end of days is inspiration and dreams escaping beyond tyranny
a thirsty predatory order of ennui
reigning as spring hope decays
orange sunrises mean something else
forever unfinished
to reappear in another museum
until the Lord raises Lazarus again.

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