I thought I would write something about the new non-locality of financial sin. Since the increase of telecommunications globally and of planetary financial networking, traditional local financial sins have found new realms to romp through for plundering the people. Since the wicked may most desire wealth without social regard, a false interpretation of Adam Smith's quarter millenia old economic philosophy is used as a gospel for plundering the people and is presented as one false alternative-the only authorized alternative-- to the evil of communist totalitarianism. In such a political environment without much reason sin flourishes.
The Diner's dilemma and The Prisoner's dilemma are gaming strategies for exploiting best in a social environment. Each strategy applies to the evolutionary pressures to plunder the global financial and global production and eco-resource environments too. Sinners must out-profit other sinners without regard before the potential pot for plundering is depleted. I will not provide too much detail on the topic, being an unemployed house repainter myself--yet giving this topic some consideration before I move on to other issues by force of circumstance is worthwhile.
Sin has been with humanity since its emergence in the mists of time. It became formalized as deleterious human activity in the Bible. Humanity could recognize the patterns of conduct--actual ethical practices of evil, that lead to social anomie, injustice and strife. For most of human history sin was a local phenomena and was thus contained.
That is no longer the case. Sin has been liberated and spans the globe through telecommunications and transport. A disease forming from chimps with retroviruses up a vaguely named river in the challenged jungles of the Congo may be spread to Washington D.C. within days. Networks of financial crime may be established through originally well meaning establishments of business transaction to permit global culling of innocent investors. Sin has entered a new age where it is not contained by the plain geographic isolation and independence of business practices.
A kind of four-dimensional global financial chess game is played with the nations and corporations being the independently moving pieces seeking to win all capital for themselves. They are reluctantly moved by politicians and popular revolutionary pressures, yet the world people and environment are the losers for allowing the game to proceed--what is needed is restricted capital concentration by individuals and corporations such that competition and intelligence are required to win in a non-lethal business environmemmnt with just rules.
With new liberated opportunity for financial sin--with the transformation through Wall Street and other global investment venues of materially productive factories into units of billion and trillion dollar gambling and Rube Goldberg schemes of deception and perfidy limited only by the financial cunning and skills of economic innovators the world's firewalls of geographical security have been breached. The recent economic slump in much of the world's economic regions is a result of the rash, driving, plundering of all associated with the political-financial networks who have an implicit vulnerability to victimization by the financial manipulation and transaction classes.
Global networking and freeing up of mortgages and assets, real property and capital such that it is a liquid sea of cold mercury presents innumerable temptations and opportunities for financial sin. Traditionally only the good side of networking and mass marketing is advertised, yet the dark side of the financial network force is equally powerful and may bring the United States to financial ruin. Networking in sundry forms reduces the privacy and independent nature of business. Large corporations with tens of thousands of employees reduce competition. The global stock ownership class creates a de facto elitist corporate hegemony over democratic politics. Democracy and the environment are endangered. It is the amplification of sin from the local to the networked global level that has perhaps transformed the global business elite into being partners inn financial sin with the demonic spiritual realm that formerly was generally limited to imperial rulers, military generals and a rare few others.
In a 19th century kind of western civilization those business people that were financially unethical were restricted in there opportunities to plunder the people. Today global traders, investors and schemers must compete with each other to skim as much capital as possible from that liquid, mercurial abstract commodity below the surface of the everyday world. The financial war is perhaps more extreme than the military technology race I would think, as the fruits the management-owner class pursue are ownership of everything on Earth.
Many of us have experienced our own personal crystalnachts of small scale and diluted form when a corporation has decided its time to cash in and confiscate our personal profits and intellectual capital investments--these are trifling troubles in comparison to the vast evil empire of sin assaulting the global local property interests like a host of Genghis Khan's elites with M.B.A.'s from Harvard.
Human beings have off-line blood supply. If all human beings shared one blood circulatory system, one virus or illness might kill everyone. The world business and financial networks in many respects have that same vulnerability. It may be offended from innumerable unforeseen causes.
If corporations were limited to three thousand employees and if individuals could own stock of just three corporations it would help to place firewalls in the world economic and business order. There should also be firewalls in innumerable financial institutions.
American issues of Christianity, cosmology, politics, ecosphere, philosophy, contemporary history etc
Networks of Sin and Wickedness
That's a snappy title-maybe someone will read it for or ignore it for that. The topics of sin and wickedness are highly subjective topics. We know about ethical definitions for sin and wickedness--some have their own, others share an ontology of meaning and others are agnostic on right and wrong--the U.S. Congress for example has a net ambivalence about the need to reform health care for the benefit of the poor right away--its all about the middle class and the rich instead.
In the brave new world the poor will need to pay the rich for health insurance and the middle class will have public debt added in their name--the rich will get tax cuts and corporations pay no taxes anyway--it is written in instant message script. There must be a network of sin and wickedness in there somewhere. Yet we must move on...
The poor and their free or cheap software may be controlled by hidden code in the word processors of politics--these are not open source documents that transfer transparently from notepad to msword to open office, Google docs and yahoo things--only joking! Everything gets cut up, blocked and disappeared in such integrations of writing modalities. Microsoft's software proprietary needs places walls in the Internet world difficult for some to overcome. I don't blame them, yet it is exemplary of the problems with the elitist side of politics and software for legislative combinations producing nothing except public opportunity cost for time lost.
The world's poor, if on-line with cheaper, better, faster waterproof Internet technology will likely find a universe of politi-techical obstructions and software conditioning walls from the Communist Party of China to the Italian elites distrustful of political free speech on the Internet--and I don't blame them because the Internet is a kind of natural redistributor of free speech access and dissolvant compound for exclusive control of public thought...Much sin will be used and infused to repress the masses and restrict access to political control of rights to exhaust finite natural resources irresponsibly (they will say they are responsible)
If Satan is a real power, then the increase of sin would be a Satanic goal I would imagine; the more sin flourishes the easier it is to accomplish egregious wickedness in society and politics. A good corrupt political swamp has minions of corruption at all levels who have learned that virtue and democratic rights for all equally are quaint concepts. Many regimes on Earth validate the presence of evil, and Satan may be gaining strength in that regard even though it is an ephemeral increase of power that perishes in the bright light and heat of God and the Day ahead.
Sin may be like a tide that rolls in making all the ships of sophisticated wickedness in the harbor rise. Sin in one places enables wickedness in others. It is not necessary to be judgmental regarding sin--simply abstain from it-resist wickedness yourself so far as possible and do not wire up new connections for evil such that the increase of newtworks of sin tie up the world.
To brake up the hogtied society subjugated by sophisticated powers of wickedness and sin requires a cutting of the Gordian knots of evil that bind the decent human impulses and inalienable rights of civil liberties each individual has. Philosophically wickedness may be all those things that drive mankind towards the brink of chaos and disasters of sundry sorts--sin-not just the obvious sins such as theft and homosexuality, adultery, murder and so forth, but the less obvious ones such as avarice (greed), gluttony etc. make mankind less trusting and less willing to solve mass social challenges successfully.
The world may be headed towards several disasters-even in Haiti steel pipe geodesic domes approved by the Fuller Institute are not being prioritized for construction--instead wood and plastic instant boxy slummier housing than donating countries are going up--there are innumerable economic and political sins that together strengthen the networks of sin and wickedness that could be associated with a planet-wide real-politik misery index. The reduction of the misery and sin index requires simultaneous advances and not with violence and persecutions either.
--post script
Someone usefully commented that entitlements may be considered to be a pervasive evil. I thought I would consider the topic of entitlements a little here in order to try to define what they are...
Entitlements must be perjoratively all those things that one has or uses yet does noot supply for-oneself. That would include not only those receiving government payments such as Medicare, social security, veterans benefits and so forth, but also things like airports, traffic signals, schools and any accumulated public infrastructure that one has not paid for oneself but feels entitled to. The list may be quite lengthy.
Some 'entitlements' are necessary; one is entitled to good police and fire protection most may think, or to a good military defense--one wants good chefs and hospitals and good highways rather than those with potholes. One is entitled to a good government that runs a balanced budget while supplying all the aforementioned and doesn't get it; so that I may reasonably ask; What is the social reasoning for having a good society-is that an entitlement?
A good society is not just a matter of switching word-terms about and blaming this or that imbalance--it is a matter of public intelligence and will equal to the challenging era eco-politically in which they live. A millionaire is one that owned a mill and had plenty--he or she had a lot of paper credits for being an owner of a productive fact (ory). A healthy society sets real goals (L.B.J. tried with The Great Society) to achieve within the actual means at its disposal--it is not simply a matter of possessing paper cash loaned by productive societies.
To achieve quality lifestyles and plentiful opportunities for all U.S. citizens within a stable population, with secure borders, with a recovering ecosystem and the proverbial liberty and justice for all requires intention and political will. A lassez fair attitude toward democratic responsibility in the present global demographic environment is a recipe for disaster.
Writing on a cosmology thread--someone used the term 1 to -1 to describe a relationship of the presence of quanta in the vacuum before the big bang. The problem of a terminology to describe real political space is absent in the United States today. Cash or capital power is the basic entitlement as an abstract moral right, it is held by some.
Yet cash and personal power to have property are civil determined by force. It may be the intellectual force of an enlightened democratic electorate or a guy with a totaliitarian control of nuclear weapons. In a limited, finite geo-political area orderly change and universal political liberty for the greatest number of people must be a fundamental entitlement for-itself.
Defining terms, and understanding them as well as the true social intentions of others, are essential for the effort to assure that corrupt social and political hegemony is cut back and contained.
Terms such as entitlement are perhaps referents to government pay-outs of tax money to people such as retirees, veterans, the disabled corporate contractors and so forth. Sin however is far more fundamental and subtle--why did the bad reconstruction for Iraq occur causing two trillion dollars of subsequent expense, why did the Wall Street Mortgage crisis occur?
A bad social environment steeped in sin and networks of wickedness stimulates the promulgation of legislation that is only less bad than others instead of being forthright and neccesary corrections beneficial for the public interest.
In the brave new world the poor will need to pay the rich for health insurance and the middle class will have public debt added in their name--the rich will get tax cuts and corporations pay no taxes anyway--it is written in instant message script. There must be a network of sin and wickedness in there somewhere. Yet we must move on...
The poor and their free or cheap software may be controlled by hidden code in the word processors of politics--these are not open source documents that transfer transparently from notepad to msword to open office, Google docs and yahoo things--only joking! Everything gets cut up, blocked and disappeared in such integrations of writing modalities. Microsoft's software proprietary needs places walls in the Internet world difficult for some to overcome. I don't blame them, yet it is exemplary of the problems with the elitist side of politics and software for legislative combinations producing nothing except public opportunity cost for time lost.
The world's poor, if on-line with cheaper, better, faster waterproof Internet technology will likely find a universe of politi-techical obstructions and software conditioning walls from the Communist Party of China to the Italian elites distrustful of political free speech on the Internet--and I don't blame them because the Internet is a kind of natural redistributor of free speech access and dissolvant compound for exclusive control of public thought...Much sin will be used and infused to repress the masses and restrict access to political control of rights to exhaust finite natural resources irresponsibly (they will say they are responsible)
If Satan is a real power, then the increase of sin would be a Satanic goal I would imagine; the more sin flourishes the easier it is to accomplish egregious wickedness in society and politics. A good corrupt political swamp has minions of corruption at all levels who have learned that virtue and democratic rights for all equally are quaint concepts. Many regimes on Earth validate the presence of evil, and Satan may be gaining strength in that regard even though it is an ephemeral increase of power that perishes in the bright light and heat of God and the Day ahead.
Sin may be like a tide that rolls in making all the ships of sophisticated wickedness in the harbor rise. Sin in one places enables wickedness in others. It is not necessary to be judgmental regarding sin--simply abstain from it-resist wickedness yourself so far as possible and do not wire up new connections for evil such that the increase of newtworks of sin tie up the world.
To brake up the hogtied society subjugated by sophisticated powers of wickedness and sin requires a cutting of the Gordian knots of evil that bind the decent human impulses and inalienable rights of civil liberties each individual has. Philosophically wickedness may be all those things that drive mankind towards the brink of chaos and disasters of sundry sorts--sin-not just the obvious sins such as theft and homosexuality, adultery, murder and so forth, but the less obvious ones such as avarice (greed), gluttony etc. make mankind less trusting and less willing to solve mass social challenges successfully.
The world may be headed towards several disasters-even in Haiti steel pipe geodesic domes approved by the Fuller Institute are not being prioritized for construction--instead wood and plastic instant boxy slummier housing than donating countries are going up--there are innumerable economic and political sins that together strengthen the networks of sin and wickedness that could be associated with a planet-wide real-politik misery index. The reduction of the misery and sin index requires simultaneous advances and not with violence and persecutions either.
--post script
Someone usefully commented that entitlements may be considered to be a pervasive evil. I thought I would consider the topic of entitlements a little here in order to try to define what they are...
Entitlements must be perjoratively all those things that one has or uses yet does noot supply for-oneself. That would include not only those receiving government payments such as Medicare, social security, veterans benefits and so forth, but also things like airports, traffic signals, schools and any accumulated public infrastructure that one has not paid for oneself but feels entitled to. The list may be quite lengthy.
Some 'entitlements' are necessary; one is entitled to good police and fire protection most may think, or to a good military defense--one wants good chefs and hospitals and good highways rather than those with potholes. One is entitled to a good government that runs a balanced budget while supplying all the aforementioned and doesn't get it; so that I may reasonably ask; What is the social reasoning for having a good society-is that an entitlement?
A good society is not just a matter of switching word-terms about and blaming this or that imbalance--it is a matter of public intelligence and will equal to the challenging era eco-politically in which they live. A millionaire is one that owned a mill and had plenty--he or she had a lot of paper credits for being an owner of a productive fact (ory). A healthy society sets real goals (L.B.J. tried with The Great Society) to achieve within the actual means at its disposal--it is not simply a matter of possessing paper cash loaned by productive societies.
To achieve quality lifestyles and plentiful opportunities for all U.S. citizens within a stable population, with secure borders, with a recovering ecosystem and the proverbial liberty and justice for all requires intention and political will. A lassez fair attitude toward democratic responsibility in the present global demographic environment is a recipe for disaster.
Writing on a cosmology thread--someone used the term 1 to -1 to describe a relationship of the presence of quanta in the vacuum before the big bang. The problem of a terminology to describe real political space is absent in the United States today. Cash or capital power is the basic entitlement as an abstract moral right, it is held by some.
Yet cash and personal power to have property are civil determined by force. It may be the intellectual force of an enlightened democratic electorate or a guy with a totaliitarian control of nuclear weapons. In a limited, finite geo-political area orderly change and universal political liberty for the greatest number of people must be a fundamental entitlement for-itself.
Defining terms, and understanding them as well as the true social intentions of others, are essential for the effort to assure that corrupt social and political hegemony is cut back and contained.
Terms such as entitlement are perhaps referents to government pay-outs of tax money to people such as retirees, veterans, the disabled corporate contractors and so forth. Sin however is far more fundamental and subtle--why did the bad reconstruction for Iraq occur causing two trillion dollars of subsequent expense, why did the Wall Street Mortgage crisis occur?
A bad social environment steeped in sin and networks of wickedness stimulates the promulgation of legislation that is only less bad than others instead of being forthright and neccesary corrections beneficial for the public interest.
Internet Writer's Security Seems Shaky and Subject to Corporate/Government Manipulation
The trouble with the internet for economics is that things just disappear when the wrong people will it so. If all of macro-economics were so flimsy material progress would be difficult. Security for writers, publishers of videos and so forth need to have a secure medium with no loss of material uploaded.
Farmers and others commonly experience vicissitudes of weather, yet the internet should have a goal fundamentally of zero loss of material other than what the authors remove themselves. WebPages such as Helium.com that permanently confiscate earnings without any sort of prior notice are exemplary of the unreliability, volatility and vulnerability of the Internet for writers and independent publishers. There should be more plain legal rights that are more standardized and arbitrated--a pay pal sort of legal medium without the money that writers can place their material in for security before signing aboard a publisher page--that is if the publisher page such as Helium has not got the blue ribbon of participation in the neutral writer assurance media, the writers would know they are undeserving of trust.
Writers should have all of their material backed up automatically through the facility of the neutral writer/publisher assurance media, the writer's earnings should never be confiscated, and termination for using Marxian secret words or politically incorrect language should be in a transparent, standardized, graduate way such that the writer can have assurance that the same word use policies regarding 'death-monkey' account status exist from one web-page to another.
Without such 'farming insurance’ policy for web writers and video publishers, corrupt corporate and hacker thugs will make a mockery of independence--and that's just the way it is.
Farmers and others commonly experience vicissitudes of weather, yet the internet should have a goal fundamentally of zero loss of material other than what the authors remove themselves. WebPages such as Helium.com that permanently confiscate earnings without any sort of prior notice are exemplary of the unreliability, volatility and vulnerability of the Internet for writers and independent publishers. There should be more plain legal rights that are more standardized and arbitrated--a pay pal sort of legal medium without the money that writers can place their material in for security before signing aboard a publisher page--that is if the publisher page such as Helium has not got the blue ribbon of participation in the neutral writer assurance media, the writers would know they are undeserving of trust.
Writers should have all of their material backed up automatically through the facility of the neutral writer/publisher assurance media, the writer's earnings should never be confiscated, and termination for using Marxian secret words or politically incorrect language should be in a transparent, standardized, graduate way such that the writer can have assurance that the same word use policies regarding 'death-monkey' account status exist from one web-page to another.
Without such 'farming insurance’ policy for web writers and video publishers, corrupt corporate and hacker thugs will make a mockery of independence--and that's just the way it is.
Health Care Summit-Charybdis and Scylla Fight over National Health Care, Seek to Create Orwellian State
In my humble opinion, the efforts of the Democrat and Republican parties to reform health care are like ravens and seagulls fighting over a crust of bread. Each party is hungry to profit yet neither is thinking about the interests of the Eagles that aren’t so good at ground fighting or sparrows that don’t want much more than a very small portion when the larger birds are gone. Both parties are representatives for the rich and upper classes owning the corporate health care systems-the poor of the United States are mostly left out except as excuses for more totalitarianism and profit for the social phenomena of developmental corporatism.
Adam Smith believed that left to their own supervision, individuals investing their own capital could do no harm and that regulation was inevitably bad. That was generally true in the 18th century when corporations did not yet exist and the environment and finite resources weren’t issue. Today Smith’s paradigm obviously is wrong in part, considering that the magical potion of capital investment does not inevitably produce good nor is incapable of producing evil. From stuck gas vehicle accelerators to Minimata chemical dumping, from Three Mile Island, to flammable kids pajamas it is possible to produce bad things with capital. When capital is controlled by an extreme minority universally through intercorporate stock ownership a creeping neo-authoritarian state is produced. Adam Smith was not a science fiction writer in the genre of sci-fi-economic theories of the 21st century--he had no idea what the future would do to morph up his practical theories of the era when monarchy and aristocracy sought to control all business and trade.
Corporate health care can produce good and bad results; while the medical technology produced by humanity generally accretes regardless of the system (one can read Solzhenitsyn’s ‘The Cancer Ward’ and learn of the evolution of experimental radiological dosage for cancer in Soviet institutions in the 1050’s and 60’s), economic evolution of social and political forms contemporaneously occurs too. Constructing a large corporate state that tracks each U.S. citizen requiring of all that they pay a global corporation for health insurance is an ineffective evolution as far as democracy and individualism goes--for it establishes a de facto corporatist state.
The Democratic party lost its ability to stand up for fundamental principles after the loss of Tip O’Neil as Speaker of the House. It became eventually a moll--a mildly protesting accomplice of Bush II era deficit spending on the Iraq reconstruction quagmire. During the Clinton years it allowed home to be turned into ATM machines and Wall Street to run amuck while outsourcing industry to China. Neither did it forthrightly defend the U.S. Mexican border after 9-11 will a total environmental control zone of berms and saltwater canals to create a recreational atmosphere with no passage of illegals through the challenging course.
Such a control of illegal aliens was necessary for health care reform if the flow of illegals to emergency rooms were to dry up; that create huge costs for the health care system that will not end through an insurance program for all American citizens once they have the government tracking dog-radio frequency collar of mandatory insurance attached. Myself-I haven’t afforded rental of a mailbox in more than a decade, and the government would guarantee paying insurance payments for me I suppose under the Democratic plan. I can say that the Orwellian health plan that would make transfer payment to the rich is another bad idea.
Most of the poor that are less than 40 are healthy and don’t need insurance--they need health care when they are sick or injured. The best way to do that is to create a national medical system for the poor in families or as individuals earning below the poverty level annually. For the least amount of public cost coverage of the poor would be created, and it could also treat illegal aliens until the flow is halted.
A few words more about the health care system for the nation’s poor and the reasoning for it being the most cost-effective way to go…The actual doctors reacquired quantitatively to treat the health issues of the poor will be the same regardless of who pays for it or where they are treated in the U.S.A. Hiring federal staff doctors to treat physical problems for the poor in general areas, referring specialty issues out to the Medicare structure and private physicians, will eliminate the need to pay for all those poor that are not sick or injured each month with insurance payments. The poor will yet have quality medical care available should they need it, and the public will not have to have their insurance rates increase because of the large numbers of poor people using or abusing the system with unnecessary visits through an expensive process of personal medical coverage. The federal health system should have a competent functioning structure to treat the most common problems, would be able to outsource patients without the common problems, and would have a good demographic idea of what the annual uses of the system will be.
In Alaska some of the legislators in sessions are presently trying to raise the ceiling on reporting of gift dinners from lobbyists from $15 dollars per day to perhaps $50. Legislators in the U.S. want to live high off the hog and haven’t the drive to survive as lean, mean, fighting machines so far as creating a democratic society goes. The nation runs vast deficits, gets involved in protracted for reconstruction efforts of things they have destroyed, and special interests profit thus killing the stimulus to think of effective ways to get things done with a profit or at least without debt. Tip O’Neil would not have been ashamed of creating a national health care system for the poor, nor considered it socialism to do so.
Democracy can allow some large structures to exist. The outsized for Smith capitalism scale of global corporations should be reduced to a size of just 3000 employees per corporation to create a better challenge-response change and adaptation to environmental conditions criterion also more manageable for democracy. It should create a national health care structure for the poor while trying to eliminate poverty.
Adam Smith believed that left to their own supervision, individuals investing their own capital could do no harm and that regulation was inevitably bad. That was generally true in the 18th century when corporations did not yet exist and the environment and finite resources weren’t issue. Today Smith’s paradigm obviously is wrong in part, considering that the magical potion of capital investment does not inevitably produce good nor is incapable of producing evil. From stuck gas vehicle accelerators to Minimata chemical dumping, from Three Mile Island, to flammable kids pajamas it is possible to produce bad things with capital. When capital is controlled by an extreme minority universally through intercorporate stock ownership a creeping neo-authoritarian state is produced. Adam Smith was not a science fiction writer in the genre of sci-fi-economic theories of the 21st century--he had no idea what the future would do to morph up his practical theories of the era when monarchy and aristocracy sought to control all business and trade.
Corporate health care can produce good and bad results; while the medical technology produced by humanity generally accretes regardless of the system (one can read Solzhenitsyn’s ‘The Cancer Ward’ and learn of the evolution of experimental radiological dosage for cancer in Soviet institutions in the 1050’s and 60’s), economic evolution of social and political forms contemporaneously occurs too. Constructing a large corporate state that tracks each U.S. citizen requiring of all that they pay a global corporation for health insurance is an ineffective evolution as far as democracy and individualism goes--for it establishes a de facto corporatist state.
The Democratic party lost its ability to stand up for fundamental principles after the loss of Tip O’Neil as Speaker of the House. It became eventually a moll--a mildly protesting accomplice of Bush II era deficit spending on the Iraq reconstruction quagmire. During the Clinton years it allowed home to be turned into ATM machines and Wall Street to run amuck while outsourcing industry to China. Neither did it forthrightly defend the U.S. Mexican border after 9-11 will a total environmental control zone of berms and saltwater canals to create a recreational atmosphere with no passage of illegals through the challenging course.
Such a control of illegal aliens was necessary for health care reform if the flow of illegals to emergency rooms were to dry up; that create huge costs for the health care system that will not end through an insurance program for all American citizens once they have the government tracking dog-radio frequency collar of mandatory insurance attached. Myself-I haven’t afforded rental of a mailbox in more than a decade, and the government would guarantee paying insurance payments for me I suppose under the Democratic plan. I can say that the Orwellian health plan that would make transfer payment to the rich is another bad idea.
Most of the poor that are less than 40 are healthy and don’t need insurance--they need health care when they are sick or injured. The best way to do that is to create a national medical system for the poor in families or as individuals earning below the poverty level annually. For the least amount of public cost coverage of the poor would be created, and it could also treat illegal aliens until the flow is halted.
A few words more about the health care system for the nation’s poor and the reasoning for it being the most cost-effective way to go…The actual doctors reacquired quantitatively to treat the health issues of the poor will be the same regardless of who pays for it or where they are treated in the U.S.A. Hiring federal staff doctors to treat physical problems for the poor in general areas, referring specialty issues out to the Medicare structure and private physicians, will eliminate the need to pay for all those poor that are not sick or injured each month with insurance payments. The poor will yet have quality medical care available should they need it, and the public will not have to have their insurance rates increase because of the large numbers of poor people using or abusing the system with unnecessary visits through an expensive process of personal medical coverage. The federal health system should have a competent functioning structure to treat the most common problems, would be able to outsource patients without the common problems, and would have a good demographic idea of what the annual uses of the system will be.
In Alaska some of the legislators in sessions are presently trying to raise the ceiling on reporting of gift dinners from lobbyists from $15 dollars per day to perhaps $50. Legislators in the U.S. want to live high off the hog and haven’t the drive to survive as lean, mean, fighting machines so far as creating a democratic society goes. The nation runs vast deficits, gets involved in protracted for reconstruction efforts of things they have destroyed, and special interests profit thus killing the stimulus to think of effective ways to get things done with a profit or at least without debt. Tip O’Neil would not have been ashamed of creating a national health care system for the poor, nor considered it socialism to do so.
Democracy can allow some large structures to exist. The outsized for Smith capitalism scale of global corporations should be reduced to a size of just 3000 employees per corporation to create a better challenge-response change and adaptation to environmental conditions criterion also more manageable for democracy. It should create a national health care structure for the poor while trying to eliminate poverty.
Steel Pipe Geodesic Dome Project for Haiti Before Hurricane Season?
With more than a half a million homeless Haitians the need for a standardized quality steel-pipe geodesic home construction project is apparent. The fundamental frame can be made quite easily crushing pipe ends and through-bolting them according to some models, and the geodesic home frames can survive Hurricanes and Earthquakes with the virtue of being transparent, standard forms suitable for a coordinated international relief effort right away. Rust-proof painting of the steel pipe is useful.
It should be possible to ship a few loads of steel pipe to Haiti for local fabrication under supervision of dome construction specialists, local Haitian authorities and the U.N. Perhaps the Toyota corporation can spare a boatload of steel pipe, and perhaps China. The top steel pipe producers today may have some slack inventory with the global recession. The United States still has bolt manufacturers--this is an opportunity for upgrading the second and third world's inventory of modern American housing--Buckminster Fuller was a college professor in North Carolina.
The next disaster may be just a few months away in Port-Au-Prince when Hurricane season arrives. A quality geodesic dome may be assembled in just a day and later covered with plastic, fiberglass coated plywood with pipe fasteners, built up with epoxy layers or a variety of other solid sheeting from aluminum to composites. The dome frames may be set on tires and anchored into the ground, and a concrete floor might be poured later.
An international geodesic home construction project for Haiti could produce pipe sections of the right lengths locally from imported steel. Perhaps a regular job program manufacturing pre-fabricated domes could be an ongoing local industry. I think it would be the best quality at the lowest cost for ordinary homeless Haitians new home program that might be started.
Air ventilators may be built into the homes for cooling along with solar powered electric fans in ventilators. Steel pipe domes may be coated with ceramics, camouflaged, given sky blue painting over the epoxy coated plywood or other, surface planking. They may be used as greenhouses and hospitals, libraries and schools. They may also be joined together in more complex structures.
It should be possible to ship a few loads of steel pipe to Haiti for local fabrication under supervision of dome construction specialists, local Haitian authorities and the U.N. Perhaps the Toyota corporation can spare a boatload of steel pipe, and perhaps China. The top steel pipe producers today may have some slack inventory with the global recession. The United States still has bolt manufacturers--this is an opportunity for upgrading the second and third world's inventory of modern American housing--Buckminster Fuller was a college professor in North Carolina.
The next disaster may be just a few months away in Port-Au-Prince when Hurricane season arrives. A quality geodesic dome may be assembled in just a day and later covered with plastic, fiberglass coated plywood with pipe fasteners, built up with epoxy layers or a variety of other solid sheeting from aluminum to composites. The dome frames may be set on tires and anchored into the ground, and a concrete floor might be poured later.
An international geodesic home construction project for Haiti could produce pipe sections of the right lengths locally from imported steel. Perhaps a regular job program manufacturing pre-fabricated domes could be an ongoing local industry. I think it would be the best quality at the lowest cost for ordinary homeless Haitians new home program that might be started.
Air ventilators may be built into the homes for cooling along with solar powered electric fans in ventilators. Steel pipe domes may be coated with ceramics, camouflaged, given sky blue painting over the epoxy coated plywood or other, surface planking. They may be used as greenhouses and hospitals, libraries and schools. They may also be joined together in more complex structures.
U.S. Government's Inadequate Design Templates for New Foreign Governments of Iraq and Afghanistan
I wanted to write on the topic of the U.S. Federal policy of destroying foreign governments in two instances in order to build new governments, and how that policy may have select illogical elements within it. I will not provide arguments for or against the validity or legal right to destroy the former governments of Iraq and Afghanistan--I tend to feel the actions were proximally justifiable, instead I wish to concentrate upon the inadequate paradigms or templates for post destruction reconstruction of new governments that were notoriously costly in dollars and casualties multi-nationally.
My feeling is that the global corporate ownership class behind the phenomenal of corporatism expropriating the democratic pragmatism and functional health of the economy of the United States exists analogously on the upper floors of political-economic skyscrapers crossing from one building term to another over sky-bridges, thus never touching the ground floors of mass political interest. The media supported wealthy elites are the goal class that many politicians seek to join, and to pass on that class to their heirs. Unfortunately with the inter-owning class of concentrated wealth investing in all global corporations it is a self-perpetuating and ecologically detached class. That being said, I will return to the issue of the badly constructed Iraq and Afghan reconstruction plans.
The Bushes and oil interests may have sought to gain oil contracts in Iraq--and they now have. Yet the pan-Arabic imperial goals of Saddam Hussein were a long range problem for the entire middle east though Hussein was appositely named to bring Shi’a and Sunni together from Iran to Saudi Arabia, the antipathy of Iran and other people of the region was a flaming hate understandably. When the Bushes opted to depose the Ba’thist regime of Iraq they were following the only politically practical and acceptable course (ending sanctions and letting the chips fall where they may being the other). What the Bushes conveniently failed at was in saying that instead of a $40 billion dollar reconstruction cost for Iraq the bill would be about 2 trillion dollars. For Afghanistan the bill is still growing.
The differences between Iraq and Afghanistan in terms of history and civilization are vast. Iraq has had a civilization along the rivers in from the deserts for more than 5000 years while Afghanistan is an ancient land of travelers and rural tribesmen. It was the ancient homeland of the Aryans (Iran) and a place that has been difficult for many in the high plains and mountains to find prosperity in. Perhaps the prosperity of Afghanistan is simply in being there to discover the sky and the beauty of a land austere and inspirational of thoughts of God.
The Bush II administration may have felt that war reconstruction costs would not matter because military contracting expenses would benefit all the right military industrial Bush friends in the corporate world. If the people of Iraq had been given ownership in private stock shares themselves of Iraq oil fields right after the war instead of never, peace would have been supported with far more vigor by the people of Iraq both Sunni and Shi’a, Kurd and Christian. The conflict of interest on oil field contract for the Bush administration is obvious--they could not support a democratic reconstruction for Iraq except nominally at the higher political levels, while the people would be groveled about as usual finding larger-ups associated with the payouts from the U.S.A.
In Afghanistan the reasons for war were to remove a Taliban that had sheltered AL Qa’eda, and of course to remove or capture Al Qa’eda in order to prevent future attack organization upon the United States. Obviously no military venture abroad was necessary to defend the avenues of ingress the 9-11 box cutting hi-jack and crash team had used--the only thing required for that was better airport screening, security in aircraft cockpit access and effective intelligence agency work in government regarding how to actually, physically defend the United States.
The United States of course choose to attack Afghanistan when the Taliban Government would not give up the Al Qa’eda members they allowed to live and organize in Iraq. A BBC report on the Taliban in Afghanistan said that the more than 100 year old loosely organized political tradition has a history of providing refuge to political exiles or political fugitives such as the United States has for Cuban ex-patriots or perhaps Soviet or Iranian dissidents. The United States chose to war upon Afghanistan to remove the Taliban without a good idea of how to reconstruct a government or what the cost would be.
Such is the current exploration of method in Afghanistan that is scheduled to send another 30,000 soldiers at the cost of 30 billion dollars. The Marja offensive to displace the Taliban from a stronghold near the Pakistan border is a showpiece to support the U.S. administration decision to accelerate troop deployments and investments in the Afghan war effort. It is expected to show positive results in time for the 2012 re-election season. Democrats are thought to be ready to re-elect the President if the war in Afghanistan is going well--meaning the pacification of the nation with few suicide bombers or I.E.D.’s going off killing American soldiers. In some way a reduction in U.S. bombing of Afghan civilians used as shields for traveling Taliban would also be considered a positive development.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marja'_(islamic_law)-MEANS 'SOURCE TO IMITATE-RELIGIOUS REFERENCE
The decision to impose a central government upon Afghanistan seems destined to fail…the timing is the question--how long will it take?
Afghanistan is a large, poor rural nation, a sort of Wyoming without the oil fit best for wild tribesmen and women surviving modestly in ancient dwellings. These are not people that normally would support a large central government or large standing army with modern weapons. It will be interesting if Afghan pilots are trained in the United States to fly a five jet squadron of F-16’s. I think really they should just for old time’s sake; The Hmong of the Vietnam war era produced some great U.S. trained pilots that won medals for valorous flying. If there are few valid targets in Afghanistan or Air Force to oppose so what--they would make any down hillers think twice about sending anything up their way agin them.
Afghanistan would normally have a more rural nation with a modest government. They have the problem of corruption from drug producers and traffickers and of course payments from political and terrorist fugitives from abroad they choose to shelter for both Muslim brotherhood and financial reasons. We might have properly bribed the Taliban to give up Al Qaeda and shelter U.S. special forces to hunt Al Qaeda and saved the U.S. taxpayers a lot of billions of dollars even if the special forces needed to be trained Muslims to be acceptable to the Taliban. Since we went to war to depose a tradition, it is necessary to think about the chances for long range stability in the area.
Not living on the upper floors of the skyscrapers of the wealthy, rather drifting in the dank alleys and swamps of society, my regard for the choices the elite political class chose to invest in for Afghanistan is not high. I would prefer an American prosperity and federal spending on ecological economic full employment with zero growth goals for non-renewable material through-put as a way to achieve national prosperity. I think the concept of creating a sustainable ,western-friendly Afghan central government is not going to be successful in practice; once the money supply/fuel is cut off the central government/standing army/police machine will grind to a halt and the members disperse to the traditional and economically rational way of rural life with a modest government. I doubt that Afghans will like the idea of paying taxes to support a central government any more than Alaskans (who have no state income tax) or Republicans in the U.S. Congress support tax increases on the wealthy, on corporations, or inheritance taxes.
If the U.S.A. continues to fund the Afghan Government after out troops are withdrawn, the rural Afghans will consider them foreign lackeys and attack them as evil minions of Satan foisting perversity and photos of naked breasts upon the faithful, along of course with the plying of liquor. It is only while the free money flows and fuels the cooperation of those seeking employment that our Afghan allies are loyal. They are not supporters of the Democratic policies of the administration or Congress for ideological reasons I would think.
Governments form for sociological reasons anchored in history and geography. Iraq logically has civilization while Afghanistan reasonably has a discrete, variegated and disperse constellation of villages with some larger town and cities. Within that political economy various political alliances and formations evolve in dynamic balance to conserve various economic and social interests as well as for security.
The United States Government has no reason for a lugubrious outlook on the prospects for structuring a stable and discrete, decentralized Afghan government that could function reasonably well in the absence of U.S. expenses, it is possible. Following the prior Afghan war of defense against the Soviet Union the United States failed to provide any sort of support that would enable the United States to offset the influence of Al Qaeda. Further U.S. overly-large ambitions of a bi-polar sort in Afghanistan such that it must become a kind of High Asian versions of a Beltway Republic seems to be in progress. It is even reported that the Obama administrations plans for a withdrawal in ah hurry after ‘Vietnamizing’ the ‘war’. For a war of understanding it seems to be, allow I have a too remote perspective on the event from the alleys outside the cities with the skyscrapers on the hills of Boston and in the lofty pyramids of power on dollar bills of D.C. passing through congressional control.
A more intelligent and discrete policy designed to recognize Afghan sovereignty and need for its own internal readjustments following the departure of both American military forces and spending would have been a better approach-and it still would, to achieving an Afghanistan that neither requires vast U.S. spending or is a concern about a training area for Para-military terrorist organizations with N.A.T.O. countries as their target locations. That is still a better, more pragmatic political goal than the present undisclosed policy of the Obama administration.
Perhaps we need to fortify a few towns were our friends in Afghanistan live, or plant some crops outside towns like Marja. Maybe a better selection of investments that can exist in a periods of radical realignment following U.S. and N.A.T.O. departure is required. What is very probable is that once the monetary fuel supply for the central government ends it will fade away as quickly as would that of the U.S. Government in Washington D.C. Americans cannot afford to pay for the existence of foreign governments in order to illogically provide security at U.S. airports. At the least a real; Mexican ecological border control barrier zone should be constructed in the United States before Olympic also-ran terrorist conditioned athletes run in high explosives and terrorist supplies at night along g.p.s. courses with night vision goggles to cache in the wastelands of New Mexico and southern Texas.
addition One...
--even hate changes (fades) fast in time such that it waits for no one. I believe Afghanistan will continue to change with the 21st century techno-invasion of communications and data-bases at low cost. How that will affect rural people in central Asia I cannot say.
A religious reason for antipathy towards prosperity is fine and good in some cases and not so in others. India is Hinduia for some, and a billion soul techno-basket of change to others. Conflict is costly and leads in many contexts simply to suffering. I think that the pursuit of prosperity and virtue simultaneously will perhaps be a new direction such as the religious toleration that prevailed in Europe somewhat after the end of the 100 years of religious wars.
Afghanistan absent of the vast expenses of the United States will seek a more normal social level as would the waters behind a dam after a flood. Yet everything from nano-technology to organic solar voltaics will still be increasing in the world. The effort to improve the existence of ordinary people will require a Democratic readjustment of social control of investments from elites and hierarchical powers to the people. Instead of ideologies of conflict led by leaders, more practical, discrete and disperse ecological economic localists synergistically conserving and simultaneously investing in the future will need to be reinforced.
People will try to turn away from mass movements of war and terror if they can, yet that won’t be simple. If those that forget the past are doomed to repeat it, those that cannot forgive or forget the past are doomed to remain in it. Right responses to human evil and conflict is to move away from it and to try to accentuate the positive--it is a challenging yet necessary task. Afghans will want to attempt to modernize and find rapprochement with India and other nations while yet keeping their faith, if they cannot become Christian. Tolerance and respect for individualism should allow people with different background to work together for mutual advantage--if that means dampening the excesses of social, marketplace practices offensive to others then such accommodations need to be made.
My feeling is that the global corporate ownership class behind the phenomenal of corporatism expropriating the democratic pragmatism and functional health of the economy of the United States exists analogously on the upper floors of political-economic skyscrapers crossing from one building term to another over sky-bridges, thus never touching the ground floors of mass political interest. The media supported wealthy elites are the goal class that many politicians seek to join, and to pass on that class to their heirs. Unfortunately with the inter-owning class of concentrated wealth investing in all global corporations it is a self-perpetuating and ecologically detached class. That being said, I will return to the issue of the badly constructed Iraq and Afghan reconstruction plans.
The Bushes and oil interests may have sought to gain oil contracts in Iraq--and they now have. Yet the pan-Arabic imperial goals of Saddam Hussein were a long range problem for the entire middle east though Hussein was appositely named to bring Shi’a and Sunni together from Iran to Saudi Arabia, the antipathy of Iran and other people of the region was a flaming hate understandably. When the Bushes opted to depose the Ba’thist regime of Iraq they were following the only politically practical and acceptable course (ending sanctions and letting the chips fall where they may being the other). What the Bushes conveniently failed at was in saying that instead of a $40 billion dollar reconstruction cost for Iraq the bill would be about 2 trillion dollars. For Afghanistan the bill is still growing.
The differences between Iraq and Afghanistan in terms of history and civilization are vast. Iraq has had a civilization along the rivers in from the deserts for more than 5000 years while Afghanistan is an ancient land of travelers and rural tribesmen. It was the ancient homeland of the Aryans (Iran) and a place that has been difficult for many in the high plains and mountains to find prosperity in. Perhaps the prosperity of Afghanistan is simply in being there to discover the sky and the beauty of a land austere and inspirational of thoughts of God.
The Bush II administration may have felt that war reconstruction costs would not matter because military contracting expenses would benefit all the right military industrial Bush friends in the corporate world. If the people of Iraq had been given ownership in private stock shares themselves of Iraq oil fields right after the war instead of never, peace would have been supported with far more vigor by the people of Iraq both Sunni and Shi’a, Kurd and Christian. The conflict of interest on oil field contract for the Bush administration is obvious--they could not support a democratic reconstruction for Iraq except nominally at the higher political levels, while the people would be groveled about as usual finding larger-ups associated with the payouts from the U.S.A.
In Afghanistan the reasons for war were to remove a Taliban that had sheltered AL Qa’eda, and of course to remove or capture Al Qa’eda in order to prevent future attack organization upon the United States. Obviously no military venture abroad was necessary to defend the avenues of ingress the 9-11 box cutting hi-jack and crash team had used--the only thing required for that was better airport screening, security in aircraft cockpit access and effective intelligence agency work in government regarding how to actually, physically defend the United States.
The United States of course choose to attack Afghanistan when the Taliban Government would not give up the Al Qa’eda members they allowed to live and organize in Iraq. A BBC report on the Taliban in Afghanistan said that the more than 100 year old loosely organized political tradition has a history of providing refuge to political exiles or political fugitives such as the United States has for Cuban ex-patriots or perhaps Soviet or Iranian dissidents. The United States chose to war upon Afghanistan to remove the Taliban without a good idea of how to reconstruct a government or what the cost would be.
Such is the current exploration of method in Afghanistan that is scheduled to send another 30,000 soldiers at the cost of 30 billion dollars. The Marja offensive to displace the Taliban from a stronghold near the Pakistan border is a showpiece to support the U.S. administration decision to accelerate troop deployments and investments in the Afghan war effort. It is expected to show positive results in time for the 2012 re-election season. Democrats are thought to be ready to re-elect the President if the war in Afghanistan is going well--meaning the pacification of the nation with few suicide bombers or I.E.D.’s going off killing American soldiers. In some way a reduction in U.S. bombing of Afghan civilians used as shields for traveling Taliban would also be considered a positive development.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marja'_(islamic_law)-MEANS 'SOURCE TO IMITATE-RELIGIOUS REFERENCE
The decision to impose a central government upon Afghanistan seems destined to fail…the timing is the question--how long will it take?
Afghanistan is a large, poor rural nation, a sort of Wyoming without the oil fit best for wild tribesmen and women surviving modestly in ancient dwellings. These are not people that normally would support a large central government or large standing army with modern weapons. It will be interesting if Afghan pilots are trained in the United States to fly a five jet squadron of F-16’s. I think really they should just for old time’s sake; The Hmong of the Vietnam war era produced some great U.S. trained pilots that won medals for valorous flying. If there are few valid targets in Afghanistan or Air Force to oppose so what--they would make any down hillers think twice about sending anything up their way agin them.
Afghanistan would normally have a more rural nation with a modest government. They have the problem of corruption from drug producers and traffickers and of course payments from political and terrorist fugitives from abroad they choose to shelter for both Muslim brotherhood and financial reasons. We might have properly bribed the Taliban to give up Al Qaeda and shelter U.S. special forces to hunt Al Qaeda and saved the U.S. taxpayers a lot of billions of dollars even if the special forces needed to be trained Muslims to be acceptable to the Taliban. Since we went to war to depose a tradition, it is necessary to think about the chances for long range stability in the area.
Not living on the upper floors of the skyscrapers of the wealthy, rather drifting in the dank alleys and swamps of society, my regard for the choices the elite political class chose to invest in for Afghanistan is not high. I would prefer an American prosperity and federal spending on ecological economic full employment with zero growth goals for non-renewable material through-put as a way to achieve national prosperity. I think the concept of creating a sustainable ,western-friendly Afghan central government is not going to be successful in practice; once the money supply/fuel is cut off the central government/standing army/police machine will grind to a halt and the members disperse to the traditional and economically rational way of rural life with a modest government. I doubt that Afghans will like the idea of paying taxes to support a central government any more than Alaskans (who have no state income tax) or Republicans in the U.S. Congress support tax increases on the wealthy, on corporations, or inheritance taxes.
If the U.S.A. continues to fund the Afghan Government after out troops are withdrawn, the rural Afghans will consider them foreign lackeys and attack them as evil minions of Satan foisting perversity and photos of naked breasts upon the faithful, along of course with the plying of liquor. It is only while the free money flows and fuels the cooperation of those seeking employment that our Afghan allies are loyal. They are not supporters of the Democratic policies of the administration or Congress for ideological reasons I would think.
Governments form for sociological reasons anchored in history and geography. Iraq logically has civilization while Afghanistan reasonably has a discrete, variegated and disperse constellation of villages with some larger town and cities. Within that political economy various political alliances and formations evolve in dynamic balance to conserve various economic and social interests as well as for security.
The United States Government has no reason for a lugubrious outlook on the prospects for structuring a stable and discrete, decentralized Afghan government that could function reasonably well in the absence of U.S. expenses, it is possible. Following the prior Afghan war of defense against the Soviet Union the United States failed to provide any sort of support that would enable the United States to offset the influence of Al Qaeda. Further U.S. overly-large ambitions of a bi-polar sort in Afghanistan such that it must become a kind of High Asian versions of a Beltway Republic seems to be in progress. It is even reported that the Obama administrations plans for a withdrawal in ah hurry after ‘Vietnamizing’ the ‘war’. For a war of understanding it seems to be, allow I have a too remote perspective on the event from the alleys outside the cities with the skyscrapers on the hills of Boston and in the lofty pyramids of power on dollar bills of D.C. passing through congressional control.
A more intelligent and discrete policy designed to recognize Afghan sovereignty and need for its own internal readjustments following the departure of both American military forces and spending would have been a better approach-and it still would, to achieving an Afghanistan that neither requires vast U.S. spending or is a concern about a training area for Para-military terrorist organizations with N.A.T.O. countries as their target locations. That is still a better, more pragmatic political goal than the present undisclosed policy of the Obama administration.
Perhaps we need to fortify a few towns were our friends in Afghanistan live, or plant some crops outside towns like Marja. Maybe a better selection of investments that can exist in a periods of radical realignment following U.S. and N.A.T.O. departure is required. What is very probable is that once the monetary fuel supply for the central government ends it will fade away as quickly as would that of the U.S. Government in Washington D.C. Americans cannot afford to pay for the existence of foreign governments in order to illogically provide security at U.S. airports. At the least a real; Mexican ecological border control barrier zone should be constructed in the United States before Olympic also-ran terrorist conditioned athletes run in high explosives and terrorist supplies at night along g.p.s. courses with night vision goggles to cache in the wastelands of New Mexico and southern Texas.
addition One...
--even hate changes (fades) fast in time such that it waits for no one. I believe Afghanistan will continue to change with the 21st century techno-invasion of communications and data-bases at low cost. How that will affect rural people in central Asia I cannot say.
A religious reason for antipathy towards prosperity is fine and good in some cases and not so in others. India is Hinduia for some, and a billion soul techno-basket of change to others. Conflict is costly and leads in many contexts simply to suffering. I think that the pursuit of prosperity and virtue simultaneously will perhaps be a new direction such as the religious toleration that prevailed in Europe somewhat after the end of the 100 years of religious wars.
Afghanistan absent of the vast expenses of the United States will seek a more normal social level as would the waters behind a dam after a flood. Yet everything from nano-technology to organic solar voltaics will still be increasing in the world. The effort to improve the existence of ordinary people will require a Democratic readjustment of social control of investments from elites and hierarchical powers to the people. Instead of ideologies of conflict led by leaders, more practical, discrete and disperse ecological economic localists synergistically conserving and simultaneously investing in the future will need to be reinforced.
People will try to turn away from mass movements of war and terror if they can, yet that won’t be simple. If those that forget the past are doomed to repeat it, those that cannot forgive or forget the past are doomed to remain in it. Right responses to human evil and conflict is to move away from it and to try to accentuate the positive--it is a challenging yet necessary task. Afghans will want to attempt to modernize and find rapprochement with India and other nations while yet keeping their faith, if they cannot become Christian. Tolerance and respect for individualism should allow people with different background to work together for mutual advantage--if that means dampening the excesses of social, marketplace practices offensive to others then such accommodations need to be made.
On Quantum Uncertainty and Backward Causality
I thought I should write something about the quantum multiverse and backward causality since it is all the rage amongst those entering data into philosophy encyclopedias these days. What about quantum mechanics and the Heisenberg uncertainty principle--how does the determination of either the location or speed of particles affect the temporal order--for which there is little passage of time at any rate?
Time seems to be more of a feature of mass and slower moving particles than of energy. Light quanta with little or no mas are said to have little or no experience of time passing objectively either.At the smallest, most basic level things exist fundamentally without much time--just orders of protocol and events occur that form everything else in the universe we consider meaningful--items of the stelliferous era such as stars and galaxies, planets and moons.
When human beings try to get beyond the apparent level of mass to the underlying strata of energetic particle-quanta we selectively determine one of two primary states of the quanta as we bring its knowledge deterministically into our own realm of experience. If that causal sequence has a time value sequence from past-present to future it is seemingly violated by the effects of apparent quantum entanglement and exchanges of information seemingly required between physically distant particles.
The phenomena of backward causality may be something to consider in the phenomenalities of quantum uncertainty and all possible world-lines at positions of particles regarding the quantum world.We may give quantum particles nominal values of all possible worldlines yet they may be entirely deterministic so far as we really know.
The change of position or speed from the freedom of extra-dimensional realms unknown to human observers, creates an appearance in the slower mass protocol realms of the apparent universe when quantum positions and speeds are sampled of super-luminal information exchange. The realm of mass energy is slower and has farther dimensional transition requisites perhaps than the pre-selection environment in which quanta are grounded.
Well, that was all that I have to write in this note about backward causality.
..well nearly
What if the entire universe were actually cyclical--what does that mean to the idea of backward causality? If the Universe were cyclical and deterministic it would need to have zero-leakage of information, mass or energy in order to continue a perfectly determined cycle. The idea of a multi-verse generating infinite more and variegated kinds of universes seems inconsistent with determinism and quantum uncertainty a little.
What about a pre-big bang universe of virtual particles emanating from some unknown location (and don't say its just because of effects of quantum uncertainty for that seems like a circular explanation)--if they are simply extrusions or 'silk screened' loops/branes, strings from an infinite one, and the Universe is a reduced a tightly pressurized apparent creation then the time orders are contingent upon the intension of the Creator. While a determined Universe and a free universe could exist simultaneously within such an environment, the reason for that is simple enough-it is determined for humans so long as the Creator wills it to be so, and h=He can yet change it any time (it is a subjectively funny juxtaposition) He likes. Time is a temporal feature of the island-universe amidst the Unknown containment phenomenality of The One.
I think I prefer the idea of backward causality as an extra-dimensional device for explaining quantum uncertainty within an environmental boundary condition of a Universe with more than four dimensions that are just unknown to most of us presently.
Time seems to be more of a feature of mass and slower moving particles than of energy. Light quanta with little or no mas are said to have little or no experience of time passing objectively either.At the smallest, most basic level things exist fundamentally without much time--just orders of protocol and events occur that form everything else in the universe we consider meaningful--items of the stelliferous era such as stars and galaxies, planets and moons.
When human beings try to get beyond the apparent level of mass to the underlying strata of energetic particle-quanta we selectively determine one of two primary states of the quanta as we bring its knowledge deterministically into our own realm of experience. If that causal sequence has a time value sequence from past-present to future it is seemingly violated by the effects of apparent quantum entanglement and exchanges of information seemingly required between physically distant particles.
The phenomena of backward causality may be something to consider in the phenomenalities of quantum uncertainty and all possible world-lines at positions of particles regarding the quantum world.We may give quantum particles nominal values of all possible worldlines yet they may be entirely deterministic so far as we really know.
The change of position or speed from the freedom of extra-dimensional realms unknown to human observers, creates an appearance in the slower mass protocol realms of the apparent universe when quantum positions and speeds are sampled of super-luminal information exchange. The realm of mass energy is slower and has farther dimensional transition requisites perhaps than the pre-selection environment in which quanta are grounded.
Well, that was all that I have to write in this note about backward causality.
..well nearly
What if the entire universe were actually cyclical--what does that mean to the idea of backward causality? If the Universe were cyclical and deterministic it would need to have zero-leakage of information, mass or energy in order to continue a perfectly determined cycle. The idea of a multi-verse generating infinite more and variegated kinds of universes seems inconsistent with determinism and quantum uncertainty a little.
What about a pre-big bang universe of virtual particles emanating from some unknown location (and don't say its just because of effects of quantum uncertainty for that seems like a circular explanation)--if they are simply extrusions or 'silk screened' loops/branes, strings from an infinite one, and the Universe is a reduced a tightly pressurized apparent creation then the time orders are contingent upon the intension of the Creator. While a determined Universe and a free universe could exist simultaneously within such an environment, the reason for that is simple enough-it is determined for humans so long as the Creator wills it to be so, and h=He can yet change it any time (it is a subjectively funny juxtaposition) He likes. Time is a temporal feature of the island-universe amidst the Unknown containment phenomenality of The One.
I think I prefer the idea of backward causality as an extra-dimensional device for explaining quantum uncertainty within an environmental boundary condition of a Universe with more than four dimensions that are just unknown to most of us presently.
'The Universe Before The Big Bang' and Other Topics
In the Universe before the big bang there is an imponderable vacuum in which Universes might have their start. A singularity before a big bang is just a very small bottleneck like that of an hourglass in which a collapsing black hole on the left has passed into a white hole of expansion on the right that we regard as our Universe. Gasperini explains that process and the particles that theoretically start existing.
He does at the end state his belief that God created the 'perturbative vacuum' in which Universes are created initially from virtual particles appearing through quantum uncertainty. That of course pleased me a little, for I share a Christian idea of God issuing the Universe in some primordial way. The neo-Platonist philosopher Plotinus wrote about the emanation of the Universe from The One in his book of 54 tractates named The Enneads(a translation is free on-line).
The primordial perturbative vacuum allows in theory an infinite number of universe to be issued through the appearance of virtual particles (free from some unlimited supply)that are drawn together in some kind of a gravity-like phenomenon of attraction sufficiently to form a collapse.
I think the black hole criterion is just an analogy for us in this universe. We might as well regard the formation of mass for a new universe as like unto a calving iceberg of concentrated mass. At that point I am not summarizing Gasperini.
Plotinus believed that The One was perfect and had need for extension of what we would consider dimensions and forms or mass for those dimensions. We know that temporality and the expansion of a universe is like a scalar field with anisotropic mass distributions presently thought to be a consequence of the initial distribution of mass at the singularity before expansion.
String, looks, branes and quarks are the fundamental level components that in some way are associated with virtual particles and a vacuum space without extension itself. Why should a vacuum have expansion, why shouldn't all mass be infinitely concentrated into one location at every location possible before the big bang.
We tend to thing of a vacuum space as having size rather than none at all--where does spacing--interval in time and space appear before the big bang for virtual particles? These are fascinating points to consider, and there are innumerable more.
Dimensions in theory may be of virtually any number as in math. The book 'Why Beauty is Truth', also from 2008, is upon the mathematical concept of symmetry that went into algebra's development the last 5000 years from Samaria to Omar Khayyam, Lie, Killing and others. It has a good history of the origin of solutions to quadratic equations and work on the quintic. It is also a useful book to understand more about mathematical constructions of multi-dimensional arrays rather like one constructs Cartesian coordinate graphs with increasing dimensions to negative numbers and so forth. Philosophically M-Theory is mentioned usefully so one might contemplate Gasperini's book with a little more understanding of the mathematical approach to cosmology.
The idea of quantum uncertainty is interesting to me in the pre-big bang universe as it relates to virtual particles emanating from The One. Fundamentally there might be a transcendent force, power or scale that gives the contingent vacuum its values and boundary conditions. Such a meta-field may download dimensional content into it as extrusions of virtual zero-dimensional membranes, strings, loops or quarks...who can say? The number of dimensions in a non-dimensional pre big universe before the appearance of any virtual particles would be zero-and consistent with space-time values before an Intelligent contribution of content I think.
The One as a perfect being may have just cancelled out some areas of his existence or omniscience from some locations such that it is very basic-like Leibnitzian monads of one-dimensional membranes, that exist. Very simple fundamental waves or branes issued from the one yet just capable of containing a limited amount of information until constructions through evolution of a universe and human beings occurs who are limited in knowledge potential too. I think of the process a little like silk-screening painting.
The question of what The One is like (bigger than a breadbox kind of questions) also apply to the pre-big-bang universe. String theory and subsequent investigations might develop technically continguous mappings of hypothetical historical constructions yet their are so many alternative, possible constructions simultaneously cohering within any theory logically that it would be challenging to regard any as definitive especially in light of Godel's incompleteness theorem.
Perennial philosophical questions regarding the nature of the One have new vistas to consider within a pre-big bang universe origin context. Determinism and indeterminism in a cyclical or recurrent universe would raise questions on backward causality at the minimum. What extension must a vacuum space have to originate virtual wavelets emanations, how many dimensions need to exist in a vacuum for wavelets/strings to enter and form virtual dimensional constructions? An infinite number of good questions arise regarding contingent being and contingent universes in addition to the non-contingent One who issues the information comprising form.
He does at the end state his belief that God created the 'perturbative vacuum' in which Universes are created initially from virtual particles appearing through quantum uncertainty. That of course pleased me a little, for I share a Christian idea of God issuing the Universe in some primordial way. The neo-Platonist philosopher Plotinus wrote about the emanation of the Universe from The One in his book of 54 tractates named The Enneads(a translation is free on-line).
The primordial perturbative vacuum allows in theory an infinite number of universe to be issued through the appearance of virtual particles (free from some unlimited supply)that are drawn together in some kind of a gravity-like phenomenon of attraction sufficiently to form a collapse.
I think the black hole criterion is just an analogy for us in this universe. We might as well regard the formation of mass for a new universe as like unto a calving iceberg of concentrated mass. At that point I am not summarizing Gasperini.
Plotinus believed that The One was perfect and had need for extension of what we would consider dimensions and forms or mass for those dimensions. We know that temporality and the expansion of a universe is like a scalar field with anisotropic mass distributions presently thought to be a consequence of the initial distribution of mass at the singularity before expansion.
String, looks, branes and quarks are the fundamental level components that in some way are associated with virtual particles and a vacuum space without extension itself. Why should a vacuum have expansion, why shouldn't all mass be infinitely concentrated into one location at every location possible before the big bang.
We tend to thing of a vacuum space as having size rather than none at all--where does spacing--interval in time and space appear before the big bang for virtual particles? These are fascinating points to consider, and there are innumerable more.
Dimensions in theory may be of virtually any number as in math. The book 'Why Beauty is Truth', also from 2008, is upon the mathematical concept of symmetry that went into algebra's development the last 5000 years from Samaria to Omar Khayyam, Lie, Killing and others. It has a good history of the origin of solutions to quadratic equations and work on the quintic. It is also a useful book to understand more about mathematical constructions of multi-dimensional arrays rather like one constructs Cartesian coordinate graphs with increasing dimensions to negative numbers and so forth. Philosophically M-Theory is mentioned usefully so one might contemplate Gasperini's book with a little more understanding of the mathematical approach to cosmology.
The idea of quantum uncertainty is interesting to me in the pre-big bang universe as it relates to virtual particles emanating from The One. Fundamentally there might be a transcendent force, power or scale that gives the contingent vacuum its values and boundary conditions. Such a meta-field may download dimensional content into it as extrusions of virtual zero-dimensional membranes, strings, loops or quarks...who can say? The number of dimensions in a non-dimensional pre big universe before the appearance of any virtual particles would be zero-and consistent with space-time values before an Intelligent contribution of content I think.
The One as a perfect being may have just cancelled out some areas of his existence or omniscience from some locations such that it is very basic-like Leibnitzian monads of one-dimensional membranes, that exist. Very simple fundamental waves or branes issued from the one yet just capable of containing a limited amount of information until constructions through evolution of a universe and human beings occurs who are limited in knowledge potential too. I think of the process a little like silk-screening painting.
The question of what The One is like (bigger than a breadbox kind of questions) also apply to the pre-big-bang universe. String theory and subsequent investigations might develop technically continguous mappings of hypothetical historical constructions yet their are so many alternative, possible constructions simultaneously cohering within any theory logically that it would be challenging to regard any as definitive especially in light of Godel's incompleteness theorem.
Perennial philosophical questions regarding the nature of the One have new vistas to consider within a pre-big bang universe origin context. Determinism and indeterminism in a cyclical or recurrent universe would raise questions on backward causality at the minimum. What extension must a vacuum space have to originate virtual wavelets emanations, how many dimensions need to exist in a vacuum for wavelets/strings to enter and form virtual dimensional constructions? An infinite number of good questions arise regarding contingent being and contingent universes in addition to the non-contingent One who issues the information comprising form.
Sex Addiction and U.S. National Health Care Reform-Tabloids for Congressional Record?
Tiger Woods has a press lecture to give tomorrow that is getting more attention than the moribund national health care reform effort in Congress. Senator Evan Bayh chose to quit the Democrat majority in the Senate following the failure to bring national health care reform to the poor and homeless. If the Senate had a bi-partisan cooperative effort to bring a national medical provisioning to the poor and homeless first the emergency room costs alone would have plummeted dropping health care costs. Yet the Congress is upper class and concerned about making money for global corporate elites and dumping debt on the public. President Obama needs a new speech writer to put more intelligent and innovative words in his mouth, so I will donate a few words on a friendly basis to help keep down the public cost of hiring more expensive writers.
Those of us that wonder if sex addiction is real are perhaps wishfully thinking about what it would be like to have the opportunity to test the theory. The morally impeccable amongst us ask how the Tiger could fall victim to the challenging temptations we would have avoided since we aren't Buddhists. Left handed Tantric Buddhism practices change the woman each day to avoid the problem of addiction--if he had been truer to Tibetan Buddhism he might not have fallen victim to addiction.
First--Tiger Woods returns from alien abduction tomorrow-or a cult that reprograms those addicted to sex--make no mistake about it, sex addiction ranks right up there with pinot noir fakes from France as national problems. Hair shirts, penance huts, vows of chastity-these reverse the addiction to sex encouraged in monogamy--the State of Massachusetts and a few others have imposed an end of heterosexual marriage as dangerous supports of sex addiction through debasement of the pure addiction. That was a methadone approach to the pure poppies of heterosexual addiction.
Plainly, an unreformed sex addict may lapse into doing it again; cruising late nights in a convertible B.M.W. looking for a line of babes to do. The twelve step program for freedom from alien probes and nefarious political speeches has taught a lot of educators about cost cutting methods to appoint committees to study health care issues.
It was determined that sex addiction training is actually cheaper in select foreign countries than in the United States. Federal regulations stand in the way of importing sex addiction compassionate conservative surrogate deprogrammers. Boston is working on a solution.
If a moon base were constructed with a Constellation-Orion Sure-Win landing, it would be possible to create an extra-terrestrial listening post for the cure of upper class sex addictions and Wall Street gambler's syndrome. When addictions become too big to fail the entire nation is chow-lenged to bail them out.
I hope that Tiger Wood's reappearance to deliver a lecture tomorrow for a crowd of compliant broadcasters rightly forbidden to ask questions has before and after pie charts and such demonstrating conclusively that sex addiction in South Florida is over. The Coast Guard and Homeland Security are doing better at intercepting the conditional precursors of the offshore-sourced disease.
Woods is probably better at playing golf than putting on dog and pony shows for the entertainment industry. Serious opinion-ed writers know that Tiger's best bet is to print up his own tabloid to pass out with the Inside Story.
Those of us that wonder if sex addiction is real are perhaps wishfully thinking about what it would be like to have the opportunity to test the theory. The morally impeccable amongst us ask how the Tiger could fall victim to the challenging temptations we would have avoided since we aren't Buddhists. Left handed Tantric Buddhism practices change the woman each day to avoid the problem of addiction--if he had been truer to Tibetan Buddhism he might not have fallen victim to addiction.
First--Tiger Woods returns from alien abduction tomorrow-or a cult that reprograms those addicted to sex--make no mistake about it, sex addiction ranks right up there with pinot noir fakes from France as national problems. Hair shirts, penance huts, vows of chastity-these reverse the addiction to sex encouraged in monogamy--the State of Massachusetts and a few others have imposed an end of heterosexual marriage as dangerous supports of sex addiction through debasement of the pure addiction. That was a methadone approach to the pure poppies of heterosexual addiction.
Plainly, an unreformed sex addict may lapse into doing it again; cruising late nights in a convertible B.M.W. looking for a line of babes to do. The twelve step program for freedom from alien probes and nefarious political speeches has taught a lot of educators about cost cutting methods to appoint committees to study health care issues.
It was determined that sex addiction training is actually cheaper in select foreign countries than in the United States. Federal regulations stand in the way of importing sex addiction compassionate conservative surrogate deprogrammers. Boston is working on a solution.
If a moon base were constructed with a Constellation-Orion Sure-Win landing, it would be possible to create an extra-terrestrial listening post for the cure of upper class sex addictions and Wall Street gambler's syndrome. When addictions become too big to fail the entire nation is chow-lenged to bail them out.
I hope that Tiger Wood's reappearance to deliver a lecture tomorrow for a crowd of compliant broadcasters rightly forbidden to ask questions has before and after pie charts and such demonstrating conclusively that sex addiction in South Florida is over. The Coast Guard and Homeland Security are doing better at intercepting the conditional precursors of the offshore-sourced disease.
Woods is probably better at playing golf than putting on dog and pony shows for the entertainment industry. Serious opinion-ed writers know that Tiger's best bet is to print up his own tabloid to pass out with the Inside Story.
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First Cause Argument and Evolution
If you believe that everything has a cause, such as the universe emerging from a singularity that exploded because of a quantum instability ...
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