
Ukrainian (Rus) Soldiers Captured in Ukraine; Show Trial Ahead?

The government of the Ukraine (means borderlands of Southwestern Rus) will put on display two soldiers captured in combat they say are Russian. Rus soldiers in the traditional southwestern Rus borderland (means Ukraine) region isn't too remarkable-especially of they grew up in the Ukraine or their ancestors did. To be a true borderlander (Ukrainian) for the official government may mean anyone not with Rus genetic components, or that speak Russian, or that aren't properly vassals of global plutonomy.



If Ukrainian Russians actually trained in the Russian army woulod that disqualify them from fighting for their homeland? A Super Chess Grandmaster named Sergei Karjakin is a Ukrainian by birth who opted to play for the Russian side. He lives in Russia-does that mean if he returned to fight for the Ukrainian chess championship against Vassily Ivanchuck he would be disqualified as a Russian?

The United States has trained numerous foreign nationals in the United States at the War College of Americasto fight elsewhere-does that make them Americans? 

The United States trains Syrian rebels/terrorists to battle against a lawful government; http://www.cnn.com/2015/01/16/us/syria-rebel-training/  -should they be regarded as Americans if captured in Syria?

Maybe Ivanchuck and Karjakin each are Russian as well as Ukrainian and Karjakin only lost his borderlandness for living elsewhere. I think that is the point about the ethnic-political-economic battles in the third millenium; there are often deeper global new world order strategies behind them the broadcast media tend to support without saying so amidst their raving.


The trouble with bad government and bad foreign policy isn't as much in the details so much as it is just failing to go the right direction with right policy and the opportunity cost that compiles in areas such as ecological economics and rational response to global warming.

The problem with utilitarianism and economic utilitarianism are generally in the fact that the values are made subjectively. Utilitarian can be the greatest good for the rich as well as the greatest good for the poor. The ethical terms are simply variables rather than constants. Truth theories are used as variables too often given values to reinforce the prevailing ethical theory of value being politically prosecuted.


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