
Wild Shores Vanish With Death of a Thousand Development Cuts

The creeping loss of natural shoreline evolves over time with careless human development. Though public lands exist for the many, for the poor and middle class, there are those that feel they as private citizens have some inalienable right to exploit the common heritage of mankind for their exclusive personal enrichment.

Just because some western public lands have low population density it doesn't mean that the hundreds of millions living in major cities have less right of ownership of those lands than local exploiters on-the-spot that would plunder anything worth a buck and then pave it over. It

It isn't always the case that the locals, illegal aliens, recent immigrants from underdeveloped countries and international predators are evil and unconcerned about the survival of the ecosphere in a healthy condition, sometimes they are simply stupid and /or ignorant and don't know any better.

Wrangell Alaska is an example. With a plentiful supply of sand available in the nearby wild Stikine River delta-one of the final great wild river systems in the U.S.A., it is too tempting for business not to fill in substantial areas of Wrangell Island's northernmost shoreline region facing the delta. Filling in the wetland and natural shoreline with a berm, rock and gravel to make a larger industrial docking area does make it less useful for the wildlife that formerly used it such as sea lion, deer and seals.

I usually I have no ecospheric concerns to write about. Since the Wrangell mill closed in 1994 and I was financially compelled to sell my 'lem' in 2008 I grew less interested in local insults to the wild habitat. With about 3/4s of a million people in the entire state of Alaska and with select global corporations in paying for state government one can get real economic reprisals for writing environmental conservation stuff publically. Yet even a modest social philosophy activity should comment on environmental trends affecting life on Earth.

S.E. Alaska and the Alexander Archipelago is comparable loosely to the Maine shoreline plus 50 miles inland. Imagine if it could have remained undeveloped and a wildlife refuge until today. Life on the East coast would be much better. A light rail from Boston and New York could take hikers, campers and backpackers to great fishing and viewing areas. There probably would still be a good commercial fishery in New England. S.E. Alaska is an endangered intact coastal wilderness in reasonably good health. The crass commercial interests that would tear it down piece by piece have the full support of the state legislature of course. Too few comprehend what piece by piece cuts-small cuts to the wilderness map do to erase it over time.

I used to put my boat ashore after rowing several miles when visiting town for supplies 20 years ago. I wrote a letter to the editor complaining about the loss of wetland near the grocery store on the other side of the north end of the island about 20 years ago too . I think the same people and insiders get state and federal government contracts as insiders to build things. They want 5 million to renew a decrepit small boat harbor; yet who would get that money I wonder (there are fewer than 2000 people that live here).. In the approx. 20 years I owned a retirement lot on the island year with only a small construction shed on it that would wait until I retired as an educator (that never happened) I earned fewer than $200 dollars here. I have no interest in the Wrangell economy and long ago got used to travelling outside to earn money painting as far as Florida, South Carolina and Texas before returning. I rode 25 or 30 thousand miles on a bicycle around the U.S.A. looking for work. Time passes and one becomes realistic about things.

The area being slowly buried for progress is rather scenic yet profit calls and cheap sand for making concrete requires cheap support structures. The current 'reclamation' of the healthy shoreline for industrial use is south of the airport a little. The airport is also on a filled in area. The river is two or three miles away over shallow water that could one day be bridged with a causeway to access the Stikine River corridor to the Canadian interior and highway system. Most of American rivers have been converted into drainage ditches. The Houston Texas storm water runoff canals have fish about as large as chum salmon such as can't be caught well from the shore any more with too much commercial fishing. Stikine River salmon are shrinking in size and numbers too. Maybe one day it will be a drainage ditch as well.

Developing a roadway to the Stikine would be another environmental abomination, yet nature has a losing record against human developers. Dull, thoughtless cheap profit takers for-themselves run roughshod over the wild areas of the world advancing a collective habitat loss. Already islands up the delta have been sliced up for housing developments. Farm Island is one where subdivisions are taking hold. The gradually destruction of S.E. Alaska's wild health will produce a large loss for Americans. If one takes a look at the northern hemisphere from space any summer, the S.E. coastal region is one of the few places on Earth besides the shrinking polar ice cap, Greenland and some melting glaciers in the Himalayas with much ice and snow. It is unlikely that human life will outlast by much the loss of most wild habitat. The ecospherically profligate just keep going at it like termites. Miners in Canada are already going ahead with a huge waste water and mine tailings reservoir up the river. Metal is valuable, yet so are fish and all the wildlife that need a healthy waterway. Look at Puget Sound and what a pitiful, ugly mess it became. S.E. Alaska is destined for the same. In the absence of rational environmental leadership by narrow minded, ignorant environmental savages the evolution of doom of life on Earth at least profits those with the worst environmental consciences.


Saudi Arabian Top Cleric Issues Fatwa Against Chess

The fatwa by Saudi Arabia's top Muslim cleric is pay back for the domination of the chess world over the last century by Jewish chess players I suppose. An article referred to below notes that Muslim antipathy toward game of chess has gone on for more than a 1000 years. Fischer, Kasparov, Lasker, Morphy and other best-on-Earth chess players all had some of that Jewish blood running through their brain. One wonders if chess isn't a small part of the divine plan for saving the lost people of Earth teleologically speaking.


Palau, Chess & ISIS Terrorists

I was playing internet chess today when the computer matched me with someone from Palau. They refused to play writing that "sorry, your government (U.S.) supports ISIS terrorists". Was that an objective opinion? 

Historical Cycles & Mass Social Behavior Theory Prospect (video)


Subjectivity and the Schrödinger Wave (function)

Here are my thoughts on the topic. The wavefunction could be a state of mind, of subjective experience, yet it might be a problem of the criterion, that is within an Everettian interpretation mind or experience moves through a multidimensional matrix. I think that is not entirely inconsistent with the Copenhagen interpretation epistemology viewing matter and energy through a glass darkly with partial certainty.

Wave-particle superposition is a paradigm of contemporary thought about how the quantum fields exist that could be inaccurate, so the Copenhagen paradigm could be incapable of determining what's what though useful in the standard model field for working with matter. That would comprise a philosophical and pragmatic difference of depth.

There are innumerable forms the fundamental field could be in to allow the appearance of quanta and space-time to exist along with faster-than-light distance interval transcendence. People naturally think of circles and spherical packing with a unitary field shaking or vibrating to emit one-dimensional membranes building up to large quanta. All that minimalist quanta remains tied into the the unitary field and might be regarded as complex illusions that are yet real for building up to a level where self-awareness occurs experiencing the steady state temporal field as real. Transcending experimentally to deeper micro levels through space-time to forms of quanta outside of time individually as quanta may let innumerable relativity breaking phenomenal observations to occur.

ISIS Presents Utilitarian Threat to Britain

ISIS head chopping video presented an implicit utilitarian threat to Britain and its homosexual marriage queendom recently. The Queen of England is technically head of the Church of England that must be apostate with its homosexual marriage social environment--at least the Queen has not been a notable opponent of making sin official U.K. policy. However the Footsie continues and England will always have a utilitarian threat from middle eastern Muslims that exemplify the pragmatic utility of terror against an impractical predatory pusillanimous state.


One naturally sympathizes with those whose heads were chopped yet not with the corrupt U.K. leadership that leads the way on godless atheism around the planet it would like to recolonize with doctrine in support of new age imperialism.

England should be more interested on colonizing worlds without sentient life that won't be harmed bite godless atheism it likes in its serpentine fashion than in making the U.S. a useless finance economy with corrupt deficit spending and vast balanced national debt looking to Prince Charlie for leadership over the youth knighthood states.

Trucks & Postal Service Evolution (video)

Natural Robotic Funkbrawl Space X Development League

One wonders if the American addiction to viewing full contact sports won't transition to real-world gaming of full contact robot football able to play old style with crack-back blocking and roughing the kicker. It could be that sometimes kickers need to be roughed to win a game. Perhaps robots will be drones operated by remote controlling players.

Team sports played by remote controlled robot operators would be a difficult intellectual challenge for the operators. It would also create a research and development utility for making improvements to the use of robotic controlled by humans directly in off-world environments. N.A.S.A. should consider becoming involved with a National Robot Football League. How useful would it be to have simple robots to move solar panels into the sunshine in lunar crater dwellings? I would think that knightly jousting might return when killing the opponent doesn't involve a biological fatality and just a mess of circuits and plastic reading a teleprompter's script.

Will the power brokers resist robotic football leagues and planetary exploration? Some people would expand mud-brick building economics for the next 1000 years with an unrealistic notion of expansion regarding environmental limits, many of those people are in the broadcast media, yet like drug addicts given a new drug, if adapted to new technologies and environmental rectification broadcast media bloviators will religiously support the new tech dope. It may be hard to believe the broadcast media would give up the Pharonic ideal of new improved bricks mini-mansions in comfort for-themselves with illicit, stupid broadcast prouder power that dies only when their dessicated corpses drop them off the deep end unto eternal punishment . Yet they shall give up persecuting the poor and homeless campers yearning to be free of the broadcast media's existence so they can live in a free society with equal opportunity when it becomes counter-productive for them to remange as existential threats and domestic ad hoc terrorists/organized crime above-the-law and legal remdies. No problem.

Whenever robot bodies increase their physicall skills, agility, durability and so forth their use in making repairs to the outside of space stations or in digging ditches or rescuing explorers on the moon, Mars, Venus or the undiscovered moons of the undiscovered giant planet X increase. Football is a very challenging and realistic field for making robot bodies that work, and that increase the efficiency, decrease the cost, improve the adaptability of the planetary and space exploration tools.

When grenade launchers putting out tennis balls are adapted to super-sized gold courses and when artificial scuba diving saltwater ecosystems are commercialized in northern locales the business of synthetic gaming will have taken another step forward into the twilight zone of games actualized in v.d.t.'s

Logic, Race & Class Consciousness (video)

Logic, Race & Class Consciousness (video)

Emerging Styles of Trucking and Postal Service Automation

The future of the nation's transportation infrastructure should be a field expected to rapidly evolve. Transportation costs drive up the price of consumer goods and also make the nation a more expensive place to manufacture items for export. A profusion of coders and self-driving truck emergency remote control mediator-operators are compatible with national education trends in support of competitive values in regard to international competition.

It is unfortunate that the advance of technological innovation displaces workers in established fields. If there was an ordinary effort to retrain displaced field workers to construct the new field tech application it would decrease the stress. There should be many construction jobs developing energy and intelligence collection and distribution access points along lanes designed for self-driving trucks.

Self-driving trucks appear to be an inevitable evolution in the nation's trucking fleet. Self-driving trucks can work 24 hours strait without mandatory stops for driver time off, dinner breaks or urination. Truck owners with free drivers 300% more efficient will have a substantial financial advantage over those with human drivers. Self-driving truck AI. systems will also be able to communicate and coordinate with other trucks better over the road to allow seamless, uncomplicated packaging of truck routes.

While it may be five years before half of the nation's highways have self-driving trucks. Even before then some freeway planners may consider constructing dedicated lanes for electric self-driving trucks drawing power from an in-highway line. Why stop for fuel?

It may also be that someone will innovate new ways to change flat tires on-the-move without stopping. Without human operators an increase in tire changing technology will probably arise.

Like trucking the postal delivery system is also likely to experience increased automation in the next several years. Intelligent, reusable postal packaging may replace individually packaged containers for shipping articles. Reusable packages with artificial intelligence will eliminate the need for using tape or glue for closure or written addressing each of which may slow processing. Intelligent package containers will use Bluetooth or other short-range wireless signal to coordinate and direct their shipment itinerary without need for human handling.

Intelligent packaging will have a collateral application of discerning smuggling of illicit goods for-themselves and when included in national and international shipments as discrete units amongst units.

Postal deliveries may involve drone aircraft to increase routes,range and speed of delivery to remote postal processing hubs in addition to self driving trucks full of packages that sorted and loaded themselves.

Regular street postal deliveries by self-driving postal vehicles may use self-driving or artificially intelligent servo-bots to walk mail to the door drop. The postal AI systems may also be used as reliable police auxiliaries on the alert for ad hoc criminal activity through their optic and audio input. The nation's highways may be made safer with self-driving delivery vehicles equipped with radar and observation cameras to help hunt down air polluters and drunk drivers.


V.P. Biden Saber Rattling With Turkey on Syria

U.S. Vice President Joe Biden wishing to sound fair and balanced as an unbiased Democrat observer on the Syrian civil war reportedly said the United States is prepared to accelerate war on Syria with help from Turkey if it can't get what it wants in the negotiated political settlement talks on-going. The close Obama administration partnership with Turkey on intimidating Syria to annex another nation to the new world order appears potential unfair to the Kurdish fighters in the region whom are overwhelmingly more deserving of a synthetic new state than Turkey-the former imperial power in the region.


It would be far better if President Obama in his lame duck year were to focus on getting Texans to innovate constructing artificial mountain range condominiums north of Dallas to create 3x the surface area when making housing instead of just closing off all surface area. Artificial mountain range housing developments can create new ecosphere for wildlife and have far better interior hanging garden/saltwater evaporation and fresh water making condensation values foe mariculture than asphalt beshingled stick frame housing developments.

Plainly the President should be finding ways to extend the Dallas Orange light rail line to Tulsa-yet the jewels of Syria call I suppose.

Race Class Consciousness and the Logic of Black and White

Having learned classical and symbolic logic before continuing on to read analytic philosophy and the philosophy of logic my point of view of social political class consciousness issues tends I hope toward the objective. If the point of democratic politics is to assure equal protection of the law and the social and legal equality of all citizens within secure borders then objective use of linguistic criteria for class social references should be uninhibited by biases of political correctness for or against particular social classes.

It cannot be just the media and government that are free to liberally employ racial class designators in political polls, census demographics, various recruitment quotas and so forth. Ordinary people and academics also need be free to be realistic in addressing political class differentia if democracy is to defend the rights of the citizens and fundamental rights of citizenship. If Muslim terrorists target Germans or fellow Africans in death distribution sprees for political and sectarian purposes for example, the racial class object of wrath is meaningful to recognize for security purposes.

If objective political analysis is to function well to serve social reality and purposes for equal protection of the law then racial class consciousness terminology when used should be nondiscriminatory regarding preferential treatment for any given class. Like Venn diagrams with given set members that might be placed in any valid position the world of political discourse will not be able to find true analysis nor serve all citizens equally well if particular set member terms are banned from use. If black class consciousness in political movements like the 'black lives matter' movement of the Obama administration are valid and socially acceptable then so must 'white history month' or 'news for Chinese people'.

These terms must be regarded as valid class designators employed phenomenally to advance the interests of members on given issues comparable to set membership in a class action lawsuit rather than as bigoted organization that should be repressed. The mildly editorial and somewhat anonymous power of political correctness that suppresses universal fair logical terminology for select social classes works against the existence of an objective and even scientifically rigorous political lexicon that can objectively consider the validity of all social and political claims, assertions and expressions without fear. In such a globally information rich era the failure to be free to employ class designators objectively would create notable gaps in efficient social analysis not to mention liberty.

Philosophy as an objective social science employing logical parameters for political analysis would create a modal Universe wherein all class assertions might be quantified after expression in logical terms. Claims of white class interest or black, brown or red could be placed within nation-class boundaries as well as international boundaries comprising classes for comparative and quantified analysis with a variety of potential sub-class and macro-class elements added. Like various sorts of physics and chemistry formulas that may while remaining consistent with empirical rules creatively express new propositions, social consciousness and socially unconscious class values may be formalized for the purpose of discovering truth regarding political power and the effectiveness of state intervention to promote a fair and just social equilibrium.

The citizens of a democracy in the modern world exist within a social stasis with innumerable interactive 'future shock' factors of communication. The expressions of power in the polity through mass communications and indirectly through surveillance support the usurpation of political power from the people unto concentrated and faceless power. A partial antidote to that would be a return to the strength of democracy in free speech without fear of being labeled a user of hate speech or bigot for considering racial class and directing news to particular targeted audiences objectively when it is useful to do so. White Americans have as much natural right to defend their class interests as blacks, browns and yellow Americans. It is in the obscurantism through repression of class rights that corruption cinches up gains of power and wealth from the masses. It is in the failure to objectively consider real social and political states of affairs that corrupt power redistributes wealth and power toward imperial and global sinkholes.

A healthy democracy defends in own borders more readily and well than it pursues imperial global interests and supports conflicts abroad with military and financial support for regime changes. It balances its budget, has little or no public debt, supports a minimum income for all citizens, health coverage for all without distributing personal information abroad and is cognizant that the economy needs to be adapted to be consistent with existential mass social well being within a recovering ecosphere rich with wildlife and wild regions. Objective political and social class analysis and free expression cannot be restricted from objective use of real social designators and classes when the real interests of the citizens are quantitatively considered. People should not be frightened of the truth, instead they should be informed bite it.


A Universal Widget in the Realm of Forms (in paperback)

I have published a paperback version of my science fiction book. It's a philosophical science fiction consideration of Plato's ideas about forms.

Plato wondered if forms of material things were actualizations of transcendent blueprints from the mind of God perhaps from a realm of forms. Philosophers sought a kind of Rosetta stone for comprehending quanta. In contemporary cosmology a Universal tool for generating forms has gone missing from an extra-terrestrial world. Patrick Voevoda-a philosopher and friend, investigate.


Phenomenality of Mind, Matter & Equilibrium (video)


Ravens and Friends

During the many years I camped in a tent in S.E. Alaska ravens were a usual part of life. Science has shown that ravens are about the smartest bird, with blue jays and magpies being second Ravens make camp life in the northern forest far less bland than it might be with so few creatures living in it besides bear, wolf (if one is lucky) and so forth-it isn't the Amazonian rain forest so rich with wildlife.

Ravens usually woke me up each morning flying over the tent or landing nearby and sounding off with various calls just before light when safe flying was possible. They weren't attracted just by the possibility of food, although they will recognize people that feed them now and them and distinguish them from those that don't, as they also distinguish those that have attacked them from those that haven't.


Ravens will interact simply to have something to do, vocally. One can reply to basic raven caws with a similar caw, yet the vast range of raven sounds changes, and they have a repertoire that English language speakers cannot well imitate. Ravens seem attracted by certain kinds of music from a radio, and seem to like sound quite a lot as it is a tool for communication as well as pleasure. Some of the sounds are quite remarkable. With good sound recording equipment and living in a tent several years a scientist could record quite a raven lexicon, yet its important to have a relationship with the birds rather than to be simply a visitor in order to observe the social communication permutation.

After feeding ravens walking along a road a couple of days with leftovers or crackers attacked by mice and deemed unsafe to eat ravens on subsequent days remember the source of food and will  follow the walking individual and fly as close as a foot or two away to attract attention and stimulate the recall of the walker that the raven wants food. Ravens even remember where a trail is that the walker will take and may approach just at the critical moment as a last chance to get a crust of bread.

Raven life is interesting to observe.

Why It's Tougher for Some to Focus on Christian Concerns Now Than in the 1st Century

I think it is because there are more distractions and competing agencies of socialization.Cellular telephones and television and automobiles formed a different culture where attention to one truth alone is not easy. The economic facts are more complicated too and isolate people socially within a mass culture even while conditioning them to things like Facebook, Twitter-headedness and so forth. Christians may work in liquor stores to support a family or encounter rock & roll ministers that don't have true faith yet want true middle class income. Popular video games like HALO are indirectly vicious anti-Christian propaganda and pro-evolutionary training tools. It is the best of times, and it is the worst of times.

How to Make Snow Ice Cream

Take a large bowl and pour in a little milk or half and half, some sugar, vanilla extract and add snow slowly stirring the mixture up until the ice cream is as you like it. 

I like to use about a half cup of milk and sugar, a couple of teaspoons of vanilla extract and lots of snow to get a half quart of fresh ice cream that should be consumed with the stirring spoon, yet its according to taste obviously. Some people get radical with the ingredients or add more.

Undercounting the Homeless in Dallas-Plano

A Dallas radio station reported today that last night their was a metro area-wide count of the homeless for government purposes and that the number was approx. 600 seriously underestimating the actual number of homeless people.

When I flew into DFW recently and travelled to Plano to begin living in a tent, I discovered that it is challenging to find a place to safely put up a tent. Plano is a community sprawling north extending the greater Dallas area with expensive cloned homes with mal-designed steep roofs designed better for snow country roofed with asphalt shingles rather than solar photon collecting tiles. Little space is allowed to remain for wildlife (actually about none) though nice bike paths and green spaces are planned to let the entire community be a sort of poverty free middle class slum without homeless people, cheap motels or anything that would upset the aloof milieu. Homeless people may still be away from urban centers and living more like coyotes at the edges of town where they may dash in to try to find work occasionally.

In my humble opinion the actual number of homeless people in the Dallas/Plano area is more like 2000. Counters of homeless people only find the ones that are easy to locate rather than those that have some sense and try to remain out of sight of the violent automobile driving goons that prey upon the homeless to alleviate their sense of inferiority.

In the environmmentally mal-adaptive suburban sprawl of cloned 400,000 dollar clone homes even their human servo-units have adopted the ethos of purging poverty and environment to the shadows, and purging any unregulated tree caused shadows.


ISIS Accellerates Purge of Christian in Middle East- Trash St. Elijah's Monastery

ISIS reportedly destroyed the oldest Christian monastery in Iraq, or Kurdistan as the case or border may be, in Mosul. The structure was 1400 years old.
Saint Elijah's Monastery 1.JPG

The monastery was previously destroyed by Tahmiz Nadir Shah of Persia in 1743. He also executed the monks living there at the time. ISIS at least destroyed an abandoned facility. Yet they apparently have no sense of aesthetic values, are inartistic and rudely annihilate ancient empty buildings that the economically excluded draw comfort from in reflecting upon the fact that the glitzy rich  buildings of now will also be dust someday along with the swells in them. Get a life ISIS-leave the world heritage sites alone.



File:Saint Elijah's Monastery 1.JPG

Federal Budget Deficit to Rise in 2016

For the first time since the financial crisis of 2008-2009, the U.S. Federal budget deficit will rise relative to the economy. The deficit will reach nearly 3% of the nation's gross domestic product in 2016.

Increasing debts seem likely in the next decade as the economy and federal budget is rather ill-founded.


The continuing very slow oil price per barrel -just 27$ today, will ease the transition to a sustainable economy with lower comparative entropy and more efficiency if intelligent political leadership has a will to do so perhaps renewing U.S. independence economically speaking and leading the way bite example.Full employment,guaranteed minimum income and housing that is realistic environmentally offer opportune goals for a better society.


Integration, Disintegration and Equilibrium

I watched a physics video primer on equilibrium the other day and it made me think about the way basic chemical and molecular forms change in the context of larger systems. Equilibrium is a more or less balanced state of multi-component systems including space as a component in distinction to being. Change of a balanced state of equilibrium involves disintegration of that state and integration to another.

The parameters of chemical equilibrium may be analogous to larger systems comprising the entire universe as well as to language and social concepts about the nature of change and condition of the economic infrastructure of any given system. Space-time change is itself an integration of the complete complex to construct compresence while disintegrating the past simultaneously. Change of space-time itself means disintegration as well as integration. Humans may try to form a changeless social milieu, such as existed in ancient Egypt, and conservation is not always bad-especially if in a lifeboat. Life is a process of change even while some spiritual things and forms remain the same.

There are open and closed systems with relative states of equilibrium. Space-time evolution or change of physical systems along a time axis, with time being a subjective measurement of the systemic change, involves the disintegration of an existing comparative equilibrium and the integration of new components or component relationships toward a new equilibrium.  That new equilibrium is a status quo that is changed or evolved with additional disintegration of existing forms and relationships  through integration of new components.

Obviously with integration being a change of disintegration of an existing equilibrium the effect upon terms of political correctness can integrate new ideas that potentially may disintegrate a status quo-not invariably and undesirable evolution, yet neither a necessarily positive change.

Besides the onerous recognition that sometimes needs to be given to warriors of political correctness, the evolution of ideas to philosophically adapt them to correctly appreciate the nature of physical systems is positive, especially as one recognizes the boundaries for validity of the idea lexicons of equilibrium, integrating and disintegrating concepts.

If the steady state field of material built upon field quanta is over-all in a state of equilibrium gradually transitioning to a lower state of energy, there is a possibility that the entire field is a spiritual creation of God phenomenally given fundamental field values and laws of order. Spirit precedes membranes or monads of one-dimension that arise as ordered field wave fragments.


Phenomenality of Mind & Matter (poem)

Life pixels formed more
than shadowed wisps of memories
arranged freely like compositions

coalescent structures moving on
being themselves the content of time
within and without

disintegrations of sensibility
racing the content of change
toward present oblivion

where all things become the past
and pixels were attracted bits
spilled like Tom Bean's tomorrows

the A.I. existed in a space before
she evaporated through a loose expiration date
unencumbered without a predestined soul.


Would Cruz Renounce Goldman Sachs, Cuban & Canadian Citizenship if Elected

Senators Cruz and Rubio each might have Cuban citizenship as sons of Cuban migrants. Senator Cruz also has Canadian

citizenship having been born there. Yet it's his Goldman, Sachs 2012 campaign financing that has tossed a wrench into his Tea Party nationalism creds. 

Goldman Sachs has had very dubious global financial dealings since the 2008-2009 financial meltdown and is a partner in global financial crime in a manner of speaking. Senator Cruz might be bought and paid for by Butch party globalists and designed to seem American while appealing to illegal aliens in Texas who lower the prevailing wage level for poor, unemployed nationalists.   Labor shortages are requisite for average wages to go up and make physical labor as valuable as financial service workers employed by organized political criminals so far as undermining democracy goes.

The globalist Republican candidates are as bad as the Clintons at converting the U.S.A. into a pawn of planetary imperialists.


Works vs. Grace; Vaporous Ideas and Lives

A 20 year old chess Grandmaster died of a stroke recently. Life is like a vapor. It is interesting that God has an interest in the journeys of all those souls. On the abstract topic of judgment though, making judgments is the primary activity of thought.(is something light or dark, hot or cold, good or bad, right or wrong, green or red, fast or slow etc...) I think the problem arises in publishing what one thinks too much in addition to the obvious problem of judging what to think about. However everyone impacts the world; even Al Gore. This morning I flew over interstate 5 in the dark and saw miles of cars with lights creeping along putting out air pollution. I thought about how many people just run in that economic rat race without philosophical thought sufficient to be regarded as having awareness of being responsible for the consequences to the environment. They get up, waste time commuting to a job, get a paycheck, have a smoke and go home to do it again several days a week. Some do write Christian things though, or protect gun owning rights, or whatever. With all the crazy contemporary politics and immoral drift maybe dueling will be made legal again in order to keep the broadcast media from becoming more royal. I like what you wrote though. Yet the lost are the lost, that is sad yet predestined.

What about works vs grace? .I took some notes on Gershner's lectures on the Westminster standards-

good works are only such as God has commanded
a good work is a work that God has commanded
-no amount of zeal will make an act good unless God has commanded it, and done for that reason
works are evidences that one has been justified by faith
salvation by grace, not salvation by works

ability to do good works is not of themselves (the Christian)-it is wholly from the spirit of Christ
Philippians 2:11-12
justification and sanctification-similar yet dissimilar
yet hereupon they are not to grow negligent

effective calling-justification is monergistic regeneration-an activity of God

Justification and regeneration are truly monergistic-the work of God alone
sanctification is dualistic-the work of God and the saint, yet every inclination to good works is given by the Holy Spirit
On super-arrogation
They who in their obedience attain to the highest perfection in this life are very far from being able to do what God requires of them

some creeds point out positively what is believed and then point out errors

Roman catholic church believes in super-arrogation (doing more than is required)
the Bible denies that anyone is capable of attaining more than what God requires, or excess perfection-no one can do more than is required

riches are not the sin; trusting in riches is the problem
the young man who asked Jesus what he had to do to be perfect, and Jesus replied that he had to give away his riches to be perfect, is not an example of super-arrogation-the young fellow wasn't close to being perfect-his riches were just being exemplified as something that is a conflict of interest with salvation-the more you have the more you are tempted to think you earned it-rather than it being of providence.

Christianity does not require a vow of poverty
Some are eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven's sake-they think they can do more as singles for serving God

poverty and celibacy do not mean that one is going beyond what is required; no one can go beyond what is required

God is pleased to accept and reward good works that are sincere -Jesus makes the works acceptable
Christ in his intercessory ministry makes the works acceptable unto God-Jesus cleanses the works of human imperfections

works done by unregenerate men are not pleasing to God, though the works may be necessary and in the teleological stream of providence

Unconverted persons may have the matter of virtue in them yet not the manner.
right motive
right goal-right standard
right end-right purpose (the love of God)
for an act to be moral it must be because God commands it
good works of the unregenerate are largely done to promote themselves-they do not intend to show the glory of God, but instead to promote themselves

Is Donald Trump The Candidate Most Like Ronald Reagan?

Many bureaucrat-corporate mole style Republicans obviously are opposed to the Trump candidacy because it might not simply foist more of the same old Republicrat politics that have made federal employment and large banks sinecures for the connected. While it is true that Iran just sportfully played catch and release with ten U.S.navy sailors perhaps wishing not to be contaminated with the gay marriage friendly fellows and that approach is what some of the left wanted, the U.S.A. is basically over-extended financially with too much debt, interest on the debt and policies that phase out the political philosophy of the founders with new age Islam, corporatism, globalism and basic amoral socialization. Trump appears more basic than that with American values and the courage to say what he thinks.

President Obama has given the rich and corporations more wealth and power than they could have thought possibly. Trump has a more moderate tax policy than Obama's complete leadership to make the Bush II deep tax cuts permanent. Democrats seem to just want what they want right now-instant gratification, and used the nuclear option to force through Obama care. That fundamental change that lets a simply one vote majority pass major legislation was the Democrat legacy that will change America's future substantially. It is ironic that Democrats build policies that result in movement toward tyranny, autocracy, corporatism or whatever. Aristotle thought democracy hasn't much wisdom-perhaps that is so.

Kenneth Gentry Lectures on John and the Revelation

Kenneth Gentry lectures on John and the Revelation

Demar on Ezekiel 37-39

Gary Demar presents a too-the-point clarification of Ezekiel 37-39 regarding prophecy. Pre-tribulationist/dispensationalists place the events largely in the future rather than in the past.


Ugly Face of Brit Imperialism Considers Ban on Donald Trump from U.K.

Free speech is the heart of democracy. Free personal and political discourse reinforces self-determination and social and cultural determination free of tyranny. There are numerous ways to put free speech down. Direct hate speech such as calling someone a bigot if they refer to race interests is one way repression works. The government has been creating special racial classes and taking race census questions my entire adult life-even going to far as create a category of hate crimes wherein special racial and sexual perversion classes are given extra legal protections. It is thus possible to segregate excluded classes with the via negativa.

That the British parliament will soon debate if they should exclude Donald Trump-potentially America's next President, from the U.K. is an example of the battle that the founders waged to free the people of the United States from British tyranny. It is ironic that the class of people that formed the United States through blood, philosophy and faith are the class receiving de facto negative action while those benefiting from the constitution they created advance.


Well, racial and demographic justice are perennial liberal concerns. Not those of modern liberalism that is concerned with ingratiating themselves with global corporatists and demoting the founder racial and gender class in the U.S.A. They are the concerns of the liberal founders of the United States of America that revolted against British imperialism.

Imperialism today is as much of a danger to democracy in the United States as globalism and mass foreign immigration. Britain's economic imperialism through the financial sector was designed to replace the lost British colonial empire that withered away in the 1960s. Bill Clinton was a kind of prototype Rhodes Scholar trained to advance British interests in the United States that often coincide with those of Bidlerberger style plutocrats.

In some senses the use of ante-bellum and Jim Crowe era civil rights logic to repress ordinary free speech and cultural concerns for the conservation of the United States and the environment is an H.I.V. auto-immune suppression of national independence in favor of globalism and tyranny. Blacks, whites, and others have real racial interests and historical evolutions that need to be mentioned now and then. Apollonius' Letter to the Hebrews wasn't racist simply because it had a particular target audience, neither was Aquinus' Summa Contra Gentiles a racial diatribe. It is important to recognize that race identity is still important in world political affairs. Now and then political rewards and penalties are given to belonging to a particular racial group such as in affirmative or African action today. If the government gave a particular cash benefit for claiming to be a negro such as a reservation condo with a fully stocked refrigerator there wopuld be those offering evidence that 50 generations ago one of their ancestors procreated with an African and they are thus entitled today though they don't look black. Alternatively, swollen beneficiaries of government racial positive bias may be abusive of those that write of concerns of white people in America-such as that when hispanics take over demographically poor white people cannot easily get hired, if at all, by hispanics to work. Of course that is better than the ancient concerns of the 19th century of being eaten or made a slave. Minorities-including white minorities, need be concerned about being exploited even today in this nearing perfection world (only kidding).

Society has changed a lot since Rowe vs. Wade. The music of that generation had many nuances that have faded yet remain exemplary of the relational anisotropy of gender and the influence of government.

A War to End democide; excerpt1 (VIDEO)


Saudi-Iran War Could Drive Oil to $100 per Barrel

If Iran destroys the Persian Gulf Saudi Ras Tanura oil facility it will tighten world oil supply and drive up prices of Iranian and Saudi oil as well as that of the world's major oil producers. It is possible the unthinkable could happen.

White People's News & Sons of Abraham (note 4 humor impaired; sarcasm)

How to Fix the Alaska State Budget Crisis

Cutting state employment by 50% would be a place to start, so would raising income taxes with a progressive plan of 0% for those earning less than $50,000 and 20% on those earning more. The business tax rate would be 0% for those earning fewer than one million dollars and 20% on those earning more.

Next up is moving the state capitol to Point McKenzie and Anchorage to save money. Maybe the legislature could be on the Dimond Mall ice rink until the capitol and Governor's palace are built. Juneau should return to being a free enterprise city-it would do well. Also, natural resource use of state properties should be taxed a flat 20% royalty.

Reforming and reducing the size of state government procedures such as the prison and highway systems is desirable. They can all be upgraded.

Of course the major problem is that state government mostly 'serves' state government and doesn't want to stop 'serving' in times of crisis. Government insiders kickback contracts to local contractors and other favorites and that too is a challenging thing to stop.

Plainly though the hope in the capitol is that oil will return to 100 dollars per barrel-and it might. If the Saudis can lever Iran into a brief war with missiles and Saudi Persian Gulf oil terminals are blasted into rubble then shortages along with American oil exports permitted again will help produce domestic American oil shortages and let the price skyrocket. Then government business as usual can return to Juneau.

Computer Reads my MTS Thesis and Additional Notes including humor, sarcasm and etc.

Some have thought that white people should stand aside and evolve into a silent minority in the brave new world order. Computer chips made in Taiwan and speech synthesizer programming may help them do so. In fact computer speech may enable a raceless approach to English language idea distribution to the world.

Computer Reads My MTS Thesis

Sometimes an author must stand aside and let the computer read a book aloud for itself. Speech synthesizers still have a way to go to be ready for prime time live on stage, in the pulpit or delivering a Presidential address yet I think the time will come when content of spoken books and so forth return to first place of importance in public communications rather than the way it's said.

It may be that the sons of Abraham that God could make from stones to replace those failing to understand the kingdom of God and Spirit with Jesus Christ could be regarded as a model for making smart dolls and star figure miniatures to serve as sermon delivering proxies in a reformed priesthood of believers context. Next Christmas such inexpensive toys or tools made in China could delivery intelligent discourse all around the globe reciting Shakespeare as well as state-of-the-art theology essays.

Comedian dolls with absurdly funny atheist scientist delivery monologues on why God can't exist should do well. I think it's also the case that

Plainly African villages that want their own stars to delivery sermons or jihad messages inciting riot against politicians and subversion of the new world order perhaps might be challenged by dolls advocating jihad between Shi'a and Sunni; Iran and Iraq, in order to raise oil prices after blowing up Saudi Arabia' Persian Gulf oil terminals. Financially challenged public radio stations may be able to use computer programs to replace raving talking heads on the payroll. A station manager just pastes in whatever text he wants the program to speak aloud and it says whatever its got.

I think a profusion of race-neutral translatable discourse programmable chips will help public and Christian education generally in the near term.

Checking the gender box of choice for one's rep (this would be a great tool for dictators that want to fill a legislature cheaply) and adjusting pitch and range characteristics for the speaker are really simple. Almost any theologian could write a sermon for a church congregation and have a computer read it aloud even in remote, isolated villagers and yurts where people have no heat and little food supply and not much time to read books. All they would need would be a ready sermonizer box perhaps with Billy Graham like vocal built in ready to read. Adding sound emulator technology to speech synthesizers will free up a lot of performance issues and allow a focus on content to take over. As it is today Presidents after Reagan seem to be more of form than content-generally moving toward leftist content with lawyers seeming like mouthpieces for mysterious writers of policy content for them to enunciate.


A Comment in Reply to The Theoretical Liberal Repression of White People

South Africa isn't representative of Europe or American history at all. The external proletariat to Europe and the U.S.A. is preponderantly non-white though. Modern liberalism yields turf to foreign tribes and racial groups in the name of theory and political correctness expecting quietism of the losers. Cruel excesses of history make liberalism challenging to resist ideologically though it can lead to Stalinist-Kymer Rouge sorts of things too. It is often overlooked that it wasn't only conservative politicians that were cruel, sadistic etc...humanity was itself commonly loutish and still has original sin. 

Archaeologists and anthropologists examined a village several thousand years old someplace near Jericho I believe and found that though it wasn't a battle site death by head injury was the major cause of male mortality. When the law isn't around and people don't have cell phones they crush one another's skulls for law enforcement to suit themselves it seems. So one thinks about Rwanda and Syria etc.  Saudi Arabia executed 27 for New Year on some sort of economy budget clearance apparently. http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2016/01/02/saudi-arabia-executions/78199624/

The founders are something like the Maytag repairman that fixed everything so well they had no business remaining. A futurism where democratic principles required the self-destruction of European or Euro-American culture probable wasn't envisioned. Fortunately one doesn't live for centuries so even if society evolves under the powers of agitating disrupters of the status quo into some sort of authoritarian non-white majoritarianism that will be a problem for future generations-and they might like it. At one point I had thought of becoming an educator in Africa or Eastern Europe and finding a local bride-never got around to it though. I think the modern battle between imperialism and democracy is moving toward imperials and oligarchy now. Straight white males are a minority even in the U.S.A. and their political prospects aren't especially good compared to the past. Some take the values of the founders for granted as if it was a Platonic realist form that can be materialized anyplace. 

The balance of the world hasn't shared the historical experience that evolved the reformation and modern democracy. The founders were entirely Euro-Americans heavily influenced by the Reformation of Luther, Zwingli et al. Jabbar (as in Kareem) means Orion the Great Warrior, Muhammad Ali didn't choose Jesus Ali for a name. The world majority would like any minority to hush up and toe the line-simple logic and history. After a more than 500 years of occupation by Muslims the Spanish named their kids Jesus and sent Columbus west. Racial and tribal conflict was the way of human history since the beginning, yet now with the maturity of Democratic liberalism of the founders the leftist hyperbole of the ethic special interests has worked to silence people within a corporatist body. Politically correct globalism is a progressing wall of repression of civil rights in favor of newly empowered class rights. Affirmative action redistributed power and wealth to the rich and down graded white middle class men-these are not new trends. At least the Turks aren't sending plague ships or hurling plague infested rats over the walls presently although Erdogan admires Hitler's economic policies. I wonder if any majority is ever saved, and not just individuals that surf through the waves of history while God provides grace for society to keep slipping the noose of doom from their own nature.

Wisdom comprises learning rather than rashness. In political affairs and issues involving vast sociological and historical forces that are to a large extent secular rather than spiritual issues it is important for those with competence in various fields to apply it to public affairs rather than relying soley on corrupt authorities risen ton their level of incompetence. Alternatively Christian ministries in the media often are rather rash about political participation and advice wherein they may be offering wrong advice. Of course too many Christians seek to emulate the worldly lead that is something of a corporatist-leftist drift toward godless evolutionist romanticism with raving for all and hierarchical rule by a Plutonomy before its purged by the planetary majority of liberated non-western souls. Like chess the simple move may not always be the best. Spiritual concerns are different obviously. God as pure spirit may regard human affairs and wisdom in a different light than ordinary people of course, yet like expert farmers or physicians those knowledgeable in particular or general human affairs might like to limit their theory to that, and let God use people as tools through the power of the Holy Spirit. The default regarding silence today is eggression towards authoritarian and even Orwellian organizational powers. Martin Luther was not the most silent soul.

First Prediction for 2016

In 2016 it is a safe bet to guess that someone with media affiliation will prove that global warming is a hoax perpetrated by invisible extra-terrestrial pranksters upon a public yearning for Stalinism.

On Golden Pond or Lake of Fire?

 I was wondering if a second Biden term would bring a Lake of Fire to the world with nuclear holocaust, or a golden pond for a reelected oc...