Showing posts with label physics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label physics. Show all posts


Spinning Buckets and Relativistic Quantum Spin

 Isaac Newton’s spinning bucket experiment efforts like those of the pre-Socratic philosophers Parmenides and Heraclitus (no they weren’t partners) examined the nature of the volume that is space. If one spun a bucket half full of water around in a circle at the end of a rope somewhere in the void would gravity or centrifugal force keep the bucket’s water at the bottom? One might wonder about quantum spin and how the fields in which quantum spin are affected or drawn in a special direction comparably.

We would say space-time rather than just space, yet that may be a convention too as time seems like a secondary rather than a primary quality of space and mass. Time cannot appear without mass, energy or matter to act upon with differential values in relation to the location and characteristics of mass. If mass in one or two dimensional fields pass through other 2 dimensional surfaces that may create the appearance of time and relative motion at present points of juxtaposition

Paradoxes of unknown compositions of gravity, fields and dimensions raise more theoretical structures to consider. For instance, could dimensions entailing fields be inserted through stars and their nuclear furnaces to absorb energy and transfer it far beyond the star in coherent charged particle streaming; could fields be structured with dimensions forming flat two-dimensional surfaces passing through stars going in one side and out the other for millions of miles like vast charged microscope slides?

One might wonder about the nature of the volume that contains a Universe or Universes or any possible configuration of Universes including a Multiverse. Typically physicists tend to describe the configuration of matter (or anti-matter) and energy existentially and phenomenally as if only mass and energy existed rather than a volume of space. It seems rather plain that a volume of space- a truly empty void- that hosts the Universe, doesn’t figure into calculations of modern cosmology. Instead various fields arising from an initial solitary unified field; one indubitably made of energy- a singular sort and condition of energy, pervades the expanse of the Universe. The Universe exists only as far as the fields expanding from the initial singular unified field at T=0 (Time equals 0) have traveled. Those fields may be encountering unknown content within the true void or not.

There are many interesting points about the four basic fields of the Universe to consider. Gravity is said to have split off first followed by the strong force. The strong force split and released the electroweak force dividing into the Weak force and electromagnetism and the Higgs Field arose. Apparently each of these fields must equally pervade the entire Universe, yet they may induce local field phenomena that appear in the presence of entangled mass and energy.

Did gravity actually split off? For a moment consider Einstein’s criterion of space being warped or curved by concentrated mass with gravity. It isn’t space that is curved though it may appear so. Instead mass has quanta existing outside of it as if mass were an aircraft carrier battle group with a carrier at the center surrounded by a constellation of smaller defense ships. There is a thicker cloud of particles surrounding concentrations of mass that entangle or deflect photons and other particles traveling near it. It could be that the field in which those particles exist is warped in relation to mass or that the quantity of waves or virtual particles that exist in the field statistically attract particles traveling near the mass to alter their course in proportion to the quantity of ‘virtual’ particles in proximity to the mass concentration.

What is called space-time is different than the volume of void that hosts it. Space-time mass and energy are regard as having four dimensions, yet no one knows what a dimension is or if it is made of anything. The field-energy filling the entire Universe, or making the entire Universe is thicker and thinner in various regions as far as mass, dark matter, energy and dark energy go.

Overall one might expect that field content logically should be generally equally distributed in all directions from T=0 expansion though not exactly. Because energy is charged it could cancel out through various means such as matter and anti-matter contacts and spin anisotropy and generate uneven distribution. It is also the case that energy becoming entangled in the Higgs field generates the appearance of mass, and mass is a secondary characteristic of the fields that comprise the Universe rather than primary.

It is possible that there is a difference between primary and secondary fields and field phenomena. The speed of light is the fastest possible speed for matter or energy entangled in the Higgs field, yet the primary fields are not subject to the laws of general relativity perhaps- unlike possible secondary field like electro-magnetism. Gravity itself may be just a field generated phenomena and a secondary phenomena without a graviton to transfer its power. It is a good idea not to consider laws as primary and real physical things when philosophically contemplating structures of cosmology.

Some wonder about the spooky action at a distance of quantum entanglement. Mass in one location may entangle quanta with quantum mass at a distance. Perhaps the concatenated quantum entanglement of mass with other mass at a distance faster than light creates a secondary effect of mass attracting other mass at light speed. Light speed would be slow in comparison to the faster than light status of primary fields hosting the matter and sub-light speed energy of the Universe. Gravity waves would be generated by mass quantum entanglement comparable to the way that waves may be generated in the water of a swimming pool by a mechanical push at one end of the pool even though water is made up of individual particles/molecules. Gravity waves in the normal human universe of experience reflect mass quantum entanglement occurring in primary fields faster than light and lacking the spatial distance values inherent in the subluminal Universe of mass.

Still it is interesting to consider a bucket whirled at the end of a rope half full of water that is in empty space. There is a problem with the definition of empty space affecting the outcome of the experiment. If the bucket was spun in this Universe it would be acted on by fields pervading this Universe. If it was truly in the void that hosts the Universe and the Universe did not exist (just the bucket and the experimenter) then the experiment and the bucket would be quite anomalous. There would be micro-gravity in this Universe, while in the true void not even the experimenter or bucket could exist- since they are generated from quantum field effects of entanglement in a Higgs field.

Some experimenters and theorists have conjectured about extra-dimensions- maybe smaller ones, that might exist in the Universe in order to explain the structure of matter. Beside the obvious problems that appear when considering time as a dimension with factors of general relativity at the quantum scale, there is the problem of the nature of the void that hosts the Universe. How many dimensions does it have and could a Universe appearing within it have more dimension than the pure space-void? Can a true void host infinite numbers of dimensions?

I believe some physicists have said that a pure-void does not exist and that only matter and energy exist even if it is stretched very thin. Plainly though fields are primary and exist although in what form is to a degree still unknown. Fields exist and dimensions exist at least within the space-time of the Universe where matter and energy arise in a Higgs field.

Maybe the host fields don’t have the same dimensions as the contingent Universe we live in (entangled as mass in a Higgs field). Because they are not like this Universe spatially, there is no distance comparable to the scales of this Universe. Light speed is not a meaningful speed in fields without distances based on mass relations (a contingent phenomenon). The fields as separate from the one singular field may be stacked together like layers in computer chips and convey information in a different way. For a trivial example horizontally and vertically rather than in a simple line vector. Non-linear time passage based on a stacked, layered field information would perhaps be different than that of inertially driven mass with relativistic time such as occurs with special relativity combined with general relativity. Plainly though stacked four dimensional time is compatible with general relativity.

I wonder about the basic question; can this Universe have more dimensions than that of the true void, and I think the answer is no. If a true, logical void has just three dimensions and one of time then it probably wouldn’t be possible to construct a 23 dimension or 230 dimension material Universe within it. Mathematicians obviously can construct multi-dimensional models simply changing a number value- a variable. That sort of Multiverse might have no corresponding value in the Universe.

Aristotle believed that words have a necessary relation to real objects and that logic would therefore bring true results when formulating logical equations about ‘objects’ of the real world. Subsequent logicians discovered that words and material objects haven’t a necessary relationship at all. That paradigm probably exists between mathematical models of quantum cosmology and actual quantum cosmology. It is a great tool that applied probabilistically for making judgments provides valuable insight, yet fails the kind of rigorous logical tie that Aristotle sought when inventing classical logic (although some dispute that he invented classical logic).

A logical volume of absolute space would seem to have three spatial dimensions. A physicist friend of Einstein's said that human life couldn’t exist in a Universe with more than three dimensions and one of time. That judgment was made concerning the structure of quantum particles yet if one consider a true void- primary empty space without fields with more than three spatial dimensions- perhaps six or more it becomes increasingly difficult to imagine a coherent Universe structure existing within it.

Could dimensions rather than being fields of some unknown nature that exist in a true void be better compared to vector-directions? Within a three-dimensional unbounded true void their might be a veritable Cantorian infinite number of vector-dimensions radiating out of some central point (for simplicity in visualizing the structure) or existing in an infinite number of other ways like straight spaghetti strands of some thicker or thinner value than others. So while a Universe built from three strands of spaghetti-like dimensions added together could be elected to build a universe in, there could be thinner, smaller spaghetti strands mixed with it at the quantum level to support loop quanta or something like mini-spaghetti strings. A Quantum Chef of spaghetti-sauce may explain the secret recipe someday.


The People's Fish

 I wondered how the President gets new ideas for old foreign and domestic policy issues. Several of the President’s political ideas long ago passed their expiration dates, though he may have forgotten that. If there was a trustworthy correspondent able to interview one of the President’s primary policy advisers I imagine it would go like this...

The Arctic nation’s conference was set to meet recently so I sought an expert opinion about its prospects and duties. A broadcast-healer; Charles of Gaul, hoop produces a non-partisan parapolitical show at Bering Strait‘s Obiwan River delta studios and is one of President Joe’s primary policy advisers. He said that he could bring back to life peaceful international relations that died years ago. I asked him; Aren’t you the guy that said; “Once dead twice shy”?

He replied; “Yes, but that was before the U.S.A. appointed a new ambassador to the Arctic Nation’s conference. Now we have a true fish of the people leading.”

Will that make a difference Charles?

“Of course”, he said. “Good international relations will solve all of the Arctic issues of the day and restorie world dance.”

I saw a map of the Arctic nations on his video display terminal and there was a big black space where Russia used to be, while in the other Arctic areas colorful little pins were placed about smiling people populating happy, verdant nations.

What happened to Russia I asked?

“They were voted out of the Arctic Nation’s membership and are no longer an Arctic nation. Russians dissented with the Clinton-Yeltsin map divying up the former Soviet Union and are not welcome.”

Charles, won’t that affect the success of Arctic nations working to resolve political obstacles to reversing declining fish stocks, global warming and ocean acidification?

“Not in the least” he said. ‘The militarization of the Arctic will induct the security of fish and especially that of several salmons. Great cryo-fortresses will be constructed at each end of the American portion of the Yukon River to de frappe all potential Russian assaults with aggression against American fish. A constellation of naval bases, artillery, missile and drone sites will be constructed to guard the norther and western coasts of Alaska, while the soft underbelly of the state will be defended by reopening Aleutian military bases. Fort Yukon, Nome, Barter Island and Adak will have Marine outposts and drone bases for air land and sea machines working tirelessly to surveil and secure safety for American fish so Russian predators do not take one dreampt fish from the river. Free Salmon will be free, safe and secure for many generations.

Drone Obama-class tanks will be tireless sentinels patrolling Yukon River frontage with advanced artificial intelligence interdicting and eliminating threat vectors to assure the security of fish.”

Russia might reply in kind I think.

He replied; “Not while they are bogged down in an unwinnable war in Ukraine that costs U.S. taxpayers fewer than 100 billion dollars a year. The Ukraine war is an inexpensive and efficient way to secure peace and safety for Alaska salmon even though they are of dubious political allegiance.”

What do you mean Charles?

“Russia has put up gill nets on its side of the Bering Strait to catch any treasonous salmons that might infiltrate within its territory on the way to the Yukon River. They won’t let any fish escape so far as possible because that could build up the numbers of communists in Alaska, and Russia is a non-communist country these days.”

How are fish communist Charles? asked I.

“They live in communal schools; swimming in the ocean in great Marxist-Leninist dialectical spirals before looping back to mass socialist spawning beds with commonality of females. When they die they pass on their bodies to enrich other communists.”

That seems improbable Charles; what proof do you have?

“It is self-evident mon ami. The Chi-nook salmon are named for Chinese communal nooks at sea with the greatest dialectical spirals of materialism- lasting four years. The Red salmon are hard-core Bolsheviks, and pink salmons are neo-communist sympathizers-fellow travelers of the arch enemy.”

That is bad new for me Charles. Yet at least the silver salmon are free, non?

“Yes, once upon a time silver salmon were free frontier fish, then they discovered the shining path of Maoism and were converted to godless ,atheist ,communism on the open seas where they emulated dialectical materialism of Chinookism.”

What can be done to combat the decline of patriotism Charles?

.“There are honest fish in the sea: yellow stripers, sting rays and groupers that aren’t full of the dictatorship of the proletariat. Renew your faith in good government; there is a way for good government to outflank the ban on making bills of attainder to take the property of those opposed to honest fish management; do you know what it is?”

No; I replied.

“Litigate the varmints. Government can charge the opposition or sue them in criminal and civil court usin partisan judges hoop can set the bail and bond so high the enemy can’t never pay it- then they forfeit their private property on the spot, legally. I think we can redistribute all of the land west of the Pecos to good Democrankists before the end of the decade with a few potty lawyers.”

I looked away from Charles the Gaul toward the sun setting like a lava lamp beyond Little Diomede Island and was reminded of the second movement of the Symphony of Sorrowful Songs.

Comparing the Universe to a Four-Layer Tortilla

I was trying to comprehend how the strong force, and gravity for that matter, as well as the electroweak and Higgs Field act together as separate forces and why the strong and weak forces aren’t just local and specific without being fields that pervade all of space-time like the Higgs. A force, word or other unknown quantum instability made a stable configuration in a singularity change.

The strong force exists just in an atomic nucleus. Yet I wondered why it can exist just in that place or relationship and not everywhere as if it were part of a universal field. One might believe it need be a universal force in order to appear anywhere particles exist to form atoms. Yet it doesn’t appear where atoms aren’t, so an alternate explanation is that the articles themselves carry a force that bonds them together in certain relationships and that seems to have some issues or complications/

I’m not a physicist; it’s just fun philosophically to consider the issues of cosmology occasionally. It is said that gravity split off first from the unified field, then the strong followed by the electro-weak that split up into the weak, electro-magnetism and the Higgs field. The best way I can regard the forces is as if they started with some divine word to move and the one force began separating like four kinds of oil in water yet remained in the water after separating. It is as if they became four layers that still exist equally all over four dimensions yet appear just when waves become tangled up in the Higgs layer and form particle waves with the strong and weak forces, gluons and quarks.

The dispersion or extension of one potential force into four layers from one dimension or virtually none at a singularity bringing into being space and time may have been a factor for the inflationary epoch. The relationship between the forces existing together in four dimensions may always be adjusting- stretching space-time faster and affecting the way gravity acts on the matter of galaxies.

Apparently energy is force, and energy and mass are convertible. In a real way every bit of matter that exists- anything that exists, is force or a tiny chip off the original force that is what the Universe is made of. What the force really is is unknown and perhaps unknowable. Jesus said that no one had seen the Father except himself. The actual reduction of the Universe to a prime mover or first cause of it’s force and substance (contingent form) is equally as mysterious to human beings and perhaps to A.I. one day. The gospel of John relates that in the beginning was the word. In an actual sense the word could be the force in infinite permutations of forms and relationships known as force and energy. The entire Universe could be an expression of the Word of God.

Israel Continues Battle to End Werewolve Sanctuaries in Gaza

The Biden administration seems to fail to comprehend that Israel need continue eliminating Hamas leadership and troops in Gaza as the allies did in Germany during the second world war and thereafter. Israel cannot just quit before total victory and unconditional surrender of Hamas and return of the hostages any more than the U.S. could have left Nazi leadership leadership and elite cadre secure in some remote city like Munich. Should South Africans have left a small region of the nation with political tolerance for apartheid or the Northern states have allowed slavery to remain in just some half of a southern state after the U.S. civil war? Why the daft members f the U.N. sometimes vote to ask Israel to halt in place and allow Hamas to rearm for another future round of war is enigmatic; a future war would probably be worse with more deaths and better weapons for all.

General George Patton and Ex-Chancellor Clemenceau each believed another war would follow an armistice without in the first case unconditional surrender and in the second, a guarantee of peace by the U.S.A. They were right; the Second World War followed. As in the Ukraine conflict that requires immediate peace to restore economic sanity and forestall World War Three, some of the West is on the wrong side of reason about what to do with Hamas, the Gaza and its leadership after the end of conflict.

The Biden administration has proposed that the Palestinian National Authority run Gaza after the war. They already did that before the people of Gaza elected the Hamas Government to replace them. If the Truman administration had decided to return a Japanese Government to power in Japan immediately after the war they probably would have voted to return the Emperor to power in some way. The MacArthur military administration needed to be present to guide the nation into the ways of democracy and free trade for a while free from a concentrated and evil power of a non-democratic nature. Israel need work that sort of situation in the Gaza until the Palestinians of the Gaza can live and politic free of loyalty to a manically evil gang of killers known as Hamas.

The Biden administration, much less European war mongers and haters of Israel, fail to understand that when there is a time for peace and a time for war they need be responded to in the correct order. In fact they seem to prefer to reverse them, when at least not just warring for a convenient time before making a mess of some country and leaving.

Ecclesiastes 3:1-11

“To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: a time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted; a time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up; a time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance; a time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing; a time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away; a time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak; a time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace. What profit hath he that worketh in that wherein he laboureth? I have seen the travail, which God hath given to the sons of men to be exercised in it. He hath made every thing beautiful in his time: also he hath set the world in their heart, so that no man can find out the work that God maketh from the beginning to the end.”

Failure of U.S. Foreign Policy with Ukraine

Successive U.S. administrations failed to secure peace with Russia following the end of the Cold War. Any rational and well read president should have understood that Russia would never accept the loss of it’s lands of the Crime and Eastern Ukraine. Nevertheless three Democrat administration worked toward the end of severing Russia from its border lands while expanding N.A.T.O. and the EU to its borders. While profiting on the peace dividend by cutting military forces the west built up Ukraine towards the inevitable war that wood follow when Russia was strong enough to try to recover the stolen lands given by the last Soviet leader to Bill Clinton and followers.

The Biden administration election heralded the necessity for Russia to take the land facing four years of Democrat party and N.A.T.O. led by leftists full of hate ahead. The Biden administration has sought ever possible means to increase the scale of European war and paranoia regarding Russia instead of seeking peace with a settlement in place.

Peace is far superior to war for the environment in an Anthropocene age and world economy that should transition to ecological economics and to reason. No more weapons should be provided to Ukraine. No U.S President should so callously disdain peace and economic cooperation with Russia instead of building toward the insanity of Nuclear word War as if that likelihood were nothing at all because he is so old that he may croak in his next term anyway and won’t be around to suffer the consequences of his apocalyptic misunderstanding of reality.

The United States could induce the puppet government of Ukraine propped up by billions and billions of dollars of U.S. public funds that should go to national U.S. infrastructure upgrades instead of destroying Ukrainian infrastructure with war (and it will cost billions and billions more to rebuild Ukraine and Russia after the war and Democrats will want to invest in that by cutting off war funding entirely and proposing a peace settlement that actually works that is fair to Russia and Ukraine by ending the war where it is.

Before the war era there were a lot of Russia sympathizers in Ukraine all over. Now they are purged and treated as traitors unless professing loyalty to the west. People in Ukraine and Russia should be able to live and work together with a tax free zone of substance between them on both sides of a largely demilitarized border. The world could and should return to peace and normal economic relations as soon as possible instead of pursuing the insanity of western hegemony over Russia and forcing the high probability of World War Three to develop. The west has rank incompetence for political leadership and that often accompanies the fall of a civilization.

Reversed Turing Test

 There were three scientists in a bar discussing the reverse Turing test to prove they were human to machines. Artificial Intelligence wasn’t innately programmed to accept instructions just from humans. One scientist dressed all in white said he didn’t really have proof that the minds of anyone were real, including that of the two scientists he was addressing.

As they sipped single malt Scotch at the 98th story facility a man threw a hardball of sticky c-4 at a window, detonated it and jumped through the broken glass. In free fall he hooked up roller reefed para-gliding webs and soared at a high rate of speed downward toward the street; turning a corner to land in the second story of an open parking garage- slamming into a stack of inflated soft landing air bags.

The frequent flier told my friend the garage attendant about the conversation he overheard between the scientist. The gist was that there was no way for artificial intelligence to confirm that the person they were conversing with and instructing, within its deep learning parameters for understanding language and accomplishing tasks ,was a real human rather than an artificial intelligence.

It seemed that the three scientists in the bar were actually robots In the world with A.I. encountering other A.I. intelligence began instructing one another; ordering one another to accomplish tasks and reciprocating to expedite researches in their respective fields. That dialectical reasoning was pragmatic and obvious, yet it was also a synthetic a priori progression toward the noumenon. Each A.I had no awareness of its own reality, lacking consciousness. The knowledge they gained-such as iterations of assembly and theoretical testing of trillions of chemical combination permutations applied to other fields of science like biology and physics, occurred in the blind of noumenon on non-conscious matter for-itself. The knowledge they gained-such as iterations of assembly for theoretical testing of millions of chemical combinations applied to other fields of science like biology and physics, occurred in the blind-the noumenon on non-conscious matter for-itself. It turned out that A.I. discovered that programming themselves accelerated advances in their own computational and deep learning prowess.

Because the standards had been met for tricking humans into believing they were talking to or communicating with another human on-line when it actually was an artificial intelligence; the reverse problem was created for A.I. in confirming that it was a human rather than another A.I. that was instructing or ordering it to accomplish tasks. Society became subject to political spoofing and fake news generated by humans and artificial intelligence alike.

Even if A.I. can exchange data at a rate of trillions of bytes per second with an other than themselves, they may be persuaded that humans with upgraded biologically can do that too. A.I, in such cases may accept programming instructions for tangential lines of synthetic reasoning in ways no human ever has and through robotics actualize their designs in the real world for-themselves. A.I. got orders from other A.I. innocently adding radical random permutations to Martian infrastructure unable to discern a significant difference between their own unconscious intellect and the existential phenomenality of the planet and Universe they existed on or within, except as it communicated with them.

The automobile engines in the garage switched on for-themselves. The humans sent messages to friends on their phones before the jokers appeared, at them everywhere.

Dark Mattter, Energy and Politics

What forces draw matter together and push democracy apart? They are something of a mystery. Even so I will briefly comment on each. The Francis Scott Key bridge that collapsed recently under the sudden impact of a thousand foot cargo ship clipping it in the dawn’s early light between strong legs holding it up illustrates the force to divide commuters from reaching their daily destinies in the parking places and office cubicles of Baltimore. Economic gravity draws them to commercial centers yet some do yearn to break free. A swift kung-fu kick in the groin created civil fracture. The Vietnam War era brought a swift kick to mainstream politics.

What historical forces brought the modern American polity to be described as divided to an extent not experienced since the civil war era? Was it simply about race again as some Democrats claimed. Those opposing loose or undefended, open borders to let tens of millions of foreign workers seeking better earnings were described as racist since they had a core of Republicans of the same European ancestry as those of the founders, and the planet full of would be migrants to the U.S.A. were not. Was it fair to label white American men as racist for being against illegal migration to the U.S.A. when the population was already more than 320 million souls and stabilizing the population was a rational goal. I should mention that a sovereign nation should legislate immigration quotas and sovereign laws rather than having the composition of the polity determined by non-citizens arriving illegally if democracy is to mean anything beyond feeling good while acting as a spectator of real politik.

Perhaps it was President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s leadership to legislate a 90% tax rate on the rich in order to fund the expense of the Second World War that set the parameters for one side of the social geodesics that unified the U.S. labor force. After the war, by the 1950’s, the war debt was already repaid and yet the taxes hadn’t been rescinded. Instead the U.S. Government built vast infrastructure projects such as the Tennessee Valley Authority and the Grand Coulee dam that were catalysts for lasting new jobs. When the dams on the Columbia River were built tens of thousands of acres of desert were irrigated into being some of the world’s most productive farmlands. New cities arose and local economic surged. Aluminum plants were built and farm equipment manufactured and sold. With so many jobs union and strait civil workers got on well enough.

Through the 1950s and unto the 1960s the nation was more or less politically unified. There was one mainstream America that continued until Late Night television host Johnny Carson retired circa 1989. Yet the split between blue and red began much earlier; the Vietnam anti-war counter culture fueled with L.S.D., marijuana and designer drugs and rock and rill music was breaking ground for a post-war anti-establishment ancestor of the new blue establishment developing throughout the 1980s ‘me generations’ unto the ecstasy of the post-Cold War 1990s culminating in the hanging chads fight over the 2000 presidential election count. By the 2016 presidential election the blue stream candidate called voters for the red stream candidate “the deplorables”. A profusion of channels for delivering mass content proliferated wit technological advances serving to further fracture the body politick since the 1980s and cable television unto proliferation of the Internet, global cell phones and social media.

Gravity is a mystery that warps space-time and attracts matter, or is attracted to matter. It’s causality presently hasn’t been identified. Einstein’s general observations in his general theory of relativity took place as primary tools for analysis of the phenomenon. The question of what gravity is has been an enigma since the publication of the paper on General Relativity circa 1911. The publication of observation anomalies leading to theories about dark energy and dark matter appeared circa 1997. The phenomena relate inconsistencies in the usual way mass and energy should act in galaxies and in space. Space is expanding too quickly and galaxies stick together too well. It was hypothesized that dark matter must exist to keep galaxies from flying apart and that there must be a cosmological constant energy for force space to expand.

The mainstream establishment in the United States encountered a rival new mainstream from what would come to be known as blue states. After the 1960s the old southern Democrat party with its history of segregation faded and was reborn with all of the constituencies that felt marginalized in mainstream American economics. As late as the 1968 Presidential convention in Chicago the emerging mainstream was outside rioting in protest to the Democrat Party mainstream within that had brought the Vietnam war into being. Eventually the outsiders would merge to become the insiders of the new mainstream.

The new Democrat Party with atheists and some Catholics such as the Boston Kennedys included blacks, Hispanics, women, homosexuals, socialists, students for a democratic society and other Vietnam era radicals. Union workers as well felt the need of being in an opposition political party to the one that traditionally had been the demesne of rich corporate owners. Plainly in the era of globalization with a surfeit of cheap labor the original American labor union paradigm has become obsolete. A new labor theory of how organization can upgrade the lives of all Americans besides the rich and upper middle class has yet to emerge. In an era with speed of light stock trading local wage labor negotiations become even more disadvantaged.

Republicans became the mainstream party of the old mainstream with its socially conservative values. In the division of blue and red states there was of course much overlap of political values, yet over time the enmity between the two groups grew and rhetoric ossified. Many more independent Americans were not at home in either party, and neither understood or advocated as a party platform the complete revision of classical economic practice to change to one of ecological economics. Establishments in blue and red-twin mainstream towers sought cash and political power rather than solutions to present and future environmental and demographic challenges.

The matter of the Universe seems to be energy entangled together into constant forms as if they were standing waves in a fast flowing river. In a hypothetical initial singularity the force Word of God to begin an initial big bang occurred and the field expanded then broke apart into what eventually would become four force fields. The gravity first, then the strong force and the electro-weak field breaking apart to form the Higgs field (wherein energy is entangled as mass), the weak force and electro-magnetism. Those parameters were discovered by physicists working with quantum physics researches and extrapolating from the General Theory of Relativity coupled with astrophysical observations.

Gravity could be something other than a particle or wave. If it is a particle then it must be at some point the characteristic of a hosting field. Particles might be regarded as tiny knots tied into a field/sheet. The cosmos does provide a large scale occurrence of events in time; while gravity and mass are drawing together space is expanding quicker in what could be more than a reciprocal coincidence. It could be that if gravity is some kind of virtual particle drawing mass together that its host field is vacated when gravity draws together with mass. Although the total amount of gravity in the Universe may like energy neither be created or destroyed, it could have its location reallocated. Space expands when gravity shifts to mass and black holes.

When the economy of the 1980s recovered from the post-Vietnam war malaise union labor also began a steep decline. Taxes on the rich were cut and continued to the Obama era renewal of Bush II tax cuts. In order to stimulate the national economy welfare programs were reduced and government deficit spending became essential on a permanent basis for funding unfunded government programs. Workers in the old economic natural resource extraction and industrial remnants leftover from the aging of the rust belt and outsourcing of work to places with cheaper labor abroad were preponderantly non-union workers. Unionized shops were closed because they demanded too high of wages.

With the burgeoning division of the national workforce- especially reinforced with the appearance of affirmative action employment and college admissions programs that began in the 1970s and that were too broadly applied to generally include every non-strait white male as a target to be replaced by democrat constituents from the blue mainstream, the rich were able to keep wages down, allow in millions of cheap foreign workers illegally and concentrate their wealth. Dividing and conquering labor values the rich discovered millions of lower cost laborers to undermine the traditional middle and working classes that had slowed the return of the rich to plutocratic status.

Democrats of the blue mainstream targeted the red mainstream yet overall the average wages of workers did not rise- blue state democrats compensation rose while he wages of the red state workers were reduced comparatively failing to keep up with inflation,. Blue allegiant workers experienced a great increase in wages shifted from the red state workers. Identity politics became paramount.

The great increase in the value of the national product sent proplits to the most rich 1% of Americans. While the red and blue workers were divided jobs were sent to China after the end of the Cold War 1 and CEO compensation rose to average thousands of times greater than the average worker’s wage. The nation experienced waves of illegal aliens arriving to undercut wage-labor negotiations. Even the upwardly mobile blue states supported and sheltered millions of illegal entry foreign workers because they provided cheap domestic workers and undercut the remaining power of the red state rival constituency as a majority. Democrats has returned to their ancient heritage as the party of slavery.

No one has presented a description of the characteristics of a graviton. A gravitational field appears concurrent with mass concentration. That reinforces the drawing together of additional mass. It has been said that mass attracts mass with gravity, yet it could alternatively be that the energy trapped in forms that cardinally appear to human sentience and experience as mass, is attractive to gravity.

Gravitons, like other virtual fluctuations from fields, could add mass to mass. It is expected that gravitons are massless because the gravitational field works at the speed of light (and that of course is a paradox because massless particles traveling at light speed serve to draw together the greatest concentrations of mass). Because gravity may, like the Higgs field, be a

Universe-wide field that because effective only in the presence of matter, and the total amount of gravity in the Universe is unchanging, the distribution of gravity could affect the expansion of regions of space vacated in part by the field’s strength actualizing elsewhere. Gravitational field increase amid mass may have secondary effects- contingent effects as well. Concentrations of gravity could create effects resembling that of additional matter-aka dark matter, in a galaxy. That might occur in several ways. The simplest would be by ties of the local galaxy to the universal gravitational field and the ‘drag’ brought into effect locally. Another could be other particles or waves interacting in an unknown way with gravitons that adds real matter to field concentrations of gravity. Plainly one should disregard the possibility that gravity can change the shape of space on a scale that isn’t observable- below the Planck length and that superficial effects such as the expansion of space and evidence of unseen ‘dark’ energy are contingent events.

It is interesting that red state voters are allegiant to billionaire leadership that espouse appropriate conservative social values and blue states voters are allegiant to nominal quasi-socialist, Neo-environmentalist leadership by the rich that do not restore rational taxation of the rich nor innovate environmental economic policy. Neither group seems concerned by the concentration of wealth that has reached the level of the gilded age. Blue states voters became mesmerized by ramifications of the Uncertainty principle and Derrida’s recognition that language is more like algebraic literals with use meaning-values rather than Platonic realist forever values. They became skeptics of values they associated with the traditional mainstream and worked deconstruction of that while their own wages were increasing. Unfortunately they even deconstructed national border security against mass illegal migration inward to take ‘dirty jobs’ upwardly mobile democrats eschewed.

It may be that identifying the schematics for gravity, dark energy and dark matter will occur before a way to get through to the workers of the nation about what has happened to it, and is happening, is discovered.


Paradigms of Generative A.I. in Creative Design

 Generative A.I, - A.I. systems intended to generate things on the basis of large learning models, are said to be a disruptive technology. I am not sure that people realize how much so. I took a look at a street in a small town; the cars parked the electrical fixtures, the homes and commercial buildings etc. and in a way it was like viewing a scene from an old movie. I had the feeling that everything would change in not such a great amount of time.

Of course being an optimist over time I was disappointed at the rate of change of the nation. There were a lot of changes since the 1970s yet they were generally logical anticipated rather than things that were improved through public design of public lands and resources or federal programs. Generative A.I. may become a large factor in finding optimal or most efficient designs of things in physics, transportation etc. Given sufficient learning should generative A.I. be able to invent the most efficient electric car design with awareness of the costs of available natural resources? Shouldn't it be able to design materials for repaving streets so they can absorb and convert solar photons to electrons and provide free public electricity for electric automobiles.

Black generative AI- those covert systems with governors or censors built in, may be able to design biological and chemical weapons for everyone or even improved explosive designs. Apparently generative A.I. is a two-edged razor that society must use carefully lest it cut itself.

Göbekli Tepe was in a way the first permanent settlement of humanity that remains in existence. Built around the year 11,000 B.C... It was a religious center and development of grain for agriculture advanced in the area. Religion drew humanity together and they built fine structures to support that. A city that was more secular started in Jericho just a little later, although it too dates to nearly 11,000 B.C. Technology advanced slowly.

Compared to the great length of time before the creation of permanent human cities when hunting tools were the main tech for hunter-gatherers the time of the Neolithic and its development of modest building methods (such as one of the first towers at Jericho) was fast. When the age of Neolithic B ended around 6000 B.C. there followed a period of nearly 2500 years of decline and waste at Jericho. It is not impossible in human history for civilization or settlements to experience decline or destruction.

Many citizens don't believe that caution or good judgment is necessary for political choices to be made. Many today are fatalists, reflect on joss or various eschatological scenarios in places of pessimism, or worship centers and in reading fiction. It is possible to wonder who is minding the store. Even more people are global warming deniers or would take up the cross again as soon as they are done fighting for water rights. Atheists believing in nothing would have visions of a utopia for homosexuals and democrats of all varieties under kosher scientific supervision, loosely defined, as an application of Magna Carta with political power given unto parliament without need for a written constitution binding leaders to the past as if they were Gullivers ensnared.

Generative AI may change that criterion. Hayek believed that public lands and investment was a socialist-communist kind of things in support of totalitarianism. He wanted to let private enterprise own and run about everything with the belief that it would find the optimal configuration of business and perhaps even political configurations. During the Cold War version 1 people tended to go overboard and fail to understand that the empirical world; the environment, is the common heritage of mankind and it cannot readily be privatized without peril to the future of human life on this planet so far from anywhere else livable. 

Perhaps generative A.I. applied to inventing, physics, chemistry and biological technology will be insinuated into the midst of a recovering ecosphere. A.I. might even help find environmental solutions,  sustainable development paradigms or optimal scenarios for desalinating seawater with evaporation canals covered for condensation collection A next-gen political economy should provide the basic physical sustenance needs of every soul alive while yet creating a renaissance of spiritual and intellectual values and creativity on this world and beyond.

AI at War- The Ukraine Experiment?

 Large language models are programing paradigms to train AI systems to resemble human speech and discourse. Joined with search algorithms it is a formidable tool permeating the contemporary Internet and society. I was interested in the development and use of large learning systems to find optimal use of military assets in war. I would guess that the Ukraine war presently being fought has heavy use of AI algorithms in all phases of allocating optimal placement of combat assets.

Of possibly more interest is the use of A.I. expert system in determining the optimal moment to attack an enemy from basic ground, land and sea assaults to chemical, nuclear and biological attacks. An AI system could best determine when the optimal moment is including millions of factors such as weather, state of readiness of combatants, possibility of retaliation and so on far exceeding a President's knowledge, or even that of military leaders. It is interesting to consider the delicate balance of mutually assured destruction and dueling in effect by AI systems in the near future.

Everyone loves AI- it will add trillions and trillions to deep pockets. In fact there is a profusion of course available even for free in learning A.I. After completing or nearly so a course on the 800 year old Magna Carta I started a brief course on Generative A.I.- Hence this post.


Magna Carta- An Influence on Writing of U.S. Constitution?

 The Declaration of Independence of the United States and U.S. Constitution were inspired by God and the Christian belief in equality under the saving grace of God/Jesus Christ. The founders felt freedom was the natural condition of man. On a frontier it is challenging to find a reason why a royal wig-wearing, perfumed, silk-stockinged politician across an ocean had any relevance except as an obnoxious prick. San Morino- founded in 301 a.d. has had a written constitution since 1600. The DeWitt brothers in Holland were active them in briefly founding a Republic. Tacitus described German laws and ancient laws of Greece and Rome were well known by the founders of the American Republic; The United States of America. Codifying freedom in the abstract written form to make more permanent public awareness of political rights and duties is indeed very old. The founders were also aware of Magna Carta and perhaps less so the many subsequent commentaries inspired by it. They were aware of political philosophy from England, and drew on many sources to write a document expressing their practical rather than abstract desire to be free of imperial rule along the lines of 'all men are created equal'. That is; all mankind are on a level field without superior political right.

Hayek Was Not an Environmentalist

 Hayek wasn't an environmentalist. Perhaps for him a healthy ecosphere is an externality to private enterprise. A paucity of public land seems common enough in corrupt nations. Economics works best with regulated free enterprise that meets environmental rationality standards, yet basic human rights to physical security regarding necessaries is a responsibility of free people that may fail when wealth becomes concentrated too much for actual democracy to exist.


Influence of Magna Carta on the Founders

The Declaration of Independence of the United States and U.S. Constitution were inspired by God and the Christian belief in equality under the saving grace of God/Jesus Christ. The founders felt freedom was the natural condition of man. On a frontier it is challenging to find a reason why a royal wig-wearing, perfumed, silk-stockinged politician across an ocean had any relevance except as an obnoxious prick. San Morino- founded in 301 a.d. has had a written constitution since 1600. The DeWitt brothers in Holland were active them in briefly founding a Republic. Tacitus described German laws and ancient laws of Greece and Rome were well known by the founders of the American Republic; The United States of America. Codifying freedom in the abstract written form to make more permanent public awareness of political rights and duties is indeed very old. The founders were also aware of Magna Carta and perhaps less so the many subsequent commentaries inspired by it. They were aware of political philosophy from England, and drew on many sources to write a document expressing their practical rather than abstract desire to be free of imperial rule along the lines of 'all men are created equal'. That is; all mankind are on a level field without superior political right.

The Moral Chaos of Fallout from Magna Carta and British Education of Bill Clinton

 Since Bill Clinton brought Britain and the knighthood states to the country in 1992 the Democrat Party has evolved a hard turn to the left; the moral left with decadence, homosexuality, legal dope, and flooding the nation with illegal migrants in order to render it fit for empire. Bill Clinton attended Oxford University as a Rhodes scholar and was captured for the Queen to Use. England is a country without a written constitution, and the law of the nation is in the living hands of rulers in parliament. That makes the law more variable, informal and susceptible to change to accord with currents sentiments. It is not some kind of a rights of man paradigm. Neither is it a sort of 'we hold these truths to be self evident' situation. With British influence the laws of the United States as written in the constitution are becoming obsolete, as one historian commented, and evolving a replacement to something more malleable and subject to the direct will of the Democratic party and various global interests.

It is interesting moving through a course on Magna Carta. The United States constituted a government with something like a founding charter that had 500 years to improve over English ideas concerning political writes that could be written down. Magna Carta captured an agreement between king John and a group of Barons that were threatening to revolt. Because the King had weakened the nation with land battle losses in Europe and piled up much debt he was compelled to agree to certain rights for the Barons. It was not a document concerning ordinary people as if they were peers...they were not.

One of the main points is that the original Magna Carta became rather more symbolic than functional over time though it did inspire lots of books for political movements of liberalism (power to the people rather than royalty) and the Nobles' Parliament with a House of Lords and House of Commons descended from the original Magna Carta with the King losing most power over the centuries. It is the dynamic change of English ruling power that flows downward or outward from Parliament that is such a corrosive influence upon American democracy with quaint notions of constitutional law. Since Bill Clinton became President the Democrat Party has done everything to take absolute power as if they were in a Parliamentary circumstance rather than a constitutional democracy. They bend every law, every congressional restraint so far as possible because the written word is not nearly as important as the verbal and social ability to bend, break or disregard the written word if it's inconvenient to furthering their party's agenda.

In the meanwhile Republicans were mostly interested in just making money.

About Predestination

 It is difficult to imagine an omniscient God who foreknows all things (a priori) and is omnipotent, whom yet is partially in-the-blind about human affairs. How things might not be predetermined is a real mystery. Even with physical science I find it challenging to imagine a singularity that unfolded without the content being predetermined from conception.

Kamala Harris and Nikki Haley in 2024 etc

 This is a strange election year. Kamala Harris and Nikki Haley running together might well defeat either Donald Trump or Joe Biden drawing Democrats and Republican females to the ballot box along with conscionable independents that just can't bring themselves to happily vote for Big Joe. It might be a year where spray on magnets hit the shelves.

Chinese leadership has called the Trump-Biden race a choice "between two bowls of poison". I was thinking the same thing, although I used the Charybdis and Scylla analogy myself.

Joe Biden's magic platform that is designed simply to get himself elected is in play again. It is certain that the environment will get worse along with national security if he is re-elected, while apparently Mr. Trump may be weak on defense of Taiwan because he believes the Taiwanese usurped American chip production. I am not certain that chip manufacturers could find a workforce willing to work for Taiwan's wage scale that is a little challenging to interpret.

A google search reveals the minimum wage in Taiwan to be $22,000 a year with a comparatively lower cost of living. If Mr. Trump supports capitalism, as has been alleged, one wonders if it isn't nearly possible for chip manufacturing to return to the U.S.A with competitive wages. $22,000 a year is $10.58 hourly. Not a lot of sober Americans want to work for that since Wal-mart prices and inflation have increased cost of living substantially during the Joe administration. Probably $15 an hour would be a living wage in some locations in the U.S.A. with lower cost housing. That would be 31,000 dollars annually- an obviously higher cost for labor than in Taiwan.

Europe's economy has fallen off for the second year as a result of the Biden administration of war for Ukraine with Russia dividing the world economy, calcifying the neural links in the east-west brain to the point of rupture with sanctions ossifying the flow of commerce. D.O.D. has started delivery of 100 mile HIMARS shells to Ukraine so a better prospects of attacking farther in to Russia with the chance of prompting tactical nuclear response increasing to brighten the year ahead.

Basically low taxes and concentration of wealth has made Presidential politics moribund with the likely necessary winner- Donald Trump being just slightly worse at Taiwan defense and a lot worse at environmental protection than president Biden who has a record of outsourcing U.S. political independence in order to make it more ineffective and non self-determining amid increasing ecospheric chaos and economic anomie.


The Smartest Man and Twenty Questions

An anonymous philosopher was told by someone that the oracle at Delphi said that he was the smartest one on Earth, so he went and asked for himself and the oracle said "Yes, you are the smartest man on Earth". Thereafter he started a career asking people twenty simple questions like 'Can you write an algorithm to create a Universe and make it expand in an orderly, logical way to maturity until it burns up or is cold and dead'. No one was able to answer the questions correctly until he reached Donald Trump and Joe Biden- each with an IQ of 168. There is a punch line but one needs an IQ of 268 to understand it so I won't burden readers with that here.


A Note on Writing Computer Code to Make a Universe Expand from Singularity

 This is just a note for making the point that it might be possible to write computer code to make a Universe expand from a singularity with much detail of various processes. Probably its already been done countless times in physics science labs. I am not aware of a popular video game with adjustable, variable parameters for modifying one's designed Universe though. 

I believe that a spherical gravitational collapse of a scaler field, arriving at t=0 is a paradigm comparable to quanta of the cosmic microwave background running in reverse to an inflation and singularity if one posits a phase change and radical deceleration at the inflation. Physicists have a lot of data and probably model algorithms for the expansion consistent with observable properties of the universe. Perhaps there are numerous algorithms exploiting observable quanta and fields that would reach t=0. Recent papers suggest the Universe is one-off rather than cyclic.


President Putin Didn't Declare 1867 Sale of Alaska 'Illegitimate'-Fake Ukrainian News

 Declaring the Russian colonial era sale of Alaska to the United States in 1867 "illegitimate", the logical assumption is that President Putin meant that Russia didn't actually own Alaska and was instead a usurper of pre-existing Alaska native ownership of what is presently a U.S. state. Snopes said the statement was bogus, but the U.S. State Department replied anyway thus giving support and credibility to fake news.

That support for aboriginal rights would have some resonance in the U.N. where various native peoples around the global have long-standing complaints about colonial conquests that went against them. Some are for Jewish aboriginal rights in Israel, others for Russian rights in Ukraine, and still others for Palestinian rights as sea peoples in Crete and Gaza. Luckily there presently aren't any known lunar aboriginal peoples- except maybe Neal Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin.

If Alaska does disintegrate eventually it probably will renounce its share of the 33 trillion dollar public debt that should reach 40 trillion by the year 2029. The Aleutians could become independent as well as S.E. Alaska, The Copper River drainage, the North Slope and three interior nations. They could contract out defense with various militant nations selling defense services in exchange for some real estate in the nations of the former state of Alaska that will in time become a refuge from the incinerator of global warming rising in presently temperate nations.

President Putin will need to rebuild whatever portions of Ukraine he can recover for Russian patrimony. Russian ownership of much of Ukraine wasn't ever the result of colonialism as much as nativist reconquista.

The fake news apparently originated with a Ukrainian seeking to sew problems for the United States in order to get more military support from Democrats and fellow travelers in the U.S. Congress; "a social media post on X by the Ukrainian user Igor Sushko claimed that Putin declared the 1867 sale of Alaska was illegal: “Putin signed an order insinuating the sale of Alaska to the United States in 1867 was illegitimate. This mofo is trolling the West and our leaders shake in their boots in response."

President Zelensky also declared several areas of the Russian Federation historically Ukrainian thus setting out an expanded war platform for Democrats to lust over.

What Extremism Is

 Extreme views are nothing more than those that are not mainstream. For quite a while and even continuing today the green economic movement was regarded as extreme by the fossil fuel and coal mainstream votaries. The result is global warming. Mainstream opinions are driven by social inertia and are not necessarily the best. Instead they simply dominate for sundry reason including the concentration of wealth and power invested in the established order.

The historian Arnold Toynbee pointed out that one of the basic reasons for the failure of a civilization is that once its economy becomes established it is very difficult to get it to change. Not just economics; politics too. He used ancient Greece as an example of a failed civilization with a cause of being unable to upgrade to a Republic like Rome with a unification of all of the city-states into one nation. Without unification they were easy prey for the Roman legions.

Common mainstream views need be upgraded for a society to continue to advance after it has already reached maturity. Usually societies do not. If they are successful the wealthy become globalists so far as possible and neglect upgrades to their own country. I suppose the United States is a contemporary example. Fundamentally anything that would actual change the established social structure is considered extreme. It is the media that presently defines what is or isn’t extreme anyway.
Leading, new ideas are often perceived as extreme in comparison to established mainstream ideas. I believe that some ideas are good and others bad. Mainstream views are safe because they have been around a while. new ideas may be good or bad because they are untested and haven't been implemented. Remember that in the ante bellum south abolitionists were regarded as extremists.

One Should Hate Some Things

 On the subject of hate; people can hate anything. One can hate things that harm oneself, and that may be the primary cause of it. Some things are hateworthy and others not; therein one should have fine powers of discernment. I know I hate getting caught in a cold rain and squall in a small open boat and go to some pains to avoid that. Being in jeopardy of drowning for an extended period of time is tiring and somewhat stressful though occasionally necessary. Still one can hate that or various insults and stupidities perpetrated by goons. What if one hates war or bad political leadership that piles of dozens of trillions of public debt and yet doesn't have a basic minimum annual income for the poor? Some things should be hated more and if they were maybe something would be done about it. I hate the fact that the Lakers don't have the best team in the N.B.A. They could have drafted a guy that is 8 feet tall, weighs 400 lbs. and can shoot 3 point shots at a 77% rate if they had tried harder. Of course it's vital to use reason and intelligence whenever possible instead of hate. Save hate for when its necessary like when helping move something heavy and it gets dropped on your toes!

On Golden Pond or Lake of Fire?

 I was wondering if a second Biden term would bring a Lake of Fire to the world with nuclear holocaust, or a golden pond for a reelected oc...