
How Do You Turn Off Washington Post Feeds?

 For many moon I have sought a way to ditch the Washington Post feeds from my google news page. I just don't know how to do that. It is really dumped. 

Every day almost every article is an anti-Trump piece. I think Trump is doing a good job as President so I don't want to get the abuse stuff, plus all that s...t from all the rest of the main streme media like the Morning Joe articles.

In the 50s and 60s and even the 70s the news media was more or less respectful toward the President. Listening to them now and reading the Bezos Post I realize they are simply vicious animals without any moral nature that's positive. Don't ask me why they are vermin. They simply seem so.

The media is to politically influential and is a tool for the rich to control the masses' political thought. Sure, the President should just shut up and let the media rule by decree (via the Presidential puppet). Plainly the President needs the distraction of the scum media having nothing else to do than pay attention to that swine.

Good Value on a Wind Generator

Missouri wind and solar has quality, made-in-America, low cost wind generators. They are durable.

http://mwands.com/store/1600-watt-missouri-freedom-7-blade-wind-turbine-generator $349

Germany's Lutheran State Church; Anti-Christian Now With Homo Marriage?

Germany's Lutheran church is far too closely affiliated with the state. Since its inception in revolt against the Catholic Hapsburgs following Martin Luther's 96 thesis and the ensuing Skalkaldic war between German princes and Hapsburgs the government was tight with the clergy. SInce Germany voted to allow homosexual marriage that throws the entire issue of its relationship to the state in question.

If the state has taken an official turn for legal sin can a church in Christian conscience continue any sort of official relationship with it? Would corrupt Lutheran priests perform the abomination of rites for homosexual marriage?

In a godless atheist social environment Germany has moved its church toward a more consistent anti-christ symbilism appropriate more so back in the day for the official Nazified church under Hitler's power than any sort of priesthood of believers such as Martin Luther wanted. Luther regarded it as anathema for anyone to think that not all Christians are priests. In the full fructification of the Lutheran church clergy as special upper-class Christians preaching to a 'laity' the Lutheran church has moved perilously close to spiritual death.

Germany Votes to Make Cock-Sucking Legal Marriage

German lawmakes voted to legalize cock-sucking homosexual marriage to make the Bundt a sweeter place. That follows a revelation of allegations of child abuse by the Pope's assistant. Assuredly there is not relation.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel apparently said that now she supports homosexual marriage. Probably that's because Russia hasn't so far at it will give her more queer power in her arsenal to attack and sanction the Russian state.

Russia of course has a population problem in that it isn't keeping growth pace with the rest of teh world. Encouraging queer cock-sucking unions probably would not be a rational choice for Vladimir Putin.


The historian Arnold Toynbee, or Oswald Spenglar or some other philosopher of historical cycles found that civilizations tend to fall after women attain full political status. Evidently they promote queer and feminine perspectives that bring civilization to decay.

It is a lucky thing for individuals that they do not live for as long as God and are thus spared experienceing the follies of man and womenkind ad nauseum. Maybe England will send Boaty McBoatface to Hamburg to join in the celebrations under the surface.

Media & Speaker Ryan Claim Little Women Rights On Mika's Special Face

When President Trump made a retaliatory tweet over Morning Joe's Mika Brezinski's caustic comments he stimulated a media firestorm attacking his lack of civility. Female news faces are protected by the special right's commissions 'Little Womens Act' that states that even though women are in extremely powerful social and political public roles they have inalienable rights as little women of the homsetead to be free from being treated as peers by men in political matters.

The Little Women's act was first championed by a female fighter pilot who sued a Russian Mig fighter pilot for shooting at her with a HARM missile. Her winning lawsuit noted that she is speciallly protected by Little Women's rights and the Russian pilot could not legally shoot at her. A suit and sanctions were placed on Russia even though she shot down the Russian fighter with an air-to-air laser.

Women in the media are protected by the first amendment 'Little Women' provision besides. That states that women may chat about male politicians to their hearts content on camera as abusively as they like and a politician may have nothing to say about that ( because that would be rude). The colt peacemaker made men equal. Technology made the media equal to the President regarding influence (actually he has less influence).


The main stream media commentary notably found that being a woman is the equivelent of being a negro or homosexual and any criticism of a persons behavior, words or appearance in regard to a political context is forbidden by straight white men who have no specially protected status whatsoever. Those second-class citizens are slaves to the new special-class majority.


Commenting on the Face of a News Face Critic is Criticized

Speaker Ryan joined in with the msm attacking President Trump for tweeting a remark about the bleeding facelift of a news face that ascerbicly attacked President Trump's record in office. THe public views those tightly drawn of faces with moving lips and may have a right to know that the wrinkle free persona's may actually have labored in the hot sun and just look like they  haven't because of then wonders of Obamacare or MSNBC health insurance.


Reading about all the a do do about the Presdential 'incivility' I was expecting that he would have said something notable such as that double-dealing back-biting bitch! (bbb was invented by President 41). Nothing besides something about the sacred face of the new person and how it is verbotten to get personal with the msm. If people had been personal with Heinrich Himmler without being trashed as a matter of principle for unreich0like activities (or anti-Soviet in Stalin's time) and held the media accountable for their incivility it might have been less of a fascist evolution.

My criticism of President Trump is that watching msnbc, Morning Joe and stuff like that isn't good for one's health. He should watch N.A.S.A. or environmental videos on youtube instead. The media is largely evil and crazy leftist-why should the President listen to that? He should hire someone to watch it and give him hazardous duty pay.

There are some good news feeds President Trump should review each morning...here is one worth viewing and getting a free subscription...  https://insideclimatenews.org/

Russian WIdfires Worst in 10,000 Years

It would probably be a good idea to send some American firefighters to help extinguish all of those fires in Siberia. All of that extra CO2 released can't be good. Some believe the problem is global warming. Maybe U.S. led sanctions have forced Russia to cut back on the firefighting budget.

A day photo of smoe and a night photo of wildfires viewed from space show the extent of the problem. In the night iage (each from N.A.S.A.) that little lake inshore from the Sea of Okhoskt is the Zeya Reservoir.


Night image of Siberian fires (image credit N.A.S.A.)

Image credit N.A.S.A. Earth Observatory

Phenomena of the Edge (poem)

  On the edge of the galaxy time spins like a silent pinwheel phenomena of life flare for reason in conversant dialectics of being arguments...