
When Class Wealth Increases 275%, So Does Political Power

Recent studies have found that over the past three decade’s wealth and political power of the rich-those with earnings in the highest one percent of income in U.S.A. increased 275% over three decades.

Political affluence increases collaterally with monetary affluence through the ability to buy political influence and toy with economically reliant sub-structures.

The wealthy control the broadcast media left and right. Talk radio millionaires program their sycophants on how to vote. Herman Cain, Bill Clinton and Tiger Woods sex allegations are given the optimal politically correct spin so they become warm and fuzzy creatures or threatening, abusive exploiters of the innocent. The media preponderantly determines the direction national political debate goes.

Costs for the middle class and poor have risen markedly for housing and health provisioning the last three decades. Employers have eliminated innumerable health insurance benefits transferring the cost to government and individuals. Now they want to cut government social spending and provide tax cuts for the wealthy and tax increases on the poor-even a national sales tax trivial to the rich and devastating for the poor.

The federal government has not stepped up to the plate to fight for a public health service for the poor and Veterans able the serve as a national emergency hospital infrastructure in event of unforeseeable global designer biological attack made by rogue corporate bio researchers.
The wealthy have supersized on easy global pickins since 1990 including the U.S.A. outsourcing business and factories as if they were the Red Army in Germany after World War II relocating German industry to Russia.

The first year of the New World Order in 1990 accelerated U.S. industrial invention arterial sclerosis. Corporate owners and workers grew apart as cheap global labor made investing in China, India and elsewhere a better profit prospect. The Clinton year taught Americans to flip burgers and take on debt while the wealthy were experiencing the problem of financial obesity.

The rich are in danger of fat-headedness and fiduciary cholesterol cutting off money supply to extreme, distal poor members of society.
Wealth concentrates in big shareholder and CEO heads without regard for the masses of unemployed and underemployed American workers. Like addicts in opium dens the wealthy experience a dreamliner financial reality without regard for conditions of deterioration of the position of the United States in the World as an independent, social leading nation.

In Anchorage Alaska Mayor Sullivan has asked the state government for a gift of 350 million dollars to complete a port construction expansion project over-budget and overdue that is supervised by a former state governor and millionaire former owner of hotels sold to Westours/Westmark and the Carnival cruise line I believe. The present Governor of Alaska also led an effort to cut taxes on cruise ships including the Carnival subsidiary Holland line. Meanwhile Mayor Sullivan has forced the eviction of Anchorage's homeless from city parks with just a few days notice even in winter.

Anchorage has become a city buy and for the corporate world that extracts Alaska resources. It also has military spending. With fewer churches per capita than any other major American city it also has moved more toward godlessness.

The Brother Francis homeless shelter and the nearby Bean's Cafe is the basic alternative for camping in Anchorage in the winter for the very poor. It is quite overcrowded and the Mayor has not asked the state for a gift of a million or two for construction of a video supervised safe outdoor camping facility for the broke.

On an average cold winter night when the temperature is zero degrees Fahrenheit the homeless sleep elbow to elbow on mats on the entire floor of the facility-a good way to share pneumonia, SARs, TB and whatever other respiratory virus is going around, brought perhaps from distant Arctic villages, visiting Bloods from L.A., hit men from corporations searching for political dissidents rounded up at the homeless shelter to beat up or East Coast sex tourists looking for wild game.

The shelter is very overcrowded and excess bodies yearning to breathe free spills over into Bean's Cafe nearby with the floor there too sometimes becoming full. If a dead body with smallpox from the early 20th century epidemic ever emerges because of global warming melting of Arctic village snowfields and is discovered by a poor rural Alaskan on his way to stay in Anchorage like as not the crowded Brother Francis shelter is the first place it virus would turn up. All homeless people should have complete free medical care if for no other reason than to combat potential respiratory epidemics.

Mayor Sullivan might have requested an emergency state grant to have a monolithic concrete dome shelter built on one of numerous city properties, and a library for the south side too for those homeless readers of books and cut back the scale of the free money request from the too obliging state Governor Parnell and the Alaska Legislature that seems to want to build facilities most useful to cruise ships and importers of cheap Chinese goods off-loaded from Chinese built ships-they have more than 200 shipyards these days.

The American middle class was said to have increased its wealth by an average 40% the past three decades while the poor, I believe became poorer. The middle class figure is actually misleading; for white men the income declined the past three decades adjusted for the value of the dollar then and now.

More women and minorities entered the workforce and the middle class and that made the number reported overall seem to increase. As long as there is a continuing new cheaper labor supply to subvert wage raise demands of the middle class the rich can continue to concentrate wealth.
Concentrating wealth is something like increasing the grade of a slope of a pit into which water from the surrounding area flows.

The U.S. top one-percent have seemed to encourage and industrial existentialism worldview without regard for the health of the environment. For example, a lumber mill at Wrangell Alaska processed about a half a trillion board feet of old growth lumber between the 1950s and 1994 with fewer than 300 employees including longshoremen loading the vanishing rainforest old growth onto foreign ships.

Corporate profit seeking encouraged industrial bio-existentialism over global environmentalism in order to avoid creating a class consciousness of conservation of finite, valuable environmental networks. Degrading environmental effects of concentrating wealth require and existential shallowness in global warming denial and over-use of finite resources, pollution in extraction industry, over-fishing and collateral extermination of species in building development.

If water is regarded as money and the rich are those accumulating it at the bottom of the pit it is easy to comprehend that the money and power accumulates faster as the size of the excavation or establishment of financial networks increases. The deep and broad pit overcomes and drowns out the poor, expendable miners first and later the middle class as the ocean of wealth and power of the dominant one percent globally overcomes world political systems morphing into being the perfect corporate Leviathan.


Life Form Energy Packets ©2011GaryCGibson (a science fiction short story)

Sometime in September Hyron Forty-Seven noticed a faster-than-light neutrino stream of consciousness video input on the cold dark matter telescope input screen stimulating a scramble to be the first to announce to the world a discovery of life on another world. At least it was assumed a world-rock was the foundation of the equilibrium of intelligent beings capable of reasoning like us.

Quantum computing simulations of the digital input made video meaning paradigms of the neutrino-input stream within a variety of logical linguistic structures converting those to meaningful video assuming that only a finite number of visual structures and structural relations exist within any given finite band of wavelength selected for observation.

Soon Hyron Forty-Seven's team management superiors determined that the alien communication form was just one-hundred seventy-nine light years away and awaiting earth visitation. They boldly choose to go where no Earthers had gone before-the aliens provided instructions for construction of a neutrino drive-ram adaptable to any sub-light speed space craft to put it over the edge of light speed.

At the Chicago Pizza Spaceflight headquarters systems managers spent several weeks collecting the best samples of Earth energy trade materials to induce alien life forms to sign trade contracts. Tyrannosaur One, a liquid fueled rocket carrying seventeen universonauts and five tons of cargo looked bloated around the middle with a neutrino ex post facto field simulator made to catch faster than light neutrinos and convert them into mass carrying particles submerging the Tyrannosaur One in the non-local faster than light field in the exchange of massless to massful particles.

Within minutes of switching on the neutrino exchange engine Tyrannosaur One arrived at a cold, dark moon orbiting a neutron star. The ship rested on a platform bathed in cold blue-grey light. Several crystal-like transparent figures stood around the ship as sentinels awaiting the new crew. Jacque Queblot, the nominal trader-first among equals of the top one percent clan in charge of most Earthly things walked outside the ship’s open door and ordered forklifts to bring the energy nuggets out front immediately.

The gifts for the aliens were the best energy units for food consumption available. Thousands of insects, reptiles and even rare sea spiders in special containment cages were driven from the ship cargo and piled higher and deeper before the alien life forms observing in electronic silence. The wildlife, much of it made of carbohydrates made a cacophony of twittering noises in the last moments as time for them resumed normal speed.

The aliens crystal life forms advanced closer to the complete crew and spoke in a transcending language resounding through all wavelengths to the life forms assembled before them.

Thanks you Earth creatures for the gift of live energy bearing humanoids. These humans are large energy packets indeed, and probably better with spice on them."

Transforming themselves into an alternative form of seven foot tall insects, they advanced upon the crew of Tyrannosaur One greedily.


Rick Perry's Bold Regressive Tax Plan to Raise Taxes on the Poor 100%

A bold new regressive tax at a flat 20% proposed by the Perry campaign would increase the taxes of the poor 100% and reduce the taxes for billionaires by 45% making this the strongest effort to restore aristocracy since the confiscation of lands of Lord Fairfax and the end of the hopes of King George the Third to concentrate U.S. wealth.


Presidential candidate Rick Perry has taken the lead from Presidential candidate Herman Cain and opened a second front of the tax war on America's poor. Texas Governor Perry wants to charge the rich the same tax rate as the poor at 20%. The middle class is tossed under the bus too in the bargain that would let the rich accumulate billions and trillions and purchase everything in the free world fundamentally letting their subjects rent from them.

The United States recovered from the depression with a 70 to 90% tax rate on the rich and that policy kept Americans in an egalitarian prosperity until the Reagan era tax cuts followed up by Bush II-Obama tax cuts-extensions. Now the global networking of the wealthy owning everything as they concentrate wealth erodes the basic political and civil freedoms the founders fought for long ago. Billionaires may earn more in a minute or an hour through investments that a working American can earn in a lifetime. The broadcast media is a sycophantic tool for the corporate rich propagandizing Americans to economic servility.

http://www.wired.com/wiredscience/2011/10/orangutan-human-cultures/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+wired%2Findex+%28Wired%3A+Index+3+%28Top+Stories+2%29%29&utm_content=Google+Feedfetcher Orangutan culture develops like human culture

American culture has dumbed down, yet the NFL has not smarted up and installed head-impact concussive measuring chips in its helmets to quantify the seasonal total amount of head impacts each player sustains. The players with the most total quality quantitative head impacts should probably receive higher compensation for their progressive brain injuries. Texas Governor Rick Perry has developed comparable dumbing down oversights in failing to comprehend the pervasive effects of carbon dioxide emissions from human sources to the global atmosphere.

A quarter of a million years ago one of the greatest mass extinction on this planet occurred in an area of global warming. Scientists believe the oceans became acidic then as they are becoming now from the excessive carbonic acid runoff into the ocean from the excess carbon dioxide in the atmosphere precipitating to the ground. A full 90% of the life in the ocean was exterminated by global warming. That is a real, present danger to the world's fisheries and other marine life that the Texas Governor just wouldn't be convinced about.

Plainly the U.S. Presidential primaries should offer brain scans to all presidential candidates and also a two hour -90 question multiple choice GRE comparable exam taken in public, on-stage to find out who is an idiot and who isn't- The public should know who has substantial brain damage from football playing in America and who is not if they want to become President of the United States.

Quantum Creation and Embedded Evolution

Evolution theory need not be held to be inconsistent with belief in God. So much has been learned in the fields of Biblical scholarship and of ancient history and pre-history since 1900 that the transcendence of traditional boundaries of knowledge has advanced routinely. Neils Bohr and quantum mechanics advances, Einstein and relativity, Albright, Rosenberg and the biography of Abraham as a work of reasoned historic speculation have their places along with cosmology, multiverse theory and analysis of the books of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

One must suspend skepticism and learn of interdisciplinary fields for-oneself if one wishes to achieve a deeper awareness of the marvelous power and capacity of God to emanate beingness.

The Universe and the mechanics of its structured change as temporal evolution are a subset of God’s creative nature. The proximal cause is not the first apse, and the first cause is not the necessary Author of a temporal causal sequence.

Even Stephen Hawking was able to imagine a universe that begins without a dimension of time; instead time is a dimension of space that flips into juxtaposition with additional spatial dimension later conferring upon a hypothetical cosmology the condition of a Universe becoming without a beginning in time.

Dr. Hawking’s reduction of time in cosmology to a spatial dimension aside, the Creator of all things may not have a causal separation at all from all-possible-universes. All possible universes may exist as a reduction from within the nature of God. The contents of each temporal manifestation may be said to have a beginning in time whenever that beginning phenomenally occurs.

Fortunately we have Einstein’s theory of relativity to help form concepts about the theological causal relativism of a phenomenal temporal Universe or multiverse set within God’s mind-plans. A multiverse without a beginning in time ala Hawking’s that flipped into temporality from dimensional unpacking in accord with the will of God is interesting to consider.

All matter is known to be made of waveforms of subatomic particles. Electrons exist in all possible locations until measured when they are regarded as a point at a particular location. Perhaps an electron exists as an energy potential of crinkled space-time area that discharges to a particular location when measured.

Reading of Boze-Einstein condensates wherein the waves of atoms super-cooled to within a degree of absolute zero resonate at one frequency one can only wonder of the possibilities for quantum entanglement experimentation on teleportation of electrons and photons.

One must wonder what effect such wave Boze-Einstein condensate field resonation synchronicity would have upon the deeper associated field of all possible locations in quantum uncertainty. If the universe began at absolute zero temperature instead of very hot with the entirety of all crinkled space-time waveforms as a super-cooled enigma in the void we might wonder what that would comprise as an in-itself. An infinite quantity of synchronized potential mass-energy might be concentrated in an arbitrary, scalable waveform frozen in time with dimensions of infinite number folded, super-positioned and associated in waveform synchronicity.

Well, it is fun to speculate about cosmological physics. One might accept the premises of evolution within the 13.7 billion year old Universe and yet place the entire Universe and possible multiverse as phenomena of temporality-a motion of waveforms-within a project area of an omnipotent, eternal God who surpasses the temporal not by outlasting it, but by being wholly other as an Eternal Being transcending temporality. Time of 14 billion years may be as a second or less to the Eternal God, or vice versa.

It is simple to use the neo-Platonist philosopher Plotinus’ Enneads as an example of a non-temporal God issuing a temporal universe or multiverse, though one may also postulate the entire Universe as a phenomenal waveform sequence created by God that mankind might experience it phenomenally, existentially. The nature of time and being of those waveforms are contingent upon the will of God to sustain the Universe as it is. The ultimate explanation of waveforms as strings, membranes or issued contingent denouement of energy lay outside material explanation and within the spirit of God. Leibniz had the right sentiment on that topic with his one-dimensional spiritual monads even if not exactly the right structural explanation.

Within Rosenberg’s criteria of Genesis as written by the J and E writers the problems that so many have found in the creation story are prevalently negated. J is said to have unknown of Sumerian history and their flood stories and simply added that on to her material recounting Abraham’s migration from Sumer to Jerusalem and the Jordan Valley. History lost the origin of the undoubtedly true Sumerian stories-though stories that were also changed over the thousands of years of telling before being written in cuneiform in the late 4th millennium B.C. As Abraham naturally was evolved into developing a good relationship with God the foundation for the later interactions of God with men and women of faith was set. The prophets and Jesus Christ would bring the living Word of God to mankind though the origin was humble and surprisingly logical.

The New Testament has very little about creation cosmology within it. More is said by Jesus about the end times than the beginning. The sayings of Matthew 24 could be consistent with numerous cosmological end of days scenarios including a possible Big Rip from Lambda space expansion in just 2 billion years. At some point in the future space-time relativity may become artificially exploited for some reason-perhaps as a science project or even as common technology. Space-time segments may be repackaged in disconformal arrays moving the distant future to the past. The stars may fall from the sky moving ‘south’.

Election 2012; Left/Right Concentrated Wealth & Power vs. Democracy

Left & Right Sides of the Coin of Concentrated Control

Wall Street’s strong profits last quarter while the unemployment rate is greater than 9% is indicative of the disconnect between the top 5% concentrating the nation’s wealth and the people of the United States. Quantitative easing of money supply at the print shop bailed the rich out from their 2008 bad debt. Quantitative easing of an improving wage for labor market and economic egalitarianism put millions of Americans out of work and converted them into scrambling unemployed searching for crumbs.

The present economy is nearly ideal for wealthy owners of the corporate world with a docile domestic population struggling for work, dead labor unions, networked financial and corporate investments, instant global communication, global inventory management shuffling avoidance of taxpaying, and a cheap global labor force to invest in. Exporting cheaply made foreign goods to the U.S.A allows a calculus for the concentration of American wealth in global corporate elites soaking up U.S. consumer cash to redistribute abroad in foreign factory construction. Presidential candidate Rick Perry wants a 45% tax cut for the richest and a 100% tax increase on the poor.

Left and right are largely obsolete terms in relation to the vanishing democracy of the U.S.A. once at the center of the politics. Both left and right work against the middle to create concentrated wealth and/or power. Left and right are examples of the traditional political power of a ruling class over the masses without meaningful democratic power, free enterprise or egalitarian distribution of capitalization.

The American and corporate ruling class has exploited military spending to prop up a deficient military-industrial economic sector the past decade with support fro Chinese loans. If the Chinese loans to fund U.S. military boondoggles abroad halt the right will seek to squeeze more lemon juice from the turnip of social spending domestically with sweating of blood as a result in some sectors.

The solution for recovery of the U.S. economy from the new aristocracy of concentrated wealth and puppeteers of political power would be as revolutionary as the redistribution of wealth and power by the founders from British aristocrats to Americans free thenceforward to take the land and settle if for-themselves. Democracy without free enterprise for all seems to collapse into tyranny and concentrated wealth.

The United States should defend free enterprise against the concentration of wealth-F.D.R. realized it as the correct way to restore a natural liberty to the people of the United States. Taxes on the rich should be set at 90%. No one should be free to invest in more than 3 corporations in order to prevent networked market manipulation and skimming. No corporation should have more than 10,000 employees. If the owners want to increase revenues they should increase quality instead of quantity.

Today’s corporations have a marked trait of increasing quantity over quality. Business expansion means encouraging sales of disposable goods and consuming as much of scarce remaining planetary natural resources as quickly as possible. The large multinational corporate approach actual encourages scarcity of natural resources in order to drive up cost. On a planet of finite resources that practice approaches a culturally suicidal level of introspective greed.

The U.S.A. should seek to rectify capitalism to a limited scale that encourages thousands of new smaller quality businesses. It should secure its Mexican border and get all the people on an above the table work basis that will not corrupt labor wage value and public accountability.

The U.S.A. should have good social safety nets in food, income and medicine; yet seek to privative more of public education. Excess government income can be invested in restorative environmental work and the scientific battle to keep the ecosphere intact and health. A new era of free enterprise with a far more egalitarian distribution of capital will wrest the wealthy’s calculus of keeping 30 million Americans unemployed as unit tactics to create political compliance.

Redistribution as a buzz word of the rich is itself a straw man argument. America’s rich and their toady broadcast sycophants seem to be so worried about survival and comfort that they think they need billions of year’s worth of savings with concentrated wealth in order to assure their silky survival.

One can imagine a better, free society with unlimited amateur athletics, good basic access to food and smaller, ecologically well designed affordable shelters with excellent, cheap public education. Ordinary radio should have thousands of free education channels with high quality knowledge broadcasts perennially so the human race might actually get smarter and really settle the solar system and move to the stars.

Redistribution of political and economic opportunity is what every revolution is about. Yet that doesn’t mean that the savings accounts of the rich need to be taken-that sort of redistribution is just a one-time thing anyway that soon disappears like the morning dew in summer. What is wanted instead is a new, reformed free enterprise environment and strong government ecospheric protection and recovery guidance until society learns for-itself the rational paths of sustainable ecospheric economics methods.

The United States today culturally has learned to be something of a dysfunctional infrasocial striving agent for the concentration of wealth. Even the Chinese communists have passed a law letting no foreign corporation own more than 49% of a Chinese business-though via networking of business the Chinese economy will still become Gullivered up by the global elites of wealth. American should defend their economic interests from the hostile takeover by the right and left.

Americans can leave the murderous striving to concentrate wealth that deletes rationality and moral decency replacing it with planetary perversion and perennial wars, ecosphere decay and the usurpation of private property and business by corporate acquisitions and control of about everything. Unfortunately neither major political party is running a candidate with a clue about what is what on the side of the people of the United States for the Presidency in 2012. The best available candidate seems to be Mitt Romney. The other candidates appear to be followers of Babylon the Great.

I wrote in 1992 of the Reagan-Bush Agenda’s legacy of 5.3 trillion dollars of public debt and suggested that any democratic candidate besides Clinton or Harkins would be good enough. I wrote in 1996 that Bob Dole was the man of the hour. In each case Americans could have spared themselves a lot of trouble historically by voting for the better candidate. Ralph Nader during many of those years would have resolved America’s leadership issues. Now with the day so late and 15 trillion dollars of public debt I haven’t confidence in the political judgment of the electorate to restore full employment, minimal use of necessary emergency programs and conservation of the ecosphere.


On the Relationship of God to A Multiverse

As a Christian I believe there is a lot more to the Universe, Multiverse and God's support for their contingent existence than one could possibly learn in a lifetime.

God may have created an infinite multiverse, yet even so He is eternal and the entire multiverse may occupy not even 1% of God's potential or actuality. All temporality may recur eternally for God relativistically as He understands these sub-routine multiverse loops as they spin on forever. That I think is why he wants humanity to achieve a spiritual dimensions besides the obvious material dimension as embedded thinking fields of molecules within the greated multiversal field phenomena.

On Rebsamen's Translation of Beowulf

Beowulf is the first great poem of Old English written between the 6th and the first third of the 9th century. Rebsamen created a new translation of the classic heroic saga of the Geat (pronounced Gate?) hero Beowulf (pronounced Baywolf) and his battles with three monsters-Grendel, Grendel’s mother and The Dragon). This version published in 2004 restores a better poetic sense to the ancient literature.

Beowulf the epic story brings a sense of history with it. We read of his mano y mano swimming in the ocean contest with a peer through seven days of wintry waves wearing nothing besides a sword with which Beowulf final battles seven sea sprites before being tossed onto the beach. One learns something of the sociology and culture of the day, and of the job of the coast guard.

Beowulf deliver’s the Danish King Hrothgar’s fine beer hall from the power of Grendel-a predatory monster eating the Danish thane/warriors partying there nightly.

The introduction to this translation of Beowulf presents an excellent summary of the history of Anglo-Saxon England from the 5th century until the Viking invasions after about 930 C.E. The district of Kent was converted to Christianity in 597, and the poem has numerous references to God. The first Church in Sweden at Uppsala wasn’t constructed until 1000 a.d. Maybe the invasion of England returned something of the word of Christ to those previously pagan people regarded in antipathetically by Dane, North Germans and Angles of the era.

One finds an example of the relationship of the illiterate warrior class to God as the omnipotent power controlling the allotment of reality. I would think that the Moslem development of a warrior relationship to God was somewhat similar in Muhammad’s 6th century Arabia though tempered by more Judaic scriptural references. In Old English there were more than sixty different name-references to God.

Rebsamen mentions that more than 30,000 lines of Old English poetry remains. The era of Angles, Jutes and Saxons migrating to England brought the North Germanic form of poetry along. The hymn of Caedmon was one of the first to bring Christian ideas to North Germanic verse structure in Anglo-Saxon England at this time. Another early poem- The Poem of Holy Rood was carved in runic on a large, elegant stone cross at Dumfriesshire Scotland in the 8th century. Beowulf was composes sometime in this era as well by an unknown court poet before the Viking invasions.

Reading this poem aloud in this translation brings it to a story normal expression without the stumbling along verbal cadences of inexpertly trying to read Old English. Beowulf is a no-brag just fact destroyer of monsters-even those descended from Cain such as Grendel-who journeys over the whale-paths through the wave-rolls of the sea and time to meet destiny from the wyrd. This book is worth shelving for its intrinsic value as well as the fact that it was the first epic poem of this scale written since the fall of Rome.


The U.S. Military as an Agent of Ecological Adversity Ecological Adversity

The Pentagon has reports on everything, yet it has been one of the larger factors of ecospheric detriment over the decades from radiation dispersion, nuclear weapons, chemical weapons, defoliation, agent orange, egregious gasoline and flight fuel use, deisel gas pollution etc.

The disruptive effect on the Iraqi ecospheric portion for instance, has been devastatingly polluting. Good post 2003 war planning could have defeated the protracted chaos, conflict and civil war that followed with U.S. troops leaving only later this year. Vietnam also experienced ecospheric devastation. In some regards the U.S. military approach toward the ecosphere has been comparable to that of the communist party of the Soviet Union and that of Vietnam on its Mekong River drainage downgrade.

U.S. diplomacy fails to direct commerical interests and synergetic defense and economic planning domestically and internationally toward coordinated and ecospherically beneficient outcomes. The 1990 Gulf War stimulated Saddam Hussein to set his oil wells taken from kuwait on fire polluting the air. U.S. policy that will deploy the military must be competent to comprehend the green axial dimensions and not just the coaxial box of bullets.

The United States occassionally talks tall on environmentalism yet most of its commercial leadership seems to be plain stupid or indifferent. I think chimpanzees could drive SUVs if taught-that can't be the final state of human progress and the human way of life needs to become ecospherically benign or even friendly. The military pace of ecosphere recovery would make all of America prisoners of war doomed for unfair execution by some ecomaniac in charge of the forces for global warming.

A Brit with the name of Lord Rees wrote a book anmed 'Our Final Century'. I guess he is less optomistic thatn the late Jacque Cousteau who gave humankind 200 years to live before the dummies paving things everywhere fry the plant life into desert condition.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3qF26MbYgOA Lord Rees' Talk on 'Our Final Century'

As a politically correct federal entity the U.S. military must try to appeare to support rational policy, yet the socialization the military gives to its recruits and even officers does not create an ecospheric ethic at all.

The military may 'call' for action on ecospheric recovery yet it's inertia does little to support an ecospheric recovery in practice. the military industrial complex is led by CEOs and generals, Admirals and bureaucrats that are perhaps the driving force in a non-rational human relationship to ecospheric recovery integrated with business in the United States.

One might believe that a chimpanzee can drive an SUV to a simple job and back, pave the world with asphalt and find the meaning of life at Wal-mart, yet the ecosphere is in decay and very few employees of the military industrial complex seem to have a clue from the lack of public advocacy, of how to transition to an ecospherically recovering, sustainable eco-business synthesis.


Moamar Khaddafi Terminated in Libya-Foreign Policy Challenges for Next President

With the death of Moamar Khaddafi the United States will have a few new foreign policy challenges in the future years. president Obama's policy to remove the former dictator in Libya and the President of Egypt, along with his advocacy for the removal of Syrian President Assad has brought an element of uncertainty regarding the redistribution of weapons, explosives and political loyalties in the middle east and North Africa. The next President of the United States should adopt a policy less of spend and dump weapons to new strong men and not over-anticipate development of new social reality in those nations.

Certainly the dynamics for support of new terrorist organizations exists in the neo-democratic chaotic interregnum of secret police force in Libya and the development of new power centers in Egypt also presents the prospect for alliances perhaps seeking to advance an agenda against western secularis in its morally decadent phase.

The arguements about the reality of moral norms in a western civilization experiencing population decline and rise of non-theistic amoral secularism might readily be transcended by fundamental Moslems agitating for population power expansion over their own and foreign nations. I suppose neither globalists of the jihaddist or corporatist ethos have concern about the ecospheric decay of the Earth.

President Obama cannot substitute foreign corpses of dictators for a good domestic ecospheric and economic policy; his new jobs program is mostly a way to fund local governments and government projects with borrowed money from China that will cost twice the price to repay-a tax on the next generation to pay for government today.


The Industrial Gnostic Excuse for Global Warming

A new excuse for global warming has been broadcast by some contemporary radio political-religious evangelists that finds a theological premise that acquits mankind from causing or increasing global warming; only God can create the sun and warm or change the atmosphere. That false alternative argument dangerously chops logic short. I believe God created things within His will yet uncertainty and contingent freedom of motion and choice exist such that industrial gnosticism cannot aquit excuse mankind from being a willfull sinner or agent causing global warming.

That erroneous notion is a product of an hierarchical priesthood that has too close of a political and economic relationship with a certain military-industrial oil complex. If a more egalitarian priesthood of believers derived from the venerable friends efforts of the 19th century were popular and upgraded to modern networking liturgucal and Christian welfare status replaced the put ourselves first above the laity approach these sorts of conflicts of interest would be less likely to develop.

As a Christian it is useful to take a stand for clarification of a contemporary maladroit excuse used by some hierarchical ministries in opposition to global warming. Global warming is opposed by some on a vaguely gnostic basis such that mankind can not effect the environment or the atmosphere but only God can. The same reasoning might be equally well applied to inebriation as an excuse for drunk driving; God created mankind therefore drunkeness is natural and man can not be at fault for getting tanked. The Bible of course relates that drunkards will not inherit the kingdom of heaven.

premise one; God created the Universe

premise two; God created mankind and all is predetermined

Conclusion; Mankind can do no wrong

Plainly the reasoning is faulty. global warming is not a crank scientific hypotheis but a measurement of temperature, temperature history of course, yet also a measurement of the amount of carbon dioxide in the world created by mankind, the ability of the ecosphere to process carbon dioxide and the effect of carbon dioxide on increasing atmosoheric temperature.

Exploitation of a gnostic heresy formerly applied to excuse sin to excuse corrupting the atmosphere and world ecosystems with excess carbon dioxide that will make the oceans more acidic and increase atmospheric temperature is a disingenuous attempt by those in oil producing and polluting industrial relationships to curry favor from there wealthy patrons.

Mankind is responsible for his/her ecosphere of the Earth. mankind can change the environment from logging forests, using cobalt bombs to annihilate the atmosphere or just nuclear bombs to create global winter or simply melt the Antarctic ice cap along with Greenland's to raise the level of the ocean. Fossil fuel burning automobiles and lots of heat absorbing asphalt can accomplish about the same things-though not instantly end the existence of the atmosphere.

God has created the universe and universe of universes and given mankind the ability to alter elements of its composition substantially. Denial of the responsibility of mankind to regulate the world's atmospheric temperature so far as possible and not to destroy what God has abundantly provided for human existence and health is the most rank sort of misguidance industrial gnosticism can dump on the people of the U.S.A. and even the world.

Kingdom of God and The Realm of Forms

 The realm of forms was an idea held by some philosophers of The Academy yet not ordinary people. I don’t believe Socrates believed in a tra...