
Democrats Don't Perceive Dangers of Nuclear War

 I throw leftovers to birds and squirrels in order not to leave anything that a brown bear would find interesting. Yet the squirrels and birds become trusting after a while and throw the birds are wild they act as if they were pets. That is they lose a sense of risk and danger. democrats are like that these days in regard to the risk of war with Russia and China, maybe Pakistan and North Korea as well (who might decide to toss a few our way when the going gets going). I wanted to comment about this phenomena.

Maybe its because of the copious dope used and quasi-legalized by the boomer generations and the quietude of gen x'ers that grew up in the long shadow of their more numerous and confused parent's generation. They too easily accepted a neo decadent whirlpool with conflicting and paradoxical, ineffective values where morality could be said to exist. Is it possible that during the collapse of the meaning of marriage and its expropriation by homosexuals in order to reallocate health care benefits unto themselves following the H.I.V. epidemic and with the post-Darwinian loss of faith in God and rise of nihilistic and hypocritical political values that an existential resignation to being, and even a tiredness to existing developed an unconcern or uncaring about the very real prospect for nuclear war?

President Reagan's agenda- a personal one like that of Donald Trump, was peace with the Soviet Union. In some miraculous way that mission was accomplished, yet President Clinton bungled the peace and with irrational exuberance took advantage of the Russian state's weakness and expropriated all of the Ukraine from it. That doomed the world to the present conflict where Europe and N.A.T.O. are the Spanish fascists seeking to takeover all of Russia with the United States as the blaster with England being something like the national master (Master-Blaster Beyond Thunderdome).

Russia is not Vietnam, Afghanistan, Panama, Grenada, Syria, Libya or some other country the U.S.A. has invaded or sponsored a war with. Russian's will fight to retake their Ukraine lands lost to the west during the transition from Soviet Communism. Making peace with Russia with a negotiated settlement excluding the present unelected Ukrainian administration was always the rational and true policy for the U.S.A. to take, and one eschewed soundly in reference for continuous escalation of war with Russia.

There is no good end through war economically or empirically. If Russia were very pressed by conventional weapons it could use tactical battlefield nukes to offset the disadvantage. It could provide suitcase nukes for terrorists to smuggle into the U.S.A. via porous borders transparent to combat terrorist egression. If a stalemate or armistice is reached the U.S.A. has a divided economic world with reduced trading partners, prolific public debt (33 trillion) and challenged by a raising Asian economic power that could easily surpass that of the U.S.A.. European partners n the crime of Ukraine war on Russia have forgotten the problems of the Second World War after decades of prosperity and ease. They support the ancient European tradition of war on Russia in order to expand Eastward although of course they require false political consciousness (ref Sartre) from the broadcast media to feel down with it.

I won't feel particularly satisfied if the Ukraine war expands to a nuclear level. It could further escalate and cause inflation, or for Alaska temperatures to drop to -80 f year around for a half a decade from nuclear winter if Americans survive the fallout. I would think that at some point Democrat party leadership should have more concern and a sense of danger than do somewhat tame squirrels. Misery from poverty caused by war and little or no medical while being injured can be a painful experience that one should avoid a priori rather than to feel contrition about later.


For the Good of It (poem)


Words that twist and turn dark spin
day’s lost ways where shadows begin
sparks, ice of luminous fires sin
party elite prize porky grins

  Core math loops subside poor paths
quixotic clocks echo rich rath
clutch clear political cloth
reason more to just niche truth

  Add up patterns and designs
structure built units of good times
rhythmic reps zeitgeist consign
seek for the good that you would find.

No Complaints (a poem)


   Things that go bump in the surf
ignore how uncomfortable it was
memories are dimensional lumber
dorsal fins swimming your way in neck deep estuarine water
flowing tides today
a sense of sogginess pervading dreams
a sleeping bag soaking up water
drips down and saturating a field
fire ant mud mounds above the water level
of a flooded field
a place to think about lightening flashes
driving rain and tornado roof-ripping
comparisons to hurricanes
riding a bike through the eye
one with bearings not yet broken
gears immersed in mud and lake puddles
miraculous suspended sediment
rinse off sweat with alligators
sharing the stream
warm and wet  compared to the frozen
places far from crowds
without doorways for overnight
thunderclap symphonies
unlike darkest winters in deep snow

  A sense of sogginess and heat exhaustion
superimposed like a portrait of memory
walking over the trestle
beside a resting line of box cars
disposable as dreaming of tomorrow
prior to awakening today
thousands of cars driving the freeway
one sees today
patching the goat head flattened inner tube
of a bike with a rusty chain
dry  desert contemplative solitude of broke
heat providing the wilderness opportunity
sign up for a Army vacation
mortar rounds for all
a boomerang flies and the Earth quakes
an atomic war won’t happen immediately
with hot engines and metal
racing homeward
to better places with good paint, rocky lawns and global warming

  Mountains of aspiration and hope
snow beautiful and distant
bear ripped up the tent again
duck tape without vigilant drones
not yet a blanket of zero degrees
the visitor of winter darkness in nightfall
lasting longer than city lights on the waterfront
paper plates and dumpster menus lacking health labels
doors frozen shut with tax credits
targeted by public broadcasting
dressing with union retirement planning
union police and social studies sergeants
walking on water half the year
Wall Street hits parade iof pocketbooks

  Complaining of criminals, spiders and bear
spaces where impact, frostbite and starvation
are empty coke cans
and exhaust from idling autos  is the new normal
the chat trained monkey pox
employer lists of numbers to confer unemployment
continuing interstate job insecurity
more out of work than in
returning to the heat lamp and freezer
returning to the destitution
where a legendary buffalo roamed
western movies on location
with decades of social evolution
rusting spikes and running Nikes
jettisoned boom box circuit plates on shoulders
convenient stores, people in uniforms
the last bite, a good night
fueling cars under kleig lights
El Caminos driven to the past.


Faster Than Light Travel with Zero-Dimension Shortcut

 Science fiction writers like to fold space for faster than light space travel. Maybe Frank Herbert in Dune was the first to use the concept. It is attractive, clever and improbable. I shall explain why and suggest a different approach for science fiction stories.

The four dimensions of the Universe happened someplace without any dimensions- and the four dimensions coincided with expansion,. So what do you think about that? Parmenides and Heraclitus considered the spatial volume. If the number of dimensions was variable at the start then it must have had zero to start with.

Space doesn’t exist. What does exist is a unified field that unfolded in four dimensions from a compact singular condition. Space in the universe is a thin part of the energy and other forms of stuff that the Universe is made of. One can shape electric fields and gravity seems to be everywhere yet space of the Universe is also a part of the field. True nothingness is not the same as space. True nothingness that existed before the Universe and in which the Universe and its four dimensions exist probably has zero dimensions.

If the Universe might have had more or less than four dimensions (if it were designed for example) it probably would need to have appeared in a tabula rasa environment with zero dimensions. The Universe field differentiated with four basic forces today (plus unknown forces such as dark energy and dark matter perhaps) is grounded in zero dimensions. Instead of folding space or in other words folding fields with all of the problems that would follow reshaping portions of the Universe and all of the fields within portions of it, science fiction writers could simply have faster than light four dimension travelers in some way slip through to the zero-dimension/four dimension point of contact where distance does not exist; yet simultaneously does.

That paradox could be why select quantum particle and waves can convey information faster than light to entangle distant particles. At some level below the Planck length, the four dimension entangled state of mass and energy may contact the zero-dimension paradox and exchange information faster than light because there is no distance from A to B in zero dimensions. The interface of four dimensions with zero dimensions would be a quantum shortcut where everything in four dimensions has no distance apart. Exploiting the interface area would be challenging of course. To remain a four dimensional entity stepping somewhat beyond to the zero dimension ‘point’ where distance and other forces do not exist (such as gravity) might be comparable to exploiting the surface of a microscopic black hole that exists without gravity yet warps space (this is only a metaphor because space doesn’t exist- it is just field phenomena that are reshaped to a warp paradigm by gravity) so one could abridge distances down to near zero for the purpose of expediting travel time. Traveling around the Earth is faster near the poles. Consider zero dimension travel to be like the north pole (or south) that continues curvature to infinity and allows access to all locations of four dimensional spacetime without distance because of the topology.

Before the singularity existed in space-time there were no dimensions. For some reason the Universe expanded with four dimensions arising, although string theory posits smaller 'hidden' dimensions. There may be no necessity that a Universe must have four dimensions instead of ten. Some cosmologists speculate that the universe may exist on the surface or event horizon of a hyper-dimensional black hole in a Universe that actually has five or more dimensions. In order for the original empty space or void that pre-existed the Universe to allow a Universe to arise with x dimensions it need have no dimensions to start with, and the appearance of dimensions in the space-time expansion of a singularity is phenomenal. Though the Universe arises, it does so in the area or volume that has no dimensions. No dimension void is the host for all possible dimensions that might appear. If all of the dimensions that exist re-existed the Universe then they would have filled the true void unto infinity and would not allow more or less dimensions to exist. I suppose that is the basic presupposition of some who regard the singularity as expanding within a four dimensional void thereby sinking string theory.


Capitalism and Ludwig Von Trump (Science Fiction)

 Laura said; “Yes, I want confirmation. That extrusion of new space is at the edge of the Ludwig Von Trump galaxy forty million light years from the end of the Sagittarius arm of the Milky Way. Alert the crew of the finding and take us to Ludwig Von Trump and a habitable cluster of stars with planets on our way toward, yet not beyond, the galactic habitation zone.”

Laura considered what she knew about the Ludwig Von Trump galaxy. It was named for the inventor Ludwig Von Trump of the original Earth-Mars Plutonic solar system. Trump invented a way of streamlining and accelerating patents applications with the vetting and granting of patents with a broad tree diagram of free induction slots to place a patent idea in-the-market and let it flow through the system toward potential emergence as the one, true idea returning standardized royalties to inventors from producers.

Human societies, Trump believed, needed to encourage and support intellectual inventions from everyone rather than to repress them. Often the rich could afford to restrict or co-opt ideas of poor inventors trickling up creativity with massive hydraulic pumps. Von Trump’s humble, liberating thought stimulated a cascade of new ideas bringing swiftly to market a wealth of inventions that became salient components in the drive to comprehend the cosmological mechanics of Meta-universal configurations.

Laura Thought regarded Von Trump’s ideas concerning liberation of the marketplace of ideas inadequate to inform the human race about the inability of capitalism to apply good human-sense management in democracy to promote ecospheric conservation and natural resource sustainability under classical human economic assault. For Laura, primitive, predatory, unreflective capitalism was comparable to ravenous insects landing on the leaves of tasty plants and mafia taking over police unions eliminating society of dissidents to mafia control of government with unions.

She knew that capitalism was the fundamental premise of evolution with species, and even mass under the power of gravity seeking to build up as much capital for itself as possible. It is the gravity that builds up planets and galaxies, the power that builds molecules and draws forests competitively upward. Yet reason must prevail as well as pluralism Laura thought, lest capitalism produce nothing more than black holes.

Directed capitalism like directed evolution requires intelligent design of structures to arise and exist in space-time. Capitalism and the invisible hand of Adam Smith weren’t repositories of human wisdom or political responsibility such as might exist across more enlightened societies with their own market wisdom limited in scope and utility. Human societies far too commonly replied on Adam Smith’s capitalist paradigm to replace environmental responsibility with the belief that the invisible hand of capitalism would provide the best of all possible worlds so long with royal supervision.

In actual fact capitalism is an expression of human values concerning supply and demand, lacking in-itself environmental wisdom or cognizance as one should expect politicians to have. Capitalism is a natural and consistent urge to swell in scale and power amplified with technology that will destroy the natural order unless it is carefully directed with intelligent human design. it cannot be more than a reflection of natural forms. President Franklin D. Roosevelt showed wisdom in political leadership is required to moderate irrational capitalist exuberance that puts on environmental blinders in an insatiable smirch for proplits.

Ensuing human abandonment of environmental and political reason brought humanity to environmental self-destruction with no environmental captain running the ship. The environmental crash of the first global civilization of Earth left survivors on Mars and Pluto; mostly rich elites and their breeding servants. While Chin Chi Wang led the Martian survivors through a protracted period of civil war toward unification, the second great Earth planetary civilization arose from the ash heap of history like a spring seedling in a scorched Earth forest. A greater trans-planetary system civilization grew with a library of intellectual capital to build upon, sending explorers and settlers beyond local Universes to the Metaverse.

The Shibboleth’s A.I. programmed a special relativity coordinate tensor to the Von Trump galaxy star system Drizzle and planet Drizzle Three. The ship’s pilot engaged the Higgs field decoupler and three-dimensional data transfer to send the S.V. Shibboleth faster-than-light across two dimensions as data into the Troposphere of Drizzle Three.

Paradigms for Reducing Atmospheric Heating

 Arresting and correcting global warming is a huge, challenging task possible too great for a nation of suers rather than doers to get done. Democrat party politicians can’t just sneak a lawyer’s Rube Goldberg environmental bill under wraps through Congress with a one-party majority vote and actually get the job done even if they are elected and spend half a billion dollars on day care as a partial remedy. The challenge is quite large and is likely to need vast changes in the economy and human tool kit. That will require a publicly reviewed and engineered approach; one that the Democrat Party could sign on to and support before their next presidential primary season.

In 2020 one of the Democrat candidates in the primaries advocated building aa great sun screen at L-5, while another had some kind of complex, unknown plan that journalists who reviewed it said would cost more than 50 trillion dollars. Approaches to solving the global atmospheric heating crisis require input from a host of disciplines including physics, biological, sociological, economic etc. There will be consequences for the world to any approach taken. Such a once-in-a-lifetime political action needs peer reviewed vetting of the highest order. Reducing the amount of sunlight reaching the Earth could have vast unintended consequences that need be considered.

During the Eisenhower administration the nation could still get large physical infrastructure projects accomplished. In recent decades the nation has failed at such large projects with vast cost overruns and even cancellations mid-way. Bureaucracies and legal challenges have rendered the feral government unable to accomplish projects like the Interstate Highway System, the T.V.A., the Grand Coulee Dam , the Apollo Missions that had great scale and investment and complexity. There was even a plan to extend the Inside Passage from Alaska to Portland Oregon with a canal from Olympia Washington. That would have made western Washington State an island and provided a two-state solution with Washington’s blue voters on the Western Island and the Red voters on the mainland decades ahead of time. Not all projects turned out to be environmentally, and there is a lesson in that for any potential environmental bill to knock out global warming. It is not certain that any large, costly (if necessary) global warming reduction project would amount to anything more than a costly swamp for partisan spending.

Private enterprise has added some technology to capture and sequester CO2, solar voltaic panels have become more affordable and will reduce acceleration of warming gasses from the sunny parts of the world that might otherwise be emitted from electrification powered by fossil fuels. It is plain that government should provide leadership for example, in developing road surface material that reflects rather than absorbs sunshine to warm the atmosphere during the day and after dark. Asphalt manufacturers aren’t likely to invest in research to develop new materials; that is a task that government could accelerate by offering a 100 million dollar prize for a practical, pragmatic way to convert asphalt to have a high albedo character or to convert photons into electrons traveling in circuits. A remedy to asphalt caused heating would cool cities and eliminate developing nations paving millions more miles with asphalt.

If one wants to build a salt-water canal across the southern border to let sunlight evaporate fresh water that would be condensed and collected with sloped polycarbonate roofs to collection canals in order to fill the Salt Lake with fresh water the job would be nearly impossible to get done today. If one actually wanted to build a tin foil hat sunscreen at L-5 to keep out intelligent ideas from reaching the Democrat party, after the research was done to determine the affect on the world; its oceans, plankton etc and to determine if it would cause a new ice age very quickly it would be reasonable to use the thing for multi-tasking. That is, the sunscreen could be used as a dish to receive programming from distant alien civilizations in other galaxies far far away, or to collect sunlight and focus it to a collector node t heat a trapped gas to power a laser to particle beam that would in turn be the power line for space-transport modules racing at very high speed throughout the solar system (i.e. 2 months travel time Earth to Pluto at ¾ the speed of light).

Affecting global warming’s arrest and correction may be the largest challenge western civilization, or rather world civilization faces (along with mass species extinction and natural resource depletion. Arnold Toynbee said that a civilization does experience challenges that it overcomes or that alternatively end it. Recognizing and addressing empirical challenges successfully is a skill that political leadership should not fail to keep in its skill set. The Democrat party has failed to order its political agenda in such a way that a transparent and publicly reviewed plan to end the global warming and mass extinction challenges along with a political economy that works to support the plan exists.

Scenario 2- VP Harris, N.A.T.O. and M.A.D. Policy

 Mutually assured destruction was the basic deterrent for the use of nuclear weapons during the Cold War 1.0 Nuclear brinkmanship occurred several times over the years including one when the Soviet Missile Defense System had a bug with a false reading that said the U.S. had launched on them. Premier Andropov had 3 minutes to decide to retaliate with a full package of nukes on the U.S.A. and decided that it might be a false reading- and so he did not launch. President Biden and Vice President Harris have tilled the soil thoroughly in preparation for a global thermonuclear war.

Since the recent Ukrainian invasion of Russia in the Kursk region with a new front possible toward Belgorod, the arrival of F-16s in Romania- a N.A.T.O. country to attack Russian target in Ukraine and inexorable scalar increase of war the prospects for nuclear war have been enhanced. If Russia were to lose ground and territory because of N.A.T.O. participation it is likely that the Kremlin would decided to use tactical nuclear weapons to offset the disadvantaged position. What would follow from that?

Because Russia probably would prefer to attack Europe and not the United States because that would upgrade to M.A.D. policy directly with a full scale nuclear exchange, it is likely that N.A.T.O. member countries would experience atomic attack. Would that mean that a Harris administration would need to decide to retaliate and upgrade to M.A.D. implementation directly?

N.A.T.O. doctrine is for an attack on one member being an attack on all. Would a treaty obligation with N.A.T.O. obligate a President Harris to in effect destroy all human life on Earth? Alternatively could she step away from the N.A.T.O. paradigm and not retaliate upon Russia after Stockholm, Bonn, London, Madrid and Budapest were incinerated?

The Democrat Party is a wise-guy one-party system of conflict and war to force the world to acquiesce unto their social agenda for complete social structure makeover. The threat of nuclear war was an inevitable consequence of their confrontational and belligerent political way of being.

Political Ladder To... (poem)

  The ladder is a dialectical progression with two paths, two world lines one to heaven and the other to hell those on one side of a double ...